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Stay Ahead Of The Herd

  Issue #19 - Winter, 2006Alberta Agri-preneur Home          Download pdf - 1,822K  
 Agriculture -- traditional industry or the wave of the future?
It’s all about perspective. As an agri-preneur you probably already look at things a little bit differently. You talk to your customers face to face. You answer questions about your agricultural products that you assumed were common knowledge. You made changes in your business as a result. You understand that there is life in agriculture beyond traditional commodity production. But do you know what the next big thing is?

Trend tracking isn’t just for high tech companies. It’s something you can do to keep your business ahead of the herd. Scan the headlines of major newspapers. Think about the themes in those headlines. Now ask yourself, “What could that mean to my business and the products I produce?”

In this issue of the Alberta Agri-preneur we take a look at two global trends and identify opportunities for our agriculture industry – to produce a product, provide a service, or fill a need. Concern for the environment and increasing childhood obesity are not going away any time soon. What are the opportunities for agri-preneurs?

Trends provide options
British Columbia is already responding to childhood obesity with their School Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program. It provides agricultural producers with new markets and a demand for unique packaging. Could you fill that niche if the province of Alberta moved in a similar direction?

Good for your farm, good for your business
An Environmental Farm Plan is good for the long term health of your farm, but it may also position your business to meet up and coming trends. Your customers want to know that you’re aware of their concerns. They may be more inclined to buy from you if they feel they’re supporting an environmentally friendly farm. Not only that, but one day you may be able to profit through the sale of environmental goods and services.

Remember it’s all about perspective. Next time you read a newspaper or watch the news be proactive and consciously think about the stories and their themes. What could they mean to the agriculture industry? How might your farm benefit? This exercise won’t always result in a major change in your business, but it’s a practice that could identify your next big opportunity.


Other Articles Issue #19 - Winter, 2006

  Stay Ahead Of The Herd - Current Document
Take to the Streets...
The Trendmaster's Guide: Get A Jump On What Your Customer Wants Next
Case Study -- Environmental Goods & Services
Case Study -- Obesity
The Shocking Truth About Your Image
Canadian Agricultural Skill Service
From Farm to Market -- Safely
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sharon Stollery.
This document is maintained by Darleen Lynes.
This information published to the web on January 3, 2006.

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