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Fuel Efficiency Produces Big Payback: High Fuel Prices Drive Need for Better Fuel Efficiency and Changes in Farming Practices

  From the May 23, 2006 Issue of Agtech InnovatorAgtech Innovator Home          Download pdf - 728K  
 With increasing fuel costs squeezing producer margins in already tight times, many farmers are wondering what they can do. It turns out there is plenty they can do, say agencies that have been testing tractor efficiency.
One answer is tractors that are more fuel-efficient. Tractor manufacturers are paying attention to fuel economy, with engines on new models becoming more fuel-efficient each year. While not everyone can afford to invest in a brand-new tractor, engineers at the forefront of the farm equipment industry say there are several simple, common-sense alternatives that can help any producer get the most efficiency from their resources.

“Whether a tractor is 20 years old or rolling off the dealership lot for the first time, farmers can implement a number of fuel-saving measures that will not only reduce fuel consumption but also prolong the life of the tractor,” says Reed Turner, project manager with the AgTech Centre in Lethbridge, a part of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development’s Technical Services Division.

Although there are many things that can be done to increase fuel economy on the farm, optimum fuel efficiency generally narrows down to three broad categories: tires, ballast and fuel

Other Articles From the May 23, 2006 Issue of Agtech Innovator

  Fuel Efficiency Produces Big Payback: High Fuel Prices Drive Need for Better Fuel Efficiency and Changes in Farming Practices - Current Document
Tires, Ballast and Fuel: Three Major Fuel Use Reducing Factors Within Any Farmer's Control
Changing the Way We Farm: The Simplest Solution to Fuel Savings Is Not to Start theTractor
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Reed Turner.
This document is maintained by George Ragan.
This information published to the web on May 23, 2006.

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