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Alberta Health and Wellness Drug Benefit List
The Alberta Health and Wellness Drug Benefit List  defines the prescription drugs and drug products covered by the ministry's supplemental health plans. More than 3,600 drugs are listed as benefits. The Drug Benefit List is routinely updated on a quarterly basis and is available for viewing at the link above or all Alberta pharmacies.

These listings are not intended to be used as scientific references or prescribing guides.  Prices printed in the DBL and the supplements do not reflect additional charges such as dispensing fees.  

The following drugs are not covered by the supplemental benefit health plans:

  • drugs used primarily in hospitals (these are provided by regional health authorities)
  • childhood vaccinations (these are provided by regional health authorities)
  • drugs used in the direct treatment of cancer (these are provided by the Alberta Cancer Board)
  • drugs used to treat tuberculosis (these are provided by Disease Control and Prevention)
  • drugs used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (these are provided by Disease Control and Prevention)
  • drugs used in erectile dysfunction (not insured)
  • most over-the-counter preparations (not insured)

Alberta's drug benefit list has three types of coverage:

  • regular benefits
  • special authorization benefits
  • restricted benefits.

Most drugs are classified as "regular" benefits. Special authorization is a mechanism to ensure that high cost drugs are used according to defined clinical criteria. Through special authorization, drugs that are not regular benefits may be considered for a specific patient. Special authorization request forms are completed by physicians and reviewed by clinical pharmacists. Prior approval must be granted to ensure coverage by special authorization. A small number of drugs are restricted to specific age groups.

There are three policies that apply to drug prices in the Alberta Health and Wellness Drug Benefit List:

  • least cost alternative (LCA)
  • maximum allowable cost (MAC)
  • actual acquisition cost (AAC)

LCA is the lowest unit cost established for a drug product within a set of interchangeable drug products. Alberta's supplemental health plans will only pay for the lowest-priced drug product where interchangeable (generic) products can be used to fill a prescription. Beneficiaries who choose higher-cost alternatives are responsible for paying the difference in price.

MAC is the maximum unit cost established for a specific drug product or a selected group of interchangeable drug products. A small number of products are subject to MAC pricing.

AAC is the amount pharmacists are expected to charge Alberta's supplemental health plans for a drug product. For interchangeable drug products, pharmacists can only charge the AAC to a maximum of the LCA price.

The drug review process determines inclusion of new drug products in the Alberta Health and Wellness Drug Benefit List.


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