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Three tips to Managing Life - Work Balance

  Fall 2006RenewalNow! Home          Download pdf - 1810K  
Ranchers Peter and Judy Haase of Buffalo Horn Ranch in Eagle Hill placed a notice on local bulletin boards in and around Sundre in search of the ultimate ranch hand. Hiring help in the busy times is just one part of their strategy in maintaining a healthy life-work balance. Here’s how the Haase’s manage the ranch and find time for life.

Hire help during the busy times
“Summertime is a busy season for us, with raising our buffalo and selling meat at farmers’ markets,” says Peter Haase. “We simply don’t have the extra time to spend on all the jobs that need to be done on the ranch.”

The help wanted advertisement may have carried a touch of humour by seeking the “ultimate” ranch hand, but realistically, the Haase family is well aware of the amount of work on their operation, and what they’re capable of completing. “Hiring extra help certainly contributes to a healthy life-work balance,” Haase adds. “Our assistant labeled meat, cut weeds, mowed grass and did other chores.”

Limit the number of hours worked each day
A second tip that works for the Haase’s is to schedule their work day so they have a beginning and end. “We try to avoid doing business after 8:00 p.m. We find we need a bit of personal time to unwind, after working all day,” adds Haase.

Plan for time off
A third strategy includes recognizing that farmers have to create their own time off. “Without a concerted effort, it just doesn’t happen,“ Haase says. “But I notice that if I don’t take a break, my efficiency suffers.”

This year the two will travel to Turin, Italy, to participate in the Slow Food Movement, a week-long conference with 5,000 other farmers, from 150 different countries. “When that’s over, we’ll take the train to Venice, Florence and Tuscany and have a holiday,” Haase says. And once back in Canada and settled in for the winter months, Peter and Judy will find respite in the mountains. Their favorite winter-getaway is to head into the backcountry to go telemark skiing.

While a holiday isn’t always possible, there are other ways you can give yourself a break. Building in time for leisure is just one way you can reduce stress. Remembering to laugh also contributes to our overall well being.

Did you know: A study found that adults laugh approximately 15 times per day, while children laugh about 400 times a day.

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  For more information about the content of this document, contact Wendy McCormick.
This document is maintained by Tammy Elmhurst.
This information published to the web on November 6, 2006.

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