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Thinking of taking a course? Take advantage of the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service!

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The Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS) is designed to help cover the costs of training, books, course fees and even internet connections for eligible farmers and their spouses. Perhaps you are interested in taking courses in areas such as farm business management, accounting finance and human resource management. Or maybe you are thinking of working off the farm and need training in the area of nursing; dental assistant, office administrator - or you name it!

CASS is for farm families who want to obtain training to improve farming practices, take advantage of business opportunities, or become trained for off-farm employment. Training may be formal college courses, workshops, seminars and short courses. “Many courses are offered on-line now,” says Ed Kulak, with Alberta Human Resources and Employment. “This opens up tremendous learning opportunities as the internet becomes more readily available to rural residents. Even if you are having to travel to take the course, you may be eligible to have your travel costs paid.”

Are you eligible?
If you answer yes to these questions you may be eligible for up to $16,000 in assistance.

yes/no Is your net family income less than $45,000*?

yes/no Have you been out of school for at least two years?

yes/no Are you an established producer with gross farm sales of at least $10,000/year
OR are you a beginning** farmer?

For more information and to check eligibility, contact the Ag Info Line toll free at 310-FARM or the Career Information Hotline at 1-800-661-3753, or go to

*Based on three-year average for established producers, corporations, cooperatives or other farm group enterprise, or based on a one-year average for beginning farmers. Net income is from line 236 of your notice of assessment.

**A beginning farmer is someone who intends to establish a farm, or already owned/operated a farm for less than six years and has existing or projected gross annual farm sales of $10,000 or more.

Eligible costs include:
  • Support for training including up to 24 months of a community college program, excluding university degree programs.
  • Taking mechanics courses, welding, accrual accounting courses, general educational development and academic upgrading, and workshop/field day fees.
  • Support for related costs such as dependant care, travel costs and other allowances while on travel status.
  • Costs associated with skills and learning activities such as tuition and textbooks.

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Thinking of taking a course? Take advantage of the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service! - Current Document
Alberta Human Resources and Employment delivers CASS at the following locations:
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Mark Your Calendar Now! Raising Cows, Raising Profits - Marketing Smart
Consultants Visit Farm Renewal Makeover Scholarship Winners
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Wendy McCormick.
This document is maintained by Tammy Elmhurst.
This information published to the web on November 6, 2006.

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