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2005-06 Quarterly Budget Report:
Second Quarter Fiscal Update

Released:  November 16, 2005

Table of Contents

The Second Fiscal Update consists of two parts – the updated 2005-06 forecast and the actual results for the first six months of the fiscal year (April 1 to September 30, 2005).

2005-06 Forecast


  • Energy prices in 2005-06 are considerably higher than expected by most energy analysts or estimated in the budget. Oil prices for the fiscal year are now forecast to average US$60 per barrel and natural gas prices Cdn$8.50 per gigajoule.

  • Record energy revenue has allowed increased support for capital projects, increased savings and the provision of a $400 per person resource rebate to Albertans.
  • Total revenue, after deducting the $1.3 billion cost of the resource rebates, is forecast to be $5.8 billion higher than estimated in the budget.
  • Total expense is forecast to increase by nearly $1.5 billion from budget, including:
    • $481 million for capital grants funded from the Capital Account.
    • $389 million in disaster/emergency funding related to BSE, wildfires, floods and pine beetles.
    • $375 million in additional natural gas rebates.
    • $207 million net increase in other expense.

  • Capital investment in government-owned projects has been increased by $281 million.
  • In total, 2005-06 Capital Plan spending (capital grants plus capital investment) is forecast to reach $4 billion, $801 million higher than budgeted. This includes only the 2005-06 cost of recent multi-year commitments for health, education and other infrastructure.

  • Net Revenue (revenue less expense) is forecast at $5.9 billion, $4.4 billion higher than budgeted.

  • $3.4 billion of the surplus has been allocated to the Capital Account to help pay for capital commitments in future years and $1.6 billion has been saved in the Heritage Fund and endowment funds. The Sustainability Fund is forecast at $2.9 billion, $380 million higher than budgeted.


Non-Renewable Resource Revenue

Non-renewable resource revenue is forecast at a record $13.2 billion. This is an increase of $5.5 billion from budget and $4.2 billion from first quarter.

Natural gas royalties are forecast at $9.1 billion, an increase of $3.6 billion from the budget, and up $2.9 billion from the first quarter forecast. Natural gas prices are forecast to average Cdn$8.50 per gigajoule, an increase of $2.90 from the budget estimate and $2.49 higher than first quarter.

Total oil royalties are forecast at $2.4 billion, $1.1 billion higher than budget and up $568 million from first quarter. The increase is based on oil prices averaging US$60 per barrel for the fiscal year, up $18 from budget and $10 from first quarter.

Other non-renewable resource revenue, primarily bonuses and sales of Crown leases, is forecast at $1.7 billion, $770 million higher than the budget estimate and $720 million higher than first quarter.

The higher oil price is due to growing world demand, concern over supply disruptions and absence of spare production capacity. Natural gas prices have been driven up by increasing U.S. demand due to a warmer-than-normal summer, production decreases and concerns over winter supply because of hurricanes. Year-to-date (April to mid-November), oil prices have averaged just under US$59 and natural gas prices approximately Cdn$8.25.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act requires that non-renewable resource revenue in excess of $4.75 billion be transferred to the Sustainability Fund. This transfer is now forecast to be $8.5 billion.

Tax Revenue

Personal income tax revenue is forecast at $5.7 billion, up $550 million from the budget. The increase reflects preliminary data for the 2004 tax year assessments which indicate revenue for the 2003-04 and 2004-05 fiscal years was about $268 million higher than recorded. The resulting positive prior years adjustment is recorded in 2005-06. This also increases the base forecast for the current year.

Albertans are being provided a $400 per person resource rebate this year. The rebate is a refundable tax credit, and the cost will be reported as a reduction to personal income tax revenue. The rebate will not be treated as taxable income. $1.3 billion is expected to be distributed to approximately 3.25 million Albertans beginning January 2006.

Corporate income tax revenue is forecast at $2.6 billion, up $318 million from budget. Higher energy prices have contributed to a stronger corporate profit outlook.

Other tax revenue is forecast at $3.3 billion, a $57 million increase from budget. Increases in revenue from freehold mineral rights and insurance taxes are partially offset by decreases in tobacco and fuel tax revenue.

Transfers from Government of Canada

Transfers from the Government of Canada are forecast at $3.5 billion, a $40 million increase from budget.

Health transfers and the Canada Social Transfer are $162 million lower than budgeted. This reflects the allocation of some of the Wait Times Reduction Fund to 2004-05 rather than 2005-06, and the impact of higher provincial income tax revenue on federal transfers.

More than offsetting this is a $202 million net increase in other transfers, including $111 million for flood disaster assistance, $70 million under the Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (ELCC), and a net $21 million in other transfers.

Investment Income

Investment income is forecast at $1.9 billion, up $546 million from budget. The increase reflects stronger-than-expected Canadian equity market performance and higher returns on fixed-income instruments.

Other Revenue

Other revenue is forecast to be $103 million higher than budgeted. The increase comprises:

  • $34 million increase in net gaming revenue
  • $22 million increase in Alberta Treasury Branches net revenue due to a lower loan loss provision.
  • $21 million increase in health care insurance premiums.
  • $16 million increase in timber rentals and fees due to higher-than-expected market prices for solid wood products. This is net of the revenue reduction of $6 million from updating Alberta's Softwood Stumpage System, effective January 1, 2006.
  • $14 million decrease in crop insurance premiums due to a $10 million reduction in Spring Price Endorsement premium, and lower commodity prices and participation rates.
  • $24 million net increase in other revenue.



Total expense is $1.5 billion higher than the budget estimate. Changes include:

  • Emergency/disaster assistance – $389 million increase.
  • Natural gas rebates – $375 million increase.
  • Capital grants (from Capital Account) – $481 million increase.
  • In-year initiatives (from Contingency Allowance) – $160 million net increase.
  • Dedicated revenue/expense – $72 million increase.
  • Debt servicing costs – $25 million decrease..

Sustainability Fund
Disaster/Emergency Assistance – $522 million is being provided, a $389 million increase from budget. The increase from budget includes:

  • $139 million for flood disaster assistance, partially offset by $111 million in federal transfers.
  • $170 million for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) assistance. Total BSE assistance is $303 million. This is partly offset by $34 million in federal transfers.
  • $75 million for forest fire-fighting costs.
  • $5 million for detection and control of mountain pine beetle infestations.

Natural Gas Rebates – $660 million in rebates are forecast to be paid, a $375 million increase from budget. The increase reflects higher natural gas prices which will trigger higher rebate levels and the addition of October as an eligible month for rebates. It is expected that a rebate of at least $3.25 per gigajoule will be paid in each eligible month (October to March).

Capital Account
Capital grants funded from the Capital Account have been increased by $481 million from budget. This includes increased grants for school and post-secondary capital projects; supportive living/affordable housing and lodge renovations; centennial projects; health facilities; water/wastewater management.

Funding From the Contingency Allowance
$176 million of the $248 million budgeted Contingency Allowance has been committed. This includes a net $160 million for program spending initiatives and $16 million for in-year revenue reduction initiatives.

Ministry Changes

Advanced Education – $83 million increase from budget primarily due to higher capital grants for post-secondary institutions. The increase is $61 million lower than reported in the first quarter as some of the capital grants included in the first quarter forecast will not be required until the 2006-08 period.

Agriculture, Food and Rural Development – $262 million increase from budget comprising $170 million in BSE support initiatives and $92 million for income stabilization/insurance programs and other changes.

Children's Services – $36 million increase for Early Learning and Child Care, fully offset by federal transfers.

Community Development – $22 million increase from budget, for increased capital grants to the Calgary Zoo, and support for a film on the Battle of Passchendaele.

Education – $75 million increase from budget for school operations and maintenance, new modular classrooms and relocation of portables, capital grants and increased transportation fuel costs. The increase is $157 million lower than reported in the first quarter as some of the capital grants included in the first quarter forecast will not be required until the 2006-08 period.

Gaming – $75 million increase from budget, consisting of $70 million for Edmonton Northlands and Calgary Exhibition and Stampede and $10 million for world disaster assistance, partially offset by $5 million in lapses.

Health and Wellness – $65 million increase in capital grants for health facilities reflecting the 2005-06 installment of the $1.4 billion health capital commitment.

Infrastructure and Transportation – $533 million increase from budget. This includes a $375 million increase for natural gas rebates; $127 million for increased capital grants for water, wastewater and Water for Life and other capital projects; and $31 million for higher operations and maintenance costs.

Municipal Affairs – $139 million for flood disaster assistance, partly offset by a $111 million increase in federal transfers.

Seniors and Community Supports – $109 million increase from budget for rural supportive living/affordable housing and lodge renovations, partly offset by a $9.5 million increase in federal transfers.

Sustainable Resource Development – $80 million increase, consisting of $75 million for higher forest fire-fighting costs and $5 million for detection and control of mountain pine beetle infestations.

Alberta Sustainability Fund

Assets of the Sustainability Fund

The assets of the Fund are forecast at $2.9 billion after transfers to offset the costs of emergencies, disasters, natural gas rebates and the cost of the Alberta 2005 Resource Rebates.

Sustainability Fund Transfers

  • Non-renewable resource revenue – The Fiscal Responsibility Act requires resource revenue in excess of $4.75 billion be transferred to the Fund. $8.5 billion is to be transferred.
  • Other net transfers – $1.6 billion in other transfers, which include revenue increases (excluding resource revenue, revenue reductions charged to the Contingency Allowance or the Sustainability Fund, and dedicated revenue/expense changes), and reductions in debt servicing costs.
  • Withdrawals – $2.5 billion is to be transferred from the Fund for the costs of the Alberta 2005 Resource Rebates, emergency/disaster assistance and natural gas rebates. The Fiscal Responsibility Act is being amended to allow the Sustainability Fund to offset the cost of the Alberta 2005 Resource Rebates.


The net transfer to the Fund is adjusted for:

  • Cash accruals (timing differences between when cash is accrued and when it is received) and non-cash expenses/revenue. In 2005-06, these adjustments are $1.2 billion primarily due to the three-month delay in receiving cash from natural gas royalties.
  • Retained income of funds and agencies, primarily Alberta Treasury Branches.
  • Capital cash requirements for capital investment, which are partly met through a transfer from the Capital Account.


$380 million has been left in the Fund above the $2.5 billion budgeted target. $7.5 billion has been allocated as follows:

  • Capital Account – $5.9 billion allocation of which $2.5 billion is being used for capital grants and capital investment in 2005-06 and $3.4 billion is being held to pay for capital costs in future years.
  • Savings – $1.6 billion allocation to the Heritage Fund and other endowment funds.

Capital Plan

The 2005-06 Capital Plan is forecast to reach $4 billion, $801 million higher than budgeted. This includes capital grants to local authorities and capital investment in provincial government-owned projects.

In addition, commitments have been made to provide increased capital support for health, education, highways and other infrastructure in future years. Funds for these commitments have been added to the Capital Account from this year’s surplus. The Capital Account is forecast to have assets of $4.1 billion at the end of the 2005-06 fiscal year.

  • Municipal Infrastructure Support – Total allocation of $1.1 billion, $74 million higher than budgeted. The increase includes $54 million for water/wastewater and Water for Life projects, $17 million for the New Deal for Cities and Communities and $3 million for other infrastructure support.

  • Provincial Highway Network – Total allocation of $880 million, an increase of $196 million from budget. This includes $100 million to accelerate construction projects in resource development areas, $30 million as part of the $200 million program to accelerate construction in the Fort McMurray area, and $66 million for increases in other areas, including amounts carried over from previous years and a contingency for cost increases.

  • Health Facilities and Equipment – Total allocation of $626 million, an increase of $65 million from budget. The increase represents the first year of the announced $1.4 billion in increased support for health facilities capital.

  • Community Facilities and Centennial Projects – Total allocation of $266 million, an increase of $90 million from the budget. The increase includes funding for Edmonton Northlands, Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, Calgary Zoo and other increases.

  • Schools – Total allocation of $243 million, an increase of $42 million from budget. This is down $188 million from the first quarter forecast as some of the increase reported in the first quarter will not be required until the 2006-08 period.

  • Post-Secondary Facilities – Total allocation of $191 million, an increase of $80 million from the budget. This is down $65 million from the first quarter forecast as some of the increase reported in the first quarter will not be required until the 2006-08 period.

  • Other Infrastructure Programs –Total allocation of $666 million, an increase of $254 million from budget. The increase includes a $100 million capital contingency for small capital projects, and increased funding for rural supportive living, affordable housing partnerships, Phase II of the Canada/Alberta Affordable Housing Agreement, lodge renovations, and other increases.

Net Financial and Capital Assets

  • Net Assets – Net assets are forecast at $31.8 billion at March 31, 2006. This includes capital assets of $11.7 billion.

  • Capital Account – The Capital Account is forecast at $4.1 billion, an increase of $3.4 billion from March 31, 2005. These assets will be used to pay for capital commitments made for future years.

  • Accumulated Debt/Debt Retirement Account – Sufficient assets are locked-in the Debt Retirement Account to repay the remaining accumulated debt as it matures.

  • Heritage Fund – The book value of the Heritage Fund (value of external assets) is forecast at $12.3 billion, an increase of almost $1.1 billion from March 31, 2005. The increase includes allocations of $750 million for the Advanced Education endowment and $295 million for inflation proofing.

  • Endowments – Other allocations to endowments include $250 million for the Scholarship Fund, $200 million for Medical Research Endowment Fund and $100 million for the Science and Engineering Research Endowment Fund.

Balance Sheet

Capital Account

Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets

Net Financing Requirements

Fiscal Year Assumptions

Capital Investment and Amortizationa

Capital Grants to Local Authorities and Other Infrastructure Supporta

Actual Results

For the first six months of 2005-06

Method of Consolidation

This financial summary is prepared on the same basis as used in Budget 2005.

The results of all government departments, funds and agencies, except those designated as commercial enterprises, are consolidated on a line-by-line basis. Revenue and expense transactions between consolidated entities have been eliminated.

The accounts of Crown-controlled corporations and provincial agencies designated as commercial enterprises are consolidated on the modified equity basis, the equity being computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Basis of Financial Reporting

The consolidated fiscal summary reports revenue (including gains and losses from sale of capital assets), expense (including amortization of capital assets), and net revenue.

Expense includes the province's annual cash payments towards the unfunded pension obligations. Expense excludes the annual change in the unfunded pension obligations, which is a non-cash expense that does not affect borrowing requirements.

Revenue and expense are recorded using the accrual basis of accounting. Cash received for goods or services which have not been provided by period end is recorded as unearned revenue. Debt servicing costs include interest payable, amortization of discount on debt issues, and amortization of unrealized exchange gains and losses on unhedged foreign currency debt.

Comparative 2004-05 figures have been restated where necessary to conform to the 2005-06 presentation.

Consolidated Fiscal Summarya


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