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All In A Day's Work

  Issue 21 - Summer 2006 - Surviving GrowthAlberta Agri-preneur Home          Download pdf - 2808K  
 “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work,” according to Peter Drucker, author and management guru. However, all the hard work doesn’t have to be yours. Delegating is a key factor in managing business growth.
Designate a staff person to be your food safety coordinator to oversee the implementation of your food safety plan. Be clear about their responsibilities and authority. Inform all your staff about the new role.

Your written food safety plan should consist of the practices and procedures that must be followed to produce your food products safely. These instructions are known as standard operating procedures or SOPs.

SOPs need to be readable and to the point. They should outline:
  • how you want the task done
  • when it’s to be donewho will do it
  • how it will be monitored
  • what records need to be kept
  • corrective actions to be taken if a problem arises or the task is performed incorrectly
Don’t have a food safety plan? Then it’s time to build one!

This could be the first task for your food safety coordinator but be sure they have the knowledge needed for the job. Training may be required.

Food safety courses are available from your regional health authority and the Alberta Food Processors Association. Contact your commodity association for information about their on-farm food safety program. Obtain a copy of Marketing Food Safely from the Alberta Farmers’ Market Association.

There’s no shortage of food safety information out there.
Betty Vladicka, Agri-Food Systems Branch
Food Safety Division, AAFRD
(780) 427-0840

Other Articles Issue 21 - Summer 2006 - Surviving Growth

  Success Breeds Success
Contagious Success
To Market... To Market... To Sell a Fine Pig
Just Another Day At The Beach
Women Versus Men
Lost Control?
Winners & Losers
Are You Too Busy to be Productive?
All In A Day's Work - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Betty Vladicka.
This document is maintained by Darleen Lynes.
This information published to the web on August 8, 2006.

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