Family Medicine Summit (formerly ASA)
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Advancing Excellence In Family Practice

COVID-19 What You Need to Know

Alberta Health Services Public Health has asked the ACFP to support regular updates to family physicians in Alberta regarding the potential outbreak of novel coronavirus. AHS, ACFP, and CPSA, will continue to share the latest information through our communication channels as it becomes available. All channels will direct you to the same “source of truth” on the AHS website.

AHS COVID-19 Daily Update for Medical Staff: The update outlines key information and developments on the response. It will be shared here daily. Note: Some resources in the update are specific to AHS.

Information on 211: 211 is a helpline, referral centre and online database of Alberta’s community and social services, including employment, shelter and housing, financial supports and food/basic needs.

Upcoming CME

Thursday, May 28 | 10:00 am  MDT
The COVID-19 Pivot: Caring for vulnerable patients during the pandemic, CFPC

Watch on Facebook 
Watch on YouTube

Thursday, June 4 | 10:00 am MDT
The COIVD-19 Pivot: Practice recovery after the pandemic, CFPC

Check the CFPC web page for other upcoming live-stream COVID-19 webinars.

In the News

Monday, March 30, 2020
TFP #256 -Hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for COVID-19 Read Full Article
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Continuing Advocacy Efforts: A Letter to Partners & Advocates Read Full Article
Friday, March 20, 2020
A Letter to the Premier: Health care reform in Alberta needs to focus on quality patient care Read Full Article
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
COVID 19 – Quick Links Read Full Article

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