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Farm Safety Always a Concern

  From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 886K  
 A report on a decade of farm injuries, listing the occurrence of serious agricultural injuries in Canada from 1990 to 2000, is now available on the internet. The latest national Agriculture Injuries in Canada for 1990 to 2000 report, produced by the Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program (CAISP) has been posted to the CAISO website and can be downloaded free.

The document reports that as of December 2000, 1,256 fatalities and over 14,900 hospitalized agricultural injuries were registered in the national CAISP databases.

As well, CAISP has updated its agricultural fatality database with fatal injuries that occurred from 2001 to 2003. In Canada, from 1990 to 2003, 1,547 people died from agricultural injuries. Agriculture ranks as the third most hazardous industry in Canada with respect to rates of fatal injury. In terms of absolute numbers of fatalities, there is no more dangerous occupation.

CAISP, funded by Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA), has produced these two reports using national agricultural injury data compiled from 1990 to 2000.

“The reports use data collected by CAISP collaborators across Canada. These reports attempt to provide more detail on the specific causes of rollover and runover incidents,” says Dr. Rob Brison, co-director of CAISP. “It is thanks to the continued collaboration of volunteers across Canada that we have been able to produce these reports.”

“These reports address the limited availability of agricultural injury data particular to the trends of rollover and runover incidents,” says Marcel Hacault, executive director of CASA. “With the support of Farm Credit Canada they have been translated and are now accessible to the general public in both English and French.”

To view these reports and past reports, visit the CAISP website at or follow the links from the CASA website at

CAISP is a national program of CASA that was established in 1995 in response to the need for better information about fatal and hospitalized agricultural injuries. CAISP has partners in each of the Canadian provinces, and is coordinated from a national office at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

Contact: Canadian Agricultureal Safety Association


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  2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
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Farm Safety Always a Concern - Current Document
Grow West, an Information Feast for Farmers' Market Vendors and Managers
Make a Winning Agri-preneur Scholarship Application
Farm Fresh workshop
Alberta Pulse Growers seminar
Breaking Ground
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 1, 2006.

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