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When a Door Closes - A 4-H Window Opens

  From the Aug 21, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 898K  
 A week of exploration, revelation and relaxation was enjoyed by the 110 delegates who attended the 4-H Club Week, July 18 to 23, 2006. The program, held at Olds College, is renowned among club members because of its activities, speakers and topics. The program fills every year because of the discussions, the delegates and the difference in perspective that each attendee walks away with.

Club Week's theme was Window to the Universe. Club Week program coordinator, Shelley Sayers felt this to be a great direction to go with. "This year's delegates and staff members embarked on a journey to open a Window to the Universe and ended up doing much more than that," she says. "The growth that was seen in both delegates and staff was amazing, and gave me a great appreciation for what the Club Week program has to offer. Through laughter and tears, delegates began to realize the importance of being themselves, not judging others and living life to the fullest."

Delegates were challenged, by one another and by the sessions, to begin to question perception, accountability and integrity. Through topics such as pop culture and friendship, delegates were given time to reflect and analyze problems that exist in their lives, situations that they create and to start developing ways to deal with these circumstances.

"Club Week was the highlight of my 4-H career," says Club Week delegate Erin Malyk. "I learned a lot about myself and other people. From the speakers to the different events - it was a life changing event."

The balance that is achieved at Club Week is part of the program's success - although the week's insightful questions challenged the delegates to self-analyze, it was the BBQ, swim, dance, auction and talent show that provided ample opportunity to socialize, reconnect and unwind. The highlight for many of the delegates was Morning Reflection and Deep Thoughts, which are times throughout the day allotted to tuning out the world and revelling in their own thoughts.

Club Week speakers are people whose stories specifically relate to, and identify with, current issues in delegate's lives and emphasis the week's theme. On the Wednesday evening, four speakers engaged delegates by sharing their varying perspectives on adversity. Lynda Fraser, a burn survivor; Karissa Gaul, a remissive cancer patient; Pat Neatby, a women with a visual impairment, and Barry Lindeman, a quadriplegic, all shared the lessons that they have learned and the ways that they have grown as a result of their experiences.

Troy Payne encouraged the delegates to think about famous leaders in the world who started off as one person from a small community. Through his sharing of examples and telling of stories, he instilled the idea of making a difference and being a leader.

"I was impressed with by the quality of each speaker's presentation," says Sayers. "The speakers impacted our delegates more than we could have imagined, as it gave attendees a fresh perspective on life and an appreciation for what they had!"

Provincial 4-H Club Week is proudly sponsored by Agricore United, Agrium, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Alberta Motor Association Insurance, AltaLink and Encana.

For more information on summer programs and camps, contact Mark Shand, 4-H programs specialist with Alberta Agriculture at (403) 948-8508 or visit the 4-H website at

Contact: Jessica Hainstock (780) 427-4462


Other Articles From the Aug 21, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Yellowfeed - A Greenfeed Alternative
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Dairy - Does a 4-H Body Good
When a Door Closes - A 4-H Window Opens - Current Document
Livestock Transport Training Program
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Jessica Hainstock.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on August 16, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 17, 2006.

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