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Career & Employment Services & Programs

Alberta Job & Career Fairs
Alberta Job & Career Fairs
A listing of upcoming Job Fairs around the province.

Career Information
Career Information
Access to career, workplace and labour market information to help choose a training or learning path, to find and keep a job and to plan or change careers.

Work Foundations
Work Foundations
This program provides full-time and part-time basic skills training to help Albertans to pursue further job related training and/or to find a job through adult academic upgrading, basic skills and English as a second language.

Training for Work
Training for Work
Helps eligible people in need of occupational skills training to get and keep a job.

Workforce Partnerships
Workforce Partnerships
Workforce partnerships ensures working Albertans continue to enhance their skills in order to contribute to Alberta's economic growth.

Financial Support for Training
Financial Support for Training
Tuition, books and supplies, and living allowance may be available if you qualify as an eligible learner.

Skills Investment Strategy
Skills Investment Strategy
A priority for the Government of Alberta is to ensure that Albertans are prepared for success in the labour market through effective employment and training programs and services.

Alberta Youth Employment Strategy
Alberta Youth Employment Strategy
A framework for action that captures the common vision for youth by laying out principles, goals and actions for responding to the employment challenges facing Alberta youth.

Created: 2006-06-30
Modified: 2006-08-24
Reviewed: 2006-06-30