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Food News June 2005

  From the June 15, 2005 Issue of FoodNewsFoodNews Home       
 Food gets Functional
Functional foods defined by Alberta Agriculture are products included in our normal diet that have added specifications providing bonus health benefits. The Food and Drug Act provides legislation regarding safety and quality of food and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency offers enforcement for products making nutritional claims. Currently, there are three acceptable types of claims in Canada, including: nutrient content claims, biological role claims, and risk reduction health claims. A nutrient content claim describes the quantity of a nutrient in a food product. A biological role claim is extended to the specific nutrient, not the food including the nutrient. A risk reduction health claim can be made after meeting specific criteria, which allows for use of one of the five authorized generic risk reduction health claims in Canada.

In a time when consumers rely on convenience, functional foods have the potential to capitalize on our quick fix, time-crunch lifestyles. A consumer will base their choice regarding these products on price, convenience, substitutability, taste, health benefits, and nutritional knowledge.

As functional foods gain momentum on a global level, Canada is quickly becoming centred on functional research and development creating a bright future for the nation’s role in the functional food industry.

Alberta’s meat industry is growing “beyond the box”
As a meat company, what if you could:
· easily access meat research and commercialization services;
· directly link consumers’ dinner preferences with innovative value-added meat research;
· collaborate with skilled labour and scientific knowledge to develop new products and processes.
The Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, Alberta (IFASA) Value-Added Meats Program’s vision is an Alberta meat industry that is globally competitive, sustainable, profitable and growing. The Value-Added Meats Program represents the first five years of a 20-year program to build upon today’s meat industry assets and place Alberta as a world center for meat science and technology. It is about new meat products and processes by enhancing capacity in research and education and technology commercialization. This program proposes the creation of a world-class Centre of Innovation for Meat Science and Technology. The Program is being developed by AAFRD, U of A, Olds College and AAFC and is at the stage where industry input is required. To learn more, please read our introduction and view our webcast at:
We would greatly value your comments and questions, which can be directed, to our Overall Science Leader Dr. Mick Price at or 780-492-3235.

Upcoming Food Safety Training
  • HACCP I: Documenting Your Prerequisite Programs Edmonton – July 18-19, 2005
  • HACCP II: Development of Your HACCP Plan Edmonton – July 20-22, 2005
Contact Spring Savage at 403-201-3657 Ext 25 or

Alberta Food Showcase 2005
The 3rd annual Alberta Food Showcase is being held July 19, 2005 at the Crop Diversification Centre North, just northeast of Edmonton. The Showcase is designed to create an environment for Alberta chefs, food producers and processors to grow working networks and relationships; to foster a mutual understanding of the agriculture and foodservice industries; to build awareness of local products on the Alberta foodservice market and beyond; and to celebrate the people who grow, process and cook our food products. There are a limited number of booths available at the Showcase, and registrations will be accepted on a first received basis. For more information on the event or to register, contact Heather Shewchuk at 780-980-4227 or Wesley Johnson at 780-415-2321.

Check out the 2005 Directory of Alberta’s Agricultural Processing Industry on Ropin’ the Web:

Need to speak to an agri-processing specialist? Start by contacting the Agri-Processing Branch
780-427-7325 Fax:780-644-2400
(Dial 310-0000 for toll-free access)
Your connection to resources for business growth.

Food News is available in pdf format: 99KB
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Peggy Marce.
This document is maintained by Joan Bates.
This information published to the web on June 15, 2005.

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