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Good Help. It's Closer Than You Think

  From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 886K  
 For over a century, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has been a constant source of information for Alberta farmers. At the 2006 Agri-Trade show in Red Deer, the provincial ministry is presenting an innovative approach to connecting its specialists with producers across the province.

“In October, we sent over 20,000 postcards to rural farmers to encourage them to visit our booth at the 2006 Agri-Trade Show,” says Tracey Feist, communications consultant for Ropin’ the Web (Alberta Agriculture’s website). “The title of the postcard is Good Help. It’s closer than you think. It introduces a contest for producers, with a grand prize of an IBM Thinkpad laptop. It also serves as a reminder that Alberta Agriculture is a constant, credible source of agricultural information.”

More of these postcards will be available at the Alberta Agriculture booth at Agri-Trade, to enable attendees to enter the contest. “We are encouraging producers to come and enter the contest, and have coffee with one of our specialists during Agri-Trade,” says Feist. “Many of Alberta Agriculture’s specialists from around the province will be giving presentations on timely agricultural topics each day.”

In addition to the postcard contest, the department is launching a new trade show display at the event. The display includes scenic displays, crop samples and comfortable couches so producers can sit and listen to the presentations. The department’s Ropin’ the Web website ( will be available on-line on site. Producers will be given a first-hand look at some of the latest technology offered on the site, such as the Alberta Soil Information Viewer and the AgroClimatic Information Service. “These two programs, in particular, are relatively new to Ropin’ the Web, and offer case studies and virtual tours that guide viewers through the new applications,” says Feist.

The Agri-Trade show is being held at Red Deer’s Westerner Park on November 8 to 11, 2006. Alberta Agriculture’s booth (#6002 to 6006) is located in the AgriCentre west building.

Remember, Good Help is closer than you think – easily reachable by calling 310-FARM (3276), Monday to Friday, or on-line anytime at

Tracey Feist (780) 422-1821
Alberta Agriculture, toll free 310-FARM (3276)


Other Articles From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
Good Help. It's Closer Than You Think - Current Document
Farm Safety Always a Concern
Grow West, an Information Feast for Farmers' Market Vendors and Managers
Make a Winning Agri-preneur Scholarship Application
Farm Fresh workshop
Alberta Pulse Growers seminar
Breaking Ground
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Tracey Feist.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 1, 2006.

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