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New Board to Set Direction for $100-million Rural Development Fund

  From the Sept 18, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 879K  
 Ten additional board members have been selected to Rural Alberta's Development Fund to help guide the distribution of $100 million in funds to rural communities across the province.

Bob Clark and Fred Estlin, the two founding board members of the independent company established to distribute the funds, convened the board for its inaugural meeting to discuss expectations, procedures and time frames for the launch of the fund.

"We selected 10 additional board members from 240 applications that we believe represent the breadth, knowledge, experience and diversity of rural Alberta," says Clark. As well, the founding board members appointed Terry Keyko, former executive director of the Alberta Centennial, to the position of managing director.

Fred Estlin says the inaugural board meeting in Olds resulted in an initial process for applicants to access the funds. "This fall the board will call for short written proposals from rural communities and organizations. The board will review the applications to determine which projects meet requirements and then request full proposals. More details will follow during the official program launch in October."

Doug Horner, Minister of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, says he is pleased the newly appointed board is already making progress. "The fund will invest in people, build community capacity, encourage economic growth, and enhance the benefits of living in rural communities."

Clint Dunford, Minister of Economic Development says rural Albertans have great ideas about practical ways to grow their local economies, while regional economic development alliances have research, advice and information to make a project proposal stronger. "The board members of this new company will coordinate the process and funding to make the ideas real. Bringing these groups together creates a catalyst for growth."

A comprehensive business plan will be developed by the board and submitted to the Alberta government for approval before the $100 million is transferred to the Rural Alberta's Development Fund for distribution to rural communities across the province.

The $100 million rural development fund is only one part of the province's commitment to implementing the government's comprehensive Rural Development Strategy. MLA Luke Ouellette (now Minister of Restructuring and Government Efficiency) and Doug Griffiths', MLA for Battle River-Wainwright, report - Rural Alberta: Land of Opportunity - provided the basis for the Rural Development Strategy.

This strategy, along with a rural task force, provided a framework for initiatives, programs and policies that will help Alberta's rural communities grow. Chaired by Griffiths, the Rural Task Force was comprised of 10 representatives from rural communities across Alberta and MLAs Len Mitzel, MLA Cypress-Medicine Hat and Hector Goudreau, MLA Dunvegan-Central Peace. A complete list of board members is available from the Rural Development home page.

Contact: Bob Clark (403) 337-3168


Other Articles From the Sept 18, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  New Board to Set Direction for $100-million Rural Development Fund - Current Document
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Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ken Blackley.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on September 13, 2006.

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