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(Consolidated up to 198/2007)

Alberta Regulation 14/2001

Public Health Act


Table of Contents

                1       Interpretation

                2       Labels

                3       Reporting duties

                4       Embalming

                5       Schedule 1 diseases

                6       Transportation

                7       Transportation by common carrier

                8       Waiver

                9       Repeal

              10       Expiry



1(1)   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “approved disinfectant” means

                                           (i)    a formalin solution containing not less than 10% formalin,

                                          (ii)    a mercuric chloride solution containing not less than 800 milligrams of mercuric chloride per litre of water,

                                         (iii)    a carbolic acid solution containing not less than 150 millilitres of carbolic acid per litre of water,

                                         (iv)    a sodium hypochlorite solution containing not less than 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, or

                                          (v)    any other disinfecting solution that, in the opinion of the medical officer of health, has a strength equivalent to the strength of the solutions referred to in subclauses (i) to (iv);

                                 (b)    “common carrier” means a railway, boat, aircraft, motor vehicle or other conveyance used for the transportation of goods for the payment of a fee, but does not include a hearse or other vehicle owned or operated by a funeral director;

                                 (c)    “embalmer” means a person who holds an embalmer licence under section 20 of the General Regulation (AR 226/98);

                                 (d)    “funeral director” means a person who holds a funeral director licence under section 19 of the General Regulation (AR 226/98);

                                 (e)    “metal coffin liner” means a container, commonly referred to as a self‑seal metal liner, that is

                                           (i)    constructed of metal and leakproof,

                                          (ii)    constructed in a sufficiently substantial manner so that it may be used for the holding or transporting of the body of a deceased person without additional protection, and

                                         (iii)    provided with a lid that, when sealed either by soldering or by the use of gaskets and suitable screws, is secure against leakage and accidental opening;

                                  (f)    “specified communicable disease” means a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2.

(2)  This Regulation is not to be interpreted as preventing

                                 (a)    viewing of the body before interment, and

                                 (b)    except in the case of a body infected with a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1, non‑invasive touching of the body before interment.


2(1)  Where a person dies of a disease listed in Schedule 1 or 2 of this Regulation or for which isolation is required by the Communicable Diseases Regulation (AR 238/85), the person in charge of the body must ensure, before the body is removed, that there are attached to the body, and to any covering around the body, labels bearing in prominent legible letters the words “This body is infected with a communicable disease specified in the Bodies of Deceased Persons Regulation and must be transported with the precautions required by that Regulation”.

(2)  Where the body of a deceased person has been disinterred and the body was infected with a specified communicable disease at the time of death, the person in charge of the body must ensure, before the body is removed, that there is attached to the coffin or metal coffin liner a label bearing in prominent legible letters the words “This body is infected with a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 of the Bodies of Deceased Persons Regulation and requires special care in accordance with that Regulation”.

(3)  No person may remove a label required by this section.

Reporting duties

3(1)  A funeral director, embalmer or other person who knows or has reason to believe that a person was infected with a specified communicable disease at the time of death must, within 12 hours after being called to take charge of the body, report the case to the medical officer of health of the regional health authority in which the person died.

(2)  The report required by subsection (1) may be made by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile.


4   Only an embalmer may embalm a body.

Schedule 1 diseases

5(1)  When the body of a person who died while infected with a communicable disease listed in Schedule 1 is transported, the body must be enclosed in a metal coffin liner.

(2)  No person may embalm the body of a person who died while infected with a communicable disease listed in Schedule 1.

(3)  Subject to section 1(2), the funeral director or other person in charge of the interment, cremation or other disposition of a body infected with a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1 must ensure that no person is unnecessarily exposed to the body.

(4)  A body infected with a communicable disease listed in Schedule 1 must be interred in a sealed casket or cremated.


6(1)  The body of a person who died while infected with a communicable disease listed in Schedule 2 or a disease for which isolation is required by the Communicable Diseases Regulation (AR 238/85) must be transported in a manner that minimizes contact between the body and the environment by

                                 (a)    enclosing the body in a metal coffin liner, or

                                 (b)    wrapping the body

                                           (i)    in an impervious body bag secured against leakage, or

                                          (ii)    in a sheet that is thoroughly saturated with an approved disinfectant.

(2)  A body that is enclosed or wrapped in accordance with subsection (1) must bear a label that meets the requirements of section 2(1).

(3)  A person transporting a body in accordance with subsection (1) must ensure that the conveyance is disinfected immediately following use in a manner approved by the medical officer of health.

(4)  A body may be removed from the container in which it was transported once it has reached the funeral home or place where the body will be prepared for interment, cremation or other disposition.

Transportation by common carrier

7(1)  If the body of a person who died while infected with a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1 will be transported by common carrier, the funeral director or other person in charge of the body must ensure that the body is enclosed in a metal coffin liner before delivering the body to the common carrier.

(2)  If the body of a person who died while infected with a communicable disease other than a communicable disease specified in Schedule 1 will be transported by common carrier, the funeral director or other person in charge of the body must, before delivering the body to the common carrier, ensure that the body is

                                 (a)    embalmed and enclosed in a sound coffin,

                                 (b)    wrapped in an impervious body bag secured against leakage, or

                                 (c)    enclosed in a metal coffin liner.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (2), if the body will be delivered to its place of interment or cremation within 72 hours after the time of death, it is sufficient if the funeral director or other person in charge of the body ensures that the body is enclosed in a sound coffin.

(4)  Where the body of a deceased person has been disinterred and the body is to be transported by common carrier, the person in charge of the body must ensure that it is enclosed in a metal coffin liner before delivering the body to the common carrier.


8   A medical officer of health may waive any requirement of this Regulation in order to accommodate religious or traditional practices if the practices present no risk to any person of being infected with a specified communicable disease.


9   The Bodies of Deceased Persons Regulation (AR 237/85) is repealed.


10   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on October 1, 2008.

AR 14/2001 s10;218/2006;198/2007

Schedule 1



viral hemorrhagic fevers

Schedule 2

acute poliomyelitis

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

hepatitis B, C

human immunodeficiency virus infections (HIV)

invasive group A streptococcal infection

invasive meningococcal infections

invasive pneumococcal infections

meningitis, bacterial


transmissible spongiform encephalopathies



yellow fever

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