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Chapter E‑8

Table of Contents

                1       Interpretation

                2       Interpretation re employment outside Alberta
and designated jurisdictions

                3       Application to Plans administered by Crown

                4       Application to Teachers Pension Plans

Part 1

                5       Appointment and functions, etc., of Superintendent
and Deputy Superintendent

                6       Reciprocal governmental agreements

                7       Fees

                8       Directions for compliance

                9       Superintendents authority to extend time limits

              10       Administrators of specified multi‑employer plans

              11       Administration and organization of multi‑unit plans

              12       Administrators of single employer plans

           12.1       Removal of administrator and appointment of
temporary administrator

              13       General responsibilities of administrators

              14       Reports and returns by administrators

              15       Disclosure of information

              16       Retention of records

              17       Effect of trust on participating employers

              18       Information from non‑administrator employer

Part 2
Filing, Registration and Amendment

              19       Registration of plans

           19.1       Relocation of registration to Alberta

              20       Amendment of plans

              21       Administration of unregistered plan or amendment

              22       Retroactivity of plan or amendment

              23       Transfer agreements

              24       Cancellation of registration

              25       Notification of refusal or cancellation of registration

              26       Appeal to the Court

Part 3
Contractual Provisions in Pension Plans

              27       Contractual requirements of pension plan

              28       General subject‑matter requirements

              29       Entitlement of employees to join plan

              30       Cessation and suspension of membership

              31       Vesting based on years of continuous employment or membership

              32       Vesting at pensionable age

              33       Vesting on termination of plan

              34       Amount and terms of pension vested

              35       Locking in

              36       Interest, gains and losses on member contributions

              37       Minimum employer contributions for funding of pension

              38       Portability of commuted value of benefits

              39       Pre‑pension commencement death benefits

              40       Post‑pension commencement survivor benefits

              41       Surviving pension partners change in status

              42       Ancillary benefits

              43       Adjustments in pension for CPP, QPP and OAS

              44       Age provisions in pension plans

              45       Payment or transfer of contributions or benefits

              46       Variations in benefits

              47       Further variation - for reduction in working time

              48       Funding and solvency requirements

              49       Fund holders and custodians

              50       Remitting of contributions

              51       Trust arrangement for contributions

              52       Deemed trust for unremitted contributions

              53       Registration of claim for contributions

              54       Investment requirements

              55       Benefits and assets on winding up

              56       Participating employers withdrawal from SMEPP

              57       Fiscal year of plan

Part 4
Division and Distribution of Benefits
on Relationship Breakdown

              58       Interpretation

              59       Prevalence of this Part in relation to benefits

              60       Application

              61       Matrimonial property orders

              62       Division and distribution of benefits

              63       Valuation of benefits

              64       Locking in of non‑member‑pension partners share

              65       Bar against further claims

              66       Adjustment of members share

              67       Application to Court for clarification, etc.

              68       Fees

              69       Assignment and protection from execution, etc.

           69.1       Filing of documents with administrator

Part 5
Termination, Winding‑up and
Predecessor and Successor Plans

              70       Events constituting termination

              71       Superintendents authority to declare termination of plan

              72       Notification of termination or winding‑up

              73       Payments to meet solvency requirements

              74       Effect of termination on assets

              75       Entitlements on partial termination

              76       Commencement of winding‑up

              77       Allocation and distribution of assets

           77.1       Missing persons

              78       Superintendents authority to appoint administrator

              79       Costs of winding‑up

              80       Predecessor and successor plans and employers

Part 6

              81       Effect of plan amendment

              82       Transfer of assets

              83       Surplus and excess assets

              84       Return of contributions

              85       Prohibition and effect of assignment, etc.

              85       Prohibition against assignment, etc.

           85.1       Exemption from attachment, etc.

           85.2       Nullity of certain agreements, etc.

           85.3       Income and asset testing under other legislation

              86       Evidence of entitlement to benefit

              87       Regulations

              88       Service of documents

              89       Proof of date of service

              90       Inspection and production of documents and
oral interviews

              91       Civil enforcement

              92       Offences and penalties

              93       Limitation period for prosecution

              94       Transitional

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1(1)  In this Act,

                                 (a)    “additional voluntary contributions” means contributions made by a member to a pension plan that are additional to member required contributions, except optional ancillary contributions and contributions whose payment, under the terms of the plan, imposes on the employer an obligation to make concurrent additional contributions, and includes compounded interest on those additional voluntary contributions and, where any such money has been transferred from the plan, compounded interest on any such money;

                                 (b)    “administrator” means

                                           (i)    subject to subclause (ii), in relation to

                                                 (A)    a specified multi‑employer plan, the body referred to in section 10(1),

                                                  (B)    a multi‑unit plan, the body referred to in section 11(1), or

                                                  (C)    any other plan, the board of trustees referred to in section 12 or, if there is no such board, the employer,


                                          (ii)    where a person has been appointed administrator of a plan by the Superintendent under section 12.1(1) or 78(1) or (2), that person;

                                 (c)    “ancillary benefit” means a benefit of a kind provided pursuant to any clause of section 42(1);

                                 (d)    “assets”, in relation to a pension plan, includes its surplus assets or excess assets, as the case may be;

                                 (e)    “benefit” means a pension or any other benefit under a pension plan, and includes a return of contributions to or in respect of a member or former member, any payment in a series of payments that constitutes a benefit and future entitlements to any such benefit, but does not include a refund of surplus assets;

                              (e.1)    “bridging benefits” means a series of periodic payments that are additional to a pension and

                                           (i)    are provided to a former member who commenced a pension before attaining the age of 65 years, and

                                          (ii)    are payable until and only until that age is attained;

                                  (f)    “certified copy” means, in relation to a document, a copy of the document certified to be a true copy by a person authorized so to certify it;

                                 (g)    “collective agreement” has the meaning assigned to it by the Labour Relations Code;

                                 (h)    “commuted value” means, in relation to benefits that a person has a present or future entitlement to receive

                                           (i)    under a defined benefit provision, the actuarial present value of those benefits determined, as of the time in question,

                                                 (A)    on the basis of actuarial assumptions and methods that are adequate and appropriate and in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles,

                                                  (B)    in accordance with the conditions, if any, that are prescribed, and

                                                  (C)    in a manner that is acceptable to the Superintendent,

                                                  or the money representing that value, or

                                          (ii)    under a defined contribution provision, a locked‑in retirement account or a retirement income arrangement, the money representing the value of the person’s account as of the time in question;

                                  (i)    “Court” means the Court of Queen’s Bench;

                               (i.1)    “custodian” means, subject to subsection (1.1), a financial institution to the extent that it is lawfully acting under an agreement with an administrator or fund holder or both that

                                           (i)    delegates to it the holding of the pension fund on behalf of the fund holder and in trust for the members and former members, whether or not the agreement allows any further subdelegation by the financial institution of the holding to subcustodians, and

                                          (ii)    does not, by virtue of any such subdelegation, purport to relieve that financial institution of any obligation or duty imposed on it as the custodian by law or equity;

                                  (j)    “defined benefit provision” means a provision of a pension plan under which benefits are determined in any way other than that described in clause (k);

                                 (k)    “defined contribution provision” means a provision of a pension plan under which benefits are determined solely by reference to what is provided by

                                           (i)    contributions made on a member’s behalf by the member’s employer and member required contributions, and

                                          (ii)    interest and any other amounts applied in respect of a member or former member;

                                  (l)    “designated jurisdiction” means a jurisdiction referred to in any clause of subsection (1.2);

                               (l.1)    “designation of beneficiary” means a designation pursuant to section 47 of the Trustee Act of a person to receive a benefit payable under a pension scheme on the death of a participant, within the meaning of that section, of that scheme, and “designated beneficiary” shall be construed accordingly;

                               (l.2)    “disability benefits” means a series of periodic payments provided to a former member who has become totally or partially disabled prior to attaining pensionable age;

                                (m)    “employee” means an individual who is employed to do work or provide a service in Alberta or in a designated jurisdiction and is in receipt of or entitled to remuneration for the work or service;

                                 (n)    “employer” means the person or the organization, whether incorporated or not, from whom a person employed by the first mentioned person or by that organization receives remuneration, and includes any or all of the participating employers of a specified multi‑employer plan or, if the plan so provides, a multi‑unit plan in whose employment that person has been;

                                 (o)    “employment” means

                                           (i)    in relation to a specified multi‑employer plan, an employee’s employment with an employer

                                                 (A)    for which the employer is contractually required to make contributions to that plan on the employee’s behalf, or

                                                  (B)    in respect of which benefits are otherwise provided under the plan,


                                          (ii)    in any other case or, notwithstanding subclause (i), where the Superintendent gives the Superintendent’s approval under section 31(4) in respect of a specified multi‑employer plan, an employee’s employment with the employer;

                                 (p)    “excess assets” means, with respect to the prescribed assets and liabilities of a pension plan that is not being wound up, the amount, if any, by which those assets exceed those liabilities;

                                 (q)    “excess contributions” means the excess, if any, of the value of a member’s contributions made in respect of a plan’s defined benefit provisions in the relevant period, with interest, over 1/2 of the commuted value of the pension accruing from those provisions in respect of membership in that period;

                              (q.1)    “file”, used with reference to the filing of a matrimonial property order or agreement with a plan’s administrator, means file under section 69.1;

                                  (r)    “former Act” means the Pension Benefits Act, RSA 1980 cP‑3;

                                 (s)    “former member” means, in relation to a pension plan, an employee or former employee who has terminated membership or commenced a pension or whose plan has been terminated, and who retains a present or future entitlement to receive a benefit under the plan;

                                  (t)    “fund holder” means the person or combination of persons referred to in section 49(1);

                               (t.1)    “included employment” means included employment within the meaning of and regulated by the Pension Benefits Standards Act (Canada);

                                 (u)    “initial qualification date” means

                                           (i)    in respect of employment in Alberta, January 1, 1967, and

                                          (ii)    in respect of employment in a designated jurisdiction, the date provided for in the respective clause of subsection (1.2);

                                 (v)    “insurance business” means a corporation authorized to carry on life insurance business in Canada;

                                (w)    “interest” means interest, gains and losses provided for under section 36(1) to (5);

                                 (x)    “locked‑in retirement account” means an RRSP that meets the prescribed conditions;

                              (x.1)    “matrimonial property agreement” means a written agreement that provides for the division and distribution of a benefit and that meets the requirements of section 37, including being enforceable under section 38, of the Matrimonial Property Act;

                              (x.2)    “matrimonial property order” means a matrimonial property order within the meaning of the Matrimonial Property Act, or a similar order enforceable in Alberta of a court outside Alberta, that affects the division and distribution of a benefit;

                                 (y)    “member” means, in relation to a pension plan that has not been terminated, an employee or former employee who has made or is required to make contributions to the plan or on whose behalf the employer is or was required by the plan to make contributions to it and who has not terminated membership or commenced a pension;

                              (y.1)    “member required contributions” means contributions by a member that the member was or is required to make to attain a benefit and whose payment, under the terms of the plan, imposes on the employer an obligation to make concurrent contributions;

                              (y.2)    “member‑pension partner” means, in relation to the pension plan in question, the pension partner who is or was the member in question, and “non‑member‑pension partner” means the other pension partner;

                              (y.3)    “money”, where appropriate, includes other assets;

                                 (z)    “multi‑unit plan” means a pension plan administered for employees of 2 or more employers and designated by the Superintendent as a multi‑unit plan;

                               (aa)    “non‑administrator employer” means an employer who is not an administrator;

                            (aa.1)    “optional ancillary benefits” means the ancillary benefits referred to in clause (bb);

                              (bb)    “optional ancillary contributions” means contributions made voluntarily by a member under a defined benefit provision that are additional to member required contributions and as a consequence of which ancillary benefits selected for provision under the plan must be provided with respect to the member, and includes compounded interest on those contributions and, where any such money has been transferred from the plan, compounded interest on any such money;

                           (bb.1)    “other plan documents” or “another plan document” means, in relation to a pension plan, the documents or a document referred to in section 19(1)(a)(ii), (iii) and (iv) or any of them, as the case may be;

                               (cc)    “participating employer” means,

                                           (i)    in relation to a specified multi‑employer plan, an employer who is required under a collective agreement or participation agreement, or

                                          (ii)    in relation to a multi‑unit plan, an employer who is required under a participation agreement referred to in section 11(2),

                                          to make contributions to that plan;

                            (cc.1)    “participation agreement” means, in relation to a specified multi‑employer plan or a multi‑unit plan, an agreement between an employer or employers on the one hand and the administrator on the other that meets the prescribed conditions;

                              (dd)    “pension” means a benefit in the form of a series of payments that continues for the life of a former member, whether or not it is afterwards continued to any other person, and includes future entitlements to any such payments, but does not include ancillary benefits unless they become part of a pension as a result of the application of section 42(2);

                               (ee)    “pension commencement” means the time by reference to which a person commences to receive a pension under a pension plan;

                                (ff)    “pension fund” means the assets of a pension plan;

                             (ff.1)    “pension partner” means, in relation to another person,

                                           (i)    a person who, at the relevant time, was married to that other person and had not been living separate and apart from that other person for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                          (ii)    if there is no person to whom subclause (i) applies, a person who, immediately preceding the relevant time, had lived with that other person in a conjugal relationship

                                                 (A)    for a continuous period of at least 3 years, or

                                                  (B)    of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption;

                              (gg)    “pension plan” or “plan” means a plan, scheme or arrangement organized and administered to provide pensions for employees and former employees and under which, except in the case of a supplemental pension plan, the employer is or, in the case of a terminated plan, was required to make contributions to the plan on behalf of the members, and includes the pension fund of a plan but does not include

                                           (i)    an employees profit sharing plan or a deferred profit sharing plan within the meaning of sections 144 and 147 respectively of the tax Act,

                                          (ii)    an arrangement to provide a retiring allowance within the meaning of subsection 248(1) of the tax Act, or

                                         (iii)    any other prescribed plan, scheme or arrangement;

                              (hh)    “pensionable age” means, in relation to a pension plan, the age or the date referred to in section 44(1);

                           (hh.1)    “plan for connected individuals” means a plan for specified individuals whose only members are specified individuals who were connected at any time in the year with an employer who participates in the plan for the purposes of the prescribed provisions of the tax Act;

                                 (ii)    “plan for specified individuals” means a pension plan whose only members are specified individuals for the purposes of the prescribed provisions of the tax Act;

                                 (jj)    “prescribed” means prescribed or otherwise provided for by the regulations;

                               (kk)    “records” includes

                                           (i)    accounts, books, files, returns, statements, reports, financial documents or other memorandums of financial or non‑financial information, whether in writing or in electronic form or represented or reproduced by any other means, and

                                          (ii)    the results of the recording of details of electronic data processing systems and programs to illustrate what the systems and programs do and how they operate;

                                 (ll)    “registration” means registration under Part 2 of a pension plan or of an amendment to a plan, and includes registration under the former Act;

                             (mm)    “remuneration” means wages, salary, pay, commission or other remuneration;

                              (nn)    “retirement income arrangement” means

                                           (i)    a retirement income fund within the meaning of the tax Act that is registered under that Act and that meets the prescribed conditions, or

                                          (ii)    any other arrangement prescribed to be a retirement income arrangement;

                              (oo)    “RRSP” means a retirement savings plan within the meaning of the tax Act that is registered under that Act;

                              (pp)    “solvency tests” means the tests for the solvency of pension plans referred to in section 48(2);

                              (qq)    “specified multi‑employer plan” means a pension plan administered for employees of 2 or more employers and designated by the Superintendent as a specified multi‑employer plan;

                                (rr)    repealed 2002 cA‑4.5 s33;

                               (ss)    “Superintendent” means the Superintendent of Pensions;

                                (tt)    “supplemental pension plan” means a pension plan, initial and continuing membership in which depends by way of condition precedent on membership in another plan, the first‑mentioned pension plan being supplemental to that other plan;

                              (uu)    “surplus assets” means, with respect to a pension plan that is being wound up, the amount, if any, by which the plan’s assets exceed its liabilities, as stated in the report filed under section 76(3) or, where applicable, the more recent report filed under section 76(4);

                              (vv)    “tax Act” means the Income Tax Act (Canada), and includes the regulations under that Act;

                             (ww)    “termination”, when used in relation to a pension plan, means an event provided to be a termination of the plan by section 70 or 71, to the extent that such an event affects members and former members;

                                (xx)    “termination of membership” means

                                           (i)    in relation to a member of a specified multi‑employer plan and subject to subclauses (ii) and (iii), the beginning of any period of 2 consecutive fiscal years of the plan in which it transpires, at the end of that period, that the member did not complete at least 350 hours of employment,

                                          (ii)    in relation to a member of a supplemental pension plan, including a supplemental multi‑unit plan, the termination of the member’s membership in the plan to which it is supplemental, and

                                         (iii)    in relation to a member of any other plan or where the Superintendent gives an approval under section 31(4) in respect of a specified multi‑employer plan but subject to subsection (2.1), the cessation by the member of employment for which the employer is required by that plan to make contributions to that plan on the member’s behalf,

                                          and, in relation to a member of a specified multi‑employer plan, includes the return of all the member’s contributions, with interest, under section 35(8) or (9) or the transfer of the whole of the commuted value of the pension under section 38(3) or (6);

                              (yy)    “this Act” means this Act and the regulations under it;

                                (zz)    “trade union” has the meaning assigned to it by the Labour Relations Code;

                             (aaa)    “winding‑up” means, in relation to a pension plan that has been terminated, the process of distributing the assets of the plan;

                            (bbb)    “Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings” has the same meaning as in the Canada Pension Plan (Canada);

                             (ccc)    “years of continuous employment” means, subject to section 31(4),

                                           (i)    in relation to a member of a specified multi‑employer plan, fiscal years of the plan in each of which the member has completed at least 350 hours of employment,

                                          (ii)    in relation to a member of a multi‑unit plan, years of employment for a continuous period of time with one employer or, if the plan so provides, with more than one employer, including any break in such employment provided for in subsection (3.1), and

                                         (iii)    in relation to any other plan, years of employment for a continuous period of time including, except where an actual cessation of employment has occurred, any period not exceeding 52 consecutive weeks during which a person who immediately before the commencement of the period was in the employment of the employer is not doing work or providing a service for that employer for remuneration and after the expiry of which the person is again in the employment of that employer,

                                          and, where a member has at any time terminated membership in one plan to which the employer was required to make contributions on the member’s behalf due to the member becoming a member of another plan to which that employer is so required to make contributions, includes, in relation to each of those plans, the aggregate of the years of continuous employment while a member of those plans.

(1.1)  Where the fund holder and the custodian are one and the same person, the administrator must be a party to the agreement referred to in subsection (1)(i.1).

(1.2)  The following are the Canadian jurisdictions, referred to in subsection (1)(l) and (u)(ii), in which there is in force legislation substantially similar to this Act, and the initial qualification date for each of them is the date specified:

                                 (a)    Ontario:  January 1, 1965;

                                 (b)    Quebec:  January 1, 1966;

                                 (c)    The Northwest Territories:  October 1, 1967;

                                 (d)    The Yukon Territory:  October 1, 1967;

                                 (e)    Saskatchewan:  January 1, 1969;

                                  (f)    Manitoba:  July 1, 1976;

                                 (g)    Nova Scotia:  January 1, 1977;

                                 (h)    Newfoundland and Labrador:  January 1, 1985;

                                  (i)    New Brunswick:  December 31, 1991;

                                  (j)    British Columbia:  January 1, 1993;

                                 (k)    Nunavut:  April 1, 1999;

                                  (l)    Canada, to the extent that the pension regime in question covers included employment:  March 23, 1967.

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1)(ff.1)(i), persons are living separate and apart

                                 (a)    if they are living apart and either of them has the intention to live separate and apart from the other, or

                                 (b)    if, before the relevant time,

                                           (i)    they had been living separate and apart for any period, and

                                          (ii)    that period was interrupted or terminated by reason only that either of them became incapable of continuing to live separate and apart or of forming or having the intention to continue to live separate and apart of that person’s own volition,

                                          and the separation would probably have continued if that person had not become so incapable.

(2.1)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(xx)(iii), a multi‑unit plan may, with respect to the period not exceeding 1 year provided for in the plan, either allow a member to elect that or provide that the cessation circumstances described in subsection (1)(xx)(iii) are not to constitute termination of membership, and if the member (having made that election where the plan allows the election rather than mandates the circumstances) becomes employed before the end of that period in an employment for which a participating employer is required by that plan to make contributions to that plan on the member’s behalf, there is no termination of the membership.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(xx)(i), a member of a specified multi‑employer plan terminating membership by virtue of that subclause who has ceased employment is deemed to have terminated membership while employed in the province or territory where the member was employed at the beginning of the period referred to in that subclause.

(3.1)  The breaks in employment established for the purposes of subsection (1)(ccc)(ii) are any period not exceeding 52 consecutive weeks,

                                 (a)    where an actual cessation of employment has not occurred, respecting which the member

                                           (i)    immediately before the beginning of that period was in the employment of one employer,

                                          (ii)    is not during that period doing work or providing a service for that employer for remuneration, and

                                         (iii)    after the expiry of that period is again in the employment of that employer,


                                 (b)    where an actual cessation of employment has occurred, respecting which the plan treats the employment, whether with one or more than one employer, as continuing without interruption,

provided that, in the case of a multi‑unit plan that provides as mentioned under subsection (2.1), the member returns to employment with the same employer in the case of clause (a) or becomes employed with any participating employer referred to in subsection (2.1) in the case of clause (b), before the expiration of the period referred to in subsection (2.1).

(3.2)  For the purposes of this Act, assets of a pension plan are determined on the basis of their market value

                                 (a)    if those assets are valued at the most probable price that they should bring in an arm’s length sale in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale and on terms that, having regard to open market conditions, are competitive and not unreasonable and assuming that the price is not affected by undue stimuli, with both seller and buyer acting willingly, prudently and knowledgeably, and

                                 (b)    if, where the Superintendent so requires, the value is that established in an appraisal by an independent appraiser acceptable to the Superintendent.

(4)  For the purposes of this Act, a person is employed in the province or territory in which the establishment of the employer to which the person reports for work is situated and, if the person is not required to report for work to any establishment of the employer or is required to report to more than one establishment in different provinces or territories, the person is deemed to be employed in the province or territory in which the establishment of the employer from which remuneration is paid is situated.

(4.1)  For the purpose of interpreting references in subsections (3) and (4) and other provisions of this Act (except section 19.1) to anything that happens inside or outside Alberta, a province or territory or any other location in the context of included employment, no included employment is to be treated as occurring in that location, but included employment is deemed instead to occur in the non‑geographical, jurisdictional context provided for in subsection (1.2)(l).

(5)  For the purposes of this Act, a benefit vests in a person when the person acquires an unconditional entitlement under the pension plan to receive the benefit, whether at the present or in the future.

(6)  Except where otherwise specified, references in this Act to the termination or winding‑up of a pension plan include references to the termination or winding‑up of only part of a plan.

(7)  For the purposes of any provision of this statute giving the Superintendent any administrative or enforcement power relating to another person, references to an action include references to an omission to act.

(8)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, for the purposes of this statute or specified provisions of this statute, by regulation define any expression used but not defined in this statute, in which case the expression has the meaning so defined.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s1;2002 cA‑4.5 s33;2005 c26 ss2,3

Interpretation re employment outside Alberta
and designated jurisdictions

2(1)  Where a member terminates membership while employed outside Alberta and the designated jurisdictions and the member’s last period of employment within Alberta and the designated jurisdictions before the termination of membership was in Alberta, the member is deemed for the purposes of this Act

                                 (a)    to have terminated membership while employed in Alberta, and

                                 (b)    to have performed years of continuous employment while a member and employed under those circumstances.

(2)  Where a provision of this Act refers to employment in Alberta or the designated jurisdictions and the subject‑matter of the provision is not dealt with by subsection (1), that reference is to be taken to include employment outside Alberta and the designated jurisdictions if the person’s last employment within Alberta and the designated jurisdictions before the event in question was in Alberta.

(3)  No enactment forming part of this statute is to be construed in itself as constituting a prohibition against a plan’s allowing employment outside Alberta and the designated jurisdictions to be taken into account for benefit and vesting purposes.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s2;2005 c26 s4

Application to Plans administered by Crown

3(1)  This Act applies to all or any of the pension plans referred to in section 1 of the Public Sector Pension Plans Act to the extent prescribed by regulations made under section 6 of that Act.

(2)  The Minister responsible for the pension plans referred to in section 1 of the Public Sector Pension Plans Act, in the capacity as their administrator, and the Minister of Finance, insofar as the Minister of Finance is, or is fulfilling the functions of, trustee of those pension plans (or, in the case of the Public Service Pension Plan, the Public Service Pension Board if it becomes the trustee of that Plan) are bound by this Act to the extent prescribed by regulations made under section 6 of that Act.

(3)  Subject to this section, a pension plan referred to in subsection (1) is exempt from the application of this Act so long as

                                 (a)    the plan continues to be administered by the Minister referred to in subsection (2), and

                                 (b)    the Minister of Finance (or, in the case of the Public Service Pension Plan, the Public Service Pension Board if it becomes the trustee of that Plan) continues to hold the plan’s pension fund in trust.

(4)  For the purpose of applying any provision of this Act to a pension plan referred to in subsection (1), the regulations under section 6 of the Public Sector Pension Plans Act may make any adaptation to this Act that is considered appropriate.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s3;2005 c26 s5

Application to Teachers Pension Plans

4(1)  This Act applies to the Teachers’ Pension Plans to the extent prescribed by regulations made under section 15 of the Teachers’ Pension Plans Act.

(2)  The Teachers’ Pension Plans Board of Trustees is bound by this Act to the extent prescribed by regulations made under section 15 of the Teachers’ Pension Plans Act.

(3)  Subject to this section, the Teachers’ Pension Plans are exempt from the application of this Act.

(4)  For the purpose of applying any provision of this Act to the Teachers’ Pension Plans, the regulations under section 15 of the Teachers’ Pension Plans Act may make any adaptation to this Act that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers appropriate.

1995 cT‑1.5 s27

Part 1

Appointment and functions, etc., of Superintendent
and Deputy Superintendent

5(1)  In accordance with the Public Service Act, there may be appointed a Superintendent of Pensions, who is the chief administrative officer charged with the administration and enforcement of this Act, and a Deputy Superintendent of Pensions.

(2)  Subject to subsection (1), the Deputy Superintendent of Pensions has all of the powers, duties and functions of the Superintendent.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s5;2005 c26 s6

Reciprocal governmental agreements

6(1)  The member of the Executive Council charged by the Lieutenant Governor in Council with responsibility for this Act may enter into an agreement with the government of a designated jurisdiction

                                 (a)    to provide for the reciprocal registration and examination of pension plans and the reciprocal enforcement of specified laws affecting plans,

                                 (b)    to authorize the authorized representative of that government to perform any of the Superintendent’s functions, authorities and duties under this Act,

                                 (c)    to provide for the performance by the Superintendent of any of that representative’s functions, authorities and duties under the laws governing pension plans of that government’s jurisdiction,

                                 (d)    to provide in effect that where pension plans are or, but for the application of a provision under clause (a), would require to be registered both under this Act and under legislation of one or more other jurisdictions in Canada that is substantially similar to this Act, either

                                           (i)    this Act or any part of it is not to apply, and the substantially similar legislation of that other jurisdiction or of any of those other jurisdictions, as the case may be, is to apply, to those plans, or

                                          (ii)    this Act or any part of it is to apply, and the substantially similar legislation of the other jurisdiction or jurisdictions is not to apply, to them,


                                 (e)    to establish conditions for the non‑application and the application, as provided for pursuant to clause (d)(i) or (ii), of the laws referred to in that subclause.

(2)  An agreement under subsection (1) is exempt from the Regulations Act.

(3)  Where the agreement makes provision in accordance with subsection (1)(d), either

                                 (a)    this Act or the part of it that the agreement provides is not to apply does not apply to the affected plans and the substantially similar legislation of another jurisdiction that the agreement provides is to apply to those plans does apply to them instead, or

                                 (b)    vice versa,

depending on what the agreement provides.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s6;2005 c26 s7


7   The Superintendent may charge any fees that are established in writing by the Minister with respect to services, information or documents provided by the Superintendent other than in the administration of this Act.

1999 c21 s5

Directions for compliance

8(1)  If the Superintendent considers that a pension plan or any of the other plan documents do not comply with this Act or that a pension plan is not being administered in accordance with this Act or the plan, the Superintendent may direct the person responsible, in writing,

                                 (a)    to cease or refrain from doing whatever constitutes the non‑compliance, or

                                 (b)    to do whatever the Superintendent considers necessary to remedy the situation,

or both, within 60 days or any longer period that the Superintendent specifies in the direction.

(2)  If the Superintendent considers that an administrator, employer or any other person with responsibilities under this Act is, in respect of a pension plan, doing or about to do anything that is contrary to safe and sound pension practices, the Superintendent may direct that person, in writing,

                                 (a)    to cease or refrain from doing that thing, or

                                 (b)    to do whatever the Superintendent considers necessary to remedy the situation,

or both, within 60 days or any longer period that the Superintendent specifies in the direction.

(3)  The Superintendent shall issue a direction under subsection (1) and meet the requirements of this section before cancelling a plan’s registration under section 24(1).

(4)  Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), if the Superintendent considers that the minimum length of time required by that subsection for compliance might prejudice the interests of the members, former members or any other persons entitled to benefits, the direction may provide that the compliance must be effected immediately or before the expiration of any period of less than 60 days that is specified in the direction.

(5)  The Superintendent shall, in a direction under subsection (1) or (2), provide the person to whom it is addressed with an opportunity to make written representations to the Superintendent about it within any reasonable period that is specified in it.

(6)  On receiving any representations made under subsection (5) and after reviewing them, the Superintendent shall in writing confirm, vary or revoke the direction.

(7)  A person served with a direction under subsection (1) or (2) shall comply with it and, where subsection (4) applies, shall do so within the time limit specified, regardless of the person’s right to the opportunity referred to in subsection (5).

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s8;2005 c26 s8

Superintendents authority to extend time limits

9   Where the Superintendent considers that there are extenuating reasons for the failure by any person to do anything within a period or before a time limit imposed by a prescribed provision of this Act, the Superintendent may, on receipt of a written request and by written notice to the applicant, extend the period within which that thing must be done to any time that the Superintendent considers appropriate in the circumstances and specifies in the notice.

1986 cE‑10.05 s4

Administrators of specified multi-employer plans

10(1)  A specified multi‑employer plan must have a board of trustees or other similar body constituted under a trust deed or agreement or similar document acceptable to the Superintendent to administer the plan.

(2)  Where a specified multi‑employer plan is established, or maintained pursuant to contributions required, under a collective agreement, the number of members of the board of trustees or similar body representing members of the plan must not be less than the number representing employers.

1986 cE‑10.05 s5;1988 cL‑1.2 s207;1992 c13 s4;1999 c21 ss6,54

Administration and organization of multi-unit plans

11(1)  A multi‑unit plan must have a board of trustees or other similar body constituted under a trust deed or agreement or similar document acceptable to the Superintendent to administer the plan or there must be filed with the Superintendent an agreement among all the participating employers designating one of them to administer the plan.

(2)  With respect to a multi‑unit plan, the participating employers must execute one or more participation agreements that meet the prescribed conditions.

1999 c21 s7

Administrators of single employer plans

12   A pension plan that is not a specified multi‑employer plan or a multi‑unit plan may have a board of trustees constituted to administer the plan if there is a collective agreement between the employer and a trade union that represents members of the plan, and if that agreement

                                 (a)    requires that there be a board of trustees for the plan and places full authority and responsibility for the administration of the plan on the board of trustees,

                                 (b)    sets out, whether specifically or generally, some or all of the terms to be included in the plan, and

                                 (c)    contains provisions that have the effect of limiting the employer’s responsibilities and authority with respect to contributions to the plan to making contributions in accordance with the agreement.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s12;2005 c26 s9

Removal of administrator and appointment of temporary administrator

12.1(1)  Notwithstanding sections 10, 11 and 12 and any other law, where the Superintendent considers, with respect to a pension plan that is not being wound up, that

                                 (a)    either

                                           (i)    the administrator cannot be located, is insolvent or is unable or unwilling to perform, or has failed in a substantial manner to perform diligently, the duties or functions that an administrator has under this Act or the terms of the plan,

                                          (ii)    the plan does not have an administrator, or

                                         (iii)    the plan or its administration fails in a substantial manner to comply with this Act,


                                 (b)    either

                                           (i)    the security of the plan is jeopardized or compromised to a significant extent, or

                                          (ii)    it is in the best interests of the members and the other persons entitled or potentially entitled to benefits,

the Superintendent may, if there is an administrator, in writing remove that administrator from the office and, whether or not there is an administrator, may appoint the Superintendent or any other person to be the administrator temporarily.

(2)  The administrator appointed under subsection (1) holds office until the Superintendent is satisfied that the person or body who will be the administrator after that appointment terminates is fully willing and able to perform the administrator’s duties and functions and the Superintendent rescinds the appointment.

(3)  The Superintendent shall, at least the prescribed number of days before the effective date of an appointment to be made under subsection (1), give notice of the proposed removal and appointment, if applicable, to an administrator who is to be removed.

(4)  An administrator who is to be removed may make written representations about the proposed removal and appointment to the Superintendent within the prescribed number of days after service of the notice under subsection (3).

(5)  Notwithstanding anything in this section, the Superintendent may, in the instrument appointing the temporary administrator, restrict the powers, duties or functions that that administrator would otherwise have under this Act or impose any terms or conditions on the appointment.

(6)  Subject to any restrictions under subsection (5), the temporary administrator may amend the terms of the plan.

(7)  The administration expenses of the plan before and during its temporary administration period, including any costs of the administrator’s removal and the temporary administrator’s appointment, are to be paid in accordance with the terms of the plan.

2005 c26 s10

General responsibilities of administrators

13(1)  The administrator of a pension plan is responsible for administering and shall administer the plan in accordance with this Act.

(2)  The administrator shall ensure that the plan, including its contractual provisions and the other plan documents, complies with this Act.

(3)  Where a plan has been terminated, the administrator shall ensure that it is wound up in accordance with this Act.

(4)  The administrator shall, if the plan contains a defined benefit provision, have the defined benefit provisions of the plan reviewed in accordance with the regulations and have the results of the review set out in the form of an actuarial valuation report and a cost certificate.

(5)  While acting in the capacity of administrator, the administrator stands in a fiduciary capacity in relation to members, former members and others entitled to benefits.

(6)  The administrator shall ensure that none of the other plan documents contain any provision that a pension plan is prohibited by this Act from containing.

RSA 2000 cE‑8 s13;2005 c26 s11

Reports and returns by administrators

14(1)  The administrator of a pension plan shall ensure that the Superintendent has been informed in writing of the administrator’s name and address within 30 days after becoming the administrator.

(2)  The administrator shall inform the Superintendent in writing of any change in the administrator’s name or address within 60 days after that change.

(3)  Subject to this section, the administrator shall file with the Superintendent,

                                 (a)    at the times prescribed and in the form required by the Superintendent,

                                           (i)    in the case of a plan for connected individuals, a certificate executed by the administrator stating that the plan has not been terminated and that it complies with this Act, or

                                          (ii)    in the case of any other plan, returns containing information respecting

                                                 (A)    the administration of the plan,

                                                  (B)    contributions to it,

                                                  (C)    membership in it, and

                                                  (D)    any other information that is necessary to enable the Superintendent to carry out the Superintendent’s duties under this Act,

                                 (b)    in the case of a plan, other than a plan for connected individuals, that contains a defined benefit provision, at the times prescribed or on the request of the Superintendent,

                                           (i)    actuarial valuation reports that
