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The Alberta Physiotherapy Association (APA) is a provincial organization which offers physical therapists throughout Alberta, professional services and representation. It is a voluntary organization with close to 1400 licensed physiotherapists and students in the province. The APA works in partnership with the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.


Beyond being a respected and integrated partner in health care delivery in the Province, the Alberta Physiotherapy Association is recognized as the voice of and for physical therapy in Alberta.

The following values form the Association:

  • Unity 
  • Leadership 
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Vision
  • Diversity 

With a unified voice the Alberta Physiotherapy Association supports, promotes, educates, and advocates on behalf of its members.

Guiding Principles

  • With a unified voice the Alberta Physiotherapy Association supports, educates and advocates on behalf of its members.
  • Physical therapists are primary care providers and are part of the solution in providing Albertans with better access to appropriate health care with the right provider at the right time and in the right place
  • Physical therapists are primary care providers who assess and diagnose how illness and disease affects functional body movement. Physical therapists are the pre-eminent health care practitioners of choice in developing strategies to maximize musculoskeletal function after illness, disease or injury.
  • All Alberta Physiotherapy Association members adhere to the vision, mission, values and goals of the association.
  • The Alberta Physiotherapy Association believes all Albertans in all health regions should have equal access to physical therapy services.
  • The Alberta Physiotherapy Association believes prevention, education and wellness initiatives will improve the health status of Albertans.
  • The Alberta Physiotherapy Association believes access to physical therapy services can diminish pharmaceutical costs, hospital stays and symptoms of certain chronic health problems.
  • The Alberta Physiotherapy Association and its members are committed to health promotion and the wellness of Albertans.
  • The Alberta Physiotherapy Association supports 'co-pay' and 'balance billing' where funding does not meet cost of service and/or in the private sector where business operators offer service in a 'competitive' and 'open' service market.  


Guiding Principles Approved by the APA Board of Directors June 28, 2005