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An Adventure Indeed

  From the June 19, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 892K  
 There was something for everyone at the northeast 4-H Adventure Day held at Lakeland College in Vermilion. During this first year, Adventure Day served up a buffet of 4-H activities, showcasing unique and unusual project ideas, educating members on the possible ways of tailoring a yearly 4-H project to a member's specific interest and informing Adventure Day attendees of all of the potential opportunities that 4-H offers.

"The day was non-stop, with presentations highlighting livestock projects that are rare in the northeast region such as goat and draft horse, or creative option projects such as quilting and study of Japanese culture," says event organizer and northeast regional 4-H specialist Leila Hickman. "The day also included demonstrations by representatives from the bio-diesel and the shooting club, which are also classified as atypical project choices.

Adventure Day was successful in terms of the wide range of activities and options that were presented and because of the day's diversity, we were able to touch on many different interests. The day was very well received."

Programming was adapted for the audience with senior members being given a presentation on how to convert their projects into high school credits while junior and intermediate members tested their 4-H knowledge in a trivia game and parents were versed in volunteerism and project credit conversion. Sardine-tag and theatre sports expended plenty of energy and offered up a roomful of laughs. To give a picture of what a real-life 'adventure' would be like, event attendees toured through Lakeland College's fire emergency training centre, school grounds, classrooms and fire hall.

"Despite some tough competition, Plamondon's Kendra Dallaire's display of her rabbit project earned first place in the People's Choice Project Display contest," says Hickman. "This is Kendra's first year in 4-H and she is already hooked on the variety of options that 4-H offers."

"Rabbits were my project this year, and I think that I will do cooking the next, and then hopefully a Performing Arts project," says Dallaire.

True to its name, everyone left the Adventure Day event knowing that a membership with 4-H is sure to be an adventure.

For further information on 4-H, visit the Alberta 4-H website at

Contact: Leila Hickman (780) 853-8115


Other Articles From the June 19, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Coalbed Methane Public Meetings
Dutch Elm Disease Awareness Week - June 24 to 30
An Adventure Indeed - Current Document
Summer Events at City Farm in Edmonton
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Leila Hickman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on June 14, 2006.

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