
December 29, 1999
Edmonton, Alberta

"Some governments are singing our tax reform song, but we are the only ones dancing to it"

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day

Albertans looking forward to fourth phase of tax cuts

On January 1, 2000 middle-income Albertans will benefit from the fourth phase of Alberta’s tax reduction plan.

"I can’t think of a better way to start off the new year than with a tax cut to those who have been waiting for some tax relief," said Day.

The elimination of the eight per cent surtax has been moved up 18 months. The surtax was imposed in 1987 as a deficit elimination tax on Albertans with incomes over $44,000. However, there hasn’t been a deficit in five years.

The first phase of tax cuts occurred in 1997 with the introduction of the Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit. The AFETC primarily benefits low-income working Alberta families. However, reduced benefits are phased in to middle-income earners up to $50,000.

The second phase was in 1998 and consisted of doubling the AFETC to a maximum of $1,000 per family and reducing the basic tax rate from 45.5 per cent of federal tax to 44 per cent, which benefited all Albertans.

The third phase occurred on July 1 of this year, when Alberta paralleled the federal government’s increase in the basic personal exemption, saving Albertans a total of $75 million in 1999.

This fourth phase is part of the Alberta government’s new tax system, announced in Budget ’99 this March. The last phase will take place on January 1, 2001 with the full implementation of the tax system.

"This is a very exciting time to be an Albertan. In just one year, our bold new tax system will be up and running. The rest of the country is watching and we’re going to show them how to achieve the significant tax reform that people are demanding," said Day.

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January 1, 2000

As previously announced, the eight per cent deficit-elimination surtax imposed in 1987 on Albertans making more than $44,000 will be eliminated. This move is 18 months ahead of schedule.

January 1, 2001

Alberta will be the first province to unhook itself from the restrictions imposed by the federal tax system.

The new tax system, previously scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2002, will be implemented a full year ahead of schedule. January 1, 2001 is the earliest possible date to unhook as per Alberta’s agreement with the federal government.

Components of the New Tax System

Cost of Eliminating the Surtax

One of Alberta’s deficit elimination taxes, the surtax, will be eliminated on January 1, 2000. The cost of eliminating this tax is as follows:

1999-2000    $36 million (the cost of the first three months of the elimination)

2000-2001    $151 million (the full year cost)

For further information, please contact:

Shannon Larkins
Director of Communications
Alberta Treasury
(780) 427-5364

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Updated by - December 29, 1999