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Chapter A‑23

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

                3       Investments by the Heritage Fund

                4       Agreements respecting financial matters

                5       Consolidated Cash Investment Trust Fund

                6       Standing Committee

                7       Business plan

                8       Income of Fund

                9       Transfer of non-renewable resource revenue

             9.1       Transfers re Access to the Future Fund

             9.2       Appropriated funds

              10       Other funds paid into Heritage Fund

              11       Inflation proofing

              12       Phasing out of transition portfolio

              13       Operating costs

              14       Auditor

              15       Quarterly reports

              16       Annual reports

              17       Regulations


WHEREAS the mission of the Heritage Fund is to provide prudent stewardship of the savings from Alberta’s non‑renewable resources by providing the greatest financial returns on those savings for current and future generations of Albertans;

THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “endowment portfolio” means the endowment portfolio referred to in section 3;

                                 (b)    “Heritage Fund” means the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund referred to in section 2;

                                 (c)    “mineral agreement” means an agreement as defined in the Mines and Minerals Act;

                                 (d)    “non‑renewable resource revenue” means

                                           (i)    money received by the Crown under a mineral agreement or a contract under section 9 of the Mines and Minerals Act or under a reservation of royalty in letters patent conveying title to a mineral,

                                          (ii)    money received by the Crown from or in connection with the disposition of the Crown’s royalty share of a mineral,

                                         (iii)    fees paid to the Crown in connection with the issuance of a mineral agreement,

                                         (iv)    money received by the Crown as a bonus to acquire a mineral agreement, and

                                          (v)    money received by the Crown pursuant to a contract under which the Crown agrees to accept that money instead of royalty otherwise payable under one or more leases of oil sands rights issued under the Mines and Minerals Act;

                                 (e)    “Special Act” with reference to any fiscal year means an Act of the Legislature authorizing the transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the Heritage Fund of a percentage of the non‑renewable resource revenue received in that fiscal year;

                                  (f)    “Standing Committee” means the Standing Committee established under section 6;

                                 (g)    “transition portfolio” means the transition portfolio referred to in section 3.

1996 cA‑27.01 s1

Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

2(1)  There is hereby continued the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund established under the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act, RSA 1980 cA-27.

(2)  The Minister of Finance shall hold, manage, invest and dispose of the assets of the Heritage Fund in accordance with this Act.

(3)  The Minister of Finance shall establish and maintain a separate accounting record of the Heritage Fund.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s2;2006 c23 s6

Investments by the Heritage Fund

3(1)  The investments and other assets of the Heritage Fund shall be contained

                                 (a)    in an endowment portfolio, and

                                 (b)    until no later than December 31, 2005, in a transition portfolio.

(2)  Investments made under the endowment portfolio must be made with the objective of maximizing long‑term financial returns.

(3)  Investments made under the transition portfolio must be made with the objective of supporting the Government’s short‑term to medium‑term income needs as reflected in the Government’s consolidated fiscal plan.

(4)  Subject to the regulations, when making investments the Minister of Finance shall adhere to investment and lending policies, standards and procedures that a reasonable and prudent person would apply in respect of a portfolio of investments to avoid undue risk of loss and obtain a reasonable return that will enable the endowment portfolio and the transition portfolio to meet their respective objectives.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s3;2006 c23 s6

Agreements respecting financial matters

4(1)  The Minister of Finance may enter into agreements providing for

                                 (a)    the lending of securities acquired or held pursuant to this Act, and

                                 (b)    the delivery to the Minister of Finance of collateral consisting of securities or classes of securities or of letters of credit.

(2)  The Minister of Finance may enter into agreements or engage in other activities of a financial nature respecting investment under this Act, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, exchange agreements, futures agreements, option agreements, rate agreements, any other financial agreements or any combination of the agreements or activities referred to in this subsection.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s4;2006 c23 s6

Consolidated Cash Investment Trust Fund

5   The endowment portfolio and the transition portfolio are designated as depositors in the Consolidated Cash Investment Trust Fund under the Financial Administration Act.

1996 cA‑27.01 s5

Standing Committee

6(1)  There is hereby established a standing committee of the Legislative Assembly called the “Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund” consisting of 9 members of the Legislative Assembly.

(2)  The membership of the Standing Committee shall include 3 members of the Legislative Assembly who are not members of the governing party, but if there is

                                 (a)    an insufficient number of non‑government members to fill the 3 positions on the Standing Committee, or

                                 (b)    an insufficient number of non‑government members who are willing to fill the 3 positions on the Standing Committee,

the resulting vacant positions on the Standing Committee may be filled by members of the Legislative Assembly who are members of the governing party.

(3)  The members of the Standing Committee shall be appointed at the commencement of each session in the same way that members are appointed to other standing committees of the Legislative Assembly.

(4)  The functions of the Standing Committee are

                                 (a)    to review and approve annually the business plan for the Heritage Fund;

                                 (b)    to receive and review quarterly reports on the operation and results of the operation of the Heritage Fund;

                                 (c)    to approve the annual report of the Heritage Fund;

                                 (d)    to review after each fiscal year end the performance of the Heritage Fund and report to the Legislature as to whether the mission of the Heritage Fund is being fulfilled;

                                 (e)    to hold public meetings with Albertans on the investment activities and results of the Heritage Fund.

(5)  The Standing Committee may, without leave of the Assembly, sit during any period when the Assembly is sitting or when it is adjourned or after prorogation of a session of the Legislature.

1996 cA‑27.01 s6

Business plan

7(1)  The Minister of Finance shall for each fiscal year prepare and provide to the Treasury Board a business plan for the Heritage Fund.

(2)  Once the Treasury Board has advised the Minister of Finance that the Treasury Board has approved the business plan, the Minister of Finance shall provide a copy of the approved business plan to the Standing Committee for the Standing Committee’s approval.

(3)  On the Standing Committee’s giving its approval of the business plan, the Minister of Finance shall incorporate the business plan into the business plan prepared by the Minister of Finance under section 13 of the Government Accountability Act.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s7;2006 c23 s6

Income of Fund

8(1)  The income of the Heritage Fund accrues to and forms part of the Heritage Fund.

(2)  The net income of the Heritage Fund less the amount allocated to the Heritage Fund under section 11 shall be transferred by the Minister of Finance from the Heritage Fund to the General Revenue Fund annually in a manner determined by the Minister of Finance.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s8;2006 c23 s6

Transfer of non-renewable resource revenue

9(1)  A percentage of the non‑renewable resource revenue received in each fiscal year shall be transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Heritage Fund in accordance with this Act, but only if the transfer is authorized by a Special Act.

(2)  The title of a Special Act shall be the “Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Special Appropriation Act” followed by a reference to the fiscal year to which it relates.

(3)  The President of the Executive Council or a member of the Executive Council designated by the President of the Executive Council for the purpose shall, with leave of the Assembly, introduce a Bill for a Special Act in respect of each fiscal year.

(4)  The Minister of Finance shall, with respect to each fiscal year in respect of which a Special Act is enacted, transfer the percentage authorized in accordance with subsection (1) of the non‑renewable resource revenue received from the General Revenue Fund to the Heritage Fund in a manner determined by the Minister of Finance.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s9;2006 c23 s6

Transfers re Access to the Future Fund

9.1   The Minister of Finance may transfer into the Heritage Fund from the General Revenue Fund an amount not exceeding $3 000 000 000 to be allocated to the account referred to in section 4(4) of the Access to the Future Act in amounts and in a manner considered appropriate by the Minister of Finance.

2005 c12 s16

Appropriated funds

9.2   There may be paid into the Heritage Fund money appropriated by the Legislature.

2005 c12 s16

Other funds paid into Heritage Fund

10(1)  In this section, “previous Act” means the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act, RSA 1980 cA‑27.

(2)  Notwithstanding section 14 of the Financial Administration Act, money invested pursuant to section 6(1)(a) of the previous Act that is recovered through the disposition of assets owned by the Crown shall be included in and forms part of the Heritage Fund.

1996 cA‑27.01 s10

Inflation proofing

11(1)  Subject to subsections (2) and (3), for the fiscal year 1999‑2000 and subsequent fiscal years, the Minister of Finance shall retain from the income of the Heritage Fund and allocate to the endowment portfolio as soon as convenient after the end of each fiscal year an amount equal to the value of the total equity of the Heritage Fund as recorded in the financial statements of the Heritage Fund for March 31 of the fiscal year multiplied by the percentage increase, if any, for that fiscal year in the Canadian gross domestic product price index specified by the Minister of Finance.

(2)  If the income of the Heritage Fund in a fiscal year is less than that required to be allocated to the endowment portfolio under subsection (1), the Minister of Finance shall allocate that income, if any, to the endowment portfolio as soon as convenient after the end of that fiscal year.

(3)  For the purposes of subsection (1), if the percentage increase in the gross domestic product price index specified by the Minister of Finance is a negative number, that negative number shall be treated as if it were zero.

(4)  Notwithstanding subsections (1), (2) and (3), until the accumulated debt is eliminated in accordance with the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the Minister of Finance is not required to retain the amounts required under subsections (1), (2) and (3), but may retain any amounts that the Minister of Finance considers advisable.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s11;2006 c23 s6

Phasing out of transition portfolio

12(1)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall in each fiscal year direct the Minister of Finance to allocate assets with a book value of $1 200 000 000, or any greater amount that is authorized by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, from the transition portfolio to the endowment portfolio.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), by December 31, 2005 all the assets of the Heritage Fund that remain allocated to the transition portfolio shall be removed from the transition portfolio and allocated to the endowment portfolio.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s12;2006 c23 s6

Operating costs

13   The Minister of Finance may charge a cost, expense or other payment to the Heritage Fund if in the opinion of the Minister of Finance the cost, expense or other payment was incurred or paid in respect of the Heritage Fund.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s13;2006 c23 s6


14   The Auditor General is the auditor of the Heritage Fund.

1996 cA‑27.01 s14

Quarterly reports

15(1)  The Minister of Finance shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each of the first 3 quarters of every fiscal year, prepare and provide to the Standing Committee a report on the activities of the Heritage Fund and financial statements for the preceding quarter.

(2)  When the Standing Committee is provided with a quarterly report under subsection (1), the Standing Committee shall furnish copies of the report to all members of the Legislative Assembly and to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly within 2 months after the conclusion of the quarter for which the quarterly report was prepared and on doing so shall make the report public.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s15;2006 c23 s6

Annual reports

16(1)  The Minister of Finance shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, prepare and provide to the Standing Committee an annual report of the Heritage Fund, including a financial statement audited by the Auditor General.

(2)  Once the Standing Committee has approved the annual report provided to the Standing Committee under subsection (1), the Standing Committee shall, on or before June 30 following the conclusion of the fiscal year for which the annual report was made, furnish copies of it to all members of the Legislative Assembly and to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and on doing so shall make the report public.

RSA 2000 cA‑23 s16;2006 c23 s6


17   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the investments that may be made under this Act.

1996 cA‑27.01 s17

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