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Ministry Overview


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Ministry Overview

Alberta Community Development plays an important role in assisting communities, whether they are places or groups of citizens sharing a common goal to achieve a high quality of life for Albertans.

The ministry consists of program divisions as well as agencies and foundations. The ministry also provides support services to the program divisions and the agencies and foundations. The following describes the ministry's structure and provides an overall picture of the range of program areas and services available to Albertans.

Community and Citizenship Services

The Community and Citizenship Services Division works to promote community development activities within a wide range of community interests. The range of operations for the division includes grant assistance programs, consultation and information services and facilitation, and legislative compliance. The Libraries, Community and Voluntary Sector Services Branch supports the province-wide public library and information networks, offers programs to enhance volunteerism and the voluntary sector, assists communities and government agencies and provides operational support to the division. The Sport and Recreation Branch promotes and supports participation in sport and recreation. The Arts Branch promotes and supports arts and culture activities as well as cultural industries. The Human Rights and Citizenship Branch ensures the protection of human rights and promotion of fairness and access.

Cultural Facilities and Historical Resources

The Cultural Facilities and Historical Resources Division preserves, protects and presents Alberta's unique natural, cultural and historical resources. It does this by operating 18 provincial historic sites, museums and interpretive centres, as well as the Provincial Archives of Alberta; maintaining provincial heritage collections; providing assistance to community-based preservation projects; providing historical designation to significant resources; and operating the Northern and Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditoria.

Parks and Protected Areas

The core business of the Parks and Protected Areas program is representation of Alberta's six natural regions and preservation of the province's natural heritage for future generations. Goals for Alberta's parks and protected areas program include:

Preservation - to preserve in perpetuity a network of parks and protected areas that represent the diversity of the province's natural heritage as well as related cultural heritage.

Heritage Appreciation - to provide opportunities to explore, understand and appreciate the natural heritage of Alberta, and enhance public awareness and our relationship to and dependence on it.

Outdoor Recreation - to provide a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities dependent on natural landscapes, as well as related facilities and services.

Heritage Tourism - to encourage residents and visitors to the province to discover and enjoy Alberta's natural heritage through a variety of outdoor recreation and nature based tourism opportunities, facilities and accommodation services.

The network of protected areas consists of more than 530 areas and protects over 20,540 sq km. These areas collectively include wilderness areas, ecological reserves, provincial parks, wildland provincial parks, natural areas, heritage rangeland, natural areas, recreation areas, and Willmore Wilderness Park.

Ministry Support Services

Ministry Support Services includes the Minister's Office, Deputy Minister's Office, Communications and Administrative Services (which includes Financial Operations, Internal Audit, Business and Financial Planning, Human Resources, Information Technology Services, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy and Records Management). These areas provide services to the entire ministry, thus optimizing efficiency in the ministry's operations.

Francophone Secretariat

The Francophone Secretariat serves as a liaison between the government and the Francophone community. It also facilitates access to various government departments and programs for Francophone groups and organizations involved in community development.

Alberta 2005 Centennial Program

Albertans used our centennial year to show their pride and recognize 2005 in personal and meaningful ways. Communities organized picnics, families hosted reunions and friends and families were invited to share in the celebrations. Mementos were placed in the Centennial Time Capsule and outstanding citizens were honoured with the Alberta Centennial Medal. Tens of thousands of Albertans welcomed the Royal Couple and over 250,000 Albertans marked Alberta's 100th birthday by taking part in the unforgettable AlbertaSpirit celebrations on September 1. In communities across this province, people are welcoming new centennial legacies - new public facilities, scholarships and works of art - that will serve our next generations well into our second century.


Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education Fund Advisory Committee

The advisory committee oversees and makes recommendations to the Minister of Community Development on the use of the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education Fund. The fund provides financial support for educational initiatives in all aspects of human rights, citizenship and multiculturalism.

Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission

The Human Rights and Citizenship Commission is an independent agency of the Government of Alberta reporting through the Ministry of Community Development. The commission resolves human rights complaints in keeping with the provisions of the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act. The commission also provides information and education about human rights in Alberta.

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts assists the development of culture and the arts that are fundamental to Alberta's quality of life by recommending, to the Minister of Community Development, grant assistance to artists and arts organizations. The foundation encourages public access to the arts and assists in creating opportunities for children and youth to participate in the arts.

Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation

The Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation supports the development of recreation, sport, parks and wildlife activities in the province by recommending, to the Minister of Community Development, grant assistance to provincial recreation and sport organizations. The foundation sponsors major games, supports the development of active lifestyles and receives donations in support of land conservation and other programs.

Alberta Historical Resources Foundation

The Alberta Historical Resources Foundation recommends, to the Minister of Community Development, grant assistance for community-based heritage initiatives across the province. These initiatives include restoration of historical buildings and heritage districts and development of interpretive markers, publications and educational projects. The foundation also manages the Alberta Main Street program.

Wild Rose Foundation

The Wild Rose Foundation recommends, to the Minister of Community Development, grant assistance to non-profit community service organizations in Alberta. The foundation promotes the use of volunteers and fosters charitable, philanthropic or humanitarian acts.

Government House Foundation

The Government House Foundation cares for and promotes the interests of the former home of the Lieutenant Governors of the Province of Alberta, known as Government House. The foundation advises the Minister of Community Development on the preservation of Government House as an historic site and building; engages in public awareness programs, including tours; and enhances the physical attributes of Government House, including its works of art and furnishings.


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