News Release

November 15, 2006

Government invests $162 million in major post-secondary capital projects

Edmonton...The Alberta government has announced a multi-million-dollar investment in new and renovated post-secondary facilities across the province. The University of Calgary will receive $64 million to construct its Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and $35 million for the new Child Development Centre. Both projects are key priorities in the university's long-term expansion plans.

The government will also invest $27 million in new facilities at the Banff Centre, an additional $10.3 million in Red Deer College's expansion, $10 million at Olds College, and $16 million for the World Skills competition. The capital money comes as a result of the government's second quarter fiscal update earlier today.

"Alberta's post-secondary institutions have strong and compelling visions for the future and our government is proud to support them," said Advanced Education Minister Denis Herard. "These dollars represent a real investment in post-secondary buildings and facilities that will support students for many years to come."

The money for the Banff Centre will go towards new facilities that will replace Donald Cameron Hall. Red Deer College money will be used to expand training facilities for apprentices. The money for Olds College will go towards a new equine innovation centre, and the money for the World Skills competition will help purchase equipment for the event, happening in Calgary in 2009. After the competition, the equipment will be used by post-secondary institutions, leaving a legacy for the future.

At the University of Calgary, the new Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will train as many as 30 new veterinarians a year. It will specialize in large-animal medicine, which is much-needed in Alberta, and will be the fifth veterinary school in Canada. This unique program in Canada will work closely with the Faculty of Medicine to prepare veterinarians in the detection, containment and eradication of diseases that can spread from species to species and affect humans, which helps to ensure a safe food supply. The government previously committed $16 million in capital money last year to the veterinary school, which means the total government capital commitment will be $80 million. In addition, last year the government committed almost $47 million over four years in operating dollars for the new veterinary school.

The new Child Development Centre will be the first interdisciplinary child development centre in Canada, combining research, education, training, and policy development while providing direct child care services to families. It will be run as a partnership between the University of Calgary, the Calgary Health Region, and local organizations working for the benefit of children.

"This child development centre is a very exciting project," said Health and Wellness Minister Iris Evans. "The early years are so critical to healthy child development. The collaborative work that will be done at the centre by combining research and service delivery will benefit children and families not only in Alberta but across the country."

The centre will also be used by the Calgary Health Region to address child development issues related to bullying, crystal methamphetamine abuse, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and obesity. The building is being constructed on the west edge of the main campus across from the new Children's Hospital.

The Alberta government's 2006-09 capital plan now includes $1.4 billion for new and renovated post-secondary facilities in the province, an increase of $247 million (22%) since Budget 2006.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Cam Traynor
Advanced Education
(780) 422 5400

Lorelei Fiset-Cassidy
Health and Wellness
(780) 427 5207

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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