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Are You In Crisis?Welcome to the Alberta Mental Health Board (AMHB).

Mental health is more than the absence of mental illness. It is having meaningful and positive interactions with other people and the environment, the ability to adapt well to change and cope with adversity, and finding a balance in all aspects of life – mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual. In short, there is no health without mental health.

Advancing mental health is our vision. More about the AMHB


The 3rd Annual Mental Health Research Showcase
Abstracts and speaker presentations now available.

Minding the Workplace Conference - A Success!

  Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Canada is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. (More)

Alberta Mental Health Research Partnership Program

Alberta Mental Health Research Partnership Program

Telemental Health

The Telemental Health Service (TMH) of the AMHB supports the local delivery of mental health services in rural Alberta.  (More)

The Bounce Back Book: Building Resiliency Skills in Your Preschooler – Released in May 2007.   (More)

Grip – a magazine for youth written by youth.

All for One – Connecting for Kids – a newsletter on mental health for children, youth and their families. 


For Your Information...

Change of Address Announcement:

The AMHB Calgary office has moved.  Effective Monday, January 21, 2008, the new address is:

Alberta Mental Health Board - Calgary Office
Suite 400, Manulife House
603 - 7 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB  T2P 2T5

Note:  All phone and fax numbers remain the same.


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Mental Health in Alberta

What is Mental Health?, What are Mental Illnesses?, Your Health Region, The State of Mental Health in Alberta

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Careers In Mental Health

AMHB Job Postings, Careers with the Alberta Mental Health Board, Careers in the Alberta Mental Health System, Living and Working in Alberta, Job Posting Links

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Support & Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions, Housing Supports, Income Supports, Learning About Mental Illness and Addictions, Community and Social Supports, Mental Health for Children and Youth

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Programs & Initiatives

Statistics and DataForensic Services and Initiatives, Telemental Health, Suicide Prevention, Aboriginal Mental Health

Upcoming Events

5th Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference: Mental Health and the Justice System Across the Lifespan

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 - Friday, April 04, 2008

Last years Conference in Victoria, BC was a great success. The Forensic Psychiatric Services Commis... (More)

4th Annual Mental Health Research Showcase

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - Friday, November 21, 2008

The Mental Health Research Showcase continues the tradition as the major learning opportunity to ex... (More)


Grip X-Press Awards - Friday, January 18, 2008
Teen writers and artists honoured at inaugural awards ceremony. Three Alberta youth have been named the recipients of the first ever Grip X-Press Awards.


Alberta Mental Health Board Introduces Mental Health First Aid Canada - Wednesday, December 05, 2007
From March 20 to 31, the Alberta Mental Health Board, health regions and other partners are offering Mental Health First Aid Canada instructor training to about 20 people in Edmonton and Calgary.


AMHB Third Annual Mental Health Research Showcase - Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Advancing mental health through research is the theme of the Alberta Mental Health Board's (AMHB) third annual Mental Health Research showcase 2007, scheduled November 21 to 23 in Banff, Alberta


Grip Magazine Launches Youth Awards - Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Alberta Mental Health Board (AMHB), along with Venture Publishing, announced today in Edmonton the launch of the Grip X-Press Awards, an initiative of Grip magazine.


Mental Illness Awareness Week, Sept 30 - Oct 7, 2007 - Monday, October 01, 2007
In responding to this need, the AMHB has organized a one-day conference October 3 called Minding the Workplace for employeers, human resource specialists and other interested people.
