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Agricultural Technology Centre

 Personnel directory

This team of engineers and technologists specialize in producing information based on research, development and evaluation for agricultural machinery and technology. Whether you are a farmer or a small business operating in the agriculture industry, the Agricultural Technology Centre (AgTech Centre) provides expertise in the areas of:

Have you ever wanted to design equipment, but didn't know where to begin? Perhaps you want to modify a current machinery model. If you are an innovator, small business or a manufacturer, the AgTech Centre can help you. We offer state-of-the-art test facilities and the latest in engineering expertise.

The Centre evaluates the latest farm equipment and technology used in the agriculture industry. Through these independent evaluations, staff outline the applications and limitations of machinery and equipment. Machines that are on the market or prototypes are analyzed for power requirements, work rates, safety features and general suitability for use on the prairies. Laboratory and field evaluations are conducted with engineers searching for ways to improve equipment. As a result, evaluations provide information that you can use to save both time and money.

Developing new equipment technologies and testing their effectiveness for use on the prairies is a continuous process at the Centre. Staff can apply the technologies to determine how it may affect your farming operation - looking at economics, agronomics or environmental issues. AgTech Centre often works with other producer groups and associations leveraging both time and money.

Information and technology transfer
The Agricultural Technology Centre has built a reputation for integrity and has gained the trust of the industry by providing timely, unbiased information over the past 20 years. Staff are also leaders in extension and resource services. We offer presentations, demonstration days and sponsored clinics in specialized topic areas. Our history
The Agricultural Technology Centre (formerly the Alberta Farm Machinery Research Centre (AFMRC)) was established as research facility within the Engineering Services Branch of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) in 1988, but we have actually been around since 1976. AgTech Centre's roots come from the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI). PAMI was established in 1974 as a three-prairie province agreement. Funding for PAMI came from each province's department of agriculture. The Institute's mandate was to evaluate machinery and related technologies, as well as provide assistance to manufacturers in the development of their products. The end result was an extensive series of evaluation reports that were distributed through a subscription system. Stations were located in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba and Lethbridge, Alberta. The station in Alberta was originally housed in the Lethbridge Community College, with our own facility built in 1978 on the campus. Lethbridge was chosen for its extended test season, diversity of crops in the area and variety of soil, topography and climatic conditions. Under PAMI, each station developed technical areas of expertise. This expertise was divided along machinery function, i.e., Humboldt - harvesting equipment, Portage la Prairie- forage and specialty equipment and Lethbridge - seeding, tillage and spraying equipment. These divisions of expertise still exist today and prevent unnecessary duplication.

The decision to incorporate the Alberta PAMI station directly into Engineering Services was based on financial and program reasons. Since 1988, AgTech Centre's direction and program scope has changed and expanded from its PAMI days. The biggest change has been the emphasis towards research and the application of technologies to complex agrifood systems and problems. Besides program changes, AgTech Centre has also benefited by having a closer relationship with AAFRD staff and programs. The result has been a steady and productive growth of the Centre as a first class research facility. AgTech Centre's business has remained the same in that our role is to produce and transfer information gathered through our research, development and evaluation programs using a variety of cooperating partners.

Since 1988, PAMI's role has evolved as well. The two provinces have maintained core funding but a growing majority of its funding comes from outside sources. Currently PAMI not only serves the agriculture sector as a contract test facility, but many other industries as well, i.e., construction, manufacturing, mining and forestry. To this day, PAMI and AgTech Centre share their common agricultural roots, areas of expertise and information bases. Cooperation and coordination of programs and projects with PAMI, as well as other agencies and institutions, is a strategy AgTech Centre continues to strive for. The result is PAMI is another link for our clients' in their search for the latest information.

Agricultural Technology Centre
3000 College Drive South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 1L6
Phone: (403) 329-1212
Fax: (403) 328-5562

Personnel Directory

The Agricultural Technology Centre (AgTech Centre) is at the forefront of machinery evaluations, applied and scientific research, and development of innovative agricultural technologies.

Producers, manufacturers and any other interested parties are invited to contact the AgTech Centre for more information.

Agricultural Technology Centre
3000 College Drive South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 1L6
Phone: (403) 329-1212
Fax: (403) 328-5562

Rick Atkins
3000 College Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 1L6
Phone: (403) 329-1212
Fax: (403) 328-5562

Debbie Campbell
Administrative Assistant

Ken Janzen
Electronics Technologist

Katrina Lakenman
Engineer in training

Blaine Metzger
Project Technologist

Virginia Nelson
Project Manager

Lawrence Papworth
Project Engineer

George Ragan
Project Technologist

Dave Rea
Field Technologist

Darryl Slingerland
Research and Development Engineer

Brian Storozynsky
Project Technologist

Giang Truong
Electronics Technologist

Reed Turner
Project Manager

Jim Vanee
Technologist - Fabrication & Repair

  For more information about the content of this document, contact George Ragan.
This information published to the web on February 14, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 28, 2004.

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