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BADGUYPATROL.CA - a fun internet safety site for 5 to 10 year olds.
Parent Link Alberta Web Site
Family Violence Prevention Month - End the silence/stop the violence - Family Violence Info Line - 310-1818
Service Alberta
Alberta Connects
Welcome to Alberta Children's Services!
Children Playing
What's New
  • Grants help communities take action against family violence and bullying
  • Nominate a Great Kid today!
  • Alberta Children's Services and TELUS join forces to help parents protect kids from online exploitation
  • Blockin’ Betty and the Bad Guy Patrol help kids navigate the web safely
  • Ten new Parent Link Centres opening, including one in cyberspace
  • Youth share their solutions to bullying
  • Visit the new Virtual Parent Link Centre
  • Families can access child specialists and services through videoconference
  • Take some time to talk about bullying
  • Albertans encouraged to reach out to victims of family violence
  • New law better protects victims of family violence
  • Alberta law first in Canada to protect drug-endangered children
  • Workshop helps parents cope with stress
  • Premier Stelmach announced

    Alberta's Promise

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      Government of Alberta