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Agripreneur Scholarships Available to Attend Training Events

  From the Oct. 2, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 882K  
 The Agripreneur Scholarship may help Alberta farm direct marketers and ag tourism operators stretch their business development dollars.

“The Agripreneur Scholarship supports continuous learning and innovative educational opportunities for Alberta farm direct marketers, ag tourism operators, farmers’ market managers and executive staff of appropriate industry associations,” says Karen Goad, farm direct marketing specialist, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural development, Grande Prairie. “Eligibility for the scholarship has even been expanded this year to include new entrants to the farm direct and ag tourism industries.”

The scholarship is sponsored by Alberta Agriculture, the Renewal Chapter of the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), the Camrose Regional Exhibition, and the Peace Value-Added Food and Agriculture Association. Under the program, up to 20 agripreneurs can be partially sponsored to attend educational out-of-province, national and international conferences, tours or workshops.

“In the first two years of the program 16 scholarships have been awarded for Alberta agripreneurs to attend learning events in Canada and the United States,” says Goad. “Recipients attended a variety of events and returned home with new ideas and enthusiasm for their businesses.”

One of these scholarships helped Jerry Kitt of First Nature Farms in Goodfare and Ted Buchan, a bison producer from Silver Valley, attend the 2006 BC Certified Organic Association Conference. “We picked up good industry information that we can apply to our businesses,” says Kitt. “Changes to the BC meat inspection regulations offer a potential opportunity for Alberta producers to fill the demand for organic meat sold direct in BC.”

Darlene Hegel and her husband, Gil, operate Valta Bison near Valhalla Centre and sell their bison products at the Calgary Farmers’ Market. Darlene received a scholarship to attend the 2005 North America Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association conference in Boston, Massachusetts. “This conference allowed us to take a step back from our day-to-day activities, examine our operation and plan for the future,” explains Hegel. “The conference reinforced for us that we are on the right track and we really appreciated the sense of optimism shown by the more than 1,000 people at the conference.”

Eligible learning events are those that highlight new business and marketing ideas as well as the opportunity to network with other farm direct marketers, ag tourism operators and farmers’ market managers. “Put on your thinking cap and research educational events that will help you build critical industry networks and increase your knowledge and skills,” says Goad. “Consider industry association conferences and tours outside of Alberta and culinary or ag tourism events. Design and plan your own self-directed learning experience outside of Alberta.”

Scholarship recipients must be committed to life-long learning and will act as ambassadors to the farm direct marketing and ag tourism industries upon their return by sharing their ideas and experiences with others in the industry.

“There is a real benefit to your own business as well,” says Goad. “Awards equal free promotion. Agripreneur Scholarship program partners happily tell the world about you and your business. Be prepared for this promotion of your business. Scholarship recipients are asked to share the new knowledge they got from their educational event in the form of areport, presentation or interview. This is another way to make contacts and share your business story.”

For application information and program deadlines call Marian Williams at (780) 679-5168 or email

Contact: Karen Goad (780) 538-5629


Other Articles From the Oct. 2, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Agriculture Looks to Foreign Workers
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Alberta Beef Producers Fall Producer Meetings and Elections
Taking Care of Safety is Good Business
Agripreneur Scholarships Available to Attend Training Events - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Karen Goad.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on September 27, 2006.

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