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Another Successful 4-H Beef Heifer Show

  From the Aug 28, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 920K  
 On July 17 to 19, 2006, the annual Provincial 4-H Beef Heifer Show celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Olds Agricultural Society Fairgrounds. As always, the event delivered an excellent mix of fun, opportunity and knowledge. Not only does the show provide beef members an opportunity to compete at a provincial level, but it gives non-beef members the chance to be part of the fun by participating in judging, grooming and evening activities.

"The show was three fun-filled, action-packed and educational days that every member should have a chance to experience," says Taryn Parkinson, Beef Heifer Show co-organizer and 4-H ambassador. "It seems that all who attended had a great time at the conformation classes and the evening activities."

The team grooming competitions had a total of ten teams registered, and every team put an impressive effort forward. Amanda High (Claresholm 4-H Beef) and Ryan Gonnet (Spruce Grove 4-H Club) took home Team Grooming Grand Champion in the senior category; Lacey Brockhoff (Edberg 4-H Beef) and Tyson Hertz (John Ware 4-H Beef) in the intermediate division; and, Tyler Dietrich (Hastings Coulee 4-H Beef) and Travis Hunter (Prairie Partners 4-H Multi) in the junior category.

Freshman classes, which followed the grooming classes, gave first year attendees an opportunity to compete in different classes within their age division. "It really takes the edge off of having to show for the first time," says Lyle Weigum, a second-year 4-H ambassador. "A higher level of comfort in the showing ring means that delegates can focus more on showcasing of their animals rather than worrying about their nerves."

Team Challenges, always a favourite, are all about socializing, information gleaning and idea sharpening. For the first time, the show featured a Team Marketing challenge for the intermediate and senior competitors. The intermediate team of Cole Giles (Jumping Pound 4-H Club), Riley Isley (Bow Valley Beef & Multi 4-H Club), Austin Partington (Vermilion 4-H Beef) and Emily Puch (Foothills 4-H Beef), took first place in their age division; and, Courtney Congdon (Heisler 4-H Multi), Kayla Hebert (Vegreville 4-H Beef), Danny Hertz (John Ware) and Cody Hoy (Meadowview 4-H Multi) received first in the senior category.

The junior age category completed marketing task individually, and the champion was Emily Henschel of the Lakedell Beef Club, and Andie Hadway, West Didsbury Multi, was the reserve champion.

Members took part in showmanship and team judging concurrently and then moved into an individual judging competition that required members to give oral reasons to support their choices in three different beef classes. Junior member Brayden Paget of Bashaw 4-H Beef won Champion Showmanship, Chelsea Fulton of West Carstairs 4-H Beef took the Champion distinction in the intermediate category and Danny Hertz of John Ware claimed senior Showmanship Champion. The team judging competition named Andie Hadway (West Didsbury), acting as ring-person, and Tyler Dietrich (Hastings Coulee), acting as judge, the junior champions. Brooklyn Paget (ring-person) and Brayden Paget (judge), both of Bashaw 4-H, claimed the intermediate Team Judging Champion spot, and Tyson Hertz and Danny Hertz of the John Ware Club, (ring man and judge respectively) were the senior champions.

In the individual judging competition, Ashley Fox of the South Country Judging 4-H Club was overall senior Champion, and Danny Hertzc of John Ware 4-H earned second place. Tyson Hertz from John Ware 4-H and Gregory Gonnet of Spruce Grove 4-H Club claimed first and second respectively, and Brayden Paget of the Bashaw 4-H Club won first place in the junior division, with Tyler Dietrich of Hastings Coulee coming in a close second.

The Show Ring Judging team finalists evaluated the 2006-born calf classes and collaborated to select champions. The champion steer calf was exhibited by Amanda High (Claresholm 4-H Beef) and reserve went to Shaun Turner (Gilby 4-H Beef). Sawyer Daley (West Carstairs), had her bull calf declared champion with the reserve being won by the bull calf from Brooklyn Paget, Bashaw. In the heifer calf show, the champion was won by Travis Fisk (Brooks & Area 4-H Beef) with Lacey Brockhoff (Edberg 4-H Beef) winning reserve.

In the purebred and crossbred conformation female classes, Brooklyn Paget (Bashaw) saw her yearling Charolais named Grand Champion Purebred and Sawyer Daley of West Carstairs Beef took Reserve Supreme Champion Purebred with her yearling Simmental. In the crossbred class, Amanda High (Claresholm 4-H Beef) and her yearling heifer were identified as Grand Champion. Dana Kamlah (Central Lacombe 4-H Beef) took Reserve Grand Champion with her cow calf pair.

Grand Aggregate Champions Brayden Paget of Bashaw 4-H for junior, John Ware 4-H members Tyson Hertz for intermediate and Danny Hertz for senior were announced during the closing ceremonies.

The 4-H Beef Heifer Show was a very gratifying and impressive few days, and this year's show simply proved that things only get better with age.

The 4-H Beef Heifer Show is sponsored by Alberta Beef Producers, GAS Alberta Inc., Alberta Motors Association Insurance Company, Ivomec, Livestock Identification Services Ltd. and United Farmers of Alberta Cooperative Ltd.

For more information on this event, please contact Rob Smith, 4-H specialist with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, at (403) 948-8501or visit the 4-H website.

Contact: Rob Smith (403) 948-8501


Other Articles From the Aug 28, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  An Update on Alberta's Greenhouse Crops Industry
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Regulatory Changes for Confined Feeding Operations
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Quality Livestock Transport Training at Olds College
Dutch Elm Disease - a Threat to Alberta Elm Trees
Another Successful 4-H Beef Heifer Show - Current Document
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Keep Malathion Away From Canola Seed
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Rob G Smith.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on August 23, 2006.

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