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New Funding for the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

  From the Oct 19, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the LandCall of the Land Home       
 The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization has been given 1.75 million dollars to develop alternatives to using antibiotics on cattle and pigs. The organization says no new class of antibiotics has been developed in the past 20 years and infectious diseases continue to cause major economic loss to the livestock industry in addition to causing animal suffering. Director Lorne Babiuk says infectious agents know no boundaries and are not restricted to any region. He says developing substitutes for antibiotics is even more important now as antibiotic disease resistance increases on a global scale.

The preceding is a transcript of the October 19, 2006 program. There may be some omissions due to last minute changes. For further information, contact Caitlynn Reesor at (780) 422-3981 or Ken Blackley at (780) 422-3951.


Other Articles From the Oct 19, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the Land

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New Funding for the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization - Current Document
Call of the Land Calendar for October 19, 2006
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Caitlynn Reesor.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2006.

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