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Breaking Ground

  From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 886K  
 Breaking Ground is an agricultural symposium that will focus on the issues and opportunities being faced by Alberta producers. The symposium, hosted by Alberta Institute of Agrologists, Red Deer Branch, is being held at the Harvest Centre, Westerner Park, Red Deer on November 15, 2006. “As professional agrologists, we are committed to providing farmers and agri-businesses with the opportunity to hear from experts whose insights and wisdom offer the potential to influence the growth and prosperity of our agri-industry,” says Cody Cunningham, event chair. The agenda includes:
  • Changing the mindset of agriculture – Dr. Murray McLaughlin, president and CEO, McLaughlin Consulting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • A visionary perspective on needed public policy reform – the Hon. Bob Mills, MP Red Deer
  • Bio-energy opportunities for agriculture – Ian Thomson, president Canadian Bioenergy Corporation, Vancouver, B.C.
  • The rural human resource challenge – Andrew Ramlo, director Urban Futures Institute, Vancouver, B.C.
  • Solving the labour crisis - Policy reform on immigration – Adele Dyck, president, Star 7 International Inc, Winkler, Manitoba
  • Putting profit into agriculture – Kevin Hursh, president, Hursh Consulting and Communications Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The symposium also features the Agri-Trade Central Farm Family of the Year Award presentation during the lunch hour. Registration is $85 per person and can be purchased through Ticketmaster Canada by calling (403) 340-4455 or ordered on-line at

Other Articles From the Nov 6, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference
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Farm Safety Always a Concern
Grow West, an Information Feast for Farmers' Market Vendors and Managers
Make a Winning Agri-preneur Scholarship Application
Farm Fresh workshop
Alberta Pulse Growers seminar
Breaking Ground - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 1, 2006.

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