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Kids and Harvest - Keep Our Next Generation of Farmers Safe!

  From the August 1, 2005 Issue of Farm Safety NewsFarm Safety Newsletter Home          Download pdf - 1077K  
 Children are at risk! The farm is an inherently dangerous place for children if adults do not provide a safe place for young curious minds to explore and learn about the benefits of farm and ranch living. Although parents cannot completely child-proof a farm, they need to make it as safe as possible. Machinery, equipment, grain, chemicals, structures and livestock are all associated with potential hazards. Combine these work place locations with young and curious people and the results may be catastrophic.
One way to prevent these tragedies from taking place is to create a safe play area. Designated play areas protect children by removing them from the farm work environment. Let children know what the play boundaries are and what consequences will be enforced if the boundaries are crossed. Rules are only effective if they are a part of daily life and consequences of breaking rules are enforced. Explain to them why off-limit areas are dangerous.

Rules need to be used in conjunction with supervision. Close supervision is an important aspect of keeping young kids safe on the farm. Children often put themselves in danger. Set restrictions for children and provide them with guidelines to keep them safe.

When determining a safe play area consider:
  1. A location separate from traffic and work areas.
  2. A location with easily identifiable boundaries.
  3. Fences are ideal.
  4. A location which can be easily supervised, such as looking out a back window.
  5. A location free from dangerous debris.
  6. A location with enough room to run and explore.
  7. A location with safe and age-appropriate play equipment.
A safe outdoor play area away from livestock, traffic, and machinery is essential for children to grow up safe and healthy on a farm. Keep our next generation of farmers safe!

Did you know…

  • It only takes 8 seconds for a person, adult or child, to become submerged in grain and eventually die from suffocation.
  • Research indicates that you cannot escape from the forces of moving grain on your own after getting trapped.
  • Unloading grain from a wagon creates a ‘pull’ on grain similar to quicksand.
  • As grain flows out the chute it creates a funnel that can drag a person down toward the opening.
  • The Alberta Farm Safety Program has a Gravity Flow Wagon available to lend out for demonstration purposes. The gravity flow wagon demonstrates the dangers of playing in grain.

Other Articles From the August 1, 2005 Issue of Farm Safety News

  Let's Celebrate -- Let's Live!
Poultry Farm Workers: Reduce Your Risk of Campylobacter Infection
All-Terrain Vehicles: Safety Tips for Families
Kernels of Caution
Kids and Harvest - Keep Our Next Generation of Farmers Safe! - Current Document
Flowing Grain Entrapment
Congratulations Shannon Blumhagen!!
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelyn Peterson.
This information published to the web on August 1, 2005.

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