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Agricore United Profits Rise

  From the Dec 1, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the LandCall of the Land Home       
 Grain shipper Agricore United nearly halved its fourth-quarter loss to 6.8 million dollars, from 13 million a year ago. The company says full-year profit rose 64 per cent to 21 million dollars, as it reaped the benefits of a strong harvest. The Winnipeg-based company also told shareholders to keep away from a 580 million-dollar takeover bid by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool for the time being. Chief executive Brian Hayward says he believes the offer significantly undervalues Agricore. Agricore’s Board is reviewing the merger offer and directors are expected to make recommendations in mid-December.

The preceding is a transcript of the December 1, 2006 program. There may be some omissions due to last minute changes. For further information, contact Caitlynn Reesor at (780) 422-3981 or Ken Blackley at (780) 422-3951.


Other Articles From the Dec 1, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the Land

  Alberta Agriculture Weekly Grains and Oilseeds Market Summary
Alberta Agriculture Livestock Market Summary
Today is the Deadline for Canadian Wheat Board Ballots
Agricore United Profits Rise - Current Document
Call of the Land Calendar for December 1, 2006
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Caitlynn Reesor.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on December 1, 2006.

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