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To Prepare a Proper Fish Plate

  Summer 2004Aquaculture in Alberta Home       
 By Charles Parker, Head Chef
Lethbridge Community College, Culinary Arts

What do you look for in a quality fish product? If it is fresh, then look at the skin… it should be shiny and still brightly colored. The flesh should have a mild odor and be firm, or elastic to the touch, that is, when you press down on the meat, then take your fingers off, the flesh should bounce back to its original shape.

If the meat has a strong fishy smell, rib bones are separating from the body cavity or the flesh stays indented when pushed in, the fish is not in a fresh condition for eating.

If the head's still on, then look at the fish's eyes. They should not be sunken in, unless the product has been previously frozen or on the shelf too long. If it has been frozen, check for discolored spots or areas, indicating freezer burn. There should be no frost or loose ice crystal in the package. The worst you can do is to prepare and then let someone eat fish that is not of high edible quality.
Mr. Parker says, "he eats fish two or three times a week, high in omega 3's and low in the fats that we don't need." As a rule, cook your fish 5 minutes per inch of flesh, either by baking, broiling or microwaving or on the barbeque or frying pan.

When the flesh is opaque, and flakes easily, it is done. The trick is ensuring the flesh is well done, but not overdone, flaking off the bones and moist, but still solid. What about freezing? Not a problem long as it is not frozen too long…. With proper storage and sealing, either with quick freezing, dipping in ice water, cryovac bags, etc, lean fish can be kept up to six months.

Charles notes “Once your fresh fish has been prepared, either as a boneless fillet or steak, do not rinse the exposed fish under running water, this
simply washes away the flavor, if you prefer a less pungent fish flavor when eating, consider topping your finished fish product with a nice fresh tomato herb sauce or light cheese sauce. Both can make fish more appealing to your family or dinner guests”.

Remember, it is best to eat your fish fresh. However, if you know you cannot eat your fresh fish within the next 2 to three days, then consider freezing or smoking your fish product.


Other Articles Summer 2004

  Circle M Trout Farm...near St. Paul
Is Coal Heating For Your Fish Farm an option?
To Prepare a Proper Fish Plate - Current Document
Wetlands and Aquaculture - Can Work Together
Trout Pond Craziness
Muddy Flavoured Fish
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Eric Hutchings.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on July 26, 2005.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 30, 2006.

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