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Raising the Bar at AgChoices 2006

  March 2006RenewalNow! Home          Download pdf - 2666K  
While a snowstorm brewed throughout the day, a dedicated group of 160 people discovered ‘what’s right on the farm’ at AgChoices 2006 held in Red Deer on February 15.

“Technology, new business practices and new consumer demands are changing the face of our industry and have opened the door to new possibilities” said Brian Rhiness, Assistant Deputy Minister with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD). “We are here to explore those possibilities and the many programs, tools and initiatives available to help producers realize them.”

AgChoices 2006 was an initiative made possible through the Renewal chapter of the Agricultural Policy Framework - a Federal-Provincial - Territorial initiative. “AgChoices really encompasses what Renewal is all about,” says Shari Smith, conference organizer and program communications lead with AAFRD. “Renewal is about taking a look at where you are at and then finding the resources to get where you want to be. AgChoices gives producers information on what is needed to thrive within the new agricultural environment.”

“When it comes to growing our product, we are second to none... but future success will depend on embracing more astute business practices,” stated Rhiness. “Our products are here at home and halfway around the world. While this means greater opportunities, it also means competition... thinking and acting as a producer is no longer enough.”
Rhiness challenged all farmers and producers to ask themselves:

• Who’s buying my product?
• What are they doing with it?
• Who’s in the value chain in getting my product from the field to the table?
• What kinds of partnership possibilities are there along the way?

Rhiness’ questions set in motion producers thinking about just what they wanted to achieve in their operation as they entered the AgInfo Market, a procession of mini informational sessions intended to make producers more aware of what is happening within AAFRD and what it means to them.

Earlier in the day, Dr. Michael Boehlje, from Purdue University’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, forecasted the challenges facing the food and agribusiness industries. “The fundamental forces shaping agriculture include: growing and diversified global demand; expanded global production; consumer expectations; new science/technology; and government policy,” Dr. Boehlje said.

Focusing on consumer and food industry expectations, Boehlje explained how consumer expectations go beyond price. “They’re looking for convenience and taste,” he said. “They want a variety of nutritious, high quality, low calorie products.”

Tomorrow’s farming, he predicted, would employ new technology and new business arrangements, such as contract production and franchise growers.

Kevin Burns, the “instigational speaker”, gave a laugh out loud performance as he urged the crowd to see what is good in their life and “trust the process.” One of his ten life observations is, “You will never be given more than you can handle. And you will be able to handle all you are given.”

“In life, it’s important to look for the small miracles and the little victories, on a daily basis,” Dr. Dan Baker, a pioneer in the positive psychology initiative and bestselling author sauggested. “Make the most of every day and bring the best ‘you’ to the table. An important quality in farming is resilience,” said Baker. “Resilient people live meaningfully and productively. They help themselves.”

“An event like this is energizing,” says Anita Lunden, head of the Opportunity Assessment Branch, Market Opportunities and Innovation Division. “It helps farmers to step back and re-evaluate. It helps to create awareness of the opportunities and assistance available.”

“AgChoices hit producers on both the personal and professional side,” Lunden added. “Renewal is about renewing of people and families as well as farms and businesses.”

For more informationon AgChoices 2006, visit Ropin’ the Web and for information on the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) visit


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Raising the Bar at AgChoices 2006 - Current Document
Dr. Michael Boehlje
Dr. Dan Baker: Living a Productive Farm Life
Kevin Burns' Destiny Manifesto: Trust the Process
A New Generation Co-op Success Story
The Peace Country Classic Something for Everyone
Crazy, But It Just Might Work
Alberta's Ag Tourism Initiative Thrives
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Shari Smith.
This document is maintained by Tammy Elmhurst.
This information published to the web on April 25, 2006.

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