News Release

February 7, 2006

Province opens state-of-the-art animal disease surveillance lab

Alberta poised for leadership role in animal disease detection and research

Edmonton... Alberta's efforts in animal disease detection and research received a substantial boost with the opening of the province's $14-million, state-of-the-art Level 3 Biocontainment Lab. The new facility puts Alberta on the cutting edge of animal disease detection and research.

"Animal health threats are a reality we've come to know quite well in Alberta," said Doug Horner, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. "It is vital that we not only manage these threats, but also expand our understanding of them. This facility makes Alberta a leader in animal disease detection and research."

The lab will significantly increase Alberta's testing capacity for animal diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), chronic wasting disease (CWD) and avian influenza (AI). While the initial focus of the lab will be on testing, it will also be used for animal disease research, in collaboration with the Alberta Research Council and the University of Alberta.

The two-storey building, adjacent to the O.S. Longman Building in south Edmonton, houses the 730-square-metre Level 3 lab. Modular design allows the testing areas to be expanded or modified when required, such as during an animal health emergency.

The lab is fitted with the latest in biocontainment features, including stringent air and waste handling systems, allowing for a safe and controlled environment. "Concrete walls, break-resistant glass, stringent air handling and filtering capabilities and specialized waste handling systems are just some of the design features incorporated to ensure those who work in the lab and those who live near it are safe," said Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation.

Since September 2004, Canada has tested more than 87,000 high-risk cattle as part of an enhanced BSE surveillance program - 44,000 of those from Alberta. In addition to surveillance initiatives, Alberta is in the process of implementing mandatory age verification for all young cattle slaughtered in Alberta processing plants as of April 1, 2007.

For more information, please visit

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Editor's Note: Backgrounder attached.

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Ken Manninen
Branch Head, Agri-food Laboratories
(780) 422-4830

Alberta Ag Media Line

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


February 7, 2006

Alberta's Level 3 Biocontainment Laboratory

Why do we need a new lab and where is it?

The new Level 3 Biocontainment Lab is in a new building adjacent to the O.S. Longman Building, 6909-116 Street, Edmonton, and represents a significant addition to Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development's existing facilities. The O.S. Longman already houses Level 2 Biocontainment Labs, including one that has been upgraded for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) testing, which includes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), chronic wasting disease (CWD) and scrapie.

The new lab increases Alberta's ability to test for the presence of livestock diseases while maintaining a high level of safety for workers. It enhances Alberta's ability to respond quickly when required to mitigate and control the damage caused by animal disease outbreaks.

The cost of the lab is $14 million.

What kind of work will be done in the lab?

The new Level 3 Lab significantly increases Alberta's testing capacity for TSEs. The lab will also be used to test for other diseases such as foot and mouth disease and avian influenza (AI). This capability allows Alberta to quickly respond and contribute to Canada's management of foreign animal disease outbreaks.

The new Level 3 Lab allows Alberta to work with diseases that require higher levels of biocontainment. This state-of-the-art lab will allow the province to perform disease monitoring and research on diseases that require a higher level of containment and security.

What are the features of the lab?

Bio-safety features:

Design specifications:

Security features:

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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Ken Manninen
Head, Agri-Food Laboratories Branch
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
(780) 422-4830

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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