Annual Report 2003-04
Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

June 29, 2004
Edmonton, Alberta

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Minister of Revenue's Report to Albertans on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund

Fiscal year 2003-04 proved to be an exceptional year for the Heritage Fund. The Fund recorded the single largest annual rise in fair value in its twenty-eight year history. During the year, the fair value of the Fund's investment portfolio increased by $2.45 billion. A strong recovery in world stock markets marked the end to declining stock values over the past few years. Low interest rates, improved corporate earnings and increasing investor confidence fueled the recovery in the global economy. The Fund's long-term policy asset mix was well positioned to capitalize on this year's rising stock values. 

Over the past 28 years, the Fund has generated approximately $26 billion in net income. The Fund's realized net income is transferred to the Province's main operating account, the General Revenue Fund, where it is used for Albertans’ priorities such as health care, education, roads, tax reductions and debt repayment. As a result of this year's strong performance, the Fund was able to contribute 
$1.13 billion to general revenues. 

The Heritage Fund has a diversified portfolio of investments including bonds, mortgages, public and private equities, real estate and absolute return strategies. The Fund has a global portfolio with investments located in Canada, United States, Europe, Australia, Asia and the Far East. 

As of March 31, 2004, the Heritage Fund finished the year with a net fair value of $12.4 billion compared to $11.1 billion at the beginning of the year. The fair value of the Fund rose by $2.45 billion of which $1.13 billion was transferred or payable to the General Revenue Fund, resulting in a net increase in the Fund’s fair value of $1.32 billion. Over the year, the Fund recorded a return on investment of 22.5%. Over four years, the Fund returned 3.2% on an annualized basis.

The Heritage Fund is an important part of the Province's fiscal framework and represents an ongoing legacy for all Albertans. It is important that it is managed on a prudent basis. While returns were very strong this year, we must be cautious in extrapolating these returns into the future. We recognize that in focusing more on achieving a higher long term rate of return, we accept increased risk and volatility in the Fund's investment income and returns from year to year. The key to achieving long term sustainable performance is to maintain a diversified portfolio, an exceptional investment management team and a long-term focus.

[original signed]

Honourable Greg Melchin, FCA
Minister of Revenue

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Fund Governance

  • The Heritage Fund was established in 1976 and operates under the authority of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act. On January 1, 1997, a new Act was passed that sets out a revised investment framework for the Fund.  
  • The Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund reviews and approves the business plan and annual report of the Fund. The Standing Committee has representation from the major parties of the legislature. The Standing Committee receives regular reports on the performance of the Fund and conducts public meetings on an annual basis in different locations in the Province. The purpose of these meetings is to update Albertans on the management of the Fund and to solicit input from Albertans on the Fund's objective.
  • The Ministry of Revenue is responsible for the Fund and its investments. The Minister of Revenue is required to report on the performance of the Fund quarterly within 60 days of the end of the quarter and make public the annual report within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year.
  • The business plan of the Heritage Fund is published as part of the provincial budget and the income of the Fund is consolidated into the revenue of the Province. 
  • An Endowment Fund Policy Committee (EPC) was established during the year to add focussed private sector financial and business oversight of the Fund's investment policies and operation. The EPC is chaired by the Minister of Revenue and consists of private sector members and government MLAs. The Committee reviews and makes recommendations with respect to the business plan, annual report and investment policy statements for the Fund. The Committee meets at least quarterly to review performance and fund management.
  • The investment portfolio of the Heritage Fund is managed by a group of highly qualified and experienced professionals in Alberta Investment Management Division, part of the Department of Revenue. External managers (specialized private sector investment managers) are used to manage specific investment mandates. 

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Business Plan

The business plan of the Heritage Fund describes the mission, goals, investment objective, and how the Fund's performance will be measured. The business plan is reviewed annually and is published as part of the provincial budget. The Endowment Fund Policy Committee (EPC) reviews and makes recommendations regarding the business plan and the investment policies for the Fund. The business plan is then reviewed and approved by the Minister of Revenue, Treasury Board and the Legislature's Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.

The statutory mission of the Fund is:

“To provide prudent stewardship of the savings from Alberta’s non-renewable resources by providing the greatest financial returns on those savings for current and future generations of Albertans.”

The two goals of the Fund, as outlined in the 2003-06 business plan are as follows:

  1. Make investments to maximize long-term financial returns. The Heritage Fund is expected to generate a real rate of return of 5.0% at an acceptable level of risk over a four-year period. 
  2. Improve Albertans' understanding and the transparency of the Heritage Fund.

The investment objective of the Fund is to optimize long-term financial returns subject to an acceptable level of risk. By legislation, Alberta Revenue operates under the "Prudent Person Rule". This assigns to the investment manager the responsibility to restrict investments to assets that would be approved by a prudent person. Investment funds with long-term investment horizons and an objective to optimize long-term returns, invest a significant amount of their assets in equities since equities have historically provided investors with higher total returns (dividends and capital gains) than interest bearing securities. The Heritage Fund follows a similar strategy to achieve higher financial returns. However, this can result in more volatility in capital gains and less interest income. For example, the annual compound return on Canadian equities and long bonds from 1924 to 2002 was 9.7% and 6.2% respectively but the standard deviation of annual returns for equities was 18.2% versus 8.5% for long bonds.  

The Heritage Fund business plan outlines various performance measures and benchmarks, which are reviewed annually to determine ongoing suitability.

The 2003-06 Business Plan incorporated the following major changes:

  • Increase investments in private equities and absolute return strategies.
  • Reduce investments in Canadian public equities to accommodate the increase in private equities and absolute return strategies.

The following table summarizes the 2003-06 Business Plan performance measures, including the long-term investment policy weights and benchmark return indices by asset class.


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The Year in Review

World stock markets climbed steadily throughout fiscal year 2003-04. The Canadian market, measured by the S&P/TSX Composite Index rose by 37.7%. The Canadian economy continued to generate new jobs. The housing market was particularly strong, setting new records in 2003 due in large part to low interest rates and job growth. 

Throughout the year, the value of the US dollar weakened against the Canadian dollar. At year-end, $1 US purchased $1.31 Canadian compared to $1.47 Canadian at the end of the previous year. As a result, the appreciation in value of US equity investments was partially reduced when translated into Canadian dollars. Over the year, the US market measured by the S&P 500 Index grew by 35.1% in US dollars and 20.5% in Canadian dollars. The US economy accelerated throughout the year. The US service sector grew while US factories expanded at a healthy pace. Worker productivity also rose, however employment lagged. 

The Non-North American market measured by the MSCI EAFE Index increased by a healthy 40.5%. The increase in the Non-North American market over the year was fueled primarily from a stronger US economy.

The following table summarizes the Fund's overall investment returns for each quarter of fiscal year 2003-04.

Over the year, the fair value of the Fund rose by $2.45 billion of which $1.13 billion was transferred or payable to the General Revenue Fund resulting in a net increase in the Fund's fair value of $1.32 billion. At March 31, 2004, the fair value of the Heritage Fund stood at $12.4 billion up from $11.1 billion at the beginning of the year.

The Fund recorded net income of $1,133 million during fiscal year 2003-04. Interest, dividends, real estate income and security lending income for the year totaled $421 million, net of administrative expenses. Net realized capital gains from sale of securities and gains arising from derivative transactions totaled $712 million for the year.

Investments and investment income are recorded on the financial statements of the Heritage Fund at cost in accordance with government accounting policies. The fair value of the Fund and its investments are provided for information purposes. Management uses fair value to assess the investment performance of the fund against market-based benchmarks. 

The Fund's policy is to write down the cost of those securities where the decline in value below cost is not considered temporary. On a quarterly basis, management reviews the Fund's investment portfolio to identify those securities where the fair value has declined significantly below cost. The Fund's net income includes writedowns totaling $2.6 million.

The Heritage Fund accounts for its investments on a cost basis of accounting. Investment income on a cost basis excludes unrealized gains and losses. Investment income on a fair value basis includes unrealized gains and losses. Investment income on a fair value basis for fiscal year 2003-04 was $2.454 billion.

The investment strategy is to invest in a diversified portfolio to optimize long-term returns at an acceptable level of risk. The policy asset allocation is reported in the Fund's 2003-06 business plan as follows:

For the 2003-04 fiscal year, the long term policy asset mix for fixed income securities remains the same as the previous year at 35.0%. The policy mix for public equity investments decreases from 50.0% to 45.0% due to a reduction in Canadian public equity investments by 5.0%. The reduction in Canadian public equities is offset by an increase in absolute return strategy investments and private equities. Absolute return strategy investments increase from 3.0% to 5.0% of total portfolio investments while private equities increase from 2.0% to 5.0%. Real estate investments are expected to remain unchanged at 10.0% of total portfolio investments. 

The actual investment mix changed over the past year. Fixed income securities declined from 35.8% to 33.2%. Public equity investments increased from 52.9% to 54.1% largely due to the increase in market value of public equity investments relative to other investments. Real estate investments decreased from 7.9% to 7.6% of the Fund's total investment portfolio. Private equity investments increased slightly from 0.8% to 1.1%. Absolute return strategies increased from 2.6% to 4.0% of the Fund's investment portfolio.

Realized investment income earned by the Fund is not reinvested in the Fund. Instead, all of the net income is transferred to the Province's main operating fund, the General Revenue Fund (GRF), and is used for Albertans' priorities like health care, education, roads, tax reductions and debt repayment. Changes in unrealized gains and losses are not included in amounts transferred to the GRF. 

The Fund's net income for the year ended March 31, 2004 amounted to $1,133 million, of which $981 million was transferred and $152 million remains payable to the GRF. 

The Government of Alberta financial statements are prepared on a consolidated basis, which eliminates the income the Heritage Fund earns from Alberta provincial corporation securities totaling $17 million for the year ending March 31, 2004. On a consolidated basis Heritage Fund net income was $1,116 million.

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Performance Measurement

The Heritage Fund posted an overall rate of return of 22.5% this year, 80 basis points better than the Fund's policy benchmark return of 21.7%. The Fund earned positive returns from all asset classes. 

The performance of the Heritage Fund is measured over the long term. Over the past four-year period, the fund generated a nominal annualized return of 3.2%. The Heritage Fund is expected to generate a nominal annualized rate of return of 7.4% over four years, which includes a real rate of return of 5.0% plus inflation of 2.4%. 

The performance of the Heritage Fund investments is measured against various market-based indices. Value added by investment management is accomplished through asset mix decisions and security selection. The following sections describe the performance of the Fund's major asset classes in relation to their benchmarks.

The Canadian bond market performed well this year. The Scotia Capital (SC) Universe Bond Index measures the performance of marketable Canadian bonds with terms to maturity of more than one year. Over the past year, the SC Universe Bond Index increased by 10.8% while the short term SC 91-Day T-Bill Index increased by 3.0%.


The Fund's actual rate of return over the year from long-term Canadian securities was 11.3%, 50 basis points better than the benchmark SC Universe Bond Index. Over four years, the return from long-term securities was 9.0% or 60 basis points better than the benchmark of 8.4%. The out-performance was primarily due to a higher weight in corporate bonds and duration management. The Fund's return from short-term securities was 2.9% and 3.9% over one year and four years respectively. The Heritage Fund's fixed income portfolio is internally managed through various pools and through direct holdings. 

Over the year, investments in bonds, notes, short-term paper, provincial corporation debentures and loans declined from 35.8% to 33.2% of total investments. Fixed income securities now total $4.2 billion, up from $4.0 billion the previous year.

The Fund's Canadian fixed income portfolio is comprised of diversified holdings in corporate, federal, provincial and municipal bonds, notes and short-term paper.


The Canadian stock market made substantial gains this year led by the information technology sector, which increased by 112% over the year. The Toronto Stock Exchange S&P/TSX Composite Index, which measures the performance of Canada's top companies in ten industrial sectors, increased by 37.7% for the year ending March 31, 2004.


The Heritage Fund's Canadian equity portfolio is held in various investment pools, which are managed by internal and external managers. Over the year the Fund's actual return from Canadian equities rose by 36.6%, 110 basis points below the benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index of 37.7%. Lower returns from the Canadian large cap sector and an under-weight position in technology stocks contributed to the under-performance. Over four years, the Fund's return from Canadian equities was negative 0.1% compared to the benchmark return of negative 0.8%. 

At March 31, 2004, investments in Canadian public equities totaled 22.1% or $2.8 billion of the Heritage Fund investment portfolio compared to 21.4% or $2.4 billion one year earlier.

The United States equity market closed out the fiscal year posting substantial gains. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index, S&P 500, which measures the performance of the top 500 American companies, increased by 35.1% in US dollars and 20.5% in Canadian dollars. All ten industry sectors posted healthy gains.

The Fund's actual rate of return over the year from US equities was 22.0% in Canadian dollars or 150 basis points greater than the S&P 500 Index. Strong performance from the Fund's US small cap stock portfolio and currency hedges contributed to the out-performance. Over four years, the Fund's US equity portfolio returned a negative 7.4%, 50 basis points better than the benchmark S&P 500 Index.

At March 31, 2004, investments in US equities totaled 15.6% or $2.0 billion of the Heritage Fund investment portfolio compared to 15.8% or $1.7 billion a year earlier.


The Non-North American equity market recorded strong gains this year. The Morgan Stanley Capital International Index for Europe, Australasia, and the Far East, MSCI EAFE Index, measures the performance of approximately 1000 companies on 21 stock exchanges around the world. The index rose by a substantial 40.5% over the year, in Canadian Dollars.  

The Fund's actual return from Non-North American equities rose by 40.9% or 40 basis points better than the MSCI EAFE Index. Over four years the Fund's Non-North American equity portfolio returned a negative 7.6%, 40 basis points less than the benchmark MSCI EAFE Index. 

The Fund's Non-North American equity portfolio is invested through out the world. 

At March 31, 2004, investments in Non-North American equities totaled 16.4% or $2.1 billion of the Heritage Fund investment portfolio compared to 15.7% or $1.7 billion a year earlier.

The Fund's real estate investments are held in the internally managed Private Real Estate Pool. Real estate investments earned 7.5% over the year and 8.6% over four years. The outperformance over one year was due to strong returns from the portfolio’s retail assets. 

Nearly half of the real estate portfolio is invested in retail, half in office and a small portion in industrial and multi-family residential. Approximately 74% of the real estate holdings are located in Ontario, 24% in Alberta and 2% in British Columbia.


At March 31, 2004, investments in real estate totalled 7.6% or $950 million of the Heritage Fund investment portfolio compared to 7.9% or $870 million one year earlier.

Absolute return strategy investments encompass a wide variety of investments with the objective of realizing positive returns regardless of the overall market direction. A common feature of many of these strategies is buying undervalued securities and selling short overvalued securities. Over the year absolute return strategies generated a return of 10.7%, 400 basis points better than the benchmark Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 6.0%. The out-performance of absolute return strategy managers over the year was protected by a currency hedge.

At March 31, 2004, investments in absolute return strategies totaled 4.0% or $507 million of total Fund investments compared to 2.6% or $283 million at March 31, 2003.

At March 31, 2004, the private equity and private income portfolio comprised a small portion of the Fund's overall investment portfolio at 1.1% or $136 million compared to 0.8% or $90 million one year earlier. During the year, the private equity and income portfolio returned 4.6%, 410 basis points below the benchmark Consumer Price Index plus 8%. Private equity and income investments had lower returns due to higher initial management fees and start-up costs.

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Administrative Expenses

Administrative expenses include investment management, cash management, security system costs, valuation and fund accounting costs, security custody and transaction costs, financial reporting and investment policy costs and other expenses. External management and custodial fees are deducted directly from the income of externally managed investment pools. Internal administrative expenses are deducted from the internally managed pooled funds and also directly from the Fund.

The Fund's total administrative expenses for the year ended March 31, 2004, including amounts deducted from the investment income of the pooled funds, amounted to $17.9 million or 0.145% of the Funds net assets at fair value compared to $15.9 million or 0.144% of net assets for the same period last year. Expenses as a percentage of net assets at fair value remained approximately the same over the year.

Over the past year, expenses of direct and internally managed investment pools increased by $1.527 million over the same period last year. The net increase in expense for the internally managed pools was due to additional staffing requirements, system improvements and transfer of costs associated with the transfer of US passively managed investments from external managers to internal managers.

Expenses from externally managed investment pools increased by $455 thousand over the same period. The net increase in expenses from externally managed pools is due to the Absolute Return Strategy Pool.

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Business Plan Performance Measures

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Historical Summary of Operations


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