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Acts and Regulations

Below is a brief description of each Act administered by the department and links to the text version of the Acts and Regulations.  Copies of Alberta Acts, Regulations and government publications can be ordered from the Queen's Printer Bookstore.

Agricultural and Recreational Land Ownership Act c.A-9

 Designed to prevent non-Canadians from buying significant amounts of prime agricultural and recreational land. However, the Act does not discourage non-Canadian investors who wish to come to Alberta to invest in or to build new manufacturing plants, processing operations, recreational developments or home subdivisions, or to expand existing developments.

Foreign Ownership of Land Regulation - AR 160/79 

Business Corporations Act c.B-9

Provides a mechanism for businesses to incorporate, change a corporate name, file amendments to its articles, amalgamate, dissolve, file annual returns, and list directors and shareholders of a company.

Business Corporations Regulation - AR 118/2000 

Cemeteries Act c.C-3

Regulates the disposition of human remains; ensures cemeteries meet requirements of local authorities, and protects consumers who invest in pre-need cemetery supplies and services, and ensures there are perpetual care funds for long-term care of commercial cemeteries.

Commercial Cemeteries Regulation - AR 247/98
Crematories Designation Regulation - AR 11/2002
Crematory Regulation - AR 248/98
Cemeteries Exemption Regulation - AR 236/98
General Regulation - AR 249/98

Cemetery Companies Act c.C-4

Provides authority for seven or more people to form a company for the purpose of establishing one or more public cemeteries as well as establishing the method of forming a cemetery company and the operating rules. This Act only exists to govern existing cemetery companies. Establishment of new cemeteries is now governed by the Cemeteries Act, which restricts the establishment of new cemeteries to religious organizations and municipalities.

Cemetery Companies Regulation - AR 264/99

Change of Name Act c.C-7

Provides the eligibility to change one's name and a process to register a name change.

Change of Name Regulation  - AR 16/2000

Charitable Fund-raising Act c.C-9

Sets standards for charitable organizations and professional fund-raisers when soliciting contributions and helps protect the public from fraudulent, misleading or confusing solicitations. Ensures that members of the public have sufficient information to make informed decisions when making charitable donations.

Charitable Fund-raising Regulation - AR 108/2000

Companies Act c.C-21

Allows companies with objectives other than the acquisition of gain to incorporate.

Companies Regulation - AR 119/2000

Condominium Property Act c.C-22  

Provides the legislative framework for the creation and operation of any form of condominium, including residential and commercial. This Act applies to anyone who develops, owns, or manages condominium property.

Condominium Property Regulation - AR 168/2000

Cooperatives Act

Repeals and replaces the Co-operative Associations Act to meet the needs of the cooperative sector in general, provide for specialized cooperatives, including new generation cooperatives, and harmonize Alberta’s legislation with federal and provincial cooperatives legislation.

Cooperatives Regulation - AR 55/2002

Debtors' Assistance Act c.D-6 

Establishes a Debtors' Assistance Board with powers to provide service, advice and non-financial assistance to debtors who are unable to meet their liabilities.

Debtors' Assistance Regulation - AR 200/2001

Dower Act c.D-15

Grants a married person rights with respect to the disposition of the homestead. This includes the right of the surviving spouse to a life estate in the homestead as well as the personal property of the deceased married person.

Forms Regulation - AR 39/2000

Electronic Transactions Act - s/w Restructuring and Government Efficiency

Removes barriers to electronic commerce by ensuring that electronic records and transactions have the same validity and enforceability as traditional paper-based transactions.

Electronic Transactions Act Designation Regulation - AR35/2003
Electronic Transactions Act General Regulation - AR34/2003

Fair Trading Act c.F-2

Enhances consumer protection through remedies, enforcement tools, and tougher penalties intended to discourage unfair practices in the marketplace. The Act simplifies procedures for business, providing clearer standards to ensure a more level playing field.

Appeal Board Regulation - AR 195/99
Automotive Business Regulation - AR 192/99
Collection and Debt Repayment Practices Regulation - AR 194/99
Consumer Transaction Cancellation and Recovery Notice Regulation - AR 287/2006
Cost of Credit Disclosure Regulation - AR 198/99
Credit and Personal Reports Regulation - AR 193/99
Designation of Trades and Businesses 
     Regulation - AR 178/99
Direct Sales Cancellation and Exemption Regulation - AR 191/99 
Direct Selling Business Licensing Regulation - AR 190/99
Employment Agency Business Licensing Regulation - AR 189/99
Energy Marketing Regulation - AR 246/2005
Exemption Regulation - AR 188/99
General Licensing and Security Regulation - AR 187/99
Internet Sales Contract Regulation - AR 81/2001
Prepaid Contracting Business Licensing 
     Regulation - AR 185/99
Public Auctions Regulation - AR 196/99
Retail Home Sales Business Licensing Regulation - AR 197/99
Time Share Contracts Regulation - AR 199/99
Travel Clubs Regulation - AR 56/2002

Franchises Act c.F-23

Governs the trading of franchises in Alberta ensuring that a prospective purchaser has the necessary information to make an informed investment decision and the civil remedies to deal with breaches of the Act. Provides a means by which franchisors and franchisees will be able to govern themselves and promote fair dealing among themselves.

Franchises Act Exemption Regulation - AR 312/2000
Franchises Regulation - AR 240/95 

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c.F-25 

Sets out the parameters for obtaining access to records of public bodies, including exceptions to disclosure, third party intervention rights, and protection of public health and safety. Also sets out the parameters for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information and defines the powers of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and the process for handling complaints.

    Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 
        Regulation - AR 200/95 

Funeral Services Act c.F-29

Regulates the activities of the funeral industry and allows for the creation of the Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board to administer the Act.

Exemption Regulation - AR 233/98
General Regulation - AR 226/98

Garage Keepers' Lien Act c.G-2

Allows a garage keeper to register in the Personal Property Registry a lien against an owner's vehicle to enforce an unpaid debt for repairs, parts, or storage.

Garage Keepers' Form Regulation - AR 259/2002

Government Organization Act c.G-10
 - Schedule 11, s. 14

Provides that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting management of departmental records, the establishment of programs for any matter involving the management of records, and defining and classifying records. 

Records Management Regulation - AR 224/2001

Government Organization Act c.G-10 - Schedule 12

Establishes a division of the government known as Alberta Registries and sets out the statutory functions of that division.

Corp Reg Document Handling Procedures 
     Regulation - AR 10/2002
Identification Card Regulation - AR 221/2003
Registry Service Charges
     Regulation - AR 183/2005
Registry Services (Non-Payment of Fees) 
     Regulation - AR 28/98

Government Organization Act c.G-10 - Schedule 13, s.2 & 3

Provides the Minister with authority to develop and implement policies, programs, services and administration procedures in matters pertaining to consumer protection.

Land Titles Act c.L-4

Details the mechanism for, and legal effects of registration of land-related documents and establishes priorities between them. The Government guarantees the title and compensates people who have been deprived of an interest in land (e.g. by error of the Registrar or fraud).

Forms Regulation - AR 480/81
Metric Conversion Regulation - AR 22/2000
Name Search Regulation - AR 207/99
Tariff of Fees Regulation - AR 120/2000

Law of Property Act c.L-7

Provides legal principles in regard to property rights which are the subject of instruments such as contracts, conveyances, and mortgages.

    Law of Property Regulation - AR 89/2004

Marriage Act c.M-5

Provides the legal authority to perform marriages (both religious and civil) as well as the legal requirements for the issuance of marriage licenses and certificates.

Marriage Act Regulation - AR 162/2000

Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act c.M-20

Deals with landlord and tenant issues relating to mobile home sites in Alberta, setting minimum standards of conduct for both landlords and tenants.

Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Ministerial 
     Regulation - AR 54/96 
Security Deposit Interest Rate Regulation - AR 190/2004

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act, c.M-22 s.2 & 3

Provides that the owner of every motor vehicle shall in each year pay a fee in respect to that motor vehicle in the amount prescribed by regulation before the vehicle can be registered.

Partnership Act c.P-3

Provides legal authority for persons to associate in partnerships, and provides rules governing their activities. It also provides for the filing of trade names.

Partnership Regulation - AR 276/99

Personal Information Protection Act c.P-6.5

Establishes clear, concise rules governing private sector organizations when collecting, using and disclosing personal information.

     Personal Information Protection Act Regulation - (AR 366/2003)

Personal Property Security Act c.P-7 (except Part 5)

Provides the legal mechanism for all registrations and searches in the Personal Property Registry including registrations authorized under other Acts. It also regulates the relationship between secured parties and debtors when personal property is used as collateral to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation.

     Personal Property Security Forms
          Regulation - AR 231/2002
     Personal Property Security Regulation - AR 95/2001

Possessory Liens Act c.P-19

Allows a person who has a particular lien for the payment of a debt on a chattel on which the person has expended money, labour, or skill, to file a lien in the Personal Property Registry.

Real Estate Act c.R-5

Provides for the creation of a Real Estate Council to set and enforce standards of conduct.

Exemption Regulation - AR 111/96
Real Estate (Ministerial) Regulation - AR 113/96 

Religious Societies' Land Act c.R-15

Establishes a mechanism by which a religious society or congregation may hold land. It also ensures dealings with the land held by a religious society are done in accordance with the wishes of the congregation or religious society.

Religious Societies' Land Regulation - AR 169/2000 

Residential Tenancies Act c.R-17.1  October 2004

Provides a framework for landlord and tenant relations in Alberta, setting minimum standards of conduct for both landlords and tenants.

    Residential Tenancies Exemption Regulation - AR 189/2004
    Residential Tenancies Ministerial Regulation - AR 211/2004
    Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Regulation - AR 98/2006
    Security Deposit Interest Rate Regulation - AR 190/2004
    Subsidized Public Housing Regulation - AR 191/2004 

Societies Act c.S-14

Provides legal authority for a society to incorporate for a non-profit purpose and file by-laws for governance of the society.

Societies Regulation - AR 122/2000

Surveys Act c. S-26 s. 5(1)(d) & (2)(b) - s/w Sustainable Resource Development

Coordinates the establishment and maintenance of a land-related information system network, a mapping system, and a cartographic service.

Traffic Safety Act c. T-6  s.2(1), 8, and 64(a)(d)(f)(g)(m)(s)and (u)(i) to (iv) - s/w Transportation

Providing rules for the registration and operation of motor vehicles, as well as other matters, this Act came into force in May, 2003, replacing the Highway Traffic Act, Motor Vehicle Administration Act, Motor Transport Act and Off-Highway Vehicle Act. It is a consolidated approach to road safety providing clarity for all road users.

    Access to Motor Vehicle Information Regulation - AR 140/2003
    Off-Highway Vehicle Regulation - AR 319/2002
    Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation - AR 320/2002
    Vehicle Seizure & Removal Regulation - AR 323/2002

Vital Statistics Act c.V-4

Provides for the legal registration of all Alberta births, stillbirths, deaths, marriages, and adoptions. Also provides for alterations and corrections to the records, issuance of burial permits, certificates, copies, searches of records and compilation of a statistical report.

Access to Information Regulation - AR 162/2001
Registrations, Fees and Forms Regulation - AR 322/2000

Warehousemen's Lien Act c.W-2

Establishes a mechanism for any person lawfully engaged in the business of storing goods as a bailee-for-hire to register a lien against those goods for non-payment of fees for services.

Woodmen's Lien Act c.W-14

Gives a person who has provided labour or service in relation to logs or timber in Alberta a lien for the amount of any unpaid wages, subject to certain limitations.

Forms Regulation - AR 266/99

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