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Provincial Nominee Program

What is the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program?

The Alberta Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is an employer driven skilled worker immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta in conjunction with Citizenship Immigration Canada (CIC) to expedite permanent residency.

Qualifying Occupations:

The PNP considers skilled workers - in occupational levels O, A or B as defined by the National Occupational Classification Code (NOC) as corporate management, professionals and trades with post-secondary education and certification, deemed as critical to the Alberta economy. To view the classification codes, visit the federal government website:
Human Resources & Skills Development Canada:

  • Occupational Descriptions

    Choose "Matrix" from the left side navigation area to access the "National Occupational Classification Matrix 2001"

How it works:

The Alberta PNP is a two-step process. The first step: Employer Eligibility and Criteria, requires that the employer apply for an occupation (skill level 0, A or B) allowing for recruitment of skilled workers. If the employer and occupation are approved, the second step of the process requires the employer to nominate a candidate who has the relevant education, training and experience required for the occupation. For further details, visit:

Posted: July 2006 Updated: November 2006
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