News Release

March 7, 2006

Growing rural communities focus of Santa Fe mission

Edmonton... Alberta will continue to push forward in developing new ideas on rural development when Doug Griffiths, MLA for Battle River-Wainwright and Lloyd Snelgrove, MLA for Vermilion-Lloydminster attend the second Tri-lateral Rural Development Working Group meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Griffiths and Snelgrove are both attending on behalf of Alberta. They will also represent Doug Horner, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development in his capacity as Canada's representative on the Rural Development Working Group.

"These meetings are invaluable when it comes to discovering new ideas on how to make rural areas prosper," said Horner. "I've said it before - rural areas, no matter where they are, all have similar challenges. By examining what has and hasn't worked elsewhere, we can make sure that Alberta rural communities benefit from smart, innovative ideas."

Topics of discussion at the Santa Fe meetings include: soil and water conservation in Mexico; sustainable agriculture extension and research; development initiatives for micro-enterprises; and development of action plans for the Tri-National Agriculture Accord meeting to be held this August in Banff, Alberta.

"These meetings will provide an opportunity for Alberta to improve our relationships with key agricultural influencers in the U.S. and Mexico," Horner added.

This is the second meeting of the rural development group, established under the umbrella of the Tri-National Agriculture Accord, a forum for representatives from Canadian provinces and U.S. and Mexican states to address common cross-border agri-food issues and strengthen agricultural trade relations. Alberta will host the next Tri-National Agricultural Accord meeting in Banff, August 9 to 12, 2006.

The Rural Development Working Group is one of three tri-lateral working groups developing action plans and recommendations for initiatives that could be undertaken at the state/provincial level. The other two working groups relate to harmonization and trade remedy policies. Each country has at least one representative on each working group and Horner is the Canadian provincial agriculture minister leading the work on the rural development group.

The estimated cost of the mission to Santa Fe, New Mexico for Snelgrove and Griffiths is $4,800.

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General itinerary attached.

Media enquiries may be directed to:
Alberta Ag Media Line
(780) 422-1005

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


March 7, 2006

Itinerary for Tri-National Agricultural Accord meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico



Thursday, March 9

  • Depart for Santa Fe, New Mexico

Friday, March 10

  • Meetings begin
  • Regional Rural Development activities tour

Saturday, March 11

  • Meetings on rural development action items
  • Finalize action plans for Alberta summer Accord meeting

Sunday, March 12

  • Return to Edmonton

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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Alberta Ag Media Line
(780) 422-1005
To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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