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Crazy, But It Just Might Work

  March 2006RenewalNow! Home          Download pdf - 2666K  
John Nyland makes no apology for his laugh lines.

“My wife calls them ‘lines of experience,’” he laughs.

Nyland and his wife run Nyland Farms, a grain operation on 2,600 acres near La Glace, located 50 kilometres northwest of Grande Prairie. One would imagine that he needs to take a break once in awhile; as well as running his farm, Nyland is also the vice-president of the Sexsmith Seed Cleaning Plant.

When asked how he achieves a life-work balance, Nyland suggests, “Always take time for your family. That’s the most important thing. You could have a million dollars, and have no family. That would be pretty boring.”

The father of four says that it’s important to prioritize. “I always took my kids skiing in Jasper when they were little,” he says. “In the summer, we’d go camping.”

“I would also suggest that people become involved in their community,” he says. “You get in a room with 100 different people, you’ll get 100 different ideas. This will help you to become a well-rounded person and increase your knowledge base.”

In recent years, Nyland has discovered the joys of traveling. “I cashed in some air miles and took my two sons to Europe,” he says. And two years ago, he took off for a month and traveled through Spain, France and the Canary Islands with his wife.

“I’m not crazy,” he says. “I take breaks.”


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  For more information about the content of this document, contact Shari Smith.
This document is maintained by Tammy Elmhurst.
This information published to the web on April 25, 2006.

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