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A Meeting on Landowners' Rights.

  From the Oct 17, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the LandCall of the Land Home       
 Yellowhead County is putting on a meeting dealing with landowner rights when the oil and gas companies come knocking, and lease agreements between landowners. Garett Broadbent, Agricultural Services Supervisor, says this meeting is in response to needs of landowners in the County.

Interview with Garett Broadbent (1:37 minutes) (405 Kb)

The meeting is October 24 at the Niton Community Hall from 10 am to 4 pm. You are asked to pre-register by October 19 by calling 1-800-814-3935. The cost is $15 for one or $25 for two, and that does include lunch.

The preceding is a transcript of the October 17, 2006 program. There may be some omissions due to last minute changes. For further information, contact Caitlynn Reesor at (780) 422-3981 or Ken Blackley at (780) 422-3951.


Other Articles From the Oct 17, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the Land

  Improving Safety on the Farm
Year-Round Grazing
A Meeting on Landowners' Rights. - Current Document
Call of the Land Calendar for October 17, 2006
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Caitlynn Reesor.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on October 17, 2006.

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