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The Information Management Branch (IMB) publishes strategic planning documents, policies, standards and guides to help government organizations implement effective information and records management practices. All publications are listed below alphabetically by title. These publications are also organized and described under their applicable IM Topic.

These documents are available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). To get the most recent version of the Acrobat Reader free of charge, visit Adobe's download centre.
Accountability for Information Management: A Model  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: November 2004.
  • This publication provides guidance for government organizations on developing an accountability structure including formal roles and responsibilities for information management.
Administrative Records Disposition Authority (ARDA)  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: 1986. Last revised: April 2004.
  • ARDA is the cross government records retention and disposition schedule for administrative records that are common to most government organizations.
Alberta's Modified Functional Classification System Model  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2006 (Discussion Draft)
  • This draft guide describes the Government of Alberta’s Modified Functional Classification approach which is the foundation for the development of the records system design methodology. It provides an understanding of functional classification and describes the uniformity between records classification structures, records retention and disposition schedules, and best practices in Government of Alberta ministries. Comments on this draft guide can be sent to
ARMC - Circulars (Formerly SRO Circulars)
Published: 1995 to date.
New Circulars 2006-01 issued in March 2006.
  • These circulars communicate policies and instructions from the Alberta Records Management Committee to Senior Records Officers.
Benchmarking Information Management Practices: An Assessment Tool  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2003.
  • This document provides a self-assessment tool for government organizations to benchmark and assess their achievements in implementing the framework's directives.
Business Case: A Corporate Approach to Electronic Information Management (EIM)  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: May 2003.
  • Approved in May 2003, the Business Case provides details on the corporate approach to EIM in the Government of Alberta.
Developing Records Retention and Disposition Schedules  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: July 2004.
  • This guide provides information to staff in Alberta Government organizations about the government's approach to scheduling and techniques for developing quality schedules. It compiles previous guidance on this topic into one source. The guide will be reviewed and revised as the functional approach to classification and scheduling is further developed in the Government of Alberta.
Digital Preservation Resources Guide  
Published: April 2004. Last revised: February 2005.
  • This guide provides an authoritative list of resources on digital preservation.
Electronic Information Management (EIM) Business Rules and Practices  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: June 2004. (Discussion Draft)
  • This draft guide has been developed to assist government organizations in establishing EIM business rules and practices. Feedback is welcome. Comments may be submitted to A working group will propose recommended changes to the Information Management Advisory Committee in 2005.
Imaging Resources Guide  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: July 2004.
  • This guide is a collection of national, international and industry standards related to imaging and associated provincial, state and federal government publications from Canada, the United States and International sources. This guide has been compiled to assist the Government of Alberta in developing corporate imaging standards and practices.
Implementing Electronic Information Management (EIM): A Planning Guide  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: June 2004. (Discussion Draft)
  • This draft guide has been developed to assist government organizations to plan multi-year EIM implementation projects. Feedback is welcome. Comments may be submitted to A working group will propose recommended changes to the Information Management Advisory Committee in 2005.
Information Assets in the Government of Alberta: A Management Framework (IMF Report)  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: 2001. Last revised: October 2003.
  • This document provides details about the Information Management Framework and its development.
Information Management Framework - Summary  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: 2002. Last revised: October 2003.
  • This short document provides a description and picture of the framework.
Information Management Planning  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: April 2004. Last revised: March 2005.
  • This guide provides assistance to government staff in the assessment of their information and records management programs and in the preparation of information management plans for their organizations. These plans enable organizations to implement the government's Information Management Framework. A Word version is also available so that organizations can use or customize the planning tools contained in the guide.
Information Management Strategic Plan  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2003. Last Revised: May 2006.
  • This document describes the strategic corporate priorities, plans for their completion, and ensures linkages with other cross-ministry initiatives.
Information Management Training Calendar  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: May 2005.  Last Revised: September 2006.
  • This calendar provides course information and registration instructions for the information management courses developed or offered by the Information Management Branch, Alberta Government Services.
Information Management Training Resources Guide  This publication is available in PDF format. 
Last revised: August 2004.
  • This guide contains descriptions of and web links to information about records and information management training programs and courses available in Canada and selectively throughout the world.
Information Security Classification  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: April 2004. Last revised: February 2005.
  • This guide describes the Government of Alberta's information security classification categories, provides guidance for government organizations in implementing the common classification approach and identifies practices which can be put into place to enhance security.
ISO 15489 Fact Sheet  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2003.
  • The Alberta Records Management Committee has endorsed the International Standard on Records Management as a code of best practice. This Fact Sheet provides guidance to government organizations.
Managing Electronic Mail in the Government of Alberta  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: December 2002. Last revised: February 2005.
  • This guide brings together existing policies and legislation that govern the management of e-mail in the Government of Alberta and describes guidelines and practices that should be established by government organizations. It also provides tips to help employees manage their e-mail more effectively.
Managing Information @ Work [Booklet]  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: 2003. Last revised: May 2004.
  • This booklet provides you with a summary of practical tips for each stage of the "information flow". It is designed for you to use as a quick reference for each stage you are at in the information life cycle.
Managing Instant Messages  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: August 2005.
  • This guide brings together existing policies and legislation that govern the management of instant messages in the Government of Alberta and describes guidelines and practices that should be established by government organizations. It also provides tips to help employees manage their instant messages more effectively.
Managing Personal Digital Assistants  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: December 2005.
  • This guide is intended to assist ministries with establishing guidelines and practices for managing information created or transmitted using personal digital assistant (PDA) devices in accordance with existing government policies and legislation.
Managing Records in Ministers' Offices  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: April 2001. Last revised: March 2004.
  • This publication describes the types of Cabinet Ministers' records, the operational requirements for managing them, and best practices for dealing with them when Ministers change portfolio or leave office.
Managing Shared Electronic Workspace  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: December 2005. 
  • This guide provides a core set of business rules to assist government organizations in managing electronic information on shared network drives in a non-EIM environment.
Managing Web Content: Applying the Information Management Framework to Web Resources  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: March 2004.
  • This guide provides management principles and strategies for managing web content in the government of Alberta throughout its lifecycle - from planning, creation and production, ongoing maintenance, through to retention and disposition. It discusses how to evaluate the usability of web content and identifies the accountability and responsibility of involved professionals. The guide provides information and insight on the business of managing web content.
Metadata Resources Guide  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: July 2003. Last revised: May 2004.
  • This guide has been developed to assist government staff in understanding metadata and in developing standards and management practices.
Naming Conventions For Electronic Documents  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: August 2005.
  • This document provides guidance on developing approaches for naming electronic documents consistently across an organization. The naming practices included in this guide apply to electronic documents created in a desktop environment and stored in shared or common directory structures.
Official and Transitory Records: A Guide for Government of Alberta Employees  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2002. Last revised: March 2004.
  • This guide explains how to differentiate between official records that should be retained in filing systems and transitory records that can be disposed of after use. It also provides guidance on the proper disposal of transitory records.
Records Management Competency Profiles  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: September 2002. Last revised: March 2004.
  • This publication outlines the competencies and skills required of records management staff in the Government of Alberta.
Records Scheduling System (RSS) Release 3.0: User Manual  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: May 2003.
  • The Records Scheduling System is a web-based application that enables Alberta government organizations to develop and amend records retention and disposition schedules and to submit them for approval. This manual provides guidance to ministry staff on how to use the system.
Transitory Records Retention and Disposition Schedule  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: June 2003.
  • This schedule is the cross government records retention and disposition schedule for transitory records.
Vital Records Resources Guide  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: April 2003. Last revised: February 2005.
  • This guide provides references to Internet and print resources on vital records to assist the government records management community in developing a Vital Records Program.
Web Content Management Resources Guide  This publication is available in PDF format.
Published: October 2003. Last revised: December 2004.
  • This guide provides resources from other jurisdictions that have been compiled to assist to the Government of Alberta in developing web content management practices.
Date Created: April 2004
Date Updated: Oct. 2006