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Don't Miss this Bus!

  From the Nov 13, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 184K  
 "Working on your own farm operation is like living in a microcosm,” says Hugh McPherson, who operates Maize Quest. “It’s only through groups such as North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) that you get to see what’s happening in the industry. Attending NAFDMA events and interacting with innovators in direct marketing gives you fruitful, mental cross-pollination.”

The bus tour, one of the components of Grow West Alberta the 2007 North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) annual conference, is something not to be missed! This year’s NAFDMA bus tour will be a direct marketing journey of innovation and inspiration through Southern Alberta’s historic cowboy trail. One of the main benefits of the bus tour is the networking on the bus. Participants will spend three days travelling together and sharing information and ideas.

Three tours will be available this year. Each has its own focus. The tours are: Grow the Experience, Grow the Sale and Grow the Value.

“Services turn into engaging experiences when layered with sensory phenomena,” says Joseph Pine, NAFDMA convention keynote speaker and co-author of The Experience Economy. “From packaging an experience to employing country charm to realizing value-added potential, each tour will engage participants in an experience.”

The conference is a celebration of creativity and ingenuity. It is a chance to discover new ideas and learn from each other how to successfully grow a direct marketing business.

Grow West Alberta 2007, February 12 to 17, 2007, offers those who attend numerous chances to learn more about direct marketing. The three main opportunities are the bus tour (February 12, 13, and 14), the workshop day (February 15) and the two-day conference itself (February 16 and 17). Participants can attend the bus tour, the workshop, the conference or all three. This year’s convention is being presented in partnership with the Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association, Alberta Farmers’ Market Association, Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development and APF Renewal.

Convention details and registration packages are available on the NAFDMA website at or by calling the NAFDMA office toll-free at 1-888-884-9270.

For further information or to receive a copy in the mail, call Kerry Engel, with Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development’s Farm Direct Marketing Initiative and Canada West NAFDMA director at (780) 644-2927.

Contact: Kerry Engel (780) 644-2967


Other Articles From the Nov 13, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Branding Canada for the Food and Agriculture Industry
Don't Miss this Bus! - Current Document
Seminar for Stable Owners and Managers
CASA Conference Focuses on Safety Challenges
Just Add a Little SALTT
Economic Livestock Impact Calculator
Agronomy Update
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Kerry Engel.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 8, 2006.

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