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Alberta's Great Tree Hunt

  From the Spring 2006 Issue of Alberta Conservation ConnectionAlberta Conservation Connection Home       
Photo: John Warden

The Alberta Heritage Tree Project wants to celebrate your favourite trees. In a program designed to raise awareness about the impact trees have on our lives today and historically, the Heritage Tree Foundation requests nominations of trees you consider special. The criteria are broad: the old, large, rare, those with historical or cultural significance, and much more.

Nominations may refer to an individual tree or groups: a grove, avenue, garden, arboretum or shelterbelt. Perhaps there is a tree that has acquired status as a community landmark or grows in an unusual location or has an unusual shape. Trees within Environmentally Significant Areas, or provide nesting homes for rare birds can be considered in nominations. Additional criteria and information can be found by visiting Foundation’s website at:

There is no limit on the numbers of trees you can nominate. What makes the project special and enduring though, is capturing the stories behind the trees you nominate. Trees provide a living link to our past. They hold stories and carry meaning for people.

Upon receiving nominations, Regional Selection Committees, consisting of local individuals from a wide variety of disciplines, will select trees to ensure they match the criteria. Perhaps you would enjoy, as part of a regional team, selecting trees in your community for Heritage recognition. Upon selection, each tree will receive a plaque and, with the landowner’s permission, be placed on the trunk or directly in front of the tree. This common identifying feature will make it easier for community members to locate a Heritage Tree.

These locations* will appear in the Foundation’s upcoming book Heritage Trees of Alberta scheduled for publishing in June 2007. The book will feature botanical, historical and cultural information on the specific trees featured. Have your nomination in before October 31 so it can be considered for the book. Stories and data collected on all Heritage Trees will featured on the web based Tree Registry.

For more information, contact:
Libby Fairweather at (403) 933-3099 or email:

*The Foundation respects the privacy of landowners; publication of locations requires their permission.

Other Articles From the Spring 2006 Issue of Alberta Conservation Connection

  Meeting AESA Priorities in Beaver and Lamont Counties
West Central Conservation Group: Partnership in Action
County of Grande Prairie and West County Watershed Group Focus on Beneficial Management Practices
Central Peace Conservation Society Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Cardston County Gains Momentum After First Year
County of Warner: Grazing Management Strategies for Ranchers
Chinook Applied Research Association -- Programs, Demonstrations and Applied Research Benefits Area Producers
Counties of Flagstaff and Paintearth: Partnering for More Effective Programs
Landowners help protect 'ribbon of green' on their property
AESA Partner Profiles
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt - Current Document
Nest Success a Bonus of Winter Cereals
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Roger Bryan.
This document is maintained by Deb Sutton.
This information published to the web on May 26, 2006.

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