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Mountain View County Sees Successful On-The-Ground BMP Adoption

  From the Fall 2005 Issue of Alberta Conservation ConnectionAlberta Conservation Connection Home       
Photo: Leslie Gavelin

In Mountain View County, significant progress has been made with producer adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs). “One of the reasons for our success, is making funding easy and accessible for producers for implementing projects,” explains Lesley Gavelin, Rural Extension Specialist. “We’ve been able to do that by accessing different funding sources through the County.”

In addition to the AESA program, funding has been received through programs such as: Community Lottery Boards, EcoAction Canada, Rural Water Development Program (PFRA) and Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Stewardship-In-Action Initiative. “This year much of our funding is through Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) Grant Eligible Program. “Having funding more at the local level has been quite an attractive feature for many producers,” says Gavelin. Local producers are also beginning to access funding programs such as the Canada Alberta Farm Water Program and the Canada Alberta Farm Stewardship Program.

“We work with individual producers to help them develop and implement BMPs that work for their operation,” explains Gavelin. “We have worked on a variety of projects such as riparian fencing projects, whether exclusion or controlled access to those areas, off-site watering systems and year-round watering systems.” Producers have relocated wintering sites and corrals to meet the new Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) requirements. Others have developed runoff control projects, including building catchment basins to capture runoff. “We’ve also helped producers with funding to fence off treed areas, and build shelters elsewhere for cattle.”

As part of a larger project, the Little Red Deer River Watershed Initiative, several partners came together to assist with planning, accessing funding and implementing environmental stewardship projects. Partners include: Mountain View County, MD of Bighorn, MD of Rocky View, Red Deer County, ACA, PFRA, Alberta Environment and Friends of The Little Red Deer River Society (FLRDRS). “Initially we met monthly to address specific issues, and allocate funding resources,” says Gavelin. “Our program doesn’t currently have as much funding as it did in the past, so we’re not meeting quite as often.”

In terms of success, Gavelin sees it as an ongoing challenge of working with people and assisting them to make positive environmental changes in their farming operations. “Many people prefer to work with us one-on-one, and prefer individual attention to their specific projects,” she says. “We’re trying to make sure they have access to all of the information and resources they need.” Although in the past Gavelin had to contact people to encourage them to get involved in the various programs, people now recognize she is available and are contacting her directly. “People are now calling me, and see me as an information link.”

“One of our challenges will be the severe flood damage we’ve suffered during the month of June, along creeks and rivers across the whole county, but particularly in the western areas,” says Gavelin. “We’ll assist producers in accessing flood disaster funding to rebuild fences and off-site watering systems that have washed away.” Reconstruction and repairing flood-damaged projects will be one of the most important stewardship efforts over the next few months. Another potential project will be river clean ups because of the damage and debris/garbage that has been washed down streams and rivers and deposited.

Over the summer, Gavelin has three field days planned, two in July (7 and 27) and one on August 16. “We are focusing on both pasture health and riparian health assessment, doing hands-on health assessments with the Cows and Fish Program,” explains Gavelin. “We’ve also invited DFO to provide information on fish habitat and what fish species are found in area streams.” An electric fencing demonstration is also planned. These demonstrations and group events support the success of individual BMP implementation projects in the Mountain View County.

For more information, contact:
Lesley Gavelin at (403) 335-3311 or email:

Other Articles From the Fall 2005 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection

  Low Cost Manure Injection Demonstrations in the Peace
MD of Wainwright Works Successfully With Local Producers One-On-One
LARA Helps Local Producers Implement Beneficial Management Practices
Vulcan County's AESA Program Expanding
Wheatland County's Range Program
Mountain View County Sees Successful On-The-Ground BMP Adoption - Current Document
Encouraging Watershed Groups To Take Ownership - A Successful Approach
Big Meadows Soil Conservation Association: Model of Producer Group Success
AESA Partner Profiles
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Roger Bryan.
This document is maintained by Deb Sutton.
This information published to the web on May 25, 2006.

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