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(Consolidated up to 29/2006)


Tobacco Tax Act


1   In the Tobacco Tax Act and this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “calendar week” means the 7‑day period beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday;

                              (a.1)    “carton” means a container in which one or more packages of cigarettes, tobacco sticks or fine cut tobacco are packed;

                                 (b)    “case” means a container for the shipping of cartons of cigarettes or tobacco sticks or cartons or packages of fine cut tobacco;

                                 (c)    “cigar” means a roll intended for smoking, the filler, binder or wrapper of which consists in whole or in part of natural or reconstituted leaf tobacco, and that is likely to be offered to or purchased by the public as a cigar, cigarillo or cheroot;

                                 (d)    “cigarette” means a roll, tubular construction or preformed plug intended for smoking that

                                           (i)    consists in whole or in part of fine cut or uncut tobacco,

                                          (ii)    contains no more than 25% reconstituted leaf tobacco by weight,

                                         (iii)    is wrapped in a paper wrapper, and

                                         (iv)    is likely to be offered to or purchased by the public as a cigarette,

                                          and where any cigarette exceeds 102 mm in length, each 76 mm or less of the cigarette shall be considered to be a separate cigarette;

                                 (e)    “collection period” means

                                           (i)    in the case of a wholesaler who is not a manufacturer, a calendar month, and

                                          (ii)    in the case of any other tax collector, a period approved by the Minister;

                              (e.1)    “duty free shop” means a duty free shop as defined in the Excise Tax Act (Canada);

                                  (f)    “exempt sale retailer” means a retailer who is registered under the Act to sell tobacco to consumers who are exempt from tax under the Act or under an Act of Parliament;

                                 (g)    “fine cut tobacco” means loose tobacco that has been refined to the point where it is ready to be formed into a cigarette or tobacco stick;

                              (g.1)    “identification card” means

                                           (i)    a card issued under the Indian Act (Canada) indicating that the holder is an Indian, if the Minister has agreed with the issuer of the card to accept the card for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation, or

                                          (ii)    a ministerial identification card issued by the Minister under section 13.2;

                                 (h)    “Indian” means an Indian as defined in the Indian Act (Canada);

                                  (i)    “Indian band” means a band as defined in the Indian Act (Canada);

                               (i.1)    “manufacture”, in respect of tobacco, includes any step in the processing of raw leaf tobacco into the tobacco product, including packing, stemming, reconstituting, converting or packaging;

                               (i.2)    “manufactured tobacco” means tobacco, other than cigars or packaged raw leaf tobacco, that is manufactured;

                           (j), (k)    repealed AR 157/99 s2;

                                  (l)    “mark‑point” means a location authorized by the Minister for the purposes of marking packages, cartons or cases;

                                (m)    “package” means a container in which fine cut tobacco, tobacco sticks or cigarettes, which are not already in a container, are packed;

                             (m.1)    “raw leaf tobacco” means unmanufactured tobacco or the leaves and stems of the tobacco plant;

                                 (n)    “reserve” means a reserve as defined in the Indian Act (Canada);

                                 (o)    “tear tape” means the band of ribbon that is used to tear open the wrapping that encloses a package;

                                 (p)    “tobacco stick” means a product that meets the definition of a cigarette except that at the time of sale to the consumer it is not wrapped in the paper wrapper required for smoking, and where any tobacco stick exceeds 90 mm in length, each 60 mm or less of the tobacco stick shall be considered to be a separate tobacco stick.

AR 115/89 s2;27/92;194/94;157/99;233/2003;223/2004

1.1   An application for a wholesaler’s or importer’s licence or for a renewal of a wholesaler’s or importer’s licence shall be in the form provided by the Minister.

AR 273/83 s1;115/89;194/94

2(1)  Every wholesaler and importer shall display his licence, prominently at each of his places of business.

(2)  If a wholesaler or importer has no place of business in Alberta, he shall keep his licence with him at all times while doing business in Alberta and shall produce it on request to any officer and on request to any wholesaler, importer, retailer or consumer with whom he transacts business.

AR 273/83 s2;194/94

3(1)  A wholesaler’s or importer’s licence expires when the wholesaler or importer, as the case may be, no longer carries on business in Alberta as a wholesaler or importer.

(2)  This section applies to licences issued before or after this section comes into force.

AR 273/83 s3;48/98

4   A wholesaler or importer who changes the name under which he is carrying on business or the address of any place of business or who expands his business to a new place of business shall immediately notify the Minister in writing of the change.

AR 273/83 s4;194/94

5   If a wholesaler’s or importer’s licence has been lost, destroyed or defaced, the wholesaler or importer shall immediately advise the Minister of the loss, destruction or defacement and the Minister may issue a copy of the licence.

AR 273/83 s5;194/94

6   A wholesaler or importer who ceases to be a wholesaler or importer shall immediately return his licence to the Minister.

AR 273/83 s6;194/94

6.1   Every wholesaler, importer and retailer must keep records and books of account in a form and containing information that will readily enable the Minister to make an accurate determination

                                 (a)    of taxes collected or to be collected for the purposes of the Act,

                                 (b)    of transactions in tobacco that is black stock,

                                 (c)    of transactions in tobacco marked for tax‑paid sale in Alberta, and

                                 (d)    of transactions in tobacco not marked for tax‑paid sale in Alberta, other than black stock.

AR 157/99 s3;233/2003

7   Repealed AR 194/94 s5.

7.1(1)  A tax collector must, in respect of each collection period,

                                 (a)    submit to the Minister a return in the form provided by the Minister, and

                                 (b)    remit the amount of the tax required to have been collected by the tax collector as computed in the return.

(2)  The return and the tax collected must be received by the Minister on or before the 28th day after the end of the collection period.

(3)  The Minister may require a tax collector to furnish a surety bond, bank guarantee or evidence of other financial arrangements satisfactory to the Minister in an amount satisfactory to the Minister but not exceeding an amount equal to 3 times the amount of the estimated tax that would be collected by the tax collector for each collection period.

AR 157/99 s4

7.2(1)  An importing consumer who is required to pay tax in accordance with section 3(1.03) of the Act must

                                 (a)    submit to the Minister a return in the form provided by the Minister, and

                                 (b)    remit the amount of tax payable.

(2)  The return and tax must be received by the Minister on or before the 10th day after the day the tobacco was acquired or received in Alberta.

AR 233/2003 s4

8   If a tax collector fails to remit all or any portion of the amount of tax required to have been collected by him and remitted to the Minister at the time prescribed by the Minister, interest accrues on the unremitted amount at the rate prescribed in section 9.1 from the day the amount was to have been remitted until the day it is remitted.

AR 273/83 s8;398/86;194/94

9(1)  If a person who is not a tax collector, but who is required to remit tax to the Minister, fails to remit all or any portion of the tax that he has collected, interest accrues on the unremitted amount at the rate prescribed in section 9.1 from the day the amount was to have been remitted until the day it is remitted.

(2)  If a person is assessed a penalty under section 35 or 38 of the Act, interest accrues on any unpaid portion of the assessed amount from the date of mailing of the notice of assessment until the day the assessed amount is paid in full.

AR 273/83 s9;438/83;398/86;15/91;194/94;251/2001

9.1   For the purposes of section 34 of the Act and sections 8 and 9 of this Regulation, interest that is payable is simple interest at the rate prescribed for the purposes of section 39 of the Alberta Corporate Tax Act.

AR 398/86 s4;48/98;157/99;251/2001

10(1)  The Minister may, on receipt of an application in the form provided by the Minister, pay a refund of tax

                                 (a)    that was remitted in respect of tobacco that was stolen or destroyed prior to being sold to a consumer, or

                                 (b)    that was remitted by a wholesaler in respect of sales made to a wholesaler or retailer on credit, where all or a portion of the amount of the debt in respect of the sale becomes uncollectible.

(2)  The applicant must notify the Minister of the loss within 30 days of the date the applicant first becomes aware of it.

(3)  An application for a refund must be accompanied by sales invoices, ledgers and any other records, documents and evidence required

                                 (a)    to prove the claim, and

                                 (b)    to determine the amount of tax that was remitted, and the amount of tax to be refunded.

(4)  An application for a refund must be received by the Minister,

                                 (a)    in the case of a refund referred to in subsection (1)(a), within one year after the date the theft or destruction was discovered by the applicant, and

                                 (b)    in the case of a refund referred to in subsection (1)(b), within 90 days of the earlier of

                                           (i)    the date that a Notice of Bankruptcy or a notice of the appointment of a receiver is received by the applicant, and

                                          (ii)    the date that the applicant identifies the debt as an amount to be claimed as an uncollectible debt for income tax purposes.

(5)  For the purposes of this section, a debt is not an uncollectible debt unless the applicant

                                 (a)    has exhausted all efforts to collect the debt that would reasonably be expected to be made by a creditor who is dealing at arm’s length with a debtor, and

                                 (b)    in the case of a bankruptcy or receivership, has filed a claim with the trustee or receiver that includes the amount of the tax owing shown separately.

(6)  The amount of refund that the Minister may pay in respect of a refund referred to in subsection (1)(b) is to be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

Amount of Refund =   A   x C


                                          A    is the amount of the uncollectible debt at the time of the application;

                                          B     is the original amount of the debt at the time of the sale;

                                          C     is the amount of tax that was remitted relating to the sale.

AR 273/83 s10;28/85;194/94;48/98;223/2004

11   Repealed AR 48/98 s4.

12(1)  If, in the opinion of the Minister, a tax collector or retailer has misrepresented a material fact, his application for refund under section 10 or 11 shall be disallowed and no refund shall be made.

(2)  If an application for a refund does not comply with section 10(2), the Minister may pay the refund if, in his opinion, the deficiency in the application does not prevent the Minister from collecting the tax from another person. 

AR 273/83 s12;226/88;15/91;194/94;48/98

12.1   Repealed AR 223/2004 s4.

12.2(1)  A person who wishes to become registered as an exempt sale retailer or a duty free shop must apply to the Minister in a form provided by the Minister in respect of each location in which the person intends to make tax-exempt sales.

(2)  A person registered under this section is subject to the terms and conditions imposed, from time to time, by the Minister.

(3)  No person shall sell tobacco without collecting the tax imposed by the Act unless the Minister has acknowledged the registration of the person as an exempt sale retailer or a duty free shop.

(4)  The Minister may refuse to register a person as an exempt sale retailer or a duty free shop

                                 (a)    if the person has contravened

                                           (i)    the Act or the regulations made under the Act,

                                        (i.1)    a term or condition imposed under subsection (2),

                                          (ii)    an Act or regulation of Alberta that imposes any tax, or

                                         (iii)    a law in force in another jurisdiction that governs the sale of tobacco or the levying of a tax on tobacco in that jurisdiction,


                                 (b)    if the person is not dealing at arm’s length with a person who has contravened a law referred to in clause (a).

(5)  The Minister may cancel or suspend the registration of an exempt sale retailer or a duty free shop if the Minister is satisfied that the exempt sale retailer or a duty free shop has contravened

                                 (a)    the Act or the regulations made under the Act,

                                 (b)    any other Act or regulation of Alberta that imposes any tax, or

                                 (c)    any term or condition imposed under subsection (2).

AR 194/94 s10;48/98;157/99;233/2003

12.3(1)  For the purposes of section 4.1 of the Act, the Minister may, on application, issue a permit.

(2)  A permit is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the permit.

(3)  The Minister may refuse to issue a permit to a person

                                 (a)    who has contravened the Act or the regulations made under the Act,

                                 (b)    who has contravened any other Act or regulation of Alberta that imposes any tax,

                                 (c)    who has failed to comply with the terms or conditions of a previous permit, or

                                 (d)    if the Minister has reason to believe that the cigarettes, tobacco sticks, fine cut tobacco, cigars or tobacco in respect of which the application is made will be dealt with other than in accordance with the Act or the regulations or a term or condition of the permit.

(4)  The Minister may, by serving a notice in writing on the permit holder, cancel a permit for any cause for which the Minister could refuse to issue a permit under subsection (3).

(5)  For the purposes of this section, a voucher or electronic record created pursuant to section 13.1 is deemed to be a permit issued under subsection (1).

(6)  For the purposes of this section, a receipt issued by a duty free shop is deemed to be a permit issued under subsection (1).

AR 233/2003 s6;223/2004

13(1)  For the purposes of this section and sections 13.1 and 13.3, “tax‑exempt sale” means a sale of tobacco to a person without collecting the tax in accordance with section 3(3) of the Act.

(1.1)  In the case of a tax‑exempt sale of cigarettes, tobacco sticks and fine cut tobacco by an exempt sale retailer, only cigarettes, tobacco sticks and fine cut tobacco that are black stock may be sold.

(2)  An exempt sale retailer may make tax‑exempt sales only to persons referred to in subsection (2.1)(a) to (c).

(2.01)  In the case of a tax‑exempt sale of tobacco products by a duty free shop, only tobacco products that are black stock may be sold.

(2.02)  A duty free shop may make tax‑exempt sales only to persons referred to in subsection (2.1)(d).

(2.1)  Notwithstanding section 3 of the Act, the following are exempt from the payment of tax:

                                 (a)    the Government of Canada, if the seller obtains from the purchaser certification that the purchase is for the use of the Government of Canada;

                                 (b)    a member of the Diplomatic Corps eligible for inclusion in the Diplomatic Consular and other Representatives in Canada, as published by the Government of Canada, and the armed forces of other countries stationed in Canada, where the tobacco is for consumption by the purchaser or by others at the purchaser’s expense;

                                 (c)    an Indian or Indian band only if

                                           (i)    the purchaser presents to the exempt sale retailer at the time of purchase, a valid identification card,

                                          (ii)    it is reasonable to believe that the tobacco is not being purchased for resale or for export to another jurisdiction, and

                                         (iii)    the sale is made

                                                 (A)    on a reserve,

                                                  (B)    on the settlement known as the Garden River Settlement, located in the south-west corner of Wood Buffalo National Park, if the sale is made between September 10, 1997 and September 9, 1998 or such later date as the Minister determines, or

                                                  (C)    on the land legally described as Plan 0322267, Block 1, Lot 1, excepting thereout all mines and minerals, as long as that land is owned by Heart Lake Natural Resource Development Incorporated on behalf of the Heart Lake First Nation and if the sale is made before March 1, 2007, or such later date as the Minister determines;

                                 (d)    persons who are about to leave Canada when the purchase is made at the duty free shop.

AR 273/83 s13;15/91;27/92;194/94;48/98;157/99;251/2001;


13.1(1)  The Minister may require an exempt sale retailer to complete a voucher for some or all of the tax‑exempt sales made by an exempt sale retailer, and may determine the information that is to be contained in the voucher.

(2)  The Minister may require an exempt sale retailer to complete and maintain records in electronic form instead of vouchers, and may determine the nature and form of the records to be maintained.

(3)  An exempt sale retailer shall not make a tax‑exempt sale unless the retailer has complied with subsection (1) or (2), as the case requires.

AR 27/92 s4;194/94;48/98

13.2(1)  After receipt of an application on a form provided by the Minister, the Minister shall issue a ministerial identification card to an Indian if the Minister is satisfied that the Indian is 16 years of age or older.

(2)  After receipt of an application on a form provided by the Minister, the Minister shall issue a ministerial identification card to an Indian band, if all or part of the reserve of the Indian band is located in Alberta or the Indian band has an office in Alberta.

(3)  A ministerial identification card expires on the date specified on the card.

(4)  For the reasons set out in subsection (5), the Minister may,

                                 (a)    in the case of a ministerial identification card, cancel the identification card, and

                                 (b)    in the case of an identification card referred to in section 1(g.1)(i), declare the identification card to be invalid for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation.

(5)  For the purposes of subsection (4), the reasons are as follows:

                                 (a)    in the case of a ministerial identification card, the Minister is satisfied that the holder of the card does not meet the requirements of subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be;

                                 (b)    the holder of the identification card has not paid an amount assessed under the Act or the Fuel Tax Act;

                                 (c)    the identification card has been lost, stolen or destroyed;

                                 (d)    the identification card is unusable due to damage.

(6)  Where the Minister has cancelled a ministerial identification card or has declared an identification card referred to in section 1(g.1)(i) to be invalid, the Minister shall notify exempt sale retailers that the identification card has been cancelled or has been declared to be invalid, as the case may be.

(7)  If a ministerial identification card has been cancelled for the reason referred to in subsection (5)(b), and the assessment has been paid, the Minister shall, after receiving an application in the form provided by the Minister, issue a replacement card.

(8)  If the Minister has declared that an identification card referred to in section 1(g.1)(i) is invalid for the reason referred to in subsection (5)(b), and the assessment is paid, the Minister shall notify exempt sale retailers that the identification card is again valid.

(9)  If a ministerial identification card has been cancelled for a reason referred to in subsection (5)(c) or (d), the Minister shall, after receiving an application in the form provided by the Minister, issue a replacement card.

AR 27/92 s4;194/94;48/98;157/99

13.21(1)  Where a ministerial identification card issued under section 13.2 has been cancelled or the Minister has declared that an identification card referred to in section 1(g.1)(i) is invalid for the reason referred to in section 13.2(5)(b), the Minister may, after receiving an application in the form provided by the Minister, credit against the amount of the assessment owing, the amount of taxes paid under the Act or the Fuel Tax Act on any subsequent purchase of tobacco or fuel oil.

(2)  A credit under subsection (1) may only be given if

                                 (a)    the tobacco or fuel oil is purchased from an exempt sale retailer under the Act or the Fuel Tax Act, as the case may be, and

                                 (b)    the sale of the tobacco or fuel oil would otherwise have been a tax‑exempt sale under section 13 except for the fact that the person’s identification card had been cancelled.

(3)  If the amount of a credit exceeds the amount of assessment owing, the Minister shall refund any excess amount of tax paid to the person who paid the tax.

AR 157/99 s9

13.3(1)  The Minister may pay to an exempt sale retailer a refund of an amount of tax the exempt sale retailer has remitted on  tax‑exempt sales.

(2)  An application for a refund shall be made in a form and manner determined by the Minister and shall be accompanied by any information required by the Minister.

(3)  An application for a refund made under this section shall be forwarded to the Minister.

(4)  The Minister shall, as soon as possible, review the application for refund.

(5)  If the Minister refuses to refund all or a portion of an amount claimed under this section, the Minister shall cause to be given to the exempt sale retailer a notice of disallowance specifying the amount that the Minister will not refund, and the reasons for the refusal.

AR 27/92 s4;194/94;48/98

14   Terms and conditions in respect of the appointment of a tax collector for the purposes of section 5 of the Act include

                                 (a)    that he holds a subsisting wholesaler’s or importer’s licence issued by the Minister, and

                                 (b)    that he enters into a tax collector’s agreement with the Minister.

AR 273/83 s14;15/91;194/94;251/2001

14.1(1)  The Minister may, on application, issue a permit to any person to mark tobacco at a mark‑point.

(2)  The permit may contain any conditions or restrictions that the Minister considers necessary.

(3)  A marking permit holder shall not mark packages, cartons or cases anywhere other than at a mark‑point.

(4)  A marking permit holder shall obtain all tear tape used to mark tobacco for sale in Alberta from a person who is a holder of a licence under section 14.9 to produce tear tape.

AR 194/94 s14;48/98;223/2004

14.2   Each package, carton and case containing cigarettes, tobacco sticks or fine cut tobacco to be sold in Alberta to a consumer other than a person referred to in section 13(2.1) must be marked in accordance with sections 14.4, 14.5 and 14.6, as the case may be.

AR 194/94 s14;48/98;157/99;223/2004

14.3   Each package, carton and case that a retailer provides to a person in Alberta without charge, or for no consideration, must be marked in accordance with sections 14.4, 14.5 and 14.6, as the case may be.

AR 194/94 s14

14.4(1)  For the purposes of sections 14.2 and 14.3, each package of cigarettes or tobacco sticks that is manufactured in Canada must be marked by a marking permit holder with the following text on a tear tape approved by the Minister


(2)  The text must be in “Helvetica 8 point” type and the colour of the text must be in process black, 100%.

(3)  The tear tape must not be less than 4.5 millimetres in width and the background colour of the tear tape must be in “Pantone Red 485”, 100%.

(4)  For the purposes of sections 14.2 and 14.3, each package of fine cut tobacco must either be marked in accordance with subsections (1) to (3) or in a manner approved by the Minister.

(5)  For the purposes of sections 14.2 and 14.3, each package, carton and case containing cigarettes, tobacco sticks or fine cut tobacco imported into Canada for sale in Alberta must be marked in a manner approved by the Minister.

AR 194/94 s14;48/98;157/99;233/2003;223/2004

14.5   For the purposes of sections 14.2 and 14.3, each carton must have affixed or imprinted by a marking permit holder, as the case may be, on each end sticker that seals the end flaps of the carton or, if the carton is a cardboard box, at each end of the box, a rectangle

                                 (a)    at least 2.9 centimetres wide and at least 1.4 centimetres high,

                                 (b)    surrounded by a border 1.5 points thick in process black, 100%, and

                                 (c)    bearing the inscription “ALBERTA” in process black, 100% on a background in “Pantone Red 485”, 100% in “Helvetica 10 point” type and in uppercase letters.

AR 194/94 s14;48/98;157/99

14.6(1)  For the purposes of sections 14.2 and 14.3, each case must be marked by a marking permit holder with the inscription “ALBERTA”.

(2)  The mark must be placed on the top of any 2 opposite face sides of the case and the inscription must be in process black, 100% and in uppercase letters at least 38.1 millimetres high.

AR 194/94 s14;48/98;157/99

14.7(1)  Every manufacturer and wholesaler shall in respect of packages, cartons and cases shipped to, stored in or sold or intended for sale in Alberta by the manufacturer or wholesaler establish and maintain an accounting system satisfactory to the Minister that provides an accounting of

                                 (a)    the number of packages, cartons and cases that are marked in accordance with sections 14.4, 14.5 and 14.6,

                                 (b)    the number of packages, cartons or cases shipped to Alberta that are black stock, and

                                 (c)    the number of packages, cartons and cases that are not marked for tax‑paid sale in Alberta, other than black stock.

(2)  The accounting required by subsection (1) must be made in the form and manner specified by the Minister and at the times specified by the Minister.

AR 194/94 s14;157/99;223/2004

14.8(1)  A manufacturer shall not store in Alberta cigarettes, tobacco sticks or fine cut tobacco or packages, cartons or cases that bear the mark of another jurisdiction, except at a mark‑point.

(2)  A person shall not mark packages, cartons or cases other than at a mark‑point.

AR 194/94 s14;157/99;223/2004

14.81   The Minister may require information that must be shown on any package containing tobacco.

AR 233/2003 s9

14.9(1)  No person shall produce tear tape for use in Alberta except under the authority of a licence issued by the Minister under this section.

(2)  The Minister may, on application by a person who agrees to comply with this section, issue a licence authorizing the applicant to produce tear tape for use in Alberta.

(3)  A licensee under this section shall

                                 (a)    take reasonable steps to ensure the security of tear tape in its possession,

                                 (b)    mark the tear tape produced by the licensee in a manner approved by the Minister that enables the tear tape to be identified as having been produced by the licensee,

                                 (c)    keep accurate records of the quantity of tear tape

                                           (i)    produced by the licensee,

                                          (ii)    sold by the licensee, and

                                         (iii)    maintained in the licensee’s inventory,

                                 (d)    allow a peace officer or an employee or agent of the Government of Alberta reasonable access to the records referred to in clause (c) for the purpose of auditing the licensee’s compliance with this section,

                                 (e)    provide to the Minister, on request, any records required to be kept under this section, and

                                  (f)    ensure that tear tape produced by the licensee is sold only to persons who have obtained a permit under section 14.1(1).

(4)  The Minister may

                                 (a)    refuse to issue a licence under this section to an applicant who fails to satisfy the Minister that he or she will comply with subsection (3), and

                                 (b)    suspend or cancel a licence issued under this section if the licensee fails to comply with subsection (3).

AR 223/2004 s12

14.91(1)  Any person required to keep records under section 14.9 shall retain those records, together with every account and voucher necessary to verify the information contained in the records, until the expiration of 4 years from the end of the last fiscal year to which the records relate.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), if the Minister is of the opinion that it is necessary for the administration of the Tobacco Tax Act and this Regulation, the Minister may, by a demand served personally or by registered letter or certified mail, require any person who is required to keep records under section 14.9 to retain those records, together with every account and voucher necessary to verify the information contained in the records, for any longer period specified in the demand.

AR 223/2004 s12

15   The Tobacco Tax Regulations (Alta. Reg. 175/69) are repealed.

AR 273/83 s15

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