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  The Greenhouse Business - February 2006Greenhouse Business Home          Download pdf - 270K  
 With the energy prices increasing many companies approach us for sharing the expertise with us. The information on this company was taken from Hort Congress, heating workshop presentation.

EMSI offers economically sustainable alternative fuel options for small and medium size agricultural and industrial operations.

What do we do:

  • Collect, sort and prepare materials with intrinsic energy values as an alternative to fossil fuels.
  • Recommend engineered solutions to optimize operations and reduce fuel costs.
  • Make application for Environmental permits and Operating Licensing Amendments.
  • Promote the use of Biomass fuel for Greenhouse Operations, Poultry/Pork/Dairy farms.
  • Work with Government Agencies to market landfill wastes for energy.
  • Provide full service through assessment, proposal submission, equipment purchase, project management and sustainable fuel supply to meet customer needs
  • Obtain pertinent information on heat load requirements of the client.
  • Assess the efficiencies of the available conversion equipment and recommend best case scenarios.
  • Source local Biomass fuel availability to minimize the transportation costs.
  • Investigate cost-effective solutions for fuel handling, storage and delivery.
  • Investigate opportunities for added value fuel substitutions if applicable.
  • Submit proposal, complete with cost/benefit analysis identifying capital cost, return on investment and savings potential.
  • Realization of Significant cost savings compared to natural gas and electrical heating.
  • Potential recirculation of carbon dioxide in Greenhouse applications results in economical and environmental benefits.
  • Utilization of carbon based waste materials will extend the life of existing landfills.
  • Biomass burning produces only 4% of the ash as compared to coal burning.
  • Social and Environmental benefits derived from reduction of dioxide emission through the use of carbon dioxide neutral alternatives. 
  • Use of biomass fuel meets the mandates to enhance the environment for future generations.
Contact information:
Mr. Bob Rimes
Energy & Materials Solutions Inc.
10206 – 86 Street,
Morinville, Alberta T8R 1B9
Phone: (780) 939-6631    Cell: (780) 916-5747

Other Articles The Greenhouse Business - February 2006

  Heating Costs Will Determine the Future of the Alberta Greenhouse Industry
Evaluation and Development of Aquaponics Production and Product Market Capabilities in Alberta
Developing a Commercial Soil Conditioner from Greenhouse Organic Waste
Summary Report on the Study of the Spread and Control of Fusarium Fruit Rot of Greenhouse Peppers in Alberta
Energy Related - Current Document
Bumblebees Need Daylight
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Mohyuddin Mirza.
This document is maintained by Linda Thomas.
This information published to the web on February 22, 2006.

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