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(Consolidated up to 197/2006)


Employment Pension Plans Act


Table of Contents

                1       Interpretation for purposes of the Act

                2       Interpretation

             2.1       Application of legislation to new Universities pension plan

Part 1

                3       Collection of personal information

                4       Extension of time limits

             4.1       Attachment of conditions to consents, etc.

                5       Participation agreements

             5.1       Removal and appointment of administrator ‑ relevant periods

                6       Fees

                7       Consolidated copies of plans and other documents

                8       Returns by administrators

                9       Review of plan

              10       Actuarial valuation report and cost certificate

              11       Collective agreement, etc., or financial statements

              12       Timing of explanation or summary

              13       Additional explanation or summary requirements

           13.1       Provision of proposed amendments

              14       Annual statement

              15       Statement on termination of membership

              16       Retirement statement

              17       Transfer statement for specified multi‑employer plans

              18       Exemptions from sections 14 to 17

              19       Statement on death before pension commencement

              20       Calculation data

              21       Notice of intention to terminate or wind up

              22       Termination or winding‑up statement

              23       Statement on reduction in working time

              24       Information on spousal relationship breakdown

           24.1       DC RIA statements

              25       Examination and provision of copies

Part 2
Registration and Amendment

              26       Registration of plans

              27       Amendment of plans

Part 3
Provisions Respecting Contractual Plan Provisions

           27.1       Direction of investments

              28       Benefit and contribution formulas

           28.1       Administration expenses

           28.2       Purchase of annuity

              29       Commuted value

              30       Entitlement of employees to join plan

              31       Pensioners recommencing employment

              32       Locking in

              33       Interest

              34       Treatment of excess contributions

              35       Manner and extent of transfers

              36       Minimum amount for compulsory transfer

              37       Exercise of options

              38       Acknowledged institutions

              39       Locked‑in retirement account conditions

              40       Life income fund conditions

              41       LRIFs ‑ abolition, temporary saving and transitional

           41.1       Withdrawals from LIRAs, etc., on ground of financial hardship

              42       LIRAs and LIFs on spousal relationship breakdown

              43       Waiver forms

              44       Cost‑of‑living adjustments as ancillary benefits

           44.1       Conversion of optional ancillary contributions to benefits

              45       Maximum commutable amounts

              46       Conversion of pensions to other benefits

           46.1       DC RIA component

           46.2       Consent re financial hardship commutation, etc.

              47       Variation for reduction in working time

              48       Solvency tests and funding of plans

              49       Remitting of contributions

              50       Investment requirements

              51       Statement of investment policies and procedures

              52       Review, confirmation or amendment of investment statement

              53       Safeguarding of investments

              54       General investment rules

              55       Allocation and distribution of assets on winding‑up

Part 4
Division and Distribution of Benefits on
Relationship Breakdown

              56       Definitions

              57       Matrimonial property orders

              58       Division and distribution of benefits

              59       Calculation of benefits

              60       Adjustment of member‑pension partners share

           60.1       50% unlocking of non‑member‑pension partner share

              61       Fees

Part 5
Termination, Winding‑up, Withdrawal and Succession

              63       Rules on plan termination and MUPP employer withdrawal

              64       Qualifications for signing termination report

           64.1       Missing persons

              65       Predecessor and successor plans and employers

Part 6
Miscellaneous Provisions

              66       Repayment of funds wrongfully transferred

              67       Surplus and excess assets

           67.1       Prescribed legislation

              68       Exemptions

           73.1       Transitional ‑ financial statements

           73.2       Transitional ‑ LIRAs and LIFs


Interpretation for purposes of the Act

1(1)  For the purposes of the Act,

                                 (a)    “Canada Revenue Agency” means the body commonly known as the Canada Revenue Agency;

                                 (b)    “personal information” means personal information within the meaning of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;

                                 (c)    “plan termination basis” means a basis for determining in a review the value of a plan’s liabilities arising from defined benefit provisions that

                                           (i)    is predicated on the hypothesis of the plan’s terminating at the review date and takes into account any benefit increases or decreases as a result of the hypothetical termination, other than decreases resulting from a reduction in benefits as contemplated by section 55, and

                                          (ii)    is based on assumptions and methods and a manner for the determination of commuted values that meet the conditions of section 1(1)(h)(i)(A) and (C) of the Act and, unless the Superintendent so allows in writing, the conditions set out in section 29 of this Regulation;

                                 (d)    “predecessor plan” means the pension plan from which members are transferred in a transaction referred to in section 65(2);

                                 (e)    “review” means a review of defined benefit provisions under section 13(4) of the Act;

                                  (f)    “review date” means, in relation to a review, the date as of which that review is made or was required to be made;

                                 (g)    “solvency deficiency” means the amount, if any, by which the plan’s liabilities that arise from defined benefit provisions, determined on a plan termination basis and as of the review date for that determination, exceed,

                                           (i)    in the case of a pension plan that is not wholly terminating, the value of those of its assets that relate to defined benefit provisions as determined under section 2(2), and

                                          (ii)    in the case of a plan that is wholly terminating, the value of those of its assets that relate to defined benefit provisions as determined under section 2(2), excluding the items specified in section 2(2)(b)(ii);

                                 (h)    “successor plan” means the pension plan to which members are transferred in a transaction referred to in section 65(2).

(2)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s2.

(3)  For the purposes of section 1(1)(p) of the Act, the prescribed assets and liabilities of a pension plan are respectively,

                                 (a)    in respect of defined contribution provisions,

                                           (i)    the market value of those of its assets that derive from defined contribution provisions, and

                                          (ii)    the liabilities that are equal to the aggregate of those of its assets that derive from defined contribution provisions that

                                                 (A)    represent employer and member contributions with interest, and

                                                  (B)    are or may be required by the plan to be applied for the provision of benefits,


                                 (b)    in respect of defined benefit provisions, those of the plan’s going concern assets and going concern liabilities that relate to defined benefit provisions, as stated in the most recent actuarial valuation report or cost certificate filed.

(4)  The conditions prescribed for the purposes of section 1(1)(x) of the Act are

                                 (a)    those prescribed in section 39, or

                                 (b)    that the RRSP was treated as locked in by the Employment Pension Plans Regulation (AR 364/86) (repealed), as it existed until February 3, 1993.

                                 (c)    repealed AR 197/2006 s2.

(5)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s2.

(6)  The provisions of the tax Act prescribed for the purposes of section 1(1)(ii) of the Act are subsections 8515(1) and (4) of the Income Tax Regulations (Canada) (CRC Vol X c945).

(7)  The conditions prescribed for the purposes of section 1(1)(nn)(i) of the Act are those specified in section 40.

(8)  Where reference is made in the Act to a pension plan, except in section 19 and 20(1) and (3) of the Act, the reference is to be taken as a reference to a plan that has been registered under the legislation or under the equivalent laws of a designated jurisdiction.

(9)  For the purposes of the Act, a person is adversely affected by an amendment to a pension plan if the amendment negatively affects the person’s entitlement or potential entitlement to a benefit or increases the cost to the member of securing a benefit.

(10)  For the purposes of the Act, money is locked in to a pension plan, LIRA, LIF or annuity if the money to which an individual is entitled may only be paid in the form of a pension, retirement income or annuity, as the case may be, or if the withdrawal, surrender or commutation of the money is prohibited by or as the result of the application of

                                 (a)    section 35(1) or (2) or 64(2) of the Act,

                                 (b)    section 32(1), 39, 40, 41 or 46.1 of this Regulation, or

                                 (c)    in the case of a pension plan, any legislation of a designated jurisdiction that is similar to a provision referred to in clause (a) or section 32(1) or 46.1 to the extent, where applicable, that it applies with respect to plans.

(11)  For the purposes of interpreting any provision of the Act as it applies in respect of a DC RIA, the definition of “pension” in section 1(1)(dd) of the Act includes DC RIA benefits.

(12)  For the purposes of interpreting any provision of the Act that refers to the execution of a waiver form, the exercise of an Option or the waiving or giving up by a pension partner of any pension partner rights or entitlements, by reference to a prescribed form or a portion of a prescribed form, that provision is to be treated as referring to

                                 (a)    the full execution (including the signing) of that form or the relevant portion of that form, as the case may be, in the form, and in a manner that meets all the procedural and other requirements, prescribed in that form or that part of the form, and

                                 (b)    the provision of that form or the relevant portion of it by any person (including another person after a signer’s death) to the relevant administrator or financial institution.

AR 35/2000 ss1,72;245/2003;197/2006


2(1)  In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “acknowledged” means, in relation to a financial institution, currently acknowledged under section 38 in relation to LIRAs or LIFs or both, as the case may be;

                              (a.1)    “addendum” means the portion of this Regulation and of a LIRA or LIF that is prescribed by Form 1 or 2, comprising material required by section 39 or 40 to be included in a LIRA or LIF, as the case may be, and “LIRA addendum” and “LIF addendum” are to be construed accordingly;

                              (a.2)    “Alberta locked‑in money” means money in a pension plan, LIRA or LIF

                                           (i)    that

                                                 (A)    originally belonged to a member who terminated membership in Alberta,

                                                  (B)    belongs to a surviving pension partner of

                                                            (I)    a member who died while employed in Alberta,

                                                           (II)    a former member who terminated membership while employed in Alberta, or

                                                          (III)    the original owner of a LIRA,


                                                  (C)    belongs to a non‑member‑pension partner owing to the application of Parts 4 of the legislation and originally belonged to a member who was employed in Alberta at the end of the period of joint accrual referred to in section 57(a),


                                          (ii)    with respect to which the locking‑in requirements of the legislation are still required to be met;

                              (a.3)    “annuity” means a non‑commutable life annuity contract issued or to be issued by an insurance business that meets the conditions set out in paragraph 60(l) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and that will not commence before the person entitled to it attains the age of 50 years;

                              (a.4)    “audited financial statements” means financial statements that are

                                           (i)    prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, as described in the Handbook of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, as amended up to the relevant date, and

                                          (ii)    accompanied by an audit report that is prepared

                                                 (A)    by or under the auspices of a public accounting firm within the meaning of the Regulated Accounting Profession Act, and

                                                  (B)    in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing principles, as described in the Handbook, as amended, referred to in subclause (i);

                              (a.5)    “certified copy”, used in relation to a form, means a copy that is certified by a commissioner for oaths or a notary public as a true copy of the original signed form or of a copy that was so certified;

                              (a.6)    “DC RIA” (an acronym for defined contribution retirement income account) means an account, if any, created under defined contribution provisions of a pension plan that provides the benefits referred to in section 46(8) of the Act in the manner set out in section 46.1 of this Regulation;

                              (a.7)    “DC RIA benefits” means the benefits referred to in clause (a.6);

                              (a.8)    “estate”, used in relation to a deceased person, means the personal representatives of the deceased’s estate in their representative capacity;

                              (a.9)    “50% unlocking option” means the option offered or to be offered under or in relation to Schedule 1.1;

                                 (b)    “filed”, subject to section 1(1)(q.1) of the Act, means filed with the Superintendent under the legislation or under the former Act;

                              (b.1)    “financial institution” means the underwriter or depositary of a LIRA or LIF, as the case may be and, where the context relates to an annuity, includes an insurance business referred to in clause (a.3);

                                 (c)    “fiscal year”, except where not used in relation to a pension plan, means the fiscal year of the plan in question;

                              (c.1)    “Form”, followed by a number, means the form set out in Schedule 1 corresponding to that number;

                                 (d)    “going concern assets” means the value of the assets of a plan as of the relevant review date, determined on the basis of a going concern valuation;

                                 (e)    “going concern liabilities” means the actuarial present value of a plan’s benefits as of the relevant review date, determined on the basis of a going concern valuation;

                                  (f)    “going concern valuation” means a valuation, prepared on the basis of actuarial assumptions and methods that are adequate and appropriate and that are in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles, of the assets and liabilities of a plan respecting which no decision has been made to terminate it or to wind it up;

                                 (g)    “insured plan” means a pension plan under which all the benefits are insured by a contract with an insurance business under which that business is obligated to pay those benefits;

                                 (h)    repealed AR 197/2006 s3;

                                  (i)    “LIF” means a retirement income arrangement, known as a life income fund, that is a RRIF that meets the conditions set out in section 40;

                                  (j)    repealed AR 197/2006 s3;

                                 (k)    “LIRA” means a locked‑in retirement account;

                                  (l)    “LRIF” means a former retirement income arrangement known as a locked‑in retirement income fund that was a RRIF and that is or was liable to conversion or transfer pursuant to section 41;

                                (m)    “non‑DC RIA portion of a plan” means

                                           (i)    the defined benefit provisions of a pension plan, or

                                          (ii)    those defined contribution provisions of a plan that do not make provision for a DC RIA;

                                 (n)    “Option”,

                                           (i)    followed by the numeral “1”, means the option, so entitled, in Part 1 of Form 6 agreeing to the unlocking of up to 50% of commuted value or the value of the vehicle account in question,

                                          (ii)    followed by the numeral “2”, means the option, so entitled, in Part 1 of Form 6 giving up the right to receive the minimum 60% survivor pension or annuity, and

                                         (iii)    followed by the numeral “3”, means the option , so entitled, in Part 2 of Form 6 giving up all rights as automatic designated beneficiary,

                                          such option being exercisable by a pension partner;

                                 (o)    “normal actuarial cost” means the amount estimated by a reviewer, on the basis of a going concern valuation, to be the cost to persons required to contribute to a plan of the plan’s benefits for a fiscal year, excluding any special payments, determined in accordance with the same methods and assumptions that are used to determine the going concern liabilities;

                                 (p)    “original owner” means, in the context of a LIRA or LIF, an individual who was a member or former member of a pension plan and who made a transfer pursuant to section 38 or 30(5) of the Act or section 39, 40, 41 or 46.1 of this Regulation (whether before or after the commencement of this clause), the assets deriving from which transfer are currently held in a LIRA or LIF, as the case may be;

                              (p.1)    “owner” means

                                           (i)    an original owner,

                                          (ii)    a surviving pension partner owner, or

                                         (iii)    a non‑member‑pension partner who owns a LIRA or LIF, as the case may be, as a result of the application of Parts 4 of the legislation;

                                 (q)    “portability” means the capacity to transfer money on a locked‑in basis from one vehicle to another;

                              (q.1)    “publicly funded plan” means a pension plan, including a supplemental pension plan,

                                           (i)    that is wholly or partially funded, whether directly or indirectly, from a public entity that operates on a non‑profit basis and that is, was or has the potential to be an employer under a pension plan covered by the Public Sector Pension Plans Act or Schedule 1 to the Teachers’ and Private School Teachers’ Pension Plans (AR 203/95) or from a source related to such an entity, and

                                          (ii)    that is designated by the Superintendent, by written notice to that entity and the plan’s administrator, as a publicly funded plan for the purposes of the legislation;

                                  (r)    “retirement income” means a series of payments to the owner of a LIF, or DC RIA benefits, and includes future entitlements to any such payments or benefits;

                               (r.1)    “retirement income commencement” means, with respect to the money in question, the time when a former member or an original owner initially transfers or transferred the money from a pension plan or a LIRA to a LIF, a DC RIA or an LRIF (before its abolition);

                                 (s)    “reviewer” means the person referred to in section 9(2) making the review in question;

                                  (t)    “RRIF” means a retirement income fund within the meaning of the tax Act that is registered under the tax Act;

                                 (u)    repealed AR 197/2006 s3;

                                 (v)    “solvency ratio” means the fraction obtained by dividing the value of a plan’s assets determined by applying subsection (2)(a) and (b)(i), by the liabilities of that plan calculated on a plan termination basis as of the latest review date;

                                (w)    “special payments” means payments referred to in section 48(3)(b) or (c), (4) or (5);

                                 (x)    “statement of investment policies and procedures” means the statement established under section 51(1);

                              (x.1)    “surviving pension partner owner” means, in relation to money that is currently held in a LIRA or a LIF, as the case may be, an individual who made a transfer pursuant to section 39(6) of the Act or section 39(27) of this Regulation;

                              (x.2)    “the legislation” means the Act or this Regulation or both, as the case may be;

                              (x.3)    “transferee financial institution” means a financial institution that has received or is to receive money for deposit into a LIRA, LIF or annuity;

                              (x.4)    “transferor financial institution” means a financial institution that has transferred or is to transfer money for deposit into a pension plan, LIRA, LIF or annuity;

                                 (y)    “unfunded liability” means the amount, if any, by which a plan’s going concern liabilities exceed its going concern assets;

                                 (z)    “vehicle” means a pension plan generally, the DC RIA or non‑DC RIA portion of a plan specifically, a LIRA, a LIF or an annuity.

(2)  For the purposes of section 1(1)(g), the value of a plan’s assets is

                                 (a)    to be determined as of the latest review date and on the basis of their market value, but reduced by the actuary’s estimate of the expenses that would be incurred in winding up the plan, and

                                 (b)    to include

                                           (i)    any cash balances and accrued and receivable income, and

                                          (ii)    the actuarial present value, determined using the same methods and assumptions as are used in the valuation of the plan’s liabilities for the purposes of section 1(1)(g), of any special payments referred to in section 48(3)(b) that are

                                                 (A)    payable in respect of benefits for employment before the effective date of the plan, if no benefits for that employment have been provided under the plan previous to the establishment of those special payments, or

                                                  (B)    payable over the 5 years following the plan’s latest review date and not included in paragraph (A).

(3)  Where a provision of this Regulation requires or allows a person to provide a certified copy of a Form to another person, that provision is met if the original is provided instead.

(4)  Section 27 of the Act, as it relates to Part 3 and section 1 of the Act, also applies with respect to Part 3 and sections 1 and 2 of this Regulation respectively.

(5), (6)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s3.

AR 35/2000 s2;109/2003;133/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Application of legislation to new Universities pension plan

2.1   The Act and this Regulation apply to the new pension plan regulated under that legislation and called the “Universities Academic Pension Plan” subject to the exemptions and other provisions that are contained in Schedule 0.1.

AR 218/2000 s2;245/2003

Part 1

Collection of personal information

3(1) The Superintendent may collect personal information about persons entitled to benefits under a pension plan if the information is necessary to determine whether the plan is in full compliance with the Act and this Regulation.

(2)  Without limiting any other rights as to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information, the Superintendent and a financial institution may collect and use such information as is needed to implement section 41.1.

(3)  For the purposes of section 87(1)(d.1) of the Act, the Superintendent may collect and may disclose to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement such information relating to maintenance, and owners who the Superintendent considers are or are probably debtors, within the meaning of the Maintenance Enforcement Act, as that Director needs for the purposes of a program under that Act.

AR 35/2000 s3;197/2006

Extension of time limits

4   For the purposes of section 9 of the Act, the prescribed provisions are

                                 (a)    sections 8, 12.1(4), 14(1), (2) and (3), 15(1) and (4), 19(1), 20(1) and (1.1), 23(2), 36(5), 45(1) and (2), 50(1), 73(1), 76(3) and (4) and 77.1(3) of the Act, and

                                 (b)    sections 7, 8, 10(2), 12, 13.1, 14 to 17, 19(1), 20, 22(1), 23, 24, 27(2), (3) and (5), 55(9), (10) or (11) and 63(2)(a) of this Regulation.

AR 35/2000 s4;245/2003;197/2006

Attachment of conditions to consents, etc.

4.1   Where a provision of this Regulation empowers the Superintendent to give a consent, approval, exemption or other permission, if the permission is given in writing, the Superintendent may attach any conditions in and to it that are considered appropriate in the circumstances.

AR 197/2006 s6

Participation agreements

5(1)  The conditions referred to in section 1(1)(cc.1) of the Act, so far as it relates to a specified multi‑employer plan, whether or not any particular employer was a party to the original agreement where there is more than one agreement, are that the agreement or agreements

                                 (a)    set the terms of employer participation in the plan,

                                 (b)    bind all the employers to the terms of the trust deed or agreement or similar document, and

                                 (c)    make each employer responsible for making contributions and special payments to the plan as required by the applicable collective agreement.

(2)  The conditions referred to in section 1(1)(cc.1) of the Act, so far as it relates to a multi‑unit plan, and that are also prescribed for the purposes of section 11(2) of the Act, whether or not any particular employer was a party to the original agreement where there is more than one agreement, are that the agreement or agreements

                                 (a)    set the terms of employer participation in the plan,

                                 (b)    bind all the employers to the terms of the trust deed or agreement or similar document, and

                                 (c)    make each employer responsible for making contributions and special payments to the plan as required under the plan by the administrator.

AR 35/2000 s5;245/2003;197/2006

Removal and appointment of
administrator ‑ relevant periods

5.1(1)  The number of days prescribed for the purposes of

                                 (a)    section 12.1(3) of the Act is 30, and

                                 (b)    section 12.1(4) of the Act is 30.

(2)  If the Superintendent considers that the plan is in imminent danger of serious damage to its financial viability or that persons who are entitled to benefits are in imminent danger of not being paid those benefits, the Superintendent may reduce or nullify the number of days specified in subsection (1)(a) or (b) or both and, if so, shall give the notice under section 12.1(3) of the Act at the earliest time practicable and allow as long as practicable for representations under section 12.1(4) of the Act.

AR 197/2006 s8


6(1)  The fee for filing a return referred to in section 14(3)(a)(ii) of the Act or an application for registration under section 19(1) of the Act is payable at the rate of $7.00 for each person who was a member of the pension plan at the effective date of the plan in the case of such an application or at the end of the fiscal year in the case of such a filing, subject to a minimum fee of $200 and a maximum fee of $20 000 for each filing.

(2)  Where a return referred to in section 14(3)(a)(ii) of the Act is not filed before the time specified in section 8(2)(a) of this Regulation, an additional fee equal to 10% of the fee required by subsection (1) is payable within 30 days after that time.

(3)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s9.

(4)  The fee for obtaining a written notice of consent from the Superintendent under section 83(1)(c) of the Act is a fee based on the cost of the service provided, calculated in accordance with subsection (5).

(5)  The fee is in the amount of $100 for each hour or portion of an hour spent by each person in performing the service, except that

                                 (a)    there is no fee if the surplus or excess assets to be paid or transferred amount to less than $500, and

                                 (b)    the total fee is not to exceed 25% of those surplus or excess assets.

(6)  The amount of time charged for shall be as evidenced in a notice given by the Superintendent to the administrator requesting payment.

AR 35/2000 s6;172/2000;245/2003;197/2006

Consolidated copies of plans and other documents

7   Where there are 5 or more amendments to a pension plan or any other plan document, the Superintendent may require the administrator to provide a certified consolidated copy of the plan or document, incorporating all amendments to date, within 180 days of the Superintendent’s requiring it in writing, and the administrator shall comply with that requirement.

AR 35/2000 s7;245/2003;197/2006

Returns by administrators

8(1)  A certificate referred to in section 14(3)(a)(i) of the Act must be filed by the deadline when, if it were a return referred to in section 14(3)(a)(ii) of the Act, it would have to be filed under subsection (2).

(2)  A return referred to in section 14(3)(a)(ii) of the Act must be filed

                                 (a)    where the plan has not been terminated, within 180 days after the end of each fiscal year,

                                 (b)    where the plan has been terminated and approval to postpone the winding‑up has not been given, within 60 days after the date of the termination, or

                                 (c)    where the plan has been terminated and approval to postpone the winding‑up has been given, within 60 days after the date of the termination and thereafter within 60 days after each anniversary date of the termination,

and also, if applicable, at the end of any period in which the employer is required to make payments into the plan under section 73(2) of the Act and section 63.

AR 35/2000 s8;245/2003

Review of plan

9(1)  This section and section 10 apply only to pension plans that contain one or more defined benefit provisions.

(2)  The review of a plan must be made by a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries except that, in the case of an insured plan, it may be made by a person who is authorized to prepare or sign an actuarial valuation report or cost certificate under section 10(1).

(3)  An administrator shall have the plan reviewed 

                                 (a)    in the case of a new plan, as of the effective date of the plan,

                                 (b)    where the Superintendent sends a notice to the administrator requesting that a review be made of the plan, as of the date specified in the notice, and

                                 (c)    subject to clauses (a) and (b) and subsections (4) to (8), as of the end of a fiscal year and within intervals not exceeding 3 years after the immediately preceding review date.

(4)  Subsection (3)(c) does not apply with respect to a plan that is terminated and with respect to which the employer is still required to make payments towards the elimination of a solvency deficiency or has eliminated it.

(5)  A plan may state a review date other than the fiscal year end required by subsection (3)(c), in which case the maximum 3‑year interval in subsection (3)(c) applies with reference to that changed date, but once another date has been so established, the plan may not be again amended to change that date within the 5‑year period following that when the change was made.

(6)  The Superintendent may, on application by the administrator, in writing extend any interval referred to in subsection (3)(c) where he considers that the circumstances of the case justify it, but the total period of the interval must not exceed 33/4 years and the next review must be performed by the deadline that would have applied had the extension not been given.

(7)  Where

                                 (a)    an amendment to the plan, or

                                 (b)    benefits provided at the discretion of the administrator

affect the cost of benefits provided by the plan, create an unfunded liability or otherwise affect the solvency or funding of the plan, the administrator shall have the plan reviewed or the latest review revised as of the date the amendment is made or the discretionary benefits are provided, as the case may be.

(8)  Where subsection (7) is applied, the administrator shall have the next review performed not later than 3 years after the last day of the fiscal year or the other date established under subsection (5), as the case may be, preceding the date when the amendment was made or the discretionary benefits were provided, as the case may be.

Actuarial valuation report and cost certificate

10(1)  For the purposes of section 14(3)(b) of the Act, an actuarial valuation report or a cost certificate respecting an insured plan may be prepared or signed, as the case may be, by any person so authorized by the insurance business.

(2)  Actuarial valuation reports and cost certificates resulting from reviews performed as at dates after the effective date of the plan must be filed not later than,

                                 (a)    in the case of a specified multi‑employer plan or multi‑unit plan, 270 days, and

                                 (b)    in the case of any other plan, 180 days,

after the review date.

(3)  An actuarial valuation report or a cost certificate resulting from a review must be prepared in a manner that is consistent with the recommendations for the preparation of actuarial valuation reports in connection with pension plans issued by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and, subject to this section, must include the following, so far as applicable:

                                 (a)    the estimated total dollar cost of benefits for all members, showing separately the employer contributions and the member contributions relating to the normal actuarial cost,

                                           (i)    for the fiscal year following the review date, where that date falls on the last day of a fiscal year, or

                                          (ii)    for the fiscal year in which the review date falls, where that date falls on any other day;

                                 (b)    the rules for computing normal actuarial cost and for allocating that cost between the employer and the members in respect of employment in the period covered by the report or certificate;

                                 (c)    the date of establishment and the unamortized balance of any unfunded liability, the special payments to be made to amortize that liability and the date at which that liability will be amortized;

                                 (d)    either

                                           (i)    a statement that in the opinion of the reviewer there is no solvency deficiency, or

                                          (ii)    the date of establishment and the unamortized balance of any solvency deficiency, the special payments to be made to amortize, and the value of the assets and liabilities used to determine, that solvency deficiency, together with the assumptions and valuation methods used to calculate those liabilities, and the date at which that solvency deficiency will be amortized;

                                 (e)    either

                                           (i)    a statement that in the opinion of the reviewer, the solvency ratio is not less than one, or

                                          (ii)    if the solvency ratio is less than one, the solvency ratio, the value of the assets and liabilities used to determine the solvency ratio and the assumptions and valuation methods used to calculate those liabilities;

                                  (f)    the surplus assets or excess assets, as the case may be, of the plan and, if known to the reviewer, a description of how they will be utilized;

                                 (g)    the value of the assets of the plan on a market and, if available, a book basis, the value of the going concern assets and a description of the valuation method used to determine the going concern assets;

                                 (h)    the value of the going concern liabilities with respect separately to

                                           (i)    members,

                                          (ii)    as a single grouping,

                                                 (A)    former members who have not commenced to receive their pensions under the plan, and

                                                  (B)    other persons, other than members, who have a future entitlement to receive payments from the plan,


                                         (iii)    as a single grouping,

                                                 (A)    former members receiving their pensions, and

                                                  (B)    other persons who are receiving payments from the plan,

                                          and a description of the assumptions and valuation methods used to determine those values;

                                  (i)    in the case of a review occurring after the effective date of the plan, a reconciliation of the results of the review and identification of the sources of experience gains and losses since the immediately previous review date;

                                  (j)    with respect to a defined benefit provision of a specified multi‑employer plan where employer contributions are based on a fixed rate of dollars and cents per hour of employment,

                                           (i)    the respective average rate per hour per member that will be contributed by the employer and the members,

                                          (ii)    a breakdown of the rate specified under subclause (i), stating the rate per hour attributable to the plan’s normal actuarial cost and the amortization of an unfunded liability or solvency deficiency and the rate per hour that is to be applied as part of a contingency reserve, and

                                         (iii)    the average number of hours of employment per member per fiscal year that has been assumed for the purposes of the review;

                                 (k)    such other information as the Superintendent requires to be able to determine whether the plan will meet the solvency tests. 

(4)  Where a going concern valuation is made in respect of a plan that provides a pension based on a rate of salary during a period immediately before the date of pension commencement or on average rates of salary over a specified and limited period, a projection of the current salary of each member shall be used to estimate the salary on which the pension payable at pension commencement will be based.

(5)  Where the actuarial method used in a review is such that an unfunded liability or solvency deficiency may not be revealed, the reviewer shall perform supplementary calculations to show that the solvency tests are being met, and the reviewer shall certify that they are being met.

(6)  Where all the benefits under an insured plan established before the initial qualification date are funded by level premiums that do not extend beyond the pensionable age for each member or former member, an actuarial valuation report or cost certificate may confirm the adequacy of the premiums to provide for the payment of all benefits instead of providing the information required by subsection (3).

(7)  Where a person who is authorized by subsection (1) to prepare or sign an actuarial valuation report or cost certificate respecting an insured plan certifies that

                                 (a)    all benefits relating to a defined benefit provision of the plan are insured by a contract with an insurance business under which that business is obligated to pay those benefits and that no further benefits are to accrue under that provision without further amendment of the plan, and

                                 (b)    all future benefits will accrue under a defined contribution provision of the plan,

the administrator is not required to file any further actuarial valuation reports or cost certificates until the plan again provides for benefits to accrue under a defined benefit provision.

AR 35/2000 s10;245/2003;197/2006

Collective agreement, etc., or financial statements

11(1)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 14(3)(c) of the Act is 30 days.

(2)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 14(3)(d) of the Act is 180 days or such shorter period as the Superintendent specifies by notice in writing to the administrator.

(3)  The financial statements prescribed for the purposes of section 14(3)(d) of the Act are,

                                 (a)    in the case of a specified multi‑employer plan, the audited financial statements of the plan,

                                 (b)    in the case of any plan that is not a specified multi‑employer plan and that contains defined benefit provisions and where the market value of its assets related to the defined benefit provisions, as at the end of the latest fiscal year, equal or exceed $3 000 000, the audited financial statements of the pension fund that relate, or so far as those statements relate, to those provisions,

                                 (c)    in the case of any plan that is not a specified multi‑employer plan and that contains defined contribution provisions and where at least $1 000 000 in market value of the assets related to those provisions, as at the end of the latest fiscal year, are invested solely at the direction of the employer, the audited financial statements of the pension fund that relate, or so far as those statements relate, to those provisions, and

                                 (d)    if so requested by the Superintendent by notice in writing in respect of any plan, including one referred to in clause (a), (b) or (c), the audited financial statements of the plan or the pension fund or any other financial statements, as specified by the Superintendent in the notice, covering any material and in the form and as of the date so specified.

AR 35/2000 s11;245/2003;197/2006

Timing of explanation or summary

12(1)  The administrator of a pension plan, pursuant to section 15(1)(a) of the Act, shall provide an explanation or summary of the plan, including its name and Canada Revenue Agency registration number, and of the relevant entitlements and obligations under the plan,

                                 (a)    in the case of a new plan, to each member within 120 days after the effective date of the plan,

                                 (b)    in the case of an existing specified multi‑employer plan that has not received the approval of the Superintendent under section 31(4) of the Act, to each member who has not already received one at the same time as the first statement is provided to the member under section 14(1) or within 30 days after a request made by him for the explanation or summary is received by the administrator, whichever occurs first, and

                                 (c)    in the case of any other existing plan, to each employee referred to in section 15(1)(a) of the Act,

                                           (i)    at least 30 days before the employee first becomes eligible or is required to be a member of that plan, or

                                          (ii)    on or before the employee’s date of employment, if he becomes eligible or is required to be a member at or less than 30 days after the date of his employment.

(2)  Unless an explanation or summary of the same amendment has already been provided under section 13.1, the administrator shall, pursuant to section 15(1)(a) of the Act, provide an explanation or summary of an amendment to the plan and of the relevant entitlements and obligations under that amendment,

                                 (a)    repealed AR 197/2006 s13,

                                 (b)    in the case of a specified multi‑employer plan referred to in subsection (1)(b), at the same time as the next following statement is provided to the member under section 14(1) or within 30 days after a request made by him for the explanation or summary is received by the administrator, whichever occurs first, or

                                 (c)    in any other case affecting benefits or contributions, within 90 days after the registration of the amendment.

AR 35/2000 s12;245/2003;197/2006

Additional explanation or summary requirements

13(1)  The administrator of a pension plan, pursuant to section 15(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, shall provide with or in the relevant explanation or summary referred to in section 12(1),

                                 (a)    a statement identifying the fund holder,

                                 (b)    where member required contributions related to a defined benefit provision are receiving interest at a rate set by reference to the CANSIM rate within the meaning of section 33(1)(b), a statement to that effect and a statement as to when interest is calculated and applied,

                                 (c)    where the fund rate of return within the meaning of section 33(1)(e) is applied under section 33 and some or all of the investments are directed by the employer,

                                           (i)    a brief description of how the plan’s assets are invested,

                                          (ii)    a statement that the fund rate of return may be positive or negative, and

                                         (iii)    a statement as to when interest will be calculated and applied,

                                 (d)    where the fund rate of return within the meaning of section 33(1)(e) is applied under section 33 and the member provides direction with respect to some or all of the investments,

                                           (i)    a statement as to how the member is to provide that direction,

                                          (ii)    a statement that describes the investment options available, and

                                         (iii)    a statement of how contributions will be dealt with by default if the member fails to provide direction regarding the investments,

                                 (e)    where a change is made respecting how the investments referred to in clause (c) are made, an explanation of the change,

                                  (f)    where a change is made respecting any matter referred to in clause (d), an explanation of the change and, so far as applicable, an update of the relevant statements referred to in clause (d)(i), (ii) and (iii), and

                                 (g)    where any other change is made to any of the information provided under clauses (a) to (d), a statement summarizing the change.

(2)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s14.

AR 35/2000 s13;245/2003;197/2006

Provision of proposed amendments

13.1(1)  The administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(a.1) of the Act, the explanation or summary referred to in that clause not less than 45 days before the effective date of the amendment.

(2)  The administrator shall provide to each person who

                                 (a)    is not a member,

                                 (b)    is unconditionally entitled to a benefit, whether it is currently being received or will be received in the future, and

                                 (c)    could be adversely affected by a proposed amendment that the administrator has decided to implement at a future date,

an explanation or summary of that proposed amendment not less than 45 days before the effective date of the amendment.

AR 197/2006 s15

Annual statement

14(1)  An administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(b) of the Act and within 180 days after the end of each fiscal year, an annual statement for the fiscal year just ended containing or accompanied by the following information so far as applicable respecting the member:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the member’s name;

                              (b.1)    the date of birth;

                              (b.2)    the name of the pension partner as currently recorded in the plan’s records;

                              (b.3)    the date of enrolment in the plan;

                                 (c)    the date or, if the date is not known, the month of the commencement of his employment;

                                 (d)    his designated beneficiary under the plan;

                                 (e)    in respect of contributions that have been transferred from another plan and applied under a defined benefit provision and where no period of employment has been credited for the purposes of determining benefits, the amount of pension that will be provided by the plan by those contributions;

                                  (f)    in respect of employer contributions under a defined contribution provision,

                                           (i)    the balance at the end of the fiscal year previous to that covered by the statement,

                                          (ii)    the contributions made during the fiscal year covered,

                                         (iii)    the amount of interest accrued during the fiscal year covered, and

                                         (iv)    the rate of interest applied during the fiscal year covered or the manner in which interest was applied and, if the rate of interest is net of transaction fees and charges, the gross rate of interest before the reduction for fees and charges;

                                 (g)    subject to section 18(2), in respect of each of the following categories of contribution, that is

                                           (i)    contributions transferred from another plan that have not been applied under a defined benefit provision and that are locked in,

                                          (ii)    required member contributions,

                                         (iii)    as a single categorization, both contributions transferred from another plan that have not been applied under a defined benefit provision and that are not locked in and additional voluntary contributions, and

                                         (iv)    optional ancillary contributions,

                                          the items referred to in clause (f)(i) to (iv);

                                 (h)    in the case of a defined benefit provision,

                                           (i)    the period of employment credited for the purposes of determining the member’s benefits,

                                          (ii)    assuming full vesting, the estimated annual pension accrued to the end of the fiscal year covered and payable at pensionable age, and

                                         (iii)    if the formula for determining benefits provides for a reduction of the pension by an amount payable under the Canada Pension Plan (Canada), the Quebec Pension Plan (Quebec) or the Old Age Security Act (Canada) or another pension plan, a statement to that effect;

                                  (i)    if the solvency ratio, as of the latest review date, is less than one,

                                           (i)    the solvency ratio expressed as a percentage,

                                          (ii)    a statement that, on a plan termination basis, the plan’s assets are not sufficient to cover the liabilities accrued in respect of benefits promised, as of the latest review date, and

                                         (iii)    confirmation that special payments are being made to make the plan solvent in accordance with the Act and this Regulation;

                                  (j)    if, in the case of a specified multi‑employer plan, the member has not completed at least 350 hours of employment during the period of the last 2 consecutive completed fiscal years of the plan, a statement informing the member of that fact and that he may apply for a transfer under section 38(3) or, if applicable, (6) of the Act;

                                 (k)    where the plan permits a member to make optional ancillary contributions,

                                           (i)    the estimated amount of optional ancillary contributions that he could make to purchase the available optional ancillary benefits as of certain ages, assuming continuous employment and current earnings, and

                                          (ii)    a statement that there is a risk of forfeiture of part of those contributions under the tax Act;

                                  (l)    if the member’s membership is suspended pursuant to the plan, the dates on which he has the right to have his suspension lifted.

(2)  The annual statement may, without limiting any other effective mode of service, be sent by ordinary mail to the last address of the member known to the administrator.

AR 35/2000 s14;245/2003;197/2006

Statement on termination of membership

15(1)  Subject to section 18, an administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(c) of the Act and within 60 days after the termination of membership or the receipt of the written request for information under that clause, as the case may be, a statement containing the following information:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the former member’s name;

                              (b.1)    with respect to the former member,

                                           (i)    the date of birth,

                                          (ii)    the name of the pension partner as currently recorded in the plan’s records,

                                         (iii)    the date of enrolment in the plan, and

                                         (iv)    the designated beneficiary under the plan;

                                 (c)    the date of the commencement of his employment;

                                 (d)    the date of the termination of his membership;

                                 (e)    the extent to which a pension has vested in him;

                                  (f)    to the extent that a pension has not vested in him,

                                           (i)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(e) and (g), updated,

                                          (ii)    an explanation of the options available, and

                                         (iii)    the deadlines for choosing any option available and the consequences, if any, of not meeting them;

                                 (g)    to the extent that a pension has vested in him,

                                           (i)    in the case of a defined contribution provision, the information referred to in section 14(1)(f) and (g), updated,

                                          (ii)    in the case of a defined benefit provision,

                                                 (A)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(e), (g) and (h), updated,

                                                  (B)    the commuted values of the pensions referred to in section 14(1)(e) and (h) respectively, and

                                                  (C)    the amount of his excess contributions referred to in section 37(2) of the Act, if applicable,

                                         (iii)    an explanation of the options available for each of the additional voluntary contributions, optional ancillary contributions, excess contributions referred to in section 37(2) of the Act, contributions transferred from another plan, the pension referred to in section 14(1)(e) and the accrued pension, and

                                         (iv)    the deadlines for choosing any option available and the consequences, if any, of not meeting them;

                                 (h)    if he is eligible to choose a deferred pension,

                                           (i)    the date on which pension payments may commence,

                                          (ii)    the benefit payable on death before and after pension commencement, including an explanation of the joint pension and the pension partner’s waiver option under section 40 of the Act,

                                         (iii)    optional early, disability and postponed pension commencement dates available, and an explanation of any adjustments to the amount of pension in each case, and

                                         (iv)    the name and address of the person to whom application must be made to start receiving the pension and when the application may be made;

                                  (i)    where there is a transfer deficiency within the meaning of section 35(1)(b),

                                           (i)    a statement that a transfer deficiency exists and that the balance of accrued benefits owing to him may not be transferred until the deficiency has been funded in accordance with the solvency tests,

                                          (ii)    the amount of the transfer deficiency,

                                         (iii)    the latest date at which it will be transferred, and

                                         (iv)    a statement of the obligation under section 35(9) to notify the administrator of where the balance owing is to be transferred;

                                  (j)    if the former member has attained the age of 50 years and the plan allows for DC RIAs or transfers to LIFs or annuities, a statement containing

                                           (i)    an explanation of the 50% unlocking option, including the different options for implementing it,

                                          (ii)    the amount based on which that unlocking option may be exercised, and

                                         (iii)    if that person has a pension partner, the requirement for an executed Option 1 waiver if the 50% unlocking option is exercised.

(2)  In subsection (1), “updated” means, to the extent applicable, completed in respect of the most recently completed fiscal year and further extending to cover the period between then and at least the termination of membership or the date of the receipt of the request for updated information, as the case may be.

(3)  Subsection (1) does not apply to a former member if a statement has been provided to him pursuant to section 17(1) in respect of his termination of membership.

AR 35/2000 s15;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Retirement statement

16(1)  Subject to section 18, an administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(d) of the Act and within 90 days after receiving a completed application in the form required by the administrator for commencement of the pension, a statement containing the following information:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the name of the member or former member;

                                 (c)    with respect to the member or former member,

                                           (i)    the date of birth,

                                          (ii)    the date of enrolment in the plan, and

                                         (iii)    the designated beneficiary under the plan;

                                 (d)    the date when pension payments are to commence;

                                 (e)    in the case of a defined contribution provision,

                                           (i)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(f) and (g), updated,

                                          (ii)    a brief description of the payment options available, and

                                         (iii)    confirmation that the member or former member, on making a request for it, will receive a statement as to the amount of pension that could be provided based on amounts underlying the updated information referred to in subclause (i);

                                  (f)    in the case of a defined benefit provision,

                                           (i)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(e), (g) and (h), updated, and

                                          (ii)    the amount of his excess contributions referred to in section 37(2) of the Act, if applicable;

                                 (g)    an explanation of the normal and optional forms of pension available, the adjustment in the amount of pension if a form other than the normal form is chosen and the procedure for choosing;

                                 (h)    if the plan’s records show that the member or former member has a pension partner,

                                           (i)    the pension partner’s name and date of birth according to those records,

                                          (ii)    an explanation of the joint pension and the pension partner’s waiver option under section 40 of the Act, and

                                         (iii)    the amount of pension payable while both are alive and to each on the death of the other;

                                  (i)    if the member or former member has additional voluntary contributions, the options available, including the amount of pension that will be provided if the contributions are left in the plan;

                                  (j)    if he has optional ancillary contributions, the selection of optional ancillary benefits available to him to enhance the pension and, if his contributions exceed the maximum value of optional ancillary benefits available for purchase, the amount of that excess and the fact that the excess is retained in the plan;

                                 (k)    if he has excess contributions referred to in section 37(2) of the Act, the options available under that subsection;

                                  (l)    the basis for future indexation, if applicable;

                                (m)    the deadline for choosing any option available and the consequences, if any, of not meeting it;

                                 (n)    repealed AR 197/2006 s18;

                                 (o)    if the plan allows for DC RIAs or transfers to LIFs or annuities, a statement containing the information specified in section 15(1)(j)(i) to (iii).

(2)  In subsection (1), “updated” means, to the extent applicable, completed in respect of the most recently completed fiscal year and further extending to cover the period between then and pension commencement.

AR 35/2000 s16;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Transfer statement for specified multi-employer plans

17(1)  Subject to section 18, the administrator of a specified multi‑employer plan shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(e) of the Act and within 90 days after receiving a completed application in the form required by the administrator for the transfer, a statement containing the following information:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the member’s name;

                              (b.1)    with respect to the member,

                                           (i)    the date of birth,

                                          (ii)    the name of the pension partner as currently recorded in the plan’s records,

                                         (iii)    the date of enrolment in the plan, and

                                         (iv)    the designated beneficiary under the plan;

                                 (c)    the date of the commencement of his employment;

                                 (d)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(e), (f), (g) and (h), updated;

                                 (e)    to the extent that section 14(1)(e) and (h) apply, the commuted values of the respective pensions and excess contributions referred to in section 37(2) of the Act, if any;

                                  (f)    an explanation of the options available for those excess contributions under section 37(2) of the Act, and for additional voluntary contributions, if applicable;

                                 (g)    an explanation of the options available for the accrued pension under section 38(1) and (2) of the Act;

                                 (h)    the information required by section 15(1)(i), if applicable;

                                  (i)    if the member has attained the age of 50 years and the plan allows for DC RIAs or transfers to LIFs or annuities, a statement containing the information specified in section 15(1)(j)(i) to (iii).

(2)  In subsection (1), “updated” means, to the extent applicable, completed in respect of the most recently completed fiscal year and further extending to cover the period between then and the date of the receipt of the application for the transfer.

AR 35/2000 s17;245/2003;197/2006

Exemptions from sections 14 to 17

18(1)  An administrator is not obliged to comply with section 15, 16 or 17 in respect of a request or application referred to in that section made by any person if the administrator has already provided the relevant information under that section and in respect of that person within the 12 months preceding the application or request.

(2)  Where a member or a former member was permitted but not required to make contributions to a specified multi‑employer plan that has not received the approval of the Superintendent under section 31(4) of the Act, and those contributions were made for the purpose of providing a benefit under a defined benefit provision and are not a significant portion of the commuted value of the member’s or former member’s pension, then, unless the Superintendent otherwise directs, those contributions are not required to be included in the statements of information described in sections 14(1)(g), 15(1)(g), 16(1)(f) and 17(1)(d).

AR 35/2000 s18;245/2003

Statement on death before pension commencement

19(1)  An administrator shall provide, in relation to a member or former member who died before pension commencement, pursuant to section 15(1)(f) of the Act and within 90 days after proof of the death is provided to the administrator, a statement containing the following information:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the deceased’s name;

                              (b.1)    with respect to the deceased,

                                           (i)    the date of birth,

                                          (ii)    the name of the individual recorded in the plan’s records as being the pension partner at the date of death,

                                         (iii)    the date of enrolment in the plan, and

                                         (iv)    the designated beneficiary under the plan;

                                 (c)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(e) and (g), updated;

                                 (d)    if the deceased had no pension partner at his death or a pension had not vested in him, the total lump sum available for refund and an explanation of any other benefits or options available under the plan;

                                 (e)    if the deceased was a member who had a pension partner at his death and to the extent that a pension had vested in him,

                                           (i)    the information referred to in section 14(1)(f) and (h), updated,

                                          (ii)    an explanation of the benefits and options available under section 39 of the Act and any others provided by the plan, and

                                         (iii)    the deadline for choosing any option available and the consequences, if any, of not meeting it;

                                  (f)    the information required by section 15(1)(i), if applicable;

                                 (g)    if the plan allows for DC RIAs or transfers to LIFs or annuities and the pension partner has attained the age of 50 years, a statement (to go only to the pension partner) containing the information specified in section 15(1)(j)(i) and (ii).

(2)  In subsection (1), “updated” means, to the extent applicable, completed in respect of the most recently completed fiscal year and further extending to cover the period between then and the date of the administrator’s receiving notice of the death.

AR 35/2000 s19;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Calculation data

20   An administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(g) of the Act, the data referred to in that clause within 30 days after receiving the request for it.

AR 35/2000 s20;245/2003

Notice of intention to terminate or wind up

21   An administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(h) of the Act, the notice in respect of the termination or winding‑up of the plan that is required by that clause

                                 (a)    at least 60 days before the proposed termination or commencement of the winding‑up, as the case may be, or

                                 (b)    if it is intended to terminate or to commence to wind up the plan, as the case may be, less than 60 days after the decision is made, forthwith after that decision is made.

AR 35/2000 s21;245/2003

Termination or winding-up statement

22(1)  Subject to subsection (2), an administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(i) of the Act and within 60 days after the approval by the Superintendent of the report filed under section 76(3) and, if applicable, section 76(4) of the Act,

                                 (a)    the information, so far as applicable, referred to in sections 15 and 16,

                                 (b)    if benefits are not fully funded at the termination of the plan, a statement acceptable to the Superintendent of the extent of and the reasons for the deficiency, and the consequences to the member or former member,

                                 (c)    if there are surplus assets, how they will be utilized, and

                                 (d)    any other rights and options that the member or former member may have.

(2)  The Superintendent may, where section 76(4) of the Act will apply, exempt the administrator from the requirements of subsection (1) with respect to the provision of information following approval of the report filed under section 76(3) of the Act.

AR 35/2000 s22;245/2003

Statement on reduction in working time

23   An administrator shall provide, pursuant to section 15(1)(j) of the Act and within 60 days after the making of an agreement referred to in section 47(1) of the Act, a statement containing

                                 (a)    the amount of pension the member could expect to receive at pensionable age if he did not take any lump sum payments under section 47 of the Act,

                                 (b)    the maximum lump sum payment the member is permitted to receive under section 47 of the Act in the year covered by the statement, and

                                 (c)    the amount of the reduced pension payable at pensionable age if the member withdraws the maximum lump sum referred to in clause (b),

and shall provide a further updated statement in each subsequent year while the agreement remains in force on or before each anniversary of the provision of the first statement relating to the agreement.

AR 35/2000 s23;245/2003

Information on spousal relationship breakdown

24(1)  The information prescribed for the purposes of section 15(1)(k) of the Act is as set out in this section.

(2)  An administrator shall provide to the member‑pension partner and non‑member‑pension partner, within 90 days after receiving a written request for it from either, a statement specifying

                                 (a)    an estimate of the member‑pension partner’s total entitlement, as calculated under section 59, and, except where payment of the pension has already commenced, the value of the member‑pension partner’s additional voluntary contributions and optional ancillary contributions with interest, if applicable, but only up to and as of the date specified in the request,

                                 (b)    the date on which the member‑pension partner became a member, and

                                 (c)    the date, if applicable, on which the member‑pension partner terminated his membership.

(3)  An administrator shall provide to the non‑member‑pension partner, within 90 days after receiving a matrimonial property order, a statement containing

                                 (a)    the options available under section 58 to the non‑member‑pension partner and a summary of the benefits to which the non‑member‑pension partner may become entitled on exercising each of the options, and

                                 (b)    the deadline for choosing any option available and the consequences, if any, of not meeting the deadline.

(4)  An administrator shall provide to the member‑pension partner, within 90 days after the division takes place, a statement containing

                                 (a)    the date the division became effective, and

                                 (b)    a summary and description of the remaining benefits to which the member‑pension partner will be entitled after the distribution of the non‑member‑pension partner’s share.

(5)  Section 56 applies with respect to the interpretation of this section.

AR 35/2000 s24;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

DC RIA statements

24.1(1)  This section applies in respect of a pension plan with defined contribution provisions that provide for DC RIAs.

(2)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “DC RIA participant” has the meaning ascribed to that term in section 46.1(1)(b);

                                 (b)    “year” means a calendar year.

(3)  The administrator shall, within 60 days after the end of each year, provide to each DC RIA participant a statement containing the following information about that DC RIA participant so far as applicable:

                                 (a)    the name of the plan and its Canada Revenue Agency registration number;

                                 (b)    the DC RIA participant’s name;

                                 (c)    the date of birth;

                                 (d)    the date the DC RIA was established;

                                 (e)    the name of the designated beneficiary;

                                  (f)    except where the DC RIA participant is a surviving pension partner and to the extent applicable, the name of the pension partner who executed the Option 2 waiver  at retirement income commencement and acknowledgement that a pension partner has executed the Option 3 waiver;

                                 (g)    the account balances as at the beginning and the end of that previous year;

                                 (h)    the interest earned during that year;

                                  (i)    the total amount withdrawn from the account during that year;

                                  (j)    the amounts transferred into the account during that year;

                                 (k)    the fees charged against the account during that year;

                                  (l)    the minimum and maximum amounts that may be withdrawn during the current year being, respectively,

                                           (i)    the Canada Revenue Agency minimum for RRIFs, and

                                          (ii)    the greater of

                                                 (A)    the amount calculated under section 46.1(15) (as it incorporates section 40(34)(a)), and

                                                  (B)    the gains, if any, earned in the immediately previous year;

                                (m)    the deadline for making the election as to the timing of the payment from the account for the current year;

                                 (n)    the process for changing that election;

                                 (o)    if that election is not made, the amount that will be paid, applying the tax Act, and the date when that payment will be made.

(4)  The administrator shall, in relation to a DC RIA participant who died, provide to the person entitled to receive the balance of the DC RIA benefits, within 60 days after proof of the death is provided to the administrator, a statement containing the following information about the deceased so far as applicable (and adapted by reference to the fact of the death):

                                 (a)    the information referred to in subsection (3)(a) to (f);

                                 (b)    the account balances as at the beginning of the year in which death occurred and as at death;

                                 (c)    the interest earned from the beginning of that year to death;

                                 (d)    the total amount withdrawn from the account during the period referred to in clause (c);

                                 (e)    the amounts transferred into the account during that period;

                                  (f)    the fees charged against the account during that period;

                                 (g)    a statement that the account balance will be adjusted with interest to the date of payment;

                                 (h)    the options as to how the income payments are to be made;

                                  (i)    if the plan so permits and subject to the tax Act, any option that exists for a surviving pension partner to remain in the plan;

                                  (j)    if a surviving pension partner to whom section 46.1(12) applies elects to remain in the plan, the information under subsection (3)(l) updated;

                                 (k)    the deadline for the election of options;

                                  (l)    what will happen if a specific election of options is not duly made.

(5)  Where the information referred to in subsection (4)(j) has to be provided, it must be accompanied by the necessary forms to enable the pension partner to stipulate the amount of DC RIA benefits to be paid out.

(6)  The administrator shall, in relation to a DC RIA participant who has applied in writing to transfer money out of the DC RIA, provide to that DC RIA participant, within 90 days after the making of the application, the following information about that DC RIA participant so far as applicable:

                                 (a)    the information referred to in subsection (3)(a) to (f);

                                 (b)    the account balances as at the beginning of the year in which the application was made and as at the time the application is processed;

                                 (c)    the interest earned from the beginning of that year to the time the application is processed;

                                 (d)    in respect of that period, the information referred to in subsection (4)(d) to (h) and (k), where applicable.

AR 197/2006 s21

Examination and provision of copies

25(1)  The following are the prescribed documents for the purposes of section 15(4)(f) of the Act:

                                 (a)    where the person entitled to the benefit and seeking the examination is

                                           (i)    a member, the most recent explanation or summary and other information provided under section 15(1)(a) of the Act and sections 12 and 13 of this Regulation,

                                          (ii)    a former member, the last such explanation or summary and other information that was current when that former member was a member, or

                                         (iii)    any other person, the last such explanation or summary and other information that was current when the person through whom that other person derives the entitlement was a member;

                              (a.1)    the plan’s 3 most recently filed audited financial statements referred to in section 11(3) except that if the pension fund has been subdivided into separate portions as between money arising from defined benefit provisions and money arising from defined contribution provisions, then only those portions of those statements that relate to those provisions that are applicable to the person entitled to the benefit;

                              (a.2)    all agreements referred to in section 23(1) of the Act;

                                 (b)    where the person entitled to the benefit and seeking the examination is a member of a specified multi‑employer plan or a multi‑unit plan,

                                           (i)    repealed AR 197/2006 s22,

                                          (ii)    any participation agreement that is relevant to that member;

                                 (c)    a report under section 76(3) or (4) of the Act, except any portions of the report stating the benefits of individual members or former members;

                                 (d)    the current statement of investment policies and procedures, with all amendments, or a summary of it.

(2)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 15(5) of the Act is 30 days from the providing of the notice referred to in section 67(2).

(3)  The period referred to in section 15(9) of the Act is 12 months.

AR 35/2000 s25;218/2000;245/2003;197/2006

Part 2
Registration and Amendment

Registration of plans

26   The documents prescribed for the purposes of section 19(1)(a)(iv) of the Act are, where applicable,

                                 (a)    any participation agreements respecting the plan, and

                                 (b)    repealed AR 197/2006 s23,

                                 (c)    any agreements between the administrator and the fund holder or custodian that give the responsibility for making actual pension payments to the administrator.

AR 35/2000 s26;245/2003;197/2006

Amendment of plans

27(1)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 20(1) of the Act is the period of 60 days beginning on the date when the amendment is made.

(2)  Subject to subsection (3), where an amendment referred to in section 9(7) is made, the administrator shall file,

                                 (a)    at the same time as the certified copy of the amendment required by section 20(1) of the Act,

                                           (i)    an interim cost certificate, signed by an actuary, showing the effect that the amendment will have on the plan’s liabilities, the special payments and the normal actuarial cost, or

                                          (ii)    a statement, signed by an actuary, as to the effect that the amendment will have on the plan’s liabilities and confirmation that the amendment will have no material effect on the special payments or the normal actuarial cost,


                                 (b)    if the administrator informed the Superintendent in writing of the intention to do so at the time when the certified copy of the amendment was filed, within 180 days after the amendment is made, a new actuarial valuation report.

(3)  The Superintendent may, by notice in writing, require the administrator to file, within 60 days after service of that notice, a new actuarial valuation report and cost certificate, prepared as at the effective date of the amendment, instead of the interim cost certificate or statement referred to in subsection (2)(a).

(4)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 20(1.1) of the Act is the period ending 60 days after the plan’s designation by the Superintendent as a multi‑unit plan.

(5)  After a proposed amendment referred to in section 15(1)(a.1) of the Act is eventually made, the administrator shall file, at the same time as the certified copy of the amendment, written confirmation that the explanation or summaries required by section 13.1 were duly provided.

AR 35/2000 s27;245/2003;197/2006

Part 3
Provisions Respecting Contractual Plan Provisions

Direction of investments

27.1   In addition to the matters provided for in section 28(1) of the Act, a pension plan must contain a provision stating whether the member or the administrator or both are responsible for the direction of the plan’s investments.

AR 197/2006 s25

Benefit and contribution formulas

28(1)  For the purposes of section 28(1)(h) of the Act, formulas for determining benefits, member and employer contributions and the allocation of contributions under a pension plan must comply with this section.

(2)  The formulas for determining benefits under defined benefit provisions, member contributions relating to defined benefit provisions and contributions relating to defined contribution provisions of a plan must be uniform

                                 (a)    for each year of future employment, and

                                 (b)    for each member of a class prescribed in section 30(1),

except to the extent that the Superintendent approves a variation in any formula that the Superintendent considers reasonable.

(3)  The formula for determining the pension under a defined benefit provision may not be based on a member’s age on joining the plan.

(4)  Where a formula relating to a defined contribution provision provides for contributions on a basis other than

                                 (a)    a percentage of a member’s remuneration, or

                                 (b)    a fixed dollar amount in respect of each member,

the formula for establishing the amount of those contributions may not be based solely on the age of the member and it must be based on factors other than the accumulated value of the contributions made by or on behalf of the member with interest at the date that amount is established.

(5)  Where an additional amount of benefit is payable from pension commencement and the plan provides for that additional amount to cease or be reduced at the date when a pension becomes available, or when receipt of the pension occurs, under the Canada Pension Plan (Canada), the Quebec Pension Plan (Quebec) or the Old Age Security Act (Canada), then, for the purposes of the plan, that date shall be treated as being the date when the person entitled to that pension attains the age of 65 years, notwithstanding that that pension may actually be payable at another time.

AR 35/2000 s28;245/2003;197/2006

Administration expenses

28.1   Where

                                 (a)    a pension plan provides that administrative expenses related to the plan will be paid from the plan’s pension fund and that an employer who pays any such expenses to another person directly is entitled to be reimbursed for the money so paid, and

                                 (b)    an employer lawfully so pays any expenses so provided for from its own resources,

the employer may be reimbursed for those paid expenses from the pension fund.

AR 197/2006 s27

Purchase of annuity

28.2   Where, with respect to defined benefit provisions of a pension plan, an annuity is to be purchased, other than under section 38(2)(c)(i) of the Act or where section 55(5) is applied, instead of the provision of a pension from the plan, the income from the annuity must be in the same amount and form as the income that the recipient would have received from the pension.

AR 197/2006 s27

Commuted value

29(1)  For the purposes of section 1(1)(h)(i)(B) of the Act,

                                 (a)    the actuarial present value of benefits must be determined in accordance with the most recently adopted official guidelines or standards issued by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, as amended to the relevant time.

                                 (b)    repealed AR 197/2006 s28.

(2)  Where the Superintendent considers that the actuarial basis or the assumptions or methods relating to that basis do not meet the requirements of section 1(1)(h)(i) of the Act, he shall notify the administrator in writing of that fact and shall direct the administrator to have the basis or assumptions or methods amended so as to comply with that subclause.

(3)  The administrator shall forthwith comply with the direction.

(4)  Sections 25 and 26 of the Act apply in respect of the direction as if the Superintendent were cancelling a registration.

(5)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s28.

(6)  Subject to subsection (7), where the commuted value of a benefit under a defined benefit provision of a pension plan that is not wholly terminated is to be determined, it must be determined as at the date of termination of membership, death or pension commencement, as the case may be, and must be adjusted for interest, in respect of the period between that date and a date not earlier than the end of the month immediately preceding the month in which the payment or transfer of the commuted value out of the plan was effected, at a rate not less than the rate of interest that was assumed in determining that commuted value.

(7)  Where the period between the date as of which the commuted value was determined under subsection (6) and the date of the payment or transfer of the commuted value out of the plan exceeds 120 days, the administrator may elect to recompute the commuted value as of the date of the payment or transfer instead of adjusting the commuted value for interest under subsection (6).

(8)  Where the commuted value of a benefit under a defined benefit provision of a pension plan the whole of which plan is terminated is to be determined, it must be determined as at the date of the termination of the plan and, in respect of the period between that date and a date not earlier than the end of the month immediately preceding the month in which the payment or transfer of the commuted value out of the plan was effected,

                                 (a)    that commuted value must be adjusted for interest, and

                                 (b)    interest must be paid on excess contributions that are required by section 37 of the Act to be paid from the plan,

at the rate of return earned by the plan during that period.

AR 35/2000 s29;245/2003;197/2006

Entitlement of employees to join plan

30(1)  The prescribed classes of employees referred to in section 29(1) of the Act are employees who fall within any of the following classes:

                                 (a)    employees who are paid a salary;

                                 (b)    employees who are paid on an hourly basis;

                                 (c)    employees who are members of a trade union within the meaning of the Labour Relations Code;

                                 (d)    employees who are not members of such a trade union;

                                 (e)    supervisory employees;

                                  (f)    management employees;

                                 (g)    executive employees;

                                 (h)    employees who are officers of the employer;

                                  (i)    employees who are significant shareholders within the meaning of section 49(2) of the Act;

                                  (j)    persons who fall within clause (c) or (d) and also any of clauses (a) or (b) or (e) to (i);

                                 (k)    employees who fall within a class designated under subsection (1.1).

(1.1)  On the written application of the administrator, the Superintendent may in writing designate any class of employees not described in subsection (1)(a) to (j) that the Superintendent considers to be identifiable and appropriate for categorization as a class under subsection (1).

(2)  The times prescribed for the purposes of sections 29(1) and 30(3)(b) of the Act are the first day, and the first day of the 7th month, of any fiscal year.

(3)  A plan for connected individuals in which all the members are employees who, but for this subsection, fall within one or more of the classes described in subsection (1)(g), (h) and (i) is exempt from section 29 of the Act, and those employees shall be treated for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation as not falling within that class or those classes.

AR 35/2000 s30;245/2003;197/2006

Pensioners recommencing employment

31(1)  A pension plan must provide that where a former member of the plan who has commenced to receive his pension from the plan recommences work or service in an employment covered by the plan,

                                 (a)    payment of the pension is to continue and he is not eligible to become a member, or

                                 (b)    payment of the pension is to be suspended and he is to become a member with effect from the date of his commencing that subsequent employment,

but the plan may make the provisions specified in both clauses (a) and (b) applicable under differing circumstances.

(2)  A specified multi‑employer plan respecting which the approval of the Superintendent under section 31(4) of the Act has not been received may provide that where a former member of that plan who has commenced to receive his pension commences work or service in an employment covered by another specified multi‑employer plan in Canada that has a transfer agreement referred to in section 23(1) of the Act with the first‑mentioned plan,

                                 (a)    payment of the pension is to continue and he is not eligible to become a member of the first‑mentioned plan, or

                                 (b)    payment of the pension is to be suspended, he is to become a member of either plan from the date of his commencing that work or service and the pension is to recommence from the first day of the month immediately following the cessation of that work or service,

but the plan may make the provisions referred to in both clauses (a) and (b) applicable under differing circumstances.

(3)  Where a plan provides for the suspension of payment of the pension as provided in subsection (1)(b) or (2)(b), the amount of the pension payable at the member’s subsequent pension commencement must be at least equal to the sum of the amount of the pension that is provided for his employment from the date of his commencing the subsequent employment to his subsequent pension commencement under the terms of the plan at that subsequent pension commencement and either,

                                 (a)    if the initial pension commencement occurred before pensionable age, the amount of the pension that would have been payable had the initial pension commencement occurred at pensionable age reduced in accordance with the terms of the plan as they were at the initial pension commencement, or

                                 (b)    if the initial pension commencement occurred at or after pensionable age, the amount of pension payable at the initial pension commencement. 

(4)  The calculation of a reduction under subsection (3)(a) must be based on the assumption of the member’s having attained an age that is equal to his age, in years and any portion of a year, at the subsequent pension commencement less the number of years and any portion of a year between his initial pension commencement and the effective date of the suspension.

(5)  Notwithstanding subsections (2), (3) and (4), the plan may provide that the amount of pension that was payable at the initial pension commencement and that becomes payable at the subsequent pension commencement be increased in such an alternative manner that the Superintendent considers reasonable and appropriate.

(6)  In this section, “pension” does not include DC RIA benefits.

AR 35/2000 s31;245/2003;197/2006

Locking in

32(1)  To the extent that section 35(3) of the Act applies to any part of a pension deriving from optional ancillary contributions, that exception to section 35(1) and (2) of the Act does not apply

                                 (a)    to the extent that the money was locked in when it entered into the pension plan as optional ancillary contributions, or

                                 (b)    to earnings originally deriving from such locked‑in money.

(1.1)  Section 35(4.1) of the Act applies with respect to a member or former member who has a pension partner at the date of the declaration of non‑residency or death, as the case may be, only if that pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

(2)  The breaks in employment prescribed for the purposes of section 35(12) of the Act are those described in section 1(3.1) of the Act, and the member is to be treated as employed by a participating employer during those breaks.

AR 35/2000 s32;245/2003;197/2006


33(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “accumulated contributions” means contributions, including compounded interest;

                                 (b)    “CANSIM rate” means the rate of interest calculated on the basis of the average of the yields of the 5‑year personal fixed term chartered bank deposit rates, published in the Bank of Canada Review as CANSIM Series V 122151, over the most recent period for which the rates are available, with an averaging period equal to the number of months in the period for which interest is to be applied to a maximum of 12 months and, where that rate results in a fraction of 1% that is expressed otherwise than as a multiple of a full 1/10 of 1%, rounded downwards to the next full 1/10 of 1%;

                                 (c)    “contributions” means contributions to which interest must or may be applied pursuant to section 36 of the Act in respect of a member;

                                 (d)    “full rate” means the full CANSIM rate or fund rate of return, as the case may be;

                                 (e)    “fund rate of return” means, with respect to the period between consecutive valuation dates, the increase or decrease, if any, expressed as a percentage, in the value of the accumulated contributions as at the latest valuation date in comparison with that value as at the immediately preceding valuation date, in both cases after deducting

                                           (i)    plan administration costs, and

                                          (ii)    any additional expenses of administering those accumulated contributions

                                          incurred during the period, that were not paid for by the employer;

                                  (f)    “valuation date” means the date in question as at which the accumulated contributions are valued.

(2)  For the purposes of section 36(5) of the Act, interest shall be

                                 (a)    calculated in a manner that is specified in the plan and that meets the minimum rate requirements of and otherwise complies with this section, and

                                 (b)    applied, as so calculated, to accumulated contributions or to contributions, as the case may be, at the times provided by this section.

(3)  Subject to this section, the rate of interest to be applied for the purposes of section 36(1) of the Act

                                 (a)    on member required contributions under defined benefit provisions is the CANSIM rate or the fund rate of return, and

                                 (b)    on any other contributions is the fund rate of return.

(4)  The actual rate of return and the methodology chosen to ensure that subsection (3) is adhered to must be specified in the plan, and once the method so specified has been selected, it may not be changed in respect of any subsequent year without the prior written consent of the Superintendent.

(5)  Interest must be calculated and applied as at the end of each fiscal year at least.

(6)  Where interest is to be calculated only as at, and not also before, the end of the fiscal year, it shall be applied,

                                 (a)    if the member has not had a benefit paid or transferred from the plan during the fiscal year,

                                           (i)    to the contributions made during the just completed fiscal year, at 1/2 the full rate, and

                                          (ii)    to the accumulated contributions as at the end of the immediately preceding fiscal year, at the full rate,


                                 (b)    if the member has a benefit paid or transferred from the plan during the fiscal year, as at the end of the month immediately preceding the month in which the benefit was, or commenced to be, paid or transferred,

                                           (i)    to the contributions made during that current fiscal year to the end of that month, at 1/2 the full rate, prorated over the number of completed months during which the person was a member in that uncompleted current fiscal year, and

                                          (ii)    to the accumulated contributions, as at the end of the immediately preceding fiscal year, at the full rate, prorated as specified in subclause (i).

(7)  For the purposes of applying subsection (6)(b), where the fund rate of return in any period would, but for this subsection, result in a negative interest rate, the fund rate of return is 0%.

(8)  Where interest is to be calculated more frequently than annually, it shall be applied when it is calculated, and if the calculation is to be done less frequently than monthly, interest shall be applied in a manner that is consistent with subsection (6) and, if applicable, subsection (7).

(9)  Notwithstanding anything in this section, a plan may provide for interest to be calculated in such other manner and at such other rates as the Superintendent considers reasonable and appropriate.

AR 35/2000 s33;245/2003;197/2006

Treatment of excess contributions

34(1)  Where the circumstances described in section 37(1) of the Act apply and the plan is amended while the member is employed in Alberta or a designated jurisdiction to provide in effect that benefits on and after the effective date of the amendment will be determined for the member under a defined contribution provision, then, if the defined benefit provision is to continue to apply with respect to employment before the effective date of the amendment, the amount of any excess contributions is not to be determined until the termination of membership or of the whole plan, commencement of the member’s pension, the member’s death or any subsequent conversion of the defined benefit provision.

(2)  Where the circumstances described in section 37(1) of the Act apply and the plan is amended while the member is employed in Alberta or a designated jurisdiction to provide in effect that all benefits, whenever accrued, are to be the subject of a conversion to a defined contribution provision, the amount of any excess contributions is to be determined as at the time of the conversion and the excess contributions may be used in accordance with the options listed in section 37(2) of the Act.

AR 35/2000 s34;245/2003;197/2006

Manner and extent of transfers

35(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “transfer” means a transfer of assets of a pension plan pursuant to, or pursuant to a plan provision made under, section 30(5), 38 or 39(6) of the Act or section 58 of this Regulation;

                                 (b)    “transfer deficiency” means, where a pension plan has a solvency ratio of less than one, the amount by which the commuted value of a benefit exceeds the product of that commuted value and the solvency ratio.

(2)  Subject to this section, references in this section to impairment of the solvency of a plan are to be taken to mean such impairment as would prevent an administrator, without consent or direction, from making a transfer under section 82(3) of the Act.

(3)  The manner in and the extent to which a transfer may be made are as set out in this section.

(4)  Where a plan has a solvency ratio of at least one, a transfer shall not, subject to this subsection, be considered to impair the solvency of the plan, but the Superintendent, on the written request of the administrator, may permit the administrator to refuse the transfer if the Superintendent agrees with the administrator’s assessment that the transfer would in fact impair the solvency of the plan.

(5)  Where the transfer value under a defined benefit provision of a plan is higher than the amount that would result if section 1(1)(h)(i) of the Act were applied, the administrator shall ensure that supplementary calculations are made to ensure that the solvency of the plan will not be impaired by the transfer. 

(6)  Where a plan has a solvency ratio of less than one, a transfer is to be considered as impairing the solvency of the plan unless, prior to the making of the transfer, the employer has remitted sufficient money to the plan to eliminate any transfer deficiency relating to the transfer.

(7)  Notwithstanding subsection (6), the transfer of an amount equal to the commuted value of a benefit less the transfer deficiency related to that benefit shall not be considered to impair the solvency of the plan.

(8)  Any transfer deficiency that remains untransferred shall be transferred within 5 years of the initial transfer and must include interest up to the end of the month immediately preceding the date when the last transfer is made.

(9)  The person entitled to have the transfer deficiency transferred shall notify the administrator of where the transfer is to be made at least 60 days before the expiry of the 5‑year period.

AR 35/2000 s35;245/2003;197/2006

Minimum amount for compulsory transfer

36   For the purposes of section 38(7) of the Act, the prescribed amount for the commuted value of the pension is 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the calendar year in which the most recent determination of the commuted value in question has been done.

AR 35/2000 s36;245/2003;197/2006

Exercise of options

37   Where a person is entitled to exercise an option under section 37(2), 38(1) and (2) or 39(6) or (7) of the Act or section 58(2) of this Regulation, the person must exercise the option within 90 days of the receipt of the information required by section 15, 16, 17, 19, 22 or 24, as the case may be, and where he does not exercise the option within the 90‑day period, his options with respect to his benefits are limited to those, if any, provided by the plan.

AR 35/2000 s37;245/2003

Acknowledged institutions

38(1)  The Superintendent shall, for the purposes of both or either of sections 39 and 40 in relation to any given financial institution, establish and maintain a list of the financial institutions that are acknowledged for those purposes and that are thereby authorized to issue the categories or category, being LIRAs and LIFs or either of those vehicles as the case may be, that are or is identified in that list in relation to the financial institution in question.

(2)  For the purposes of this Regulation, a financial institution (other than an insurance business in respect of an annuity) is acknowledged in relation to a LIRA or LIF if, after the commencement of this subsection,

                                 (a)    there have been filed

                                           (i)    a completed application, with certification, on that financial institution’s behalf in the form prescribed in Schedule 2, and

                                          (ii)    any other relevant documents that the Superintendent has required it to file,


                                 (b)    the Superintendent has provided written notice to the financial institution stating that it has been acknowledged and placed on the list for that vehicle,

and to the extent that the institution has not been removed under subsection (3).

(3)  The Superintendent may, without affecting the obligations or liabilities of a financial institution in relation to any transfer, LIRA or LIF, remove the financial institution completely from the list, or from the list so far as it relates to LIRAs or LIFs, if the financial institution has acted in breach of any of its obligations under the legislation.

(4)  A financial institution shall not issue or administer a LIRA or a LIF until and unless it is acknowledged in relation to that vehicle.

AR 35/2000 s38;197/2006

Locked‑in retirement account conditions

39(1)  The conditions on which a transfer of money to a LIRA (including a transfer from one LIRA to another) are to be made and the rules that apply with respect to LIRAs in general, including rules applicable to transfers from a LIRA, are as set out or referred to in section 38 of the Act and this section, in the LIRA addendum and in other provisions of the legislation dealing with LIRAs.

(2)  Subject to the provisions of the legislation allowing for money to be withdrawn from a LIRA, the purpose of a LIRA is, with respect to and only to Alberta locked‑in money, to provide a financial vehicle for the holding and investment of money in it until it is all transferred to another vehicle in accordance with this section with a view ultimately to the securing of the provision of a pension, retirement income or an annuity in a form and manner required or permitted by the legislation.

(3)  This section applies with respect to a LIRA held after the commencement of this subsection, whether the LIRA was entered into before or after the commencement of this subsection.

(4)  An RRSP that is intended as a LIRA must contain, as an attachment, an addendum corresponding exactly to the wording in Form 1 (with instructions appropriately followed) and section 26(1) of the Interpretation Act does not apply with respect to that form, and a LIRA addendum so completed and attached becomes a part of the LIRA.

(5)  An RRSP becomes a LIRA when, and not until, the completed LIRA addendum is attached to the RRSP and, notwithstanding subsection (4), the RRSP with that addendum attached remains a LIRA if the addendum ceases to be so attached.

(6)  To the extent that a LIRA does not in any respect effect a provision required by this Regulation to be included in or incorporated into a LIRA (including the LIRA addendum), the LIRA is deemed to make such provision in that respect as would make it comply with this Regulation.

(7)  Notwithstanding anything in this Regulation, a LIRA must comply with the conditions for registration relating to RRSPs under the tax Act and, once so registered, must be kept in such a form as to ensure continuation of that registration.

(8)  A transfer to a LIRA may be made only from

                                 (a)    the non‑DC RIA portion of a plan or another LIRA, under section 30(5), 38 or 39(6) of the Act, this section or section 58(2), as the case may be, of this Regulation, or

                                 (b)    a vehicle comprising a sum administered as a locked‑in RRSP pursuant to an agreement originally entered into under section 16 of the Regulations under The Pension Benefits Act (AR 446/66) (repealed).

(9)  A transferor administrator or financial institution shall not transfer money to a LIRA without first

                                 (a)    ascertaining that the transferee financial institution is acknowledged in relation to LIRAs,

                                 (b)    advising the transferee financial institution in writing that the money being transferred is Alberta locked‑in money, and

                                 (c)    if the transfer is being effected by a former member or an original owner who has a pension partner at the time of the transfer who has executed the Form 3 waiver, providing the transferee financial institution with a certified copy of that waiver.

(10)  A transferee financial institution shall not accept a transfer of money to a LIRA unless

                                 (a)    that institution is acknowledged in relation to LIRAs,

                                 (b)    the money comes from a source referred to in subsection (8), and

                                 (c)    all the money to be transferred in is Alberta locked‑in money to the best of that institution’s knowledge.

(11)  A financial institution issuing a LIRA shall provide the owner with a copy of the whole LIRA forthwith after its issue.

(12)  If a financial institution pays money out of a LIRA in a manner that contravenes the legislation, it shall ensure and secure the provision to the owner of a pension, retirement income or annuity in a manner and in the amounts that would have been provided had the money not been paid out.

(13)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (9)(a) and transfers the money to an entity that is not acknowledged in relation to LIRAs, that transferor remains bound by the terms of the vehicle from which the transfer was made and retains all the responsibilities, liabilities and rights in relation to that vehicle and the owner that it had immediately before the transfer.

(14)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (9)(b) and, as a result, the transferee financial institution pays out any of the money received from the transferor in a manner that does not meet the requirements of the legislation relating to locking in, that transferor shall transfer anew to the transferee financial institution a sum of money equal to the amount that the transferor was originally liable to transfer to the transferee financial institution or such greater sum as the transferee financial institution paid to the owner as a result of the circumstances underlying that contravention, and the owner retains the interest in the LIRA and its value on the same basis as would have applied had there been no contravention.

(15)  Where the owner receives any money from the transferee financial institution in the circumstances referred to in subsection (14), then, to the extent that the owner obtains, in effect, a double payment or a payment as well as a continuing interest in the LIRA, the transferor administrator or financial institution has a right of action against the owner for the amount or the extra amount so received.

(16)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (9)(c) and the transferee financial institution pays out money as a result of the non‑receipt of the waiver copy to a pension partner who executed the Form 3 waiver, that transferor shall transfer to the transferee financial institution anew a sum of money equal to the amount that the transferee, as a result, paid out to that pension partner, and

                                 (a)    the transferee shall pay that money to the deceased’s designated beneficiary or estate, as the case may be, and

                                 (b)    the transferor has a right of action against that pension partner for the amount that the transferee financial institution paid to that person.

(17)  Subsections (13) to (16) apply if the transfer‑in rules of section 39, as it existed before its repeal by section 36 of the Employment Pension Plans (General, 2006) Amendment Regulation, were contravened in a transaction before the commencement of this subsection.

(18)  A financial institution shall ensure that a LIRA issued by it or the money standing to the credit of such a LIRA or both, as the case may be,

                                 (a)    is administered in accordance with the legislation,

                                 (b)    is invested in a manner that complies with the rules for the investment of RRSP money contained in the tax Act,

                                 (c)    does not include any money that the financial institution knows is not Alberta locked‑in money, and

                                 (d)    subject to the withdrawal provisions referred to in subsection (2), is ultimately transferred to, and only to,

                                           (i)    a pension plan,

                                          (ii)    another LIRA,

                                         (iii)    a LIF, or

                                         (iv)    an annuity.

(19)  An owner may transfer money from a LIRA on a locked‑in basis only if the transferor financial institution has previously

                                 (a)    informed the transferee administrator or financial institution in writing that the money is Alberta locked‑in money,

                                 (b)    provided the owner with a written statement showing the balance in the LIRA,

                                 (c)    ascertained, if the transfer is to another LIRA or to a LIF, that the transferee financial institution is appropriately acknowledged,

                                 (d)    confirmed, if the transfer is to a pension plan, that the appropriate provisions of the plan permit the transfer in,

                                 (e)    if the transfer is to the non‑DC RIA portion of a plan or to another LIRA and is being effected by an original owner who has a pension partner at the time of the transfer who has executed a Form 3 waiver, provided the transferee administrator or financial institution with a certified copy of that waiver,

                                  (f)    if the transfer is to a DC RIA, LIF or annuity, offered the owner in writing the 50% unlocking option and, if the owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the transfer and exercises the 50% unlocking option, received an executed Option 1 waiver, and

                                 (g)    if the transfer is to a DC RIA or a LIF or to an annuity other than at least a 60% joint life annuity and the owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the transfer, provided the transferee administrator or financial institution with a certified copy of an executed Option 2 waiver.

(20)  Where money is to be transferred from a LIRA to a DC RIA, LIF or annuity, the transferor financial institution shall provide to the owner a statement containing

                                 (a)    an explanation of the 50% unlocking option, including the different options for implementing it,

                                 (b)    the amount based on which that unlocking option may be exercised, and

                                 (c)    if the owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the transfer, an explanation of the requirement for an executed Option 1 waiver if that unlocking option is to be exercised.

(21)  A transferor shall retain the Option 1 waiver as long as it is potentially applicable.

(22)  Where a financial institution transfers money from a LIRA to another LIRA or to a LIF or annuity of which it is also the issuer, the financial institution is deemed for the purposes of the legislation to be acting at arm’s length in relation to the 2 vehicles and therefore to be the transferor financial institution in relation to the former vehicle and the transferee financial institution in relation to the latter.

(23)  Notwithstanding anything in this section, the owner of a LIRA is entitled, on an application by the owner to the financial institution, to withdraw all the money in the LIRA

                                 (a)    as a lump sum if the owner provides written evidence that the Canada Revenue Agency has confirmed that the owner has become a non‑resident for the purposes of the tax Act, or

                                 (b)    as a lump sum or a series of payments for a fixed term if a physician certifies that the owner has a terminal illness or that due to a disability the owner’s life is likely to be considerably shortened,

and if, where that owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the application, that pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

(24)  A LIRA that is not eligible for the payment option referred to in section 45(2) may not be severed so as to transform it into 2 or more LIRAs, LIFs, DC RIAs or annuities or any combination of them that would make any of them so eligible.

(25)  A pension partner of an original owner who is potentially entitled to receive money from a LIRA may, before that owner's death and before the money is paid out or transferred, waive the right to all the money in the LIRA by executing a Form 3 waiver.

(26)  Where an owner dies with a balance in the LIRA, the benefit payable on the death is the value of the LIRA account and,

                                 (a)    if the owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of death who has not executed a Form 3 waiver, is to be used in accordance with subsection (27), or

                                 (b)    if clause (a) does not apply, is payable in cash to the designated beneficiary or, if there is no valid designation of a beneficiary, to the deceased’s estate.

(27)  Within 60 days after the delivery to the financial institution of the relevant documents required by it following the death of an original owner referred to in subsection (26)(a), the balance in the LIRA is to be used for the ultimate securing of a pension, retirement income or annuity for the non‑waiving pension partner and is to be transferred, at his or her option,

                                 (a)    to a LIRA,

                                 (b)    to a pension plan on a locked‑in basis, if that plan so permits, or

                                 (c)    if the pension partner has attained the age of 50 years, to a DC RIA, LIF or annuity.

(28)  Within 60 days after the delivery to the financial institution of the relevant documents required by it following the death of an owner other than one to whom subsection (27) applies, the balance in the LIRA is to be paid in cash to the deceased’s designated beneficiary or, if there is no valid designation of a beneficiary, to the deceased’s estate.

(29)  Where a transfer is made under subsection (27)(c), the pension partner has the same entitlements with respect to the 50% unlocking option as if he or she were the original owner.

(30)  Parts 4 of the legislation apply with respect to a LIRA, and where money was subject to those Parts immediately before its transfer to a LIRA, that money continues to be subject to them.

(31)  Where Parts 4 of the legislation apply with respect to the share in a LIRA of a non‑member‑pension partner, the conditions set out in those Parts (including the locking‑in provisions) continue to apply to that share when it is transferred to another vehicle on that person’s behalf.

(32)  Notwithstanding subsection (4), where an amendment is required to a LIRA addendum as a result of an amendment to Form 1, that amendment may be effectuated by a textual amendment process if such a process is specified in writing by the Superintendent.

AR 35/2000 s39;109/2003;133/2003;245/2003;212/2005;197/2006

Life income fund conditions

40(1)  In this section except subsection (8), “year” means the calendar year.

(2)  The conditions on which a transfer of money to a LIF (including a transfer from one LIF to another) are to be made and the rules that apply with respect to LIFs in general, including rules applicable to transfers from a LIF, are as set out or referred to in section 38 of the Act and this section, in the LIF addendum and in other provisions of the legislation dealing with LIFs.

(3)  Subject to the provisions of the legislation allowing for money to be withdrawn from a LIF, the purpose of a LIF is, with respect to and only to Alberta locked‑in money, to provide a financial vehicle for the holding and investment of money in it and for the provision of retirement income in a form and manner required or permitted by the legislation.

(4)  This section applies with respect to a LIF held after the commencement of this subsection, whether the LIF was entered into before or after the commencement of this subsection.

(5)  An RRIF that is intended as a LIF must contain, as an attachment, an addendum corresponding exactly to the wording in Form 2 (with instructions appropriately followed) and section 26(1) of the Interpretation Act does not apply with respect to that form, and a LIF addendum so completed and attached becomes a part of the LIF.

(6)  A LIF is not established, and the RRIF has no effect as a LIF, unless and until the owner is at least 50 years of age and the completed LIF addendum is attached to the RRIF.

(7)  Notwithstanding subsection (5), the RRIF with the LIF addendum attached remains a LIF if the LIF addendum ceases to be so attached.

(8)  The fiscal year of a LIF is the calendar year.

(9)  To the extent that a LIF does not in any respect effect a provision required by this Regulation to be included in or incorporated into a LIF (including the LIF addendum), the LIF is deemed to make such provision in that respect as would make it comply with this Regulation.

(10)  Notwithstanding anything in this Regulation, a LIF must comply with the conditions for registration relating to RRIFs under the tax Act and, once so registered, must be kept in such a form as to ensure continuation of that registration.

(11)  A transfer to a LIF may be made only from a pension plan, another LIF, a LIRA or an LRIF under section 38 or 39(6) of the Act, this section or section 39, 41, 46.1 or 58(2), as the case may be, of this Regulation.

(12)  A transferor administrator or financial institution shall not transfer money to a LIF without first

                                 (a)    ascertaining that the transferee financial institution is acknowledged in relation to LIFs,

                                 (b)    advising the transferee financial institution in writing that the money being transferred is Alberta locked‑in money, and

                                 (c)    if the transfer is being effected by a former member or an original owner,

                                           (i)    attempting to ascertain whether or not that person has a pension partner at the time of the transfer and, if so, his or her identity, and

                                          (ii)    if that person does have a pension partner at the time of the transfer, providing the transferee financial institution with a certified copy of

                                                 (A)    the Option 2 waiver, and

                                                  (B)    if applicable, the Option 3 waiver,

                                                  duly executed

(13)  A transferee financial institution shall not accept a transfer of money to a LIF unless

                                 (a)    that institution is acknowledged in relation to LIFs,

                                 (b)    the money comes from a source referred to in subsection (11), and

                                 (c)    all the money to be transferred in is Alberta locked‑in money to the best of that institution’s knowledge.

(14)  A financial institution issuing a LIF shall attach any waiver provided under subsection (12)(c) to the LIF, whereupon it becomes part of the LIF, and shall provide the owner with a copy of the whole LIF forthwith after its issue.

(15)  If a financial institution pays money out of a LIF in a manner that contravenes the legislation, it shall provide or secure the provision to the owner of retirement income or an annuity in a manner and in the amounts that would have been provided had the money not been paid out.

(16)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (12)(a) and transfers the money to an entity that is not acknowledged in relation to LIFs, that transferor remains bound by the terms of the vehicle from which the transfer was made and retains all the responsibilities, liabilities and rights in relation to that vehicle and the owner that it had immediately before the transfer.

(17)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (12)(b) and, as a result, the transferee financial institution pays out any of the money received from the transferor in a manner that does not meet the requirements of the legislation relating to locking in, that transferor shall transfer anew to the transferee financial institution a sum of money equal to the amount that the transferor was originally liable to transfer to the transferee financial institution or such greater sum as the transferee financial institution paid to the owner as a result of the circumstances underlying that contravention, and the owner retains the interest in the LIF and its value on the same basis as would have applied had there been no contravention.

(18)  Where the owner receives any money from the transferee financial institution in the circumstances referred to in subsection (17), then, to the extent that the owner obtains, in effect, a double payment or a payment as well as a continuing interest in the LIF, the transferor administrator or financial institution has a right of action against the owner for the amount or the extra amount so received.

(18.1)  If

                                 (a)    the transferor administrator or financial institution transfers money in contravention of subsection (12)(c) (excluding subsection (12)(c)(ii)(A)),

                                 (b)    as a result of the circumstances underlying the contravention, the transferee institution establishes a LIF, and

                                 (c)    there is a pension partner who has not executed the Option 2 waiver,

that transferor is liable to that pension partner for the joint life pension to which that person is entitled and the transferee financial institution shall refund the money transferred to it by that transferor.

(19)  If the transferor administrator or financial institution contravenes subsection (12)(c) and the transferee financial institution pays out money as a result of the non‑receipt of the waiver copy to a pension partner who executed the Option 3 waiver, that transferor shall transfer to the transferee financial institution anew a sum of money equal to the amount that the transferee, as a result, paid out to that pension partner, and

                                 (a)    the transferee shall pay that money to the deceased’s designated beneficiary or estate, as the case may be, and

                                 (b)    the transferor has a right of action against that pension partner for the amount that the transferee financial institution paid to that person.

(20)  Subsections (16) to (19) apply if the transfer‑in rules of section 40, as it existed before its repeal by section 36 of the Employment Pension Plans (General, 2006) Amendment Regulation, were contravened in a transaction before the commencement of this subsection.

(21)  A financial institution shall ensure that a LIF issued by it or the money standing to the credit of such a LIF or both, as the case may be,

                                 (a)    is administered in accordance with the legislation,

                                 (b)    is invested in a manner that complies with the rules for the investment of RRIF money contained in the tax Act,

                                 (c)    does not include any money that the financial institution knows is not Alberta locked‑in money, and

                                 (d)    subject to the withdrawal provisions referred to in subsection (3), is used to provide retirement income in accordance with the legislation or is transferred to, and only to,

                                           (i)    another LIF,

                                          (ii)    subject to subsection (22), a DC RIA, or

                                         (iii)    an annuity.

(22)  An owner may transfer money from a LIF to a DC RIA only if and to the extent that the DC RIA provisions so permit and the transferor financial institution has previously

                                 (a)    informed the transferee administrator in writing that the money is Alberta locked‑in money that must be administered in accordance with the legislation,

                                 (b)    if the transferor financial institution has an executed Option 2 waiver or Option 2 and 3 waivers or a certified copy of it or them, provided a certified copy of it or them to that administrator, and

                                 (c)    provided that administrator with

                                           (i)    a copy of the information provided to the owner under subsection (33)(a), and

                                          (ii)    a copy of the decision made by the owner respecting the amount to be withdrawn during the current year.

(23)  Where the balance in the LIF is to be transferred to an annuity and the original owner had a pension partner at retirement income commencement, that pension partner is the designated beneficiary of that owner, whether actually so designated or not, unless that pension partner has executed an Option 3 waiver.

(24)  A pension partner of an original owner who has executed an Option 2 waiver under a LIF is entitled, at any time prior to the death of the original owner or a transfer of the money out of the LIF, but is under no obligation, to execute the Option 3 waiver.

(25)  Where a financial institution transfers money from a LIF to another LIF or to an annuity of which it is also the issuer, the financial institution is deemed for the purposes of the legislation to be acting at arm’s length in relation to the 2 vehicles and therefore to be the transferor financial institution in relation to the former vehicle and the transferee financial institution in relation to the latter.

(26)  Notwithstanding anything in this section, the owner of a LIF is entitled, on an application by the owner to the financial institution, to withdraw all the money in the LIF

                                 (a)    as a lump sum if the owner provides written evidence that the Canada Revenue Agency has confirmed that the owner has become a non‑resident for the purposes of the tax Act, or

                                 (b)    as a lump sum or a series of payments for a fixed term if a physician certifies that the owner has a terminal illness or that due to a disability the owner’s life is likely to be considerably shortened,

and if, where that owner is an original owner with a pension partner at retirement income commencement, that pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

(27)  A LIF that is not eligible for the payment option referred to in section 45(2) may not be severed so as to transform it into 2 or more LIFs , DC RIAs or annuities or any combination of them that would make any of them so eligible.

(28)  Within 60 days after the delivery to the financial institution of the relevant documents required by it following the death of the owner, the balance of the LIF is,

                                 (a)    if the deceased was an original owner who had a pension partner at retirement income commencement who did not, prior to the death, execute an Option 3 waiver, to be paid to, or transferred to an RRSP or a RRIF on behalf of, that pension partner at his or her option, or

                                 (b)    if the deceased is any other owner, to be paid in cash to the deceased’s designated beneficiary or, if there is no valid designation of a beneficiary, to the deceased’s estate.

(29)  Parts 4 of the legislation apply with respect to a LIF, and where money was subject to those Parts immediately before its transfer to a LIF, that money continues to be subject to them.

(30)  Where Parts 4 of the legislation apply with respect to the share in a LIF of a non‑member‑pension partner, the conditions set out in those Parts (including the locking‑in provisions) continue to apply to that share when it is transferred to another vehicle on that person’s behalf.

(31)  A financial institution administering a LIF shall provide to each owner, within 30 days after the beginning of each year, a year‑end statement containing the following information about that owner’s account so far as applicable:

                                 (a)    the account balances as at the beginning and the end of the year in question;

                                 (b)    the interest earned during that year;

                                 (c)    the total amount paid out of the account during that year;

                                 (d)    the amounts transferred into the account during that year;

                                 (e)    the fees charged against the account during that year;

                                  (f)    the minimum and maximum amounts that may be withdrawn during the current year being, respectively,

                                           (i)    the Canada Revenue Agency minimum for RRIFs, and

                                          (ii)    the greater of

                                                 (A)    the amount calculated under subsection (34)(a), and

                                                  (B)    the gains, if any, earned in the immediately previous year;

                                 (g)    the deadline for selecting the amount and timing of the income payment from the account for the current year;

                                 (h)    if that selection is not made, the amount that will be paid applying the tax Act and the date when that payment will be made;

                                  (i)    the process for changing that selection.

(32)  The owner must establish and notify the financial institution in writing of the amount of retirement income that is to be paid out during the current year, except that if the LIF guarantees the rate of return of the LIF over a period that is greater than one year, then the owner may establish and notify at the beginning of that period the amount of retirement income to be paid during any one or more of the years that end not later than the expiration of that period, but the owner may, at any time during a year, change the amount provided that the amount will always result, by the end of the year, in a payment or payments that are at least equal to the minimum amount required by the tax Act and that do not exceed the maximum amount calculated in accordance with subsection (34).

(33)  A financial institution that has issued a LIF shall provide

                                 (a)    to an owner who transfers money out of the LIF, a reconciliation of the LIF balance as at the date of the transfer with the balance as at the end of the immediately previous year, showing the amounts transferred into, the interest earned by, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, the LIF during the intervening period,

                                 (b)    to an owner who receives a payment under subsection (26), a reconciliation of the LIF balance as at the date of the payment with the balance as at the end of the immediately previous year, showing the information referred to in clause (a), and

                                 (c)    to a surviving pension partner or designated beneficiary or the estate, as applicable, and before making a payment under subsection (28), the reconciliation referred to in clause (b).

(34)  Subject to subsections (35) to (38), the amount of retirement income paid from a LIF during a year is not to exceed the greatest of

                                 (a)    M, with that symbol being calculated in accordance with the following formula:

M = C


                                            C    is the balance of the money in the LIF on the first day of the year, and

                                            F    is the value on January 1 of the year in which the calculation is made of a guaranteed amount of which the annual payment is $1 payable at the beginning of each year between that date and December 31 of the year during which the owner reaches the age of 85 years and calculated by using

                                                    (i)    an interest rate of not more than 6% per year, or

                                                   (ii)    for the first 15 years after the date of the valuation, an interest rate exceeding 6% per year if that rate does not exceed the interest rate obtained on long‑term bonds issued by the Government of Canada for the month of November preceding the year of the valuation, as compiled by Statistics Canada and published in the Bank of Canada Review as CANSIM Series B‑14013, and using an interest rate not exceeding 6% in subsequent years,

                                 (b)    the minimum amount required to be withdrawn in accordance with the tax Act, and

                                 (c)    the gains, if any, earned in the immediately previous year.

(35)  For the initial year of payment of retirement income from a LIF,

                                 (a)    the limit M is prorated in proportion to the number of months in the year in which the LIF was established for which such income was paid divided by 12, with any part of an incomplete month counting as one month,

                                 (b)    the minimum amount to be paid, as referred to in subsection (34)(b), is set at zero, and

                                 (c)    gains referred to in subsection (34)(c) are 6% of the fair market value of the LIF prorated, where applicable, as referred to in clause (a).

(36)  Subject to subsection (32), if the money in the LIF is transferred to another LIF or to a DC RIA, payments to the owner will continue in the same manner as the owner selected at the beginning of the year of the transfer.

(37)  If the LIF so permits, an owner may make an additional transfer to the LIF and,

                                 (a)    if that additional transferred amount has never been under a DC RIA or a LIF before, an additional withdrawal is allowed in that year, and

                                 (b)    the additional withdrawal is to be calculated in accordance with subsection (34) and prorated in accordance with subsection (35) with respect to the amount that was transferred in.

(38)  Where the exception in subsection (32) applies, subsections (34) to (37) apply with such modifications as the circumstances require to determine, as at the beginning of the first year of the interval, the amount of retirement income to be paid for each year in that interval.

(39)  Notwithstanding subsection (5), where an amendment is required to a LIF addendum as a result of an amendment to Form 2, that amendment may be effectuated by a textual amendment process if such a process is specified in writing by the Superintendent.

AR 35/2000 s40;109/2003;133/2003;245/2003;197/2006

LRIFs - abolition, temporary saving and transitional

41(1)  Subject to this section, the LRIF is abolished for the purposes of the legislation and no further LRIFs may be issued.

(2)  This section applies notwithstanding the abolition of the LRIF and the closing of the former list of financial institutions holding LIRAs, LIFs and LRIFs as a result of section 36 of the Employment Pension Plans (General, 2006) Amendment Regulation.

(3)  This section prevails over section 40 to the extent of any inconsistency between them.

(4)  A financial institution that, immediately before the commencement of this section, was lawfully a party to an LRIF (in this section referred to as an “LRIF institution”) and that wishes to have the vehicle continued in different form after this subsection ceases to have any force in relation to it must, before the end of 2007 or such later time as the Superintendent allows it under subsection (5),

                                 (a)    submit a written application to the Superintendent to be placed on the new list, so far as it relates to LIFs, established under section 38,

                                 (b)    undertake in writing to attach the LIF addendum to all LIFs to be issued by it,

                                 (c)    as soon as practicable after being acknowledged under section 38 in respect of LIFs,

                                           (i)    establish a new LIF in the name of the owner of the LRIF,

                                          (ii)    transfer all Alberta locked‑in money in the LRIF to that LIF, and

                                         (iii)    provide the owner with a copy of the whole LIF (including the LIF addendum),

(the period between the commencement of this section and the end of 2007 or, if applicable, that later allowed time being in this section referred to as the “transition period”).

(5)  The Superintendent, on an application made in writing by a specific LRIF institution before December 16, 2007, may in writing extend the end of 2007 deadline referred to in subsection (4) for that institution until a date not later than the end of June 2008.

(6)  An LRIF institution may continue to administer an LRIF lawfully established before and subsisting immediately before the commencement of this section, and that LRIF remains valid during the transition period in accordance with the legislation in force immediately before the commencement of this section, and the legislation that applied at that time to any extent in respect of LRIFs continues to apply to the same extent with respect to LRIFs during the transition period.

(7)  Notwithstanding subsection (6),

                                 (a)    section 68(6), Schedule 1.1, Form 6, as it applies in respect of Option 1, and other provisions of this Regulation that apply Schedule 1.1 or that portion of Form 6 apply in respect of LRIFs as they apply to LIFs and the provisions of Form 2 relating to the 50% unlocking option and the waiver by a pension partner of beneficiary rights, with supporting definitions in Form 2, are deemed to form part of the LRIF addendum continued as a result of subsection (6) with suitable adaptations,

                                 (b)    subject to subsection (8), a transfer of money from an LRIF to a LIRA and the receipt by a LIRA of money from an LRIF are prohibited,

                                 (c)    sections 3(2) and (3) and 40(21)(b) and (24) apply in respect of LRIFs as they apply to LIFs, and

                                 (d)    the definitions of “Alberta locked‑in money” in section 2 and Form 2 are to be treated as including money in an LRIF.

(8)  Where a transfer of Alberta locked‑in money was initiated between an LRIF and a LIRA, LIF or annuity before the commencement of this section and that transfer was not completed immediately before that commencement, then the conditions set out for the transfer in this Regulation, as it existed as at that time, are to continue to apply to the transaction.

(9)  An LRIF institution that does not wish to establish new LIFs and effect money transfers under subsection (4) shall, as soon as practicable and in any case before December 16, 2007, transfer all its LRIFs to another financial institution that has been acknowledged under section 38 in relation to LIFs, and such a transferring financial institution continues to have all the obligations and liabilities under the LRIFs until all such transfers are duly completed and the transferee financial institution has assumed all the obligations and liabilities respecting the LRIFs under the new LIFs.

(10)  If an LRIF institution fails to comply with subsection (4) or (9) or has failed to receive acknowledgement in relation to LIFs, it shall provide to the Superintendent, within 7 days after the end of the transition period, a list of all persons who held and continue to hold an LRIF referred to in subsection (4), and the LRIF institution continues to have all the obligations and liabilities under the LRIFs until the Superintendent notifies it in writing that those liabilities are extinguished.

(11)  The LRIF owner and the LRIF institution are deemed to have executed the LRIF addendum provisions referred to in subsection (7), whether they did so or not.

(12)  If an LRIF institution does not in effect convert all its LRIFs and transfer the money in accordance with this section before the end of the transition period, the Superintendent may take whatever steps are considered necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of the owners and to have the LRIFs converted in effect into LIFs, and for that purpose may direct that LRIF institution to take any action that he or she considers necessary.

(NOTE:  Section 66(4) of AR 197/2006 provides as follows:

(4)  Subject to the continuing liabilities of the financial institution imposed, and the continuing rights of the Superintendent given, by sections 41 and 73.2, those sections are repealed at the end of the last transition period, within the meaning of section 41(4) and 73.2(2) respectively, applicable to the financial institution.)

AR 35/2000 s41;133/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Withdrawals from LIRAs, etc., on ground of financial hardship

41.1(1)  A LIRA or LIF must provide for the right of its owner to withdraw, on application to the financial institution that administers it, the whole or part of the money held in that vehicle if the Superintendent has previously given written consent, pursuant to Schedule 4, to the owner’s application for the withdrawal on the grounds of being in circumstances of financial hardship and need.

(2)  RRSPs containing money to which section 35(2) of the Act applies are deemed to provide for the withdrawal of money from them provided for in subsection (1) and those RRSPs are exempted from section 35(1) and (5) of the Act with respect to such withdrawals.

(3)  An owner who has made 2 applications for withdrawals under subsection (1) or (2) or a combination of both in the previous 12 months may not apply for a third under this section.

AR 133/2003 s5;197/2006

LIRAs and LIFs on spousal relationship breakdown

42(1)  Part 4 of the Act and Part 4 of this Regulation, as they apply with respect to benefits, also apply, subject to the adaptations set out in this section, to money contained in a LIRA or LIF at the time of the marriage breakdown.

(2)  In applying Part 4 to money contained in a LIRA or LIF,

                                 (a)    “total entitlement” is to be taken as the total value of the LIRA or LIF, as the case may be, at the time mentioned in the matrimonial property order or agreement as the end of the period of joint accrual, and

                                 (b)    section 58(2) does not apply and the non‑member‑pension partner’s share may be transferred to the non‑member‑pension partner’s pension plan, if permitted by that plan, or to a LIRA, LIF or annuity.

(3)  Sections 24 and 45(2) apply with respect to money of a member‑pension partner or non‑member‑pension partner held in a LIRA or LIF, with references in section 24 to the administrator being treated as references to the financial institution.

AR 35/2000 s42;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Waiver forms

43(1)  The form of the waiver for the purposes of section 39(5.1) of the Act is Form 3.

(2)  The form of the waiver for the purposes of section 40(4)(a) of the Act is

                                 (a)    Part 1 of Form 4 where benefits are to be paid from the plan under a defined benefit provision, and

                                 (b)    Part 1, as it relates to Option 2, of Form 6 in any other case.

(3)  The form of the waiver for the purposes of section 40(4.2)(a) of the Act is

                                 (a)    Part 2 of Form 4 where benefits are to be paid from the plan under a defined benefit provision, and

                                 (b)    Part 2 of Form 6 in any other case.

(4)  The form of the waiver for the purposes of section 46(5) of the Act is Form 5.

(5)  A waiver under Part 1 or Part 2 of Form 4 or Option 1, 2 or 3 operates only to waive entitlements that are the subject‑matter of that Part of Form 4 or of that Option and not with respect to entitlements that are the subject‑matter of the other Part of Form 4 or of another Option, as the case may be.

(6)  Where the legislation makes provision directly or indirectly for a waiver by a pension partner in a Form, the requirement as to form is met if the pension partner executed a waiver before the commencement of this subsection in the form prescribed with respect to that provision, or its equivalent, as that provision or its equivalent existed and was in force at the time of the signing of the waiver, provided that the effect of that provision was the same or similar to the provision as it currently reads.

(7)  A waiver by a pension partner of any entitlement has no effect as against the pension plan, LIRA, LIF or annuity to which it has to be sent following its signing and, for the purposes of this Regulation, is not validly executed, unless it has and can be proved to have been sent to the administrator or financial institution, as the case may be.

(8)  A waiver under Form 3 or Part 2 of Form 4 or the Option 3 waiver may be

                                 (a)    signed by an individual who is entitled to sign it at any time prior to the death of the original plan member referred to in it, or

                                 (b)    revoked at any time before it becomes effective.

(9)  The signing of the waiver referred to in subsection (1), (2) or (3) satisfies the conditions and proof requirements for the purposes of section 39(5.1), 40(4)(b), 40(4.2)(b), as the case may be, of the Act.

AR 35/2000 s43;245/2003;197/2006

Cost‑of‑living adjustments as ancillary benefits

44   For the purposes of section 42(1)(d) of the Act, cost‑of‑living adjustments are prescribed to be ancillary benefits except to the extent that they must be paid under the terms of the plan.

AR 35/2000 s44;245/2003;197/2006

Conversion of optional ancillary contributions to benefits

44.1   Optional ancillary contributions must be converted to ancillary benefits on an actuarially equivalent basis that is consistent with generally accepted actuarial practice standards established by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, or on any other basis considered reasonable by the Superintendent and allowed by the tax Act.

AR 197/2006 s39

Maximum commutable amounts

45(1)  Subject to subsection (1.1), a pension plan must provide for the payment option referred to in section 46(1) of the Act at the earliest of termination of membership or of the plan, death or pension commencement if,

                                 (a)    in the case of any plan containing a defined benefit provision,

                                           (i)    the monthly pension payments that would be payable to him at or after pensionable age do not exceed 1/12 of 4% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the calendar year in which that earliest event occurred, or

                                          (ii)    the commuted value of the pension to which he is entitled does not exceed 20% of that year’s Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings,


                                 (b)    in the case of a plan containing only defined contribution provisions, that commuted value does not exceed that 20%.

(1.1)  Where pension commencement is deferred, the pension plan must provide for the payment option referred to in section 46(1) of the Act on the administrator’s being requested in writing to make the payment in accordance with the terms of the plan if,

                                 (a)    in the case of a plan containing a defined benefit provision,

                                           (i)    the monthly pension payments that would be payable as a result of that request do not exceed 1/12 of 4% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which that request was made, or

                                          (ii)    the commuted value of the pension, as calculated at the time of that request, does not exceed 20% of that year’s Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings,


                                 (b)    in the case of a plan containing only defined contribution provisions, that commuted value, as so calculated, does not exceed that 20%.

(1.2)  Where

                                 (a)    a member suspended membership in one plan and became a member of another plan to which the employer was required to contribute on the member’s behalf,

                                 (b)    a member or former member is entitled to benefits from 2 or more pension plans as a result of a plan transfer within the meaning of section 65(1)(b), or

                                 (c)    a member or former member is entitled to benefits arising both from defined benefit provisions and defined contribution provisions of a particular plan,

the benefits under both or all of those plans or kinds of provision are to be aggregated for the purposes of the calculations under this section.

(2)  A LIRA or LIF must provide for the payment option referred to in section 46(1) of the Act, on application to the financial institution for the payment, at any time

                                 (a)    if the value of that vehicle does not exceed 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the calendar year in which the application is made, or

                                 (b)    if

                                           (i)    the owner has attained the age of 65 years, and

                                          (ii)    the balance in the account does not exceed 40% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the application is made.

AR 35/2000 s45;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Conversion of pensions to other benefits

46   The conversion of pensions or parts of pensions to benefits payable under section 46(3) of the Act must be done using actuarial assumptions that do not take into account the shortened life expectancy of the person referred to in that subsection.

AR 35/2000 s46;245/2003

DC RIA component

46.1(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “DC account” means the portion of a pension fund to which the plan’s defined contribution provisions apply, exclusive of all DC RIAs;

                                 (b)    “DC RIA participant” means, if the person afterwards referred to in this clause has attained the age of 50 years,

                                           (i)    a former member who has, or has applied to establish, a DC RIA, or

                                          (ii)    a person who is a member by virtue of the re‑employment circumstances described in subsection (19),

                                          and, if the rules so permit, includes a surviving pension partner of such a DC RIA participant in whose name the DC RIA is or is to be continued;

                                 (c)    “rules” means those defined contribution provisions of a pension plan, if any, that provide for DC RIAs;

                                 (d)    “year” means a calendar year.

(2)  To the extent that there is any conflict or inconsistency between them,

                                 (a)    this section prevails over any other provisions of the legislation, and

                                 (b)    the tax Act prevails over this section.

(3)  The benefits prescribed for the purposes of section 46(8) of the Act are the variable benefits that are allowed by paragraph 8506(1)(e.1) and subsections 8506(4) to (7), so far as applicable, of the Income Tax Regulations (Canada) (CROC., c.945), being those provided for in this section.

(4)  A pension plan with defined contribution provisions may provide for the payment of retirement income in the form of DC RIA benefits, and where a plan allows the establishment of a DC RIA and provides for such DC RIA benefits, the provisions of this section set out required contractual provisions of the plan that apply with respect to the DC RIA and the DC RIA benefits.

(5)  Only Alberta locked‑in money may be transferred into a DC RIA.

(6)  The administrator shall not transfer money from a DC account to a DC RIA

                                 (a)    unless the DC RIA participant has been offered the 50% unlocking option,

                                 (b)    where the DC participant has a pension partner at the time of the transfer and exercises the 50% unlocking option, unless the pension partner has exercised Option 1, and

                                 (c)    where the DC RIA participant has a pension partner at the time of the transfer, unless that pension partner has exercised Option 2.

(7)  In addition to providing for the transfer of money from the DC account to the DC RIA, the rules may permit a DC RIA participant, so far as applicable, to make a transfer into the DC RIA from the DC RIA participant’s LIRA or LIF or a DC account or a DC RIA in another pension plan, or from any 2 or more of them, and the rules must provide for such of those additional transfer options, if any, that are to be offered.

(8)  The rules must provide that a DC RIA participant may transfer money from the DC RIA to, but only to,

                                 (a)    a LIF,

                                 (b)    an annuity, or

                                 (c)    a DC RIA with another pension plan, if the rules of that plan so permit.

(9)  The administrator shall not transfer any money from a DC RIA on a locked‑in basis unless the administrator has

                                 (a)    informed the transferee administrator or financial institution in writing that the money is Alberta locked‑in money,

                                 (b)    if the transfer is being effected by a DC RIA participant who is not a surviving pension partner and who had a pension partner at retirement income commencement, provided the transferee with a certified copy of an executed Option 2 and, if applicable, Option 3 waiver, and

                                 (c)    where the transfer is to a LIF, ascertained that the transferee financial institution is acknowledged in relation to LIFs.

(10)  Where a transfer is made from a DC RIA, the administrator shall forthwith provide the transferee administrator or financial institution with

                                 (a)    a statement reconciling the DC RIA balance immediately after the transfer with the balance as at the end of the immediately previous year, showing the amounts transferred into, the interest earned by, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, the DC RIA during the intervening period, and

                                 (b)    a copy of any decision made by the DC RIA participant respecting the amount to be withdrawn during the current  year.

(11)  The rules must provide that, within 60 days after the delivery to the administrator of the relevant documents required by it following the death of a DC RIA participant with a surviving pension partner who has not executed the Option 3 waiver, the DC RIA benefits will be paid to the surviving pension partner

                                 (a)    in cash,

                                 (b)    if and to the extent permitted by or under the tax Act, as a transfer to an RRSP or a RRIF, or

                                 (c)    as a transfer to an annuity,

at the election of that pension partner.

(12)  Notwithstanding subsection (11), the rules may provide that, if the surviving pension partner so elects and if and to the extent allowed by the tax Act, DC RIA benefits will continue to be paid from the DC RIA to that pension partner.

(13)  The rules must provide that, within 60 days after the delivery to the administrator of the relevant documents required by it following the death of a DC RIA participant who had no surviving pension partner or whose surviving pension partner had executed the Option 3 waiver, the DC RIA benefits will be paid to the deceased’s designated beneficiary or, if there is no valid designation of beneficiary, to the deceased’s estate in cash or, in the case of a designated beneficiary and if and to the extent permitted by the tax Act, as a transfer to an RRSP or a RRIF.

(14)  The rules must provide

                                 (a)    that, within 60 days after receipt of the information required by section 24.1(3)(g) to (k), the DC RIA participant will establish and notify the administrator in writing of the amount of the DC RIA benefits that is to be paid during the current year, except that if the rules guarantee the rate of return of the DC RIA benefits over a period that is greater than one year, then the DC RIA participant may establish and notify, at the beginning of that period, the amount of DC RIA benefits to be paid during any one or more of the years that end not later than the expiration of that period,

                                 (b)    that the DC RIA participant may, at any time during the year or that extended period, change that amount provided that the amount will always result, by the end of the year or that extended period, in a payment or payments that are at least equal to the minimum amount required by the tax Act and that do not exceed the maximum amount calculated in accordance with subsection (15), and

                                 (c)    for the default arrangements referred to in section 24.1(3)(o) if no election is made.

(15)  The rules must provide for the matters provided for in section 40(34) to (38), substituting in those subsections

                                 (a)    “DC RIA benefits” for “retirement income”,

                                 (b)    “DC RIA” for “LIF”, and

                                 (c)    “DC RIA participant” for “owner”.

(16)  A DC RIA that is not eligible for a payment option referred to in section 45 may not be severed so as to transform it into 2 or more LIFs, DC RIAs or annuities or any combination of them, one or more of which is so eligible.

(17)  Section 40(26) applies in respect of a DC RIA.

(18)  Section 31 does not apply to a DC RIA but the rules must provide that, where a DC RIA participant receiving DC RIA benefits becomes a member with respect to defined contribution provisions of the plan,

                                 (a)    at the option of that person, DC RIA benefit payments are to continue or are suspended as long as that person remains such a member,

                                 (b)    the additional money in the DC account resulting from the further employment is not to be commingled with the money in the DC RIA while the DC RIA participant remains a member,

                                 (c)    the DC RIA participant, on the termination of the subsequent membership is to have the same portability rights and 50% unlocking options with respect to that DC account as if that person were a terminated member under section 38(1) and (2) of the Act, and

                                 (d)    if applicable, DC RIA benefit payments that were suspended under clause (a) are to recommence when the person again terminates membership.

AR 197/2006 s41

Consent re financial hardship commutation, etc.

46.2   The basis for the Superintendent’s consent under section 46(9) of the Act is that set out in section 41.1 and Schedule 4.

AR 197/2006 s41

Variation for reduction in working time

47(1)  This section sets out the prescribed conditions, amount and adjustment for the purposes of section 47(1) and (2) respectively of the Act.

(2)  The maximum lump sum payment amount referred to in section 47(1) of the Act is an amount equal to the lowest of

                                 (a)    70% of the reduction in remuneration resulting from the reduction in working time during the year in question,

                                 (b)    40% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, prorated accordingly where the agreement does not cover the full year, and

                                 (c)    the value of what would be the member’s benefits if he ceased to be a member on the date he applies for the payment of the lump sum.

(3)  The receipt of the lump‑sum payment does not in itself affect the member’s continued membership in the plan or the continuing accrual of benefits.

(4)  The administrator shall ascertain the amount of that portion of the pension that would have been payable to the member if he were to terminate at pensionable age, or on the date of the payment of the lump sum if he has already reached pensionable age, that is equivalent to each lump‑sum payment under this section.

(5)  The pension to be paid when the member ultimately terminates is to be reduced

                                 (a)    if payment of the pension is to commence at his pensionable age, by an amount that is equivalent to the amount ascertained under subsection (4), or

                                 (b)    if payment of the pension is to commence at any other time, by an amount that is equivalent to the amount by which it would have been reduced had clause (a) been applied.

(6)  The administrator shall make the calculations for the purposes of subsections (4) and (5), as at the date of the payment of the lump sum, according to the same actuarial assumptions and methods, other than those related to early or postponed payment of the pension, as are used in applying section 37 of the Act.

(7)  The remuneration paid during the period in respect of which the member is entitled to the lump‑sum payment is not to be taken into account in computing the benefits relating to employment that does not relate to that period, unless it is to the advantage of the member.

(8)  The member must apply to the administrator each time a payment is requested but may not apply more than once each calendar year.

(9)  If the member has a pension partner, no lump sum to which this section applies may be paid unless the pension partner consents in writing to that particular payment.

AR 35/2000 s47;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Solvency tests and funding of plans

48(1)  This section applies only in relation to pension plans that contain defined benefit provisions.

(2)  The tests referred to in section 48(2) of the Act for the solvency of plans are as set out in, and plans shall be funded in accordance with, this section, and this section also contains certain matters referred to in sections 55(1) and 63(1).

(3)  Subject to subsection (4) and section 49(2), an employer shall pay into a plan,

                                 (a)    in respect of current employment, an amount of employer contributions on at least a monthly basis equal to the normal actuarial cost allocated to the employer, as stated in the most recent actuarial valuation report or cost certificate filed,

                                 (b)    where the plan has one or more unfunded liabilities, payments consisting of equal payments made at least monthly that are sufficient to amortize the unfunded liability or each unfunded liability over a period not exceeding 15 years from the review date relating to its establishment, and

                                 (c)    where the plan has one or more solvency deficiencies, payments consisting of equal payments made at least monthly that are sufficient to amortize the solvency deficiency or each solvency deficiency over a period not exceeding 5 years from the review date relating to its establishment.

(3.1)  The criteria prescribed for the purposes of section 48(4) of the Act are that

                                 (a)    the jointly funded pension plan is a publicly funded plan,

                                 (b)    the administrator has applied in writing to the Superintendent for the joint funding portion of that subsection to apply to the plan, and

                                 (c)    the Superintendent has approved that application in writing.

(4)  Subject to subsection (4.1), the employer may, instead of making the special payments referred to in subsection (3)(b) or (c), make at least monthly payments expressed in such a manner that

                                 (a)    either

                                           (i)    each payment is a constant percentage of the future payroll of the members projected as at the date of the original establishment of the unfunded liability or solvency deficiency, as the case may be, in question, or

                                          (ii)    the payments are expressed as a dollars and cents per hour amount based on current and actually negotiated future contribution rates,


                                 (b)    the actuarial present value of all the payments over the period selected, not exceeding the maximum period referred to in subsection (3)(b) or (c), as the case may be, is equal to that liability or deficiency.

(4.1)  To the extent that subsection (4) deals with a solvency deficiency, that subsection does not apply where payments are required by section 73(2) or (3) of the Act.

(5)  An employer or employers, as the case may be, shall make the payments required by section 73(2) or (3) of the Act in accordance with the payment schedule established under subsection (3)(c) and other applicable provisions of this section.

(6)  Each unfunded liability or solvency deficiency must be funded separately and not combined with any other unfunded liability or solvency deficiency, as the case may be.

(7)  Where a review is made and

                                 (a)    it is determined that a new unfunded liability exists, or

                                 (b)    it is determined that no new unfunded liability exists but the reviewer considers that an actual termination of the plan would result in benefit decreases to the members or former members,

the reviewer shall perform supplementary calculations to determine whether a new solvency deficiency exists.

(8)  Where a solvency deficiency has been amortized, the reviewer may recalculate any special payments for an unfunded liability that has not been amortized and the employer may make the special payments as recalculated instead of the special payments calculated at the review date relating to the establishment of the unfunded liability.

(9)  In subsection (9.1), “going concern actuarial gain” means the actuarial value, as at a valuation date, of the net positive financial impact, if any, caused by economic and demographic experience, determined on a going concern basis in accordance with accepted actuarial practice, in the period between the review date of the most recently filed actuarial valuation report and the current valuation date.

(9.1)  Where a filed actuarial valuation report or cost certificate reveals that the plan has a going concern actuarial gain,

                                 (a)    the going concern actuarial gain shall be used to amortize or, where insufficient to amortize, then to reduce the outstanding balance of an unfunded liability, with the established unfunded liabilities being amortized or reduced according to the chronological order in which they were established, and

                                 (b)    where the going concern actuarial gain is used to reduce an unfunded liability under clause (a), further special payments under subsection (3)(b) may be reduced for that unfunded liability on a prorated basis over the remainder of the period over which they are payable.

(10)  In subsection (10.1), “solvency actuarial gain” means the actuarial value, as at a valuation date, of the net positive financial impact, if any, caused by economic and demographic experience, determined on a solvency basis in accordance with accepted actuarial practice, in the period between the review date of the most recently filed actuarial valuation report and the current valuation date.

(10.1)  Where a filed actuarial valuation report or cost certificate reveals that the plan has a solvency actuarial gain,

                                 (a)    the solvency actuarial gain shall be used to amortize or, where insufficient to amortize, then to reduce the outstanding balance of a solvency deficiency, with the established solvency deficiencies being amortized or reduced according to the chronological order in which they were established, and

                                 (b)    where the solvency actuarial gain is used to reduce a solvency deficiency under clause (a), further special payments under subsection (3)(c) may be reduced for that solvency deficiency on a prorated basis over the remainder of the period over which they are payable.

(11)  Where a filed actuarial valuation report or cost certificate reveals that the plan has excess assets, the excess assets shall be

                                 (a)    used to increase benefits,

                                 (b)    left in the plan,

                                 (c)    unless the plan specifically provides that an employer may not reduce the employer contributions referred to in subsection (3)(a) by the use of excess assets and to the extent that the employer contributions do not relate to a solvency deficiency, applied to reduce those employer contributions,

                                 (d)    if the plan so permits, applied to reduce member required contributions, or

                                 (e)    if no solvency deficiency exists and subject to section 83 of the Act and section 67 of this Regulation, paid or transferred to the employer,

or applied to any 2 or more of those objectives.

(12)  A specified multi‑employer plan or a multi‑unit plan may, in applying this section, provide that some or all of the assets and liabilities (including excess assets) and the administrative expenses relating to each participating employer are to be separately determined and allocated, in which case each participating employer shall comply with this section with respect to its allocated share of contributions required to fund the plan.

(13)  The rate of amortization of an unfunded liability or solvency deficiency under a schedule established under subsection (3) or (4) may be increased by

                                 (a)    increasing the amount of the special payments, 

                                 (b)    making special payments in advance, or

                                 (c)    making additional payments of any kind, 

and where, in respect of a fiscal year, that rate of amortization is so increased, the amount of a special payment for a subsequent fiscal year may, subject to subsection (14), be reduced or eliminated, as the case may be.

(14)  The reduction or elimination of a special payment under subsection (13) may not result in the outstanding balance of an unfunded liability or solvency deficiency being at any time greater, taking into account any reduction of an unfunded liability by virtue of subsection (10)(a) and any increase in the rate of amortization under subsection (13), than it would have been had the full special payments required by subsection (3) or (4) for the subsequent fiscal years been made and the reduction of the unfunded liability or the increase in the amortization rate, as the case may be, not been effected.

(15)  Notwithstanding subsection (3), where a plan is reviewed or the latest review revised pursuant to section 9(7), the 15‑ and 5‑year periods referred to in subsection (3)(b) and (c) respectively of this section shall be treated as commencing to run from the date when the change is made.

(16)  Where a plan has a transfer agreement within the meaning of section 23(1) of the Act, the reviewer shall establish the basis for transfers so that no transfer under it will impair the solvency of the plan, for which purpose section 35(2) applies.

(17)  Where employer contributions under a defined benefit provision of a specified multi‑employer plan are based on a fixed rate of dollars and cents per hour of employment, the reviewer shall perform supplementary tests to demonstrate that the rate and amount of the contributions are sufficient to meet the normal actuarial cost and special payments, and where that sufficiency cannot be demonstrated, he shall so advise the administrator and propose options for implementing remedial action.

(18)  At or before the earlier of the date on which the administrator selects an option referred to in subsection (17) and the date on which the latest actuarial valuation report and cost certificate referred to in section 10(2) or 27(3), or interim cost certificate, statement or actuarial valuation report referred to in section 27(2), as the case may be, is due, the administrator shall also file the options and indicate which option will be implemented.

(19)  If an employer has withdrawn from a multi‑unit plan and there is an outstanding solvency deficiency with respect to members who are that employer’s employees, that employer shall make solvency deficiency payments to the plan in accordance with this section.

(20)  Where a plan has an unfunded liability or a solvency deficiency and the requirements of this section with respect to special payments differ from those under the laws of any designated jurisdiction to which the plan is also subject, the Superintendent may permit an appropriate variation from the requirements of this section with respect to the special payments required.

(21)  Where a fiscal year is longer or shorter than 12 months, the amount required to be paid under this section shall be increased or reduced proportionately.

(22)  Plans for specified individuals are subject to such funding limitations as are imposed by the tax Act.

(23)  Where an insured plan established before January 1, 1967 is funded by level premiums to pensionable age for each individual member, it shall be treated as meeting the solvency tests.

AR 35/2000 s48;218/2000;245/2003;197/2006

Remitting of contributions

49(1)  The period within which contributions must be remitted under section 50(1) of the Act is a period that ends,

                                 (a)    in the case of member contributions, 30 days after the end of the month in which the contributions were received by the employer or were deducted from the member’s remuneration,

                                 (b)    in the case of employer contributions determined in accordance with a formula relating to a defined contribution provision,

                                           (i)    if that formula relates to profits of the employer and those employer contributions are not minimum required contributions, 90 days after the end of the fiscal year, or

                                          (ii)    if that formula does not so relate or if those employer contributions are minimum required contributions, 30 days after the end of the month for which those contributions are payable,

                                 (c)    in the case of employer contributions under defined benefit provisions of specified multi‑employer plans or multi‑unit plans, 30 days after the end of the month for which those contributions are payable, and

                                 (d)    subject to clause (c), in the case of employer contributions that

                                           (i)    relate to normal actuarial costs, or

                                          (ii)    are special payments

                                          in respect of defined benefit provisions that are payable on at least a monthly basis, 30 days after the end of each period in respect of which they are payable.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1)(d) and section 48(3), when an actuarial valuation report and cost certificate referred to in section 14(3)(b) of the Act are being prepared, employer contributions referred to in subsection (1)(d) do not need to be remitted until the earlier of 30 days after the date the actuarial valuation report is filed and 30 days after the end of the second, or in the case of a specified multi‑employer plan the third, quarter following the review date, but they must include interest from the latest date when they would have been remitted under subsection (1)(d) to the date of remittance, at the same interest rate as was used in determining the employer contributions referred to in subsection (1)(d).

(3)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 50(2) of the Act is 30 days.

(4)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 50(3) of the Act within which the ultimate recipient must report to the Superintendent is 30 days.

(5)  The time prescribed for the purposes of section 50(3.2) of the Act is any time within 30 days after the beginning of the fiscal year in question.

AR 35/2000 s49;245/2003;197/2006

Investment requirements

50(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “federal Regulations” means the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (Canada) (SOR/87‑19), as amended from time to time;

                                 (b)    “investments” includes loans, deposits and derivatives;

                                 (c)    “Schedule III” means Schedule III to the federal Regulations.

(2)  Notwithstanding anything in this Regulation, in interpreting Schedule III for the purposes of this section, expressions used in Schedule III and defined in the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (Canada) or in the federal Regulations have the meanings assigned to them by that Act or those Regulations, as the case may be, except that references to the Superintendent are to be deemed to be references to the Superintendent of Pensions.

(3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of any pension plan or any instrument governing a plan but subject to this section, the assets of a plan must be invested, and the investments made, in accordance with Schedule III.

(4)  The references to “1994” in subparagraphs 12(1)(a)(ii), 13(1)(a)(ii) and 14(a)(ii) of Schedule III are to be treated as reading “1996”.

(5)  Where any provisions of Schedule III or of this section or of both differ from the corresponding provisions under the laws of a designated jurisdiction, the Superintendent may, in the case of a plan having members in that designated jurisdiction, apply in whole or in part those corresponding provisions instead of those provisions of Schedule III, this section or both, as the case may be.

AR 35/2000 s50;197/2006

Statement of investment policies and procedures

51(1)  The administrator of a pension plan shall, before the plan is registered, having regard to all factors that may affect the funding and solvency of the plan and the ability of the plan to meet its financial obligations, establish on the plan’s behalf a written statement of investment policies and procedures in respect of the plan’s portfolio of investments, including

                                 (a)    the categories of investments,

                                 (b)    diversification of the portfolio,

                                 (c)    the asset mix,

                                 (d)    the rate of return expectations,

                                 (e)    the liquidity of the investments,

                                  (f)    the lending of cash or securities,

                                 (g)    the retention or delegation of voting rights acquired through investments,

                                 (h)    the method of and the basis for valuation of investments that are not regularly traded on a public exchange, and

                                  (i)    related party transactions permitted by section 17 of Schedule III and the criteria to be used to establish whether the value of a transaction is nominal or whether a transaction is immaterial to the plan.

(2)  The statement of investment policies and procedures must include a description of the funding and solvency factors referred to in subsection (1) and the relationship of those factors to those policies and procedures.

(3)  If the plan has any defined benefit provisions, the administrator shall provide a copy of the statement of investment policies and procedures to the plan’s actuary on or before the day that is

                                 (a)    60 days after the establishment of the statement, or

                                 (b)    the effective date as of which the actuary is appointed,

whichever is the later.

(4)  If the plan allows members to make investment choices, the administrator shall ensure that the plan offers sufficient investment options to enable the members to make prudent investment choices.

(5)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) to (3), if investments are entirely directed by the members, a statement of investment policies and procedures is not required.

AR 35/2000 s51;197/2006

Review, confirmation or amendment of investment statement

52(1)  The administrator shall review and confirm or amend the statement of investment policies and procedures at least once in each fiscal year.

(2)  If the plan has any defined benefit provisions, the administrator shall provide a copy of any amendment to the statement of investment policies and procedures to the plan’s actuary within 60 days after the amendment is made.

Safeguarding of investments

53(1)  The administrator shall ensure that

                                 (a)    a current record is established and maintained clearly identifying each of the plan’s investments and the name in which each investment is registered or, if not registered, held, and

                                 (b)    subject to section 51(5), the plan’s investments are made in accordance with the statement of investment policies and procedures, the Act and this Regulation.

(2)  Each of the plan’s investments must be registered or held according to one of the following forms:

                                 (a)    registration in a name that clearly indicates that the investment is held in trust for the plan,

                                 (b)    provided that registration under this clause is permitted by a custodian agreement, registration in the name of

                                           (i)    a financial institution acting as custodian,

                                          (ii)    the nominee or subcustodian of a financial institution that acts as custodian or the nominee of a financial institution that is the fund holder, or

                                         (iii)    another person acting directly or indirectly for an entity referred to in subclause (i) or (ii),

                                          where the ownership of the investment can be clearly and indisputably traced through written records back through such a financial institution to the fund holder’s holding of the investment pursuant to section 49(1) of the Act,

                                 (c)    registration in the name of a domestic or foreign depositary or clearing agency that is authorized to operate a book‑based system, or its nominee, provided that such registration is permitted by a custodian agreement, or

                                 (d)    holding in bearer form, if

                                           (i)    the investment is not capable of being registered or registration of it would not be in the best interests of the plan, and

                                          (ii)    the holding in bearer form is part of a transitional strategy that will be replaced by investment in another form after a short period.

(3)  For the purposes of subsection (2), “custodian agreement” means an agreement referred to in section 1(1)(i.1) of the Act.

(4)  The custodian agreement must provide that

                                 (a)    investments made or held on behalf of the plan under the agreement

                                           (i)    constitute part of the plan’s pension fund, and

                                          (ii)    will not at any time constitute assets of the financial institution, nominee or subcustodian or any person other than the legal owners of the plan’s pension fund,


                                 (b)    records are to be maintained that are sufficient to enable those legal owners’ ownership interests in the investments to be traced at any time through every stage in the investment process.

(5)  Nothing in this section relieves any entity that is a fund holder from any of its obligations or duties under the legislation.

AR 35/2000 s53;245/2003;197/2006

General investment rules

54(1)  An officer or employee of an employer, a trustee or administrator of a plan or a trade union or other association of employees any of whose members are members of a plan or any of its officers or employees shall not accept or be the beneficiary of, whether directly or indirectly, any fee, brokerage, commission, gift or other consideration for or on account of any investment, purchase, sale, payment or exchange made by or on behalf of the plan.

(2)  The administrator shall not borrow money on behalf of the plan except where

                                 (a)    the borrowing is necessary to cover a short term contingency and is for a period not exceeding 90 days, and

                                 (b)    the market value of plan assets that are subject to any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other security interest effected to secure that borrowing does not exceed 110% of the amount of the borrowing.

Allocation and distribution of assets on winding-up

55(1)  The prescribed basis for the methods of allocating and distributing assets and for the making of payments for the purposes of section 55(1) of the Act, and the rules prescribed with respect to plan terminations for the purposes of section 73(2) and (3) of the Act, are as set out in this section and in sections 48 and 63 of this Regulation.

(2)  Any outstanding solvency deficiency identified in the report filed under section 76(3) of the Act must be amortized in accordance with this section.

(3)  Where, at the termination of the plan, there is a solvency deficiency and payments will continue to be made in accordance with section 73(2) or (3) of the Act, as the case may be, assets are to be allocated so that each member or other person who is entitled to receive benefits will receive an initial amount equal to the product of the commuted value of that benefit to which he is entitled on the plan’s termination and the solvency ratio.

(4)  Where some but not all payments are made under section 73(2) or (3) of the Act and the plan’s assets are not sufficient to pay all the benefits payable at plan termination, the proceeds are to be allocated and distributed to the persons entitled under and according to the ratios set out in subsection (3).

(4.1)  Subsections (5) to (7) apply

                                 (a)    with respect to pension plans to which section 48(6) of the Act applies, only where there is a termination of the whole plan,

                                 (b)    with respect to multi‑unit plans, only where one or more of the participating employers are declared bankrupt, and

                                 (c)    with respect to any other plan, only if payments by an employer under section 73(2) of the Act stop due to the employer’s being declared bankrupt.

(5)  Where no payments are made under section 73(2) or (3) of the Act and the plan’s assets are not sufficient to pay all the benefits payable at plan termination, methods of allocating the balance of the assets must meet the following conditions, with the distribution being made accordingly:

                                 (a)    assets must be allocated firstly to provide for benefits equal to the value of contributions, with interest, made by and transferred from another plan in respect of members and former members;

                                 (b)    to the extent that assets remain after the initial allocation under clause (a), those assets must be allocated to provide for accrued benefits in respect of which there is no unamortized unfunded liability in place at the date of the commencement of the winding‑up of the plan;

                                 (c)    to the extent that assets remain after the allocation under clause (b), those assets must be allocated to provide for accrued benefits in respect of which unfunded liabilities have not been amortized at the date of the winding‑up of the plan.

(6)  An unfunded liability that has not been amortized at the date of the winding‑up has the effect of reducing the benefits for employment which led to the establishment of the unfunded liability in proportion to the extent to which those benefits remain unfunded.

(7)  Each unfunded liability is to be dealt with separately and applied only to the benefits in respect of which it was established.

(7.1)  Notwithstanding subsection (4.1)(a),

                                 (a)    if some or all of the assets and liabilities of a participating employer in a specified multi‑employer plan are dealt with separately for the employer, subsections (5) to (7) are to be applied separately in respect of those assets and liabilities in accordance with section 48(12), and

                                 (b)    a specified multi‑employer plan must provide that, on the termination of the whole plan and in its winding up, if there are insufficient assets after section 48 has been applied, the assets will be distributed in accordance with subsection (5).

(7.2)  Where a participating employer in a multi‑unit plan is declared bankrupt, this section applies separately to that employer as distinct from the plan’s other participating employers.

(8)  Returns or certificates under section 14(3)(a) of the Act must be filed after termination of the plan until a solvency deficiency is eliminated.

(9)  Within 60 days after the last payment towards the elimination of a solvency deficiency, the administrator shall file the additional report required by section 76(4) of the Act, but updated.

(10)  When the updated report referred to in subsection (9) is approved by the Superintendent, the administrator shall forthwith pay to members and other persons entitled to benefits the balance of their benefits that was not previously paid, with a prorated share of the interest earned by the plan between the plan termination date and the date of payment of the remaining benefits.

(11)  Any portion of a solvency deficiency that remains undistributed must be distributed within 5 years after the initial distribution.

AR 35/2000 s55;245/2003;197/2006

Part 4
Division and Distribution of Benefits on Relationship Breakdown


56(1)  Definitions in section 58(1) of the Act apply with respect to the interpretation of this Part.

(2)  In this Part,

                                 (a)    “matrimonial property order” or “order”, in addition to having the same meaning as “matrimonial property order” in section 1(1)(x.2) of the Act, includes a matrimonial property agreement;

                                 (b)    “total entitlement” means the total benefit, or the value of that benefit, accrued to the member‑pension partner immediately before the division under Part 4 of the Act and on which that division is to be based under that Part, before applying any of the provisions of the Matrimonial Property Act, Part 4 of the Act or, except for applying section 59(3), this Part.

AR 35/2000 s56;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Matrimonial property orders

57   A matrimonial property order must specify

                                 (a)    the dates when the period of joint accrual of the benefit began and ended for the purposes of the Matrimonial Property Act,

                                 (b)    the non‑member‑pension partner’s share, having regard to section 63(4) of the Act or, where distribution is to be delayed under section 58(2)(c)(ii) or (iii), how the amount of that share is to be calculated at that future time, and

                                 (c)    subject to section 58, how that share is to be distributed.

AR 35/2000 s57;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Division and distribution of benefits

58(1)  The conditions prescribed for the purposes of sections 62 and 64(3) of the Act, and the manner in which benefits are to be divided and the non‑member‑pension partner’s share distributed for the purposes of section 62 of the Act, are as set out in this section.

(2)  The non‑member‑pension partner’s share may

                                 (a)    to the extent that a right to a pension has not vested in the member‑pension partner, at the non‑member‑pension partner’s option, be paid as a lump sum or, if permitted by that person’s own pension plan, transferred to that plan,

                                 (b)    to the extent that such a right is vested and, at the time of the marriage breakdown, the member‑pension partner is not yet within 10 years of pensionable age and has not yet commenced to receive a pension, at the non‑member‑pension partner’s option, be transferred in any manner specified, and subject to all the conditions set out, in section 38(2) of the Act, but to a vehicle belonging to the non‑member‑pension partner, or

                                 (c)    if such a right is fully vested and at that time the member‑pension partner is within that 10‑year period or has attained pensionable age, and has not yet commenced to receive a pension, at the non‑member‑pension partner’s option,

                                           (i)    be transferred in accordance with an option specified in clause (b),

                                          (ii)    be so transferred when the member‑pension partner ultimately terminates, commences his pension or dies or when the plan terminates, or

                                         (iii)    if the plan so provides, be paid as a pension from the plan to the non‑member‑pension partner when the member‑pension partner ultimately terminates, commences his pension or dies or when the plan terminates.

(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (2), if any of the circumstances described in section 45(1)(a) or (b) applies with respect to the share, the share may, at the option of the non‑member‑pension partner, be paid to the non‑member‑pension partner.

(4)  Where a pension has already commenced to be paid, the non‑member‑pension partner’s share is to be paid in the form of a pension or, if the plan so permits, the value of that share may be transferred in accordance with an option referred to in subsection (2)(b).

(5)  Where the non‑member‑pension partner’s share is contained in a DC RIA, the share must be transferred in accordance with section 46.1(8).

AR 35/2000 s58;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Calculation of benefits

59(1)  The total entitlement, total pre‑division benefit and non‑member‑pension partner’s share are to be calculated in the manner set out in this section.

(2)  The proportion prescribed for the purpose of section 63(4) of the Act is that proportion of the total period for which the benefit was accruing that is represented by the period between the beginning and end dates referred to in section 57(a).

(3)  The total entitlement, to be calculated at the same time as the total pre‑division benefit,

                                 (a)    to the extent that a right to a pension has not vested in the member‑pension partner, is equal to the value of the member’s contributions, if any, with interest,

                                 (b)    subject to subsection (4), to the extent that such a right is vested and if the member‑pension partner has not yet commenced to receive a pension and the non‑member‑pension partner does not make the choice, if applicable, given by clause (c), is equal to the commuted value of the pension, calculated as if the member‑pension partner had terminated membership on the date mentioned in the order as the end of the period of joint accrual of the benefit and on the assumption that the member‑pension partner will commence to receive the pension at pensionable age or on the date mentioned in the order, if he has already reached pensionable age,

                                 (c)    where the non‑member‑pension partner is entitled to choose and chooses the method of distribution set out in section 58(2)(c)(ii), is the actuarial present value of the member’s pension or the value of any other benefit as at the date when it is to be received or commence to be received,

                                 (d)    where the non‑member‑pension partner is entitled to choose and chooses the method of distribution set out in section 58(2)(c)(iii), is the pension itself, or

                                 (e)    where the member‑pension partner has already commenced to receive a pension, is the pension itself,

and, for the avoidance of any doubt, is to exclude any value deriving from the member‑pension partner’s having made any additional voluntary contributions or optional ancillary contributions where no pension has yet commenced to be paid.

(4)  The total pre‑division benefit is to be calculated according to the following formula:



                                          A =    the total pre‑division benefit

                                          B =    the total entitlement

                                          C =    the period between the beginning and end dates referred to in subsection (2)

                                          D =    the period during which the total entitlement accrued.

(5)  The non‑member‑pension partner’s share is to be calculated as the total pre‑division benefit multiplied by the fractional proportion of it awarded or given to the non‑member‑pension partner in the matrimonial property order.

AR 35/2000 s59;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Adjustment of member‑pension partners share

60   The manner in which the administrator must adjust the member‑pension partner’s share, after the division, for the purposes of section 66 of the Act, is that

                                 (a)    the adjustment results in the share after and as a consequence of the division being such that the plan neither gains nor loses, and

                                 (b)    the adjustment calculation follows generally accepted actuarial principles.

AR 35/2000 s60;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

50% unlocking of non‑member‑pension partner share

60.1   If applicable, a non‑member‑pension partner may exercise the 50% unlocking option in relation to the non‑member‑pension partner share that are given by Schedule 1.1.

AR 197/2006 s52


61(1)  The maximum amount prescribed for the purposes of section 68 of the Act is

                                 (a)    in the case of a pension plan containing only defined benefit provisions, $500,

                                 (b)    in the case of a pension plan containing only defined contribution provisions, $150, and

                                 (c)    in the case of a pension plan containing both defined benefit and defined contribution provisions, $650.

(2)  The fee under section 68 of the Act is payable in equal proportions by the pension partners.

(3)  The administrator may deduct a pension partner’s share of the fee from any benefit payment that is to be made to or on behalf of that pension partner.

AR 35/2000 s61;109/2003;245/2003


62   Repealed AR 197/2006 s53.

Part 5
Termination, Winding‑up, Withdrawal
and Succession

Rules on plan termination and MUPP employer withdrawal

63(1)  The rules prescribed for the purposes of section 73(2) and (3) of the Act respecting the making of payments by employers are as set out in section 48.

(2)  If a participating employer withdraws in the circumstances described in section 73(3) of the Act,

                                 (a)    the report that would be required by section 76(3) of the Act if the plan were terminating must be filed within 60 days after the withdrawal,

                                 (b)    the payments required of that employer by section 73(3) of the Act are to be determined by the method specified in the plan and in accordance with section 48 of the Act and section 48 of this Regulation, and

                                 (c)    the members and other persons affected by the withdrawal are to receive benefits, reduced according to the solvency ratio applying to that employer’s share of the plan’s assets and liabilities as at the time of the withdrawal, forthwith after the Superintendent approves the report referred to in clause (a).

(3)  After all outstanding solvency deficiencies attributable to the withdrawing employer referred to in subsection (2) are paid off, the administrator shall pay the remaining balance of the benefits in accordance with section 55(10).

(4)  The administrator shall ensure that each employer withdrawing from a multi‑unit plan who is responsible for making special payments in respect of a solvency deficiency remits those special payments.

(5)  Where a multi‑unit plan is terminated, each participating employer’s share of the solvency deficiency is to be determined by the method specified in the plan.

AR 35/2000 s63;245/2003

Qualifications for signing termination report

64   A report under section 76(3) of the Act, in respect of

                                 (a)    an insured plan, may be prepared by any person so authorized by the insurance business, or

                                 (b)    a plan that consists solely of defined contribution provisions, may be prepared by a representative of the fund holder who is so authorized by that fund holder, by the administrator or by another person approved by the Superintendent.

AR 35/2000 s64;245/2003

Missing persons

64.1(1)  The period prescribed for the purposes of section 77.1(3) of the Act is the period ending

                                 (a)    subject to clause (b), one year after the consent under section 77(1.1) of the Act was obtained, or

                                 (b)    if the plan is receiving payments under section 73(2) of the Act, 60 days after the last payment under that subsection was made.

(2)  The information prescribed for the purposes of section 77.1(3)(b)(i) of the Act is, in respect of each person,

                                 (a)    the name of the missing person and, if different, of the member or former member in question,

                                 (b)    the date when the member or former member’s employment initially commenced,

                                 (c)    the date when the member or former member joined the plan,

                                 (d)    the date, if applicable, when the former member terminated membership in the plan,

                                 (e)    the date, if applicable, when the member or former member died or when the plan terminated, and

                                  (f)    the balance in the person’s account in the plan.

(3)  The amount prescribed for the purposes of section 77.1(13) of the Act is such amount as the Superintendent decides and publishes on the Superintendent’s website.

AR 197/2006 s54

Predecessor and successor plans and employers

65(1)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “active plan” means a pension plan to which contributions will be made on a current basis and in which benefits in respect of future employment will accrue, and “inactive plan” means a plan that is not an active plan;

                                 (b)    “plan transfer” means a transaction referred to in subsection (2);

                                 (c)    “predecessor employer” means, where there are 2 or more employers involved in a plan transfer, the employer from whose employment members are transferred;

                                 (d)    repealed AR 197/2006 s55;

                                 (e)    “successor employer” means, where there are 2 or more employers involved in a plan transfer, the employer to whose employment members are transferred.

                                  (f)    repealed AR 197/2006 s55.

(1.1)  This section sets out the rules relating to section 80 of the Act.

(2)  This section applies where all or a specific and identifiable class or group of the members of a plan become members of another plan that is an active plan, due to

                                 (a)    the disposal of all or part of an employer’s business, undertaking or assets,

                                 (b)    a merger between an employer and another entity,

                                 (c)    the merger of plans,

                                 (d)    the division of a plan into 2 or more plans,

                                 (e)    the withdrawal from a specified multi‑employer plan or a multi‑unit plan of an employer, or

                                  (f)    any other similar transaction.

(2.1)  The administrator of the successor plan shall disclose to everyone affected by the plan transfer all the information required, and in the manner required, by the Superintendent.

(3)  Nothing in this section precludes any other action or inaction available pursuant to or required by any other provision of the legislation.

(4)  The plan transfer is to be treated as not in itself effecting or resulting in any break in or cessation of employment or plan membership for the purposes of the legislation including, without placing any limitation on those purposes, the purposes of determining

                                 (a)    the length of employment with respect to any eligibility condition of the successor plan for the purposes of section 29 of the Act,

                                 (b)    whether a pension vests in a member of either plan, or

                                 (c)    whether the commuted value of a pension under either plan is locked in under section 35 of the Act,

and, for the purposes of determining any matter referred to in clause (a), (b) or (c), the employee’s employment with the predecessor and successor employers or, where the plan transfer is due to the merger of plans or the division of a plan, the employee’s total employment with that employer, shall be taken into account.

(5)  If a successor employer assumes responsibility for a predecessor plan’s assets and liabilities relating to members of the predecessor plan transferring as a result of the plan transfer, those assets and liabilities may,

                                 (a)    subject to the condition set out in subsection (8), be transferred from the predecessor plan to an existing active plan of which the successor employer is the administrator to become part of that plan’s assets and liabilities,

                                 (b)    subject to the condition set out in subsection (9), be transferred from the predecessor plan to a new plan to be administered as an active plan by the successor employer,

                                 (c)    where a predecessor plan will continue to exist and only part of that plan’s membership is transferring as a result of the plan transfer, be transferred from the predecessor plan to a new inactive plan to be administered by the successor employer under the same rules and terms as the predecessor plan except for its being inactive and subject to the condition set out in subsection (9), or

                                 (d)    if the successor employer has assumed responsibility for the whole of the predecessor plan, be maintained in the predecessor plan with that plan being administered by the successor employer under the condition that there is to be no change made to the plan except amendments to make it inactive and to provide that future service of the transferring members is to accrue in an existing active plan of the successor employer.

(6)  Where the successor plan and an inactive plan referred to in subsection (5)(c) or (d) terminate, the successor plan is to be treated as having no surplus assets unless all liabilities under that inactive plan have been fully discharged.

(7)  If the successor employer does not assume responsibility for any of the predecessor plan’s assets and liabilities, then, subject to subsection (4), the predecessor plan, as it relates to the members transferring as a result of the plan transfer, is terminated.

(8)  The condition referred to in subsection (5)(a) is that the transfer of assets and liabilities requires the prior written consent of the Superintendent, to receive which

                                 (a)    the predecessor plan’s administrator must have filed a report that is acceptable to the Superintendent

                                           (i)    showing that plan’s assets, liabilities and the allocation of unfunded liabilities or excess assets (if applicable) and, if the predecessor plan will continue to exist, the impact of the transfer on the predecessor plan,

                                          (ii)    listing the accrued benefits and the length of service for each transferring member, and

                                         (iii)    showing the assets and liabilities being transferred from the predecessor plan to the successor plan,


                                 (b)    the successor employer must file a report showing the impact of the transfer on the successor plan.

(9)  The condition referred to in subsection (5)(b) and (c) is that the transfer requires the prior written consent of the Superintendent, to receive which subsection (8)(a) applies.

(10)  In addition to other information required by this Regulation, the administrator of the predecessor plan shall provide to members who are transferring to the successor plan and, where applicable, to persons who remain members of the predecessor plan after the plan transfer, the information that the Superintendent, by notice in writing given to the administrator, requires to be provided.

AR 35/2000 s65;245/2003;197/2006

Part 6
Miscellaneous Provisions

Repayment of funds wrongfully transferred

66(1)  Where, in the opinion of the Superintendent, an administrator has transferred money out of a pension plan in contravention of section 82(3) of the Act or of the terms and conditions referred to in section 82(4) of the Act, the Superintendent may make an order requiring the person who currently holds the money to repay the money, with any earnings on it, to the plan.

(2)  If the person holding the money does not repay the money transferred, with interest, within the period specified in the order, the Superintendent may apply to the Court of Queen’s Bench by originating notice on 3 days’ notice, supported by an affidavit, for an order to compel the payment.

(3)  The originating notice must be served on the person holding the money and on the administrator who transferred the money.

(4)  The Court may make the order if it is satisfied that the money was originally transferred out of the plan in contravention of section 82(3) of the Act or of the terms and conditions referred to in section 82(4) of the Act, and may make the order subject to any conditions that the Court considers appropriate.

AR 35/2000 s66;245/2003

Surplus and excess assets

67(1)  The conditions prescribed for the purposes of section 83(1)(b) of the Act are as set out in subsections (2) to (7).

(2)  The administrator must provide a written notice containing information acceptable to the Superintendent to the members and former members of the plan and to a trade union that is a certified bargaining agent, within the meaning of the Labour Relations Code, in relation to an employer any of whose employees are members of the plan,

                                 (a)    where the plan provides for the payment or transfer, at least 30 days before submitting a request to the Superintendent for a notice of consent referred to in section 83(1)(c) of the Act, and

                                 (b)    where the employer wishes to establish a claim referred to in section 83(1)(a) of the Act, at least 90 days, but not more than 180 days, before submitting that request.

(2.1)  Where and when the administrator is required to provide a notice under subsection (2) in the circumstances described in subsection (2)(b), the administrator shall also provide the notice to the persons to whom subsection (9) applies.

(3)  Forthwith after the result of any attempt to obtain the consent to a proposal required by section 83(2) of the Act becomes known, the administrator must inform the persons referred to in subsection (2) of that result by the same method of communication as was used in attempting to obtain that consent.

(4)  The administrator must file a copy of the notice to be provided under subsection (2) at least 30 days before the date by which subsection (2) requires it to be provided, and must file a statement that the notice has been provided under subsection (2) forthwith after its provision.

(5)  If the plan is not being wound up, the administrator must ensure that the payment or transfer of excess assets does not result in the plan’s failing to meet the solvency tests or that,

                                 (a)    if the plan consists solely of defined contribution provisions, the remaining excess assets after the payment or transfer amount to less than one fiscal year’s employer contributions or such other amount as the Superintendent considers appropriate, or

                                 (b)    if the plan contains defined benefit provisions, the remaining excess assets after the payment or transfer amount to less than the greater of

                                           (i)    employer contributions relating to the normal actuarial costs for 2 fiscal years, and

                                          (ii)    125% of the plan’s liabilities determined on a plan termination basis less the plan’s going concern liabilities,

                                          as stated in the most recent actuarial valuation report or cost certificate filed, or such other amount as the Superintendent considers appropriate.

(6)  The administrator must provide any information or documents that the Superintendent requires to enable the issuing a notice of consent under section 83(1)(c) of the Act.

(7)  The notice to be provided under subsection (2) may, without limiting any other effective mode of service, be sent by ordinary mail to the last address known to the administrator of a member or former member.

(8)  The Superintendent may attach conditions and limitations to a consent referred to in section 83(1)(c) of the Act.

(9)  The classes of other persons prescribed for the purposes of section 83(2)(b) of the Act are, to the extent that they remain entitled to any benefit under the plan, pension partners of deceased members and former members and non‑member‑pension partners.

AR 35/2000 s67;109/2003;245/2003;197/2006

Prescribed legislation

67.1   For the purposes of section 85.3 of the Act,

                                 (a)    the provisions of this Regulation prescribed are sections 39(23)(b) and 40(26)(b), section 46.1(18) as it incorporates section 40(26)(b), sections 41.1 and 68(6), Schedule 1.1 and other provisions of this Regulation relating to the 50% unlocking option, and

                                 (b)    the legislation prescribed is

                                           (i)    the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped Act,

                                          (ii)    the Income and Employment Supports Act,

                                         (iii)    the Student Financial Assistance Act,

                                         (iv)    the Seniors Benefit Act, and

                                          (v)    any other Alberta statute whereby persons are entitled to amounts of money based on means testing,

                                          and, where applicable, the regulations under those Acts.

AR 197/2006 s57


68(1)  The following pension plans are exempt from the application of the Act and this Regulation:

                                 (a)    the Members of the Legislative Assembly (Registered) Pension Plan;

                                 (b)    the Provincial Judges and Masters in Chambers (Registered) and (Unregistered) Pension Plans;

                                 (c)    a plan that is supplemental to a plan referred to in clause (a) or (b) or any successor to such a plan;

                                 (d)    a supplemental pension plan under which the employer is, will be or, in the case of a terminated plan, was required to make contributions on behalf of the members if the benefits provided or the contributions payable under that supplemental plan consist entirely of benefits or contributions, as the case may be, in excess of the maximum benefit or contribution limit imposed by the tax Act on the plan to which it is supplemental.

(2), (3)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s58.

(4)  Benefits insured under a contract issued under the Government Annuities Act (Canada) are exempt from the application of the Act and this Regulation. 

(5)  The pension plans specified in Schedule 0.2 are exempt from the provisions referred to in that Schedule to the extent or on the conditions, where applicable, specified in that Schedule.

(6)  A vehicle within the meaning of section 1(d) of Schedule 1.1 is exempt from section 35 of the Act and other locking‑in provisions of the legislation to the extent set out in Schedule 1.1 and other provisions of this Regulation that directly or indirectly reference that Schedule, and the alternative provisions set out in that Schedule apply in respect of those exemptions and this subsection and that Schedule override any other provisions of the legislation to the contrary.

(7)  Where a plan gives a member the right to elect to purchase an annuity described in section 38(2)(c)(i) of the Act that is a deferred annuity with the commuted value of his accrued benefit under a defined contribution provision prior to his termination of membership, death, pension commencement or the termination of the plan, the commuted value of that deferred annuity is exempt from sections 38 and 39(6), and the locking‑in requirement of section 30(5), of the Act, unless the plan provides otherwise.

(8)  Repealed AR 197/2006 s58.

AR 35/2000 s68;245/2003;306/2003;197/2006

69   Repealed AR 35/2000 s73(2).

70   Repealed AR 35/2001 s73(3).

71   Repealed AR 35/2000 s73(4).

72   (This section amends section 1; the amendment has been incorporated into this Regulation.)

72.1   Repealed AR 88/2006 s2.

73   Repealed AR 197/2006 s59.

Transitional ‑ financial statements

73.1   Pension plans that, before the commencement of this section, were not required to file annual financial statements are not require to file annual financial statements with respect to fiscal years ending before the commencement of this section.

AR 197/2006 s59

Transitional ‑ LIRAs and LIFs

73.2(1)  This section applies notwithstanding anything in section 36 of the Employment Pension Plans (General, 2006) Amendment Regulation, and a financial institution that was on the Superintendent’s list under the repealed section 38 for a LIRA or a LIF immediately before the commencement of this section (in this section referred to as a “transitional status institution”) is deemed to be acknowledged for that vehicle until the sooner of

                                 (a)    the end of 2007 or such later time as the Superintendent allows it under subsection (2), and

                                 (b)    the financial institution’s becoming actually acknowledged under the new section 38,

(the period between the commencement of this section and that sooner time being in this section referred to as the “transition period”).

(2)  The Superintendent, on an application made in writing by a specific transitional status institution before December 16, 2007, may in writing extend the end of 2007 deadline referred to in subsection (1)(a) for that institution until a date not later than the end of June 2008.

(3)  Until the end of the transition period but subject to sections 35 and 36 of the Interpretation Act, the legislation applicable to the LIRA or LIF, as the case may be, in force immediately before the commencement of this section continues to apply with respect to the transitional status institution, that vehicle and the owner.

(4)  Notwithstanding subsection (3),

                                 (a)    sections 39(18)(b) and (25) and 40(21)(b) and (24), and

                                 (b)    section 41(7), so far as applicable and as it applies to an LRIF,

apply in respect of a transitional status institution and its LIRAs and LIFs during the transition period.

(5)  Once a transitional status institution has become acknowledged under section 38, it shall, within the next 90 days,

                                 (a)    replace each addendum forming part of the vehicle under the legislation in force before the commencement of this section with the addendum required by section 39 or 40, as the case may be, and

                                 (b)    provide the owner with a new copy of the whole LIRA or LIF (including its addendum),

and, from the end of the transition period, the owner and the transitional status institution are deemed to have entered into the agreements comprising that addendum, whether they signed an agreement to that effect or not.

(6)  A transitional status institution that does not wish to continue to administer LIFs or LIRAs after the end of the transition period shall, as soon as practicable and in any case before December 16, 2007, transfer all its LIFs or LIRAs or both, as the case may be, to another financial institution that does, and such a transferring financial institution continues to have all the obligations and liabilities under the LIFs or LIRAs or both that it had previously until it duly effects such a transfer and they are assumed by the transferee financial institution.

(7)  Where a transitional status institution fails to receive acknowledgement under section 38 in respect of its LIFs or LIRAs or both or to transfer them under subsection (6) before the end of the transition period,

                                 (a)    it nevertheless continues to have all the liabilities under them until the Superintendent notifies it in writing that those liabilities have been extinguished, and

                                 (b)    the Superintendent may take whatever steps are considered necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of the owners, and for that purpose may direct that transitional status institution to take any action that he or she considers necessary.

(8)  If a transitional status institution becomes acknowledged under section 38 in relation to a LIF after the income payments for a year have already been formally elected, those elected income payments are to apply for the balance of that year.

(9)  Subject to subsection (1), the list established under the repealed section 38 is closed.

(10)  Section 1(10)(b) is to be treated as including a reference to this section.

(NOTE:  Section 66(4) of AR 197/2006 provides as follows:

(4)  Subject to the continuing liabilities of the financial institution imposed, and the continuing rights of the Superintendent given, by sections 41 and 73.2, those sections are repealed at the end of the last transition period, within the meaning of section 41(4) and 73.2(2) respectively, applicable to the financial institution.)

AR 197/2006 s59

74   Repealed AR 197/2006 s59.

Schedule 0.1
(Section 2.1)

Exemptions and Other Provisions for
Universities Academic Pension Plan


1(1)  In this Schedule, “Plan” means the new Universities Academic Pension Plan referred to in section 2.1 of this Regulation.

(2)  A reference in this Schedule to a numbered section of this Regulation is a reference to the section of this Regulation preceding the Schedules that bears that number, except where the reference is to this Schedule itself.

(3)  References in this Schedule to section 48(3), except where reference is made to section 48(3) of the Act, are to be taken to be references to section 48(3) as contained in section 10(1) of this Schedule.

(4)  With respect to the Plan, the words in section 2(1)(w) of this Regulation “or (c)” are to be treated as not existing.

(5)  To any extent that any provision of the legislation, as it applies with respect to the Plan, is inconsistent with a provision of an Order in Council made under section 14(8)(b) of Schedule 3 to the Public Sector Pension Plans Act, the latter provision prevails over the former.


2   This Schedule applies, and applies only, to the Plan.

Participation agreement

3(1)  Section 11(2) of the Act does not apply with respect to the Plan.

(2)  To participate in the Plan, employers and, to the extent that employers have academic staff associations, those associations must be signatories either to

                                 (a)    the relevant trust deed or agreement or similar document referred to in section 11(1) of the Act, where that instrument meets the conditions set out in section 5(2)(a) to (c) of this Regulation, or

                                 (b)    one or more participation agreements referred to in section 11(2) of the Act.

Actuarial valuation reports and cost certificates - s14(3)(b), Act and s10(3)(d), Regulation

3.1(1)  The Plan is exempt from section 14(3)(b)(i)(C) of the Act.

(2)  Section 14(3)(b)(ii) of the Act is to be treated as reading:

                                 (ii)    cost certificates signed by a person referred to in subclause (i)(B) and in the form required by the Superintendent, containing the prescribed information and information necessary for the Superintendent to be able to determine the Plan’s solvency deficiency, if any, and solvency ratio.

(3)  Section 10(3)(d)(ii) of this Regulation is to be treated as reading:

                                 (ii)    the date of establishment and the amount of any solvency deficiency, the value of the assets and liabilities used to determine that solvency deficiency, together with the assumptions and valuation methods used to calculate those liabilities;

Annual statement - s14(1)(i)(iii), Regulation

3.2   Section 14(1)(i)(iii) of this Regulation is to be treated as reading:

                                (iii)    confirmation that the employer has agreed to pay any solvency deficiency in respect of its employees or former employees in the event of the termination of the Plan;

Statement on termination of membership - s15(1)(i), Regulation

3.3   The Plan is exempt from section 15(1)(i) of this Regulation.

Benefits and entitlements on Plan termination

4   The Plan is exempt from section 28(1)(d)(iv) of the Act provided that the Plan provides in effect that on the withdrawal of all or any of the employers from the Plan those employers are to establish a successor pension plan or plans that will take over all the assets and liabilities of the Plan that relate to those employers, with accrued benefits and other rights being fully protected.

Entitlement of employees to join Plan

5   The Plan is exempt from section 29(1) and (2) of the Act and section 30(1) and (so far as it relates to section 29(1) of the Act) section 30(2) of this Regulation in respect of any employee who is employed under a term contract of employment entered into before January 1, 2001, and the exemption expires on the expiry of that contract.


6   With respect to the Plan,

                                 (a)    in section 31(1) and (2) of the Act, “1987” is to be treated as reading “1994”, and

                                 (b)    in section 31(2) and (3) of the Act, “2000” is to be treated as reading “2001”.

Locking in

7   With respect to the Plan, in section 35(1)(a) and (b)(i) of the Act, “the initial qualification date” is to be treated as reading “January 1, 1994”.

Funding - s48(2), Act and s48, Regulation

7.1(1)  Subject to section 48(24) of this Regulation, the Plan is exempt from section 48(2) of the Act, to the extent that that subsection requires a pension plan to provide for funding in accordance with the prescribed tests for the solvency of pension plans, unless

                                 (a)    the Plan is terminated, or

                                 (b)    an employer withdraws from the Plan in the circumstances described in section 73(3) of the Act.

(2)  The reference in section 48(3) of the Act to section 14(3)(b) of the Act is to be treated as a reference to section 14(3)(b) as treated as altered by section 3.1(1) and (2) of this Schedule.

(3)  The Plan is exempt from section 48(7), (8), (9) and (16) of this Regulation.

(4)  In section 48(4) and (5) of this Regulation, references to section 48(3)(c) of this Regulation are to be treated as not existing.

(5)  In section 48(6), (13), (14) and (20) of this Regulation, references to “solvency deficiency” are to be treated as not existing.

(6)  Section 48(15) of this Regulation is to be treated as reading:

(15)  Notwithstanding subsection (3), where the Plan is reviewed or the latest review revised pursuant to section 9(7), the 15‑year period referred to in subsection (3)(b)(ii) of this section shall be treated as commencing to run from the date when the change is made.

(7)  The following is to be treated as added after section 48(23):

(24)  The Plan’s administrator shall ensure that the Plan’s actuary performs the solvency tests required under section 48(2) of the Act and reports the results of those tests in actuarial valuation reports and cost certificates required to be filed pursuant to section 14 of the Act.

(25)  The Plan’s administrator shall notify the Superintendent if a benefit change adversely affects the solvency of the Plan, and have the Plan reviewed or the latest review revised as required by section 9(7) of this Regulation.

Fund holders

8   With respect to the Plan, section 49(1) of the Act is to be regarded as having the following clause added to it after clause (c):

                              (c.1)    the Investment Management Division of Alberta’s Treasury Department,

Manner and extent of transfers

9   The Plan is exempt from section 82(3) of the Act and section 35 of this Regulation.

Solvency tests and funding of the Plan

10(1)  The Plan is exempt from section 48(3), (4) and (5) of this Regulation and the following subsections apply instead:

(3)  Subject to subsection (4) and section 49(2) of this Regulation,

                                          (a)    an employer shall pay into the Plan, in respect of current employment, an amount of employer contributions on a monthly basis equal to the normal actuarial cost allocated to the employer, as stated in the most recent actuarial valuation report and cost certificate filed (taken together) or in either, and

                                          (b)    an employer and its employees shall pay into the Plan, in accordance with the terms of the Plan,

                                                    (i)    subject to subsection (3.1), with respect to the Plan’s unfunded liability in respect of employment that was recognized as pensionable, and the benefits that were in place, as at December 31, 1991, monthly payments, expressed as a percentage of payroll, which, together with payments made by the Crown in right of Alberta under its liability as to partial funding of that unfunded liability, as imposed by Schedule 3 to the Public Sector Pension Plans (Legislative Provisions) Regulation (AR 365/93), are sufficient to amortize that unfunded liability on or before December 31, 2043, and

                                                   (ii)    if the Plan has any other unfunded liability, payments consisting of equal monthly payments that are sufficient to amortize that unfunded liability over a period not exceeding 15 years from the review date relating to the establishment of that unfunded liability.

                                                  (iii)    repealed AR 245/2003 s64.

(3.1)  Once an actuarial valuation report prepared pursuant to a review referred to in section 9(3)(c) of this Regulation shows that no unfunded liability referred to in subsection (3)(b)(i) exists, the exemption from section 48(3) of this Regulation that is given by subsection (3)(b)(i) ceases to apply and the loss of that exemption remains permanent, regardless of anything that happens afterwards.

(3.2), (3.3)  Repealed AR 245/2003 s64.

(4)  Special payments referred to in subsection (3)(b)(ii) may instead be made by way of monthly payments expressed in such a manner that

                                          (a)    each payment is a constant percentage of the future payroll of the members projected as of the date of the original establishment of the unfunded liability, and

                                          (b)    the actuarial present value of all the payments over the period selected, not exceeding the maximum period referred to in subsection (3)(b)(ii) is equal to that liability.

(2)  Repealed AR 245/2003 s64.

(3)  Section 48(10)(b)(iii) of this Regulation is to be regarded as reading as follows:

                                (iii)    until the exemption referred to in subsection (3.1) expires and to the extent that the excess assets arose in respect of employment after 1991, applied to reduce employer or employee contributions or both and, once that exemption has expired, applied to reduce employer or employee contributions or both, or

(4)  Section 48 of this Regulation is to be regarded as having the following subsection added after subsection (10):

(10.1)  Notwithstanding subsection (10)(a), with respect to the Plan, excess assets arising from post‑1991 employment need not be used to amortize or reduce an unfunded liability referred to in subsection (3)(b)(i), but this subsection ceases to apply with permanent effect as soon as the exemption referred to in subsection (3.1) expires.

(5)  The reference in section 48(15) of this Regulation to section 48(3)(b) and (c) is to be treated as a reference to section 48(3)(b)(ii) and (iii) instead.

Remitting of contributions and Crown unfunded liability payments

11   The Plan is exempt from section 49(2) of this Regulation and the following subsection applies instead:

(2)  Notwithstanding sections 48(3) and 49(1)(d) of this Regulation, employer contributions referred to in section 49(1)(d), and contributions payable by the Crown under Schedule 3 to the Public Sector Pension Plans (Legislative Provisions) Regulation (AR 365/93), that are payable in respect of the first quarter after a review date may be made together with those employer and Crown contributions respectively to be paid in respect of the 2nd quarter after it, but they must include interest from the date when they would have been paid under that section 49(1)(d), or that Order, respectively, to the date of payment, at the same interest rate as was used in determining the respective employer contributions referred to in section 49(1)(d) or those Crown contributions, respectively.

Transfers - s82(3), Act and s35, Regulation

12   The Plan is exempt from section 82(3) of the Act and section 35 of this Regulation.

AR 218/2000 s5;245/2003;197/2006

Schedule 0.2
(Section 68(5))

Partial Exemptions

Publicly funded plans

1(1)  The Superintendent may exempt a publicly funded plan, on any conditions that the Superintendent consider appropriate, from the requirements of section 48(3)(c) of this Regulation if the administrator makes a written application to the Superintendent that includes

                                 (a)    an undertaking to file at least triennial solvency valuations with the Superintendent,

                                 (b)    an acknowledgement that the Superintendent may refuse any amendment to the plan that affects solvency if the plan has a solvency deficiency or its solvency ratio is less than one, and

                                 (c)    agreement from the contributing employers to pay any deficiency should the plan be terminated.

(2)  The Superintendent may, on application in writing, exempt a publicly funded plan that is a supplemental pension plan from the requirement to use the definition in section 1(1)(ff.1) of the Act so long as it uses instead, for the purposes of the plan, the corresponding definition in the plan to which it is supplemental.

(3)  Notwithstanding anything else in the legislation, a supplemental plan referred to in subsection (2) may contain provisions deeming any member of it who has made an election or decision relating to portability or non‑portability under and in relation to the plan to which it is supplemental to have made the same election or other decision under and in relation to the supplemental plan.

(4)  Notwithstanding anything in the legislation, where the whole of a supplemental plan referred to in subsection (2) terminates and the plan to which it is supplemental does not, the supplemental plan is not required to wind up.

Plans for connected individuals

2(1)  Without limiting any specific exemptions in the legislation, plans for connected individuals are exempt from the following provisions of the Act and of this Regulation respectively:

                                 (a)    Act Provisions:

section 12.1;
section 14(1), (2) and (3);
section 19;
section 20(1) and (3);
section 21;
section 23(2);
section 50(3);
section 72;
section 76(3) and (4);
section 77;
section 82(1)(b) and (c), (2) and (3);
section 83(1)(b) and (c);
section 84;

                                 (b)    Provisions of this Regulation:

section 6(1) and (2);
section 8(1);
section 10(2);
section 67(2), (2.1), (4), (6), (7) and (8).

(2)  With respect to plans for connected individuals, the reference in section 9(3)(c) of this Regulation to “3 years” is to be treated as reading “4 years”.

SMEPPs and section 48(3)(c)

3(1)  The administrator of a specified multi‑employer plan may apply to the Superintendent in the form and manner required by the Superintendent for, and the Superintendent may in writing, consent to the plan’s suspending payments that an employer is or was required by section 48(3)(c) of this Regulation to pay into the plan after 2005 for the period, not exceeding 3 years from the date before 2009 that is specified in the consent, on condition that,

                                 (a)    as soon as the suspension period ends, the administrator will have an actuarial valuation report prepared that will identify the solvency deficiency, if any, at that time, show the funded and solvency status of the plan and otherwise meet the requirements of the Superintendent, and

                                 (b)    if such a solvency deficiency exists, it will be amortized within 5 years from the end of that period.

(2)  An administrator may make only one application in total under subsection (1).

(3)  The administrator must submit, along with the application under subsection (1),

                                 (a)    an actuarial valuation report as at the review date, not being before December 31, 2005, to which the application relates, and

                                 (b)    any other documents required by the Superintendent.

(4)  The administrator shall, within 270 days after the end of the suspension period, file the actuarial valuation report prepared under subsection (1).

(5)  An administrator who wishes to have the suspension under subsection (1) cancelled may do so within the suspension period by notifying the Superintendent in writing of that intention and by filing an actuarial valuation report referred to in subsection (1)(a).

(6)  The Superintendent’s consent under subsection (1) applies or continues to apply only if

                                 (a)    section 48, including the testing required by section 48(2), of the Act and, subject to subsection (7), section 48 of this Regulation and the other provisions of this section continue to be complied with,

                                 (b)    the results of that testing are reported in each actuarial valuation report,

                                 (c)    no benefits are improved while the suspension continues,

                                 (d)    a schedule is adopted to amortize each unfunded liability established on or after the review date to which the application relates over a period not exceeding 10 years from its establishment and to amortize each unfunded liability that was established previously over the lesser of 10 years from the review date to which the application relates and the remainder of the 15‑year amortization period under which it was initially established, and

                                 (e)    any other relevant conditions imposed by the Superintendent under section 4.1 of the Regulation are complied with.

(7)  This section applies notwithstanding anything in section 48 of this Regulation.

Plans established before 1987

4   A pension plan established before January 1, 1987 is exempt from the requirements of section 28(1)(g) or 55(2) of the Act, or both, if the Superintendent considers that the provisions of the plan relating to the allocation and distribution of its surplus or excess assets during the continuation of the plan or on winding‑up, or both, as the case may be, are unclear, and notifies the administrator in writing that the plan need not be amended in order that the plan may comply with section 27 of the Act in relation to that provision or those provisions.

Benefits, etc., in excess of maximum tax limits

5   Where

                                 (a)    a pension plan provides a benefit or allocates surplus or excess assets in respect of a person entitled to a benefit and the benefit or surplus or excess asset allocation is in excess of the maximum benefit or contribution limit applicable to the plan under the tax Act, or

                                 (b)    the commuted value of a benefit is in excess of the maximum limit that can be transferred to another plan or to an RRSP under the tax Act,

then the amount of that benefit, surplus or excess asset allocation or commuted value that is in excess of that maximum limit is exempt from section 35(1) and (2) of the Act and the locking‑in requirement of section 30(5) of the Act.

SMEPPs and transfer agreements with other jurisdictions

6   Where

                                 (a)    the administrator of a specified multi‑employer plan (in this section called the “Alberta plan”) that has not received the approval of the Superintendent under section 31(4) of the Act has entered into a transfer agreement referred to in section 23(1) of the Act with the administrator of a pension plan of a jurisdiction other than Alberta that would be eligible for designation as a specified multi‑employer plan if it fell under the Act (in this section called the “non‑Alberta plan”), and

                                 (b)    the transfer agreement provides for the transfer of contributions between the plans for an employee who temporarily leaves employment covered by the non‑Alberta plan and enters employment covered by the Alberta plan,

contributions that are subject to transfer under the transfer agreement are exempt from section 35(1) and (2) of the Act and the employee is not to be treated as a member of the Alberta plan, notwithstanding section 1(1)(y) of the Act.

Retroactive reduction of SMEPP benefits

7   Where the option chosen under section 48(18) of this Regulation has been implemented and the amount of contributions remains insufficient to cover the cost of benefits, the specified multi‑employer plan is exempted from the application of section 81(1) of the Act if, on application to the Superintendent, the Superintendent considers that it would create an undue burden on the plan to apply that provision and approves that exemption.

Refusal of registration under tax Act

8   Where a pension plan that has secured registration is ultimately refused registration under the tax Act, that plan is exempt from all locking‑in provisions of the legislation.

Income and asset testing - 50% unlocking option

9   The discretionary entitlement of a person to withdraw money from a pension plan under section 68(6) and Schedule 1.1 is not to be considered when determining, for the purposes of the legislation specified in section 67.1(b), income or assets available to the person.

AR 197/2006 s61

Schedule 1

Form 1
(Section 39)

Employment Pension Plans Act
and Regulation (Alberta)

Locked‑in Retirement Account
(Alberta LIRA) Addendum

IMPORTANT NOTES:        This addendum forms an integral part of the LIRA to which it is attached.  The provisions of this addendum prevail over other provisions of the LIRA in the event of any conflict or inconsistency.  The LIRA (including this addendum) is also subject to section 39 of the Regulation and all other provisions of the Act and the Regulation (excluding this addendum) that apply to LIRAs and in the event of any conflict or inconsistency, that other legislation prevails.  This addendum is only a general and abbreviated description of the legal rights and obligations relating to the LIRA vehicle and as such may not necessarily reflect fully or accurately the rights and obligations in the legislation.  It should be noted that there are transitional arrangements in place covering mainly the period between August 2006 and the end of 2007, that are not necessarily reflected in this addendum, and that may also affect relationships with LRIFs.

I,     (insert name of LIRA owner)     (in this addendum referred to as “the owner”) certify that I am

  the original owner

  a surviving pension partner owner

  a non‑member‑pension partner owner
as defined in paragraph 1 of this addendum.

[Please tick the box that applies to you.]

With respect to Alberta locked‑in money to which the LIRA of which this addendum forms part applies, I, the owner, and we   (insert name of acknowledged financial institution underwriter or depositary of the LIRA)    (in this addendum referred to as “the LIRA issuer”), having signed the LIRA agreement to which this addendum is attached, agree that the provisions set out in this addendum constitute fundamental terms of the contract between us and agree to comply with those provisions, subject to the above‑mentioned legislation.

Part 1
General Provisions


1(1)  The following terms, used in this addendum, have the meanings respectively given them as indicated below, except where the context otherwise requires:

                                 (a)    “the Act” means the Employment Pension Plans Act of Alberta, “the Regulation” means the Employment Pension Plans Regulation (Alberta Regulation 35/2000) under that Act, and “EPPA/R” means either or both, as applicable, all as amended to the time as of which the legislation is being interpreted;

                                 (b)    “acknowledged” means, in relation to a financial institution, currently acknowledged under section 38 of the Regulation in relation to LIRAs or LIFs, as applicable;

                                 (c)    “Alberta locked‑in money” means money in a pension plan, LIRA or LIF

                                           (i)    that

                                                 (A)    originally belonged to a member who terminated membership in Alberta,

                                                  (B)    belongs to a surviving pension partner of

                                                            (I)    a member who died while employed in Alberta,

                                                           (II)    a former member who terminated membership while employed in Alberta, or

                                                          (III)    the original owner of a LIRA,


                                                  (C)    belongs to a non‑member‑pension partner owner owing to the application of Parts 4 of the legislation and originally belonged to a member who was employed in Alberta at the end of the period of joint accrual referred to in section 57(a) of the Regulation,


                                          (ii)    with respect to which the locking‑in requirements of the legislation are still required to be met;

                                 (d)    “annuity” means a non‑commutable life annuity contract issued or to be issued by an insurance business licensed to do business in Canada that meets the conditions in paragraph 60(l) of the federal Income Tax Act and will not commence before the annuitant reaches 50;

                                 (e)    “DC RIA” (an acronym for defined contribution retirement income account) means an account created under defined contribution provisions of a pension plan that provides the benefits referred to in section 46(8) of the Act under section 46.1 of the Regulation;

                                  (f)    “DC RIA benefits” means the benefits referred to in clause (e);

                                 (g)    “financial institution” means the issuer of a LIRA (including this one) or a LIF, as the case may be and, where the context relates to an annuity, includes an insurance business referred to in clause (d);

                                 (h)    “Form”, followed by a number, means the form in Schedule 1 to the Regulation corresponding to that number;

                                  (i)    “non‑member‑pension partner owner” means a pension partner who owns this LIRA as a result of the application of the marriage breakdown/matrimonial property order/agreement rules in EPPA/R;

                                  (j)    “Option”,

                                           (i)    followed by the numeral “1”, means the option in Part 1 of Form 6 agreeing to the unlocking of up to 50% of commuted value or the value of the vehicle account in question,

                                          (ii)    followed by the numeral “2”, means the option in Part 1 of Form 6 giving up the right to receive the minimum 60% survivor payments, and

                                         (iii)    followed by the numeral “3”, means the option in Part 2 of Form 6 giving up all rights as automatic designated beneficiary;

                                 (k)    “original owner” means the individual who was the member or former member of a pension plan and who made a transfer under section 30(5) or 38 of the Act or section 39, 40, 41 or 46.1 of the Regulation at any time, the assets deriving from which transfer are now held in this LIRA;

                                  (l)    “owner” means the original owner, a surviving pension partner owner or a non‑member‑pension partner owner;

                                (m)    “paragraph” and “Part” mean a paragraph and a Part, respectively, of this addendum;

                                 (n)    “pension partner” means, in relation to an original owner,

                                           (i)    a person who, at the relevant time, was married to that original owner and had not been living separate and apart from that original owner for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                          (ii)    if there is no such married person, a person, if there is any, who, immediately preceding that time, had lived with that original owner in a conjugal relationship

                                                 (A)    for a continuous period of at least 3 years, or

                                                  (B)    of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption,

                                                  but does not include any person who is not recognized as a spouse or common‑law partner for the purposes of any provision of the federal income tax legislation respecting RRSPs;

                                 (o)    “retirement income commencement” means the time when the former member or original owner initially transfers or transferred the money from a pension plan or a LIRA to a LIF, a DC RIA or an LRIF (before its abolition);

                                 (p)    “surviving pension partner owner” means an individual who made a transfer of money under section 39(6) of the Act or section 39(27) of the Regulation;

(2)  Terms used in this addendum and not defined in subparagraph (1) but defined generally in EPPA/R have the meanings assigned to them in EPPA/R.

(3)  Reference in this addendum to the execution of a waiver also requires the provision of it to the applicable pension plan administrator or financial institution for it to be effective.

Voluntary disposition

2   In general, the owner may not assign or otherwise voluntarily dispose of this LIRA or any rights or obligations under it to another person, but this is subject to the exceptions dealt with later.

Involuntary access

3(1)  In general, the money in this LIRA may not be seized, attached or otherwise taken by another person, except that the money is subject to the provisions of the Maintenance Enforcement Act and the marriage breakdown rules.

(2)  The exceptions referred to in subparagraph (1) will or may continue to apply if the money is transferred from this LIRA to another financial vehicle.

General rule on early withdrawal, etc.

4   No early voluntary withdrawal, commutation or surrender of money in this LIRA will be permitted except in accordance with Part 4 or the transitional (temporary) maximum 50% unlocking option in Schedule 1.1 to the Regulation.

Locking in

5   Money that is not Alberta locked‑in money will not be transferred to or continue to be held in this LIRA.


6   The money in this LIRA will be invested in a manner that complies with the rules for the investment of RRSP money contained in the federal income tax legislation.

Retirement income

7(1)  All the money in this LIRA, including investment earnings, is to be used ultimately to obtain an annuity or retirement income that is required or permitted by EPPA/R.

(2)  The annuity or retirement income ultimately to be obtained for an original owner with a pension partner at the time payment of that income commences is to be at least on a 60% joint life basis that satisfies section 40 of the Act, unless that pension partner executes Option 2 of the Form 6 waiver.

Splitting of contract

8   This LIRA, if not eligible for the payment allowed by paragraph 21, may not be split so as to change it into 2 or more LIRAs, LIFs, DC RIAs or annuities or any combination of them that would make any of them so eligible.

Pension partner waiver

9   A pension partner may be entitled to money from this LIRA on the death of the original owner but, while the original owner is still alive, the pension partner may waive entitlement to that money by executing Form 3.

Disclosure statements

10(1)  The LIRA issuer will provide to the owner, at least annually, a statement showing

                                 (a)    the LIRA account balance at the beginning and the end of the period covered by the statement, and

                                 (b)    the investment gains and losses earned in, the amounts transferred into, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, the account in that period.

(2)  Where money is paid out from this LIRA, the LIRA issuer will provide to the owner a statement showing

                                 (a)    the LIRA account balance at the beginning of the period covered by the statement and at the date of the payment out, and

                                 (b)    the matters specified in subparagraph (1)(b).

Part 2
Transfers In and Transfers and
Payments Out of LIRA

Transfer‑in requirements

11(1)  The LIRA issuer

                                 (a)    warrants to the owner that it is, and will make every endeavour while this contract exists to remain, on the Superintendent’s list of acknowledged financial institutions for LIRAs, and

                                 (b)    will ensure that only Alberta locked‑in money is transferred to this LIRA.

(2)  A transfer to this LIRA may be made only from

                                 (a)    the non‑DC RIA portion of a plan or another LIRA, or

                                 (b)    an old locked‑in RRSP under an agreement under the predecessor legislation of 1966.

Transfers to other vehicles

12   A transfer of money from this LIRA is permitted to be made only to

                                 (a)    the non‑DC RIA portion of a plan on a locked‑in basis,

                                 (b)    a DC RIA,

                                 (c)    another LIRA,

                                 (d)    a LIF, or

                                 (e)    an annuity.

Transfer‑out requirements

13(1)  The LIRA issuer will not transfer money from this LIRA unless, to the extent applicable, it

                                 (a)    has ascertained that the transferee financial institution, if issuing a LIRA or LIF, is on the appropriate Superintendent’s acknowledgement list,

                                 (b)    has ascertained that the transferee pension plan will treat the money as Alberta locked‑in money,

                                 (c)    has advised the transferee financial institution or pension plan administrator that the money being transferred is Alberta locked‑in money,

                                 (d)    provides that transferee with a certified copy,

                                           (i)    if the transfer is being made to another LIRA or the non‑DC RIA portion of a pension plan by an original owner who has a pension partner at the time of the transfer who has previously executed a Form 3 waiver, of that waiver, or

                                          (ii)    if the transfer is being made to a LIF, a DC RIA or an annuity other than a minimum 60% joint life annuity by an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the transfer, of an executed Option 2 of the Form 6 waiver,

                                 (e)    has provided the owner with a statement under paragraph 10(2), and

                                  (f)    if the transfer is to a LIF, DC RIA or annuity, has offered the owner the maximum 50% unlocking option provided for in Schedule 1.1 to the Regulation subject, if the owner is an original owner with a pension partner at the time of the transfer, to the pension partner’s having previously exercised Option 1 of the Form 6 waiver,

and the LIRA issuer will otherwise ensure that the EPPA/R rules on transfers out are obeyed.

(2)  Unless a pension partner referred to in subparagraph (1)(d)(ii) executes Option 2 of the Form 6 waiver, that pension partner is the designated beneficiary for any death benefit.

(3)  Where an Option 1 of the Form 6 waiver was executed, the LIRA issuer will keep a certified copy of it.

Potential consequences of breach

14   If the LIRA issuer disobeys any of the requirements in paragraph 13(1), it may have to fund the recipient vehicle (again if need be) to ensure that those entitled to the benefits of the recipient vehicle receive them in the form and manner required by EPPA/R.

General liability on payment out

15   If money is paid out to an individual person contrary to EPPA/R, the LIRA issuer will ensure the provision of appropriate income to the owner, in accordance with EPPA/R, as if that legislation has not been breached.

Prohibition against double indemnity

16   Where the owner, as a result of EPPA/R, obtains, in effect, a double payment or a payment as well as a continuing interest in the LIRA, the owner may be liable to repay amounts to which EPPA/R did not entitle him/her.

Federal tax legislation requirements

17   Without mention of other provisions of the federal tax legislation to which a transfer is or may be subject, any transfer made under paragraph 13(1) is subject to paragraph 146.3(2)(e.1) or (e.2) of the federal Income Tax Act.

Remittance of securities

18   Where this LIRA holds identifiable and transferable investment securities, the transfers out referred to in this Part may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the LIRA issuer and with the consent of the owner, be effected by the remittance of any such securities.

Part 3
Death of Owner

Disposition of balance on death

19(1)  Within 60 days after the delivery to the LIRA issuer of the documents required by it following the death of the original owner with a surviving pension partner who has not executed the Form 3 waiver, the LIRA balance will be transferred, subject to paragraph 13, on that surviving pension partner’s behalf to

                                 (a)    a LIRA,

                                 (b)    a LIF,

                                 (c)    an annuity that is not a minimum 60% joint life annuity, or

                                 (d)    a pension plan on a locked‑in basis,

as that surviving pension partner chooses.

(2)  Within 60 days after the delivery to the LIRA issuer of the documents required by it following the death of the owner other than an owner referred to in subparagraph (1), the LIRA balance will be paid to the original owner’s designated beneficiary or, if there is no valid designation of beneficiary, to the original owner’s estate as a cash lump sum.

Part 4
Withdrawal, Commutation and Surrender

YMPE based lump sum payment

21   The LIRA issuer will on application make a lump sum payment of the whole LIRA balance,

                                 (a)    at any time if the LIRA balance does not exceed 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) under the Canada Pension Plan for the year in which the application is made, or

                                 (b)    if the owner is at least 65 and the value of the LIRA does not exceed 40% of the YMPE for the year in which the application is made.

Non‑residency for tax purposes

22   The LIRA issuer will make a lump sum payment of the entire LIRA balance if the owner applies to it with written evidence that the Canada Revenue Agency has confirmed that the owner is a non‑resident for the purposes of the federal tax legislation and, where that owner is an original owner who has a pension partner at the time when the application is made, if such a pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

Life threatening condition

23   The LIRA issuer will on application make a lump sum payment to the owner of the entire LIRA balance or an equivalent series of payments if a physician certifies that the owner has a terminal illness or that due to a disability the owner’s life is likely to be considerably shortened, but the LIRA issuer may make the payment or payments, in the case of an original owner who has a pension partner at the time when the application for payment is made, only if such a pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

Financial hardship

24   The LIRA issuer will make a lump sum payment or a series of payments, on application to the LIRA issuer by the owner, if the owner has previously applied to the Superintendent for a release of all or part of the money due to financial hardship and the Superintendent has given written consent to that application.

Part X.1 of federal tax legislation

25   The owner may withdraw from this LIRA such amount of money as is required to be paid to the owner to reduce the amount of tax otherwise payable under Part X.1 of the federal Income Tax Act.

Form 2
(Section 40)

Employment Pension Plans Act
and Regulation (Alberta)

Life Income Fund (Alberta LIF) Addendum

IMPORTANT NOTES:        This addendum forms an integral part of the LIF to which it is attached.  The provisions of this addendum prevail over other provisions of the LIF in the event of any conflict or inconsistency.  The LIF (including this addendum) is also subject to section 40 of the Regulation and all other provisions of the Act and the Regulation (excluding this addendum) that apply to LIFs and in the event of any conflict or inconsistency, that other legislation prevails.  This addendum is only a general and abbreviated description of the legal rights and obligations relating to the LIF vehicle and as such may not necessarily reflect fully or accurately the rights and obligations in the legislation.  It should be noted that there are transitional arrangements in place covering mainly the period between August 2006 and the end of 2007, that are not necessarily reflected in this addendum, and that also affect relationships with LRIFs.

I,     (insert name of LIF owner)     (in this addendum referred to as “the owner”) certify that I am

  the original owner*

  a surviving pension partner owner

  a non‑member‑pension partner owner
as defined in paragraph 1 of this addendum.

[Please tick the box that applies to you.]

With respect to Alberta locked‑in money to which the LIF of which this addendum forms part applies, I, the owner, and we    (insert name of acknowledged financial institution underwriter or depositary of the LIF)   (in this addendum referred to as “the LIF issuer”), having signed the LIF agreement to which this addendum is attached, agree that the provisions set out in this addendum constitute fundamental terms of the contract between us and agree to comply with those provisions, subject to the above‑mentioned legislation.

*As the original owner (if applicable) I have identified in that agreement any pension partner, as defined in paragraph (1)(1)(n) below, that I have at the time when this LIF is issued.

Part 1
General Provisions

Interpretation and requisites for LIF

1(1)  The following terms, used in this addendum, have the meanings respectively given them as indicated below, except where the context otherwise requires:

                                 (a)    “the Act” means the Employment Pension Plans Act of Alberta, “the Regulation” means the Employment Pension Plans Regulation (Alberta Regulation 35/2000) under that Act, and “EPPA/R” means either or both, as applicable, all as amended to the time as of which the legislation is being interpreted;

                                 (b)    “acknowledged” means, in relation to a financial institution, currently acknowledged under section 38 of the Regulation in relation to LIFs or LIRAs, as applicable;

                                 (c)    “Alberta locked‑in money” means money in a pension plan, LIRA or LIF

                                           (i)    that

                                                 (A)    originally belonged to a member who terminated membership in Alberta,

                                                  (B)    belongs to a surviving pension partner of

                                                            (I)    a member who died while employed in Alberta,

                                                           (II)    a former member who terminated membership while employed in Alberta, or

                                                          (III)    the original owner of a LIRA,


                                                  (C)    belongs to a non‑member‑pension partner owing to the application of Parts 4 of the legislation and originally belonged to a member who was employed in Alberta at the end of the period of joint accrual referred to in section 57(a),


                                          (ii)    with respect to which the locking‑in requirements of the legislation are still required to be met;

                                 (d)    “annuity” means a non‑commutable life annuity contract issued or to be issued by an insurance business licensed to do business in Canada that meets the conditions in paragraph 60(l) of the federal Income Tax Act and will not commence before the annuitant reaches 50;

                                 (e)    “DC RIA” (an acronym for defined contribution retirement income account) means an account created under defined contribution provisions of a pension plan that covers the benefits referred to in section 46(8) of the Act and that exists to provide retirement income under section 46.1 of the Regulation;

                                  (f)    “DC RIA benefits” means the benefits referred to in clause (e);

                                 (g)    “financial institution” means the issuer of a LIF (including this one) or a LIRA, as the case may be and, where the context relates to an annuity, includes an insurance business referred to in clause (d);

                                 (h)    “Form”, followed by a number, means the form in Schedule 1 to the Regulation corresponding to that number;

                                  (i)    “non‑member‑pension partner owner” means a pension partner who owns this LIF as a result of the application of the marriage breakdown/matrimonial property order/agreement rules in EPPA/R;

                                  (j)    “Option”,

                                           (i)    followed by the numeral “1”, means the option in Part 1 of Form 6 agreeing to the unlocking of up to 50% of commuted value or the value of the vehicle account in question,

                                          (ii)    followed by the numeral “2”, means the option in Part 1 of Form 6 giving up the right to receive the minimum 60% survivor payments, and

                                         (iii)    followed by the numeral “3”, means the option in Part 2 of Form 6 giving up all rights as automatic designated beneficiary;

                                 (k)    “original owner” means the individual who was the member or former member of a pension plan and who made a transfer under section 30(5) or 38 of the Act or section 39, 40, 41 or 46.1 of the Regulation at any time, the assets deriving from which transfer are now held in this LIF;

                                  (l)    “owner” means the original owner, a surviving pension partner owner or a non‑member‑pension partner owner;

                                (m)    “paragraph” and “Part” mean a paragraph and a Part, respectively, of this addendum;

                                 (n)    “pension partner” means, in relation to an original owner,

                                           (i)    a person who, at retirement income commencement, was married to that original owner and had not been living separate and apart from that original owner for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                          (ii)    if there is no such married person, a person, if there is any, who, immediately preceding that time, had lived with that original owner in a conjugal relationship

                                                 (A)    for a continuous period of at least 3 years, or

                                                  (B)    of some permanence, if there was a child of the relationship by birth or adoption,

                                          but does not include any person who is not recognized as a spouse or common‑law partner for the purposes of any provision of the federal income tax legislation respecting RRIFs;

                                 (o)    “retirement income commencement” means the time when the former member or original owner initially transferred the money from a pension plan or a LIRA to a LIF, a DC RIA or an LRIF (before its abolition);

                                 (p)    “surviving pension partner owner” means

                                           (i)    an individual who made a transfer of the money under section 39(6) of the Act, or

                                          (ii)    a surviving pension partner of the original owner.

(2)  Terms used in this addendum and not defined in subparagraph (1) but defined generally in EPPA/R have the meanings assigned to them in EPPA/R.

(3)  Reference in this addendum to the execution of a waiver also requires the provision of it to the applicable pension plan administrator or financial institution for it to be effective.

(4)  This addendum has no effect as a part of a RRIF or a LIF unless and until

                                 (a)    the owner is at least 50,

                                 (b)    this addendum is attached to the RRIF,

                                 (c)    the issuer has made reasonable efforts to ascertain whether or not the original owner has a pension partner at the time the LIF would be established and, if so, his or her identity,

                                 (d)    if there is such a pension partner, that institution has received an executed Option 2 of the Form 6 waiver, and

                                 (e)    that waiver has been attached to the RRIF,

and the waiver referred to in clause (e) becomes part of the LIF on its being attached to the RRIF.

(5)  The fiscal year of this LIF is the calendar year.

Voluntary disposition

2   In general, the owner may not assign or otherwise voluntarily dispose of this LIF or any rights or obligations under it to another person, but this is subject to the exceptions dealt with later.

Involuntary access

3(1)  The money in this LIF may not be seized, attached or otherwise taken by another person, except that the money is subject to the provisions of the Maintenance Enforcement Act and the marriage breakdown rules.

(2)  The exceptions referred to in subparagraph (1) will or may continue to apply if the money is transferred from this LIF to another financial vehicle.

General rule on early withdrawal, etc.

4   No early voluntary withdrawal, commutation or surrender of money in this LIF will be permitted except in accordance with Part 5 or the transitional (temporary) maximum 50% unlocking option in Schedule 1.1 to the Regulation.

Locking in

5   Money that is not Alberta locked‑in money will not be transferred to or continue to be held in this LIF.


6   The money in this LIF will be invested in a manner that complies with the rules for the investment of RRIF money contained in the federal income tax legislation.

Minimum retirement income provision

7   All the money in this LIF, including investment earnings, is to be used to provide or obtain retirement income or an annuity that is required or permitted by EPPA/R.

Splitting of contract

8   This LIF, if not eligible for the payment allowed by paragraph 27, may not be split so as to change it into 2 or more LIFs, DC RIAs or annuities or any combination of them that would make any of them so eligible.

Disclosure statements

9   The LIF issuer will provide to the owner or, in the case of a deceased original owner, the designated beneficiary or estate, as the case may be,

                                 (a)    within 30 days after the beginning of each year, information on

                                           (i)    the amounts transferred into, the interest, gains and losses earned by, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, this LIF during the previous year,

                                          (ii)    the LIF account balance at the end of the previous year,

                                         (iii)    the minimum amount that must be paid out of this LIF to the owner during the current year, and

                                         (iv)    the maximum amount that may be paid out during the current year, being the greatest of the amounts calculated in accordance with paragraph 20(1)(a), (b) and (c),

                                 (b)    if the owner makes a transfer specified in paragraph 11, a reconciliation of the LIF balance at the date of the transfer with the balance at the end of the immediately previous year, showing the amounts transferred into, the interest, gains and losses earned by, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, this LIF in the intervening period, and

                                 (c)    where the owner receives a payment under Part 5 of this addendum, a reconciliation of the LIF balance at the date of payment with the balance at the end of the immediately previous year, showing the amounts transferred into, the interest, gains and losses earned by, the payments made out of, and the fees charged against, this LIF during the intervening period.

Part 2
Transfers In and Transfers and Payments Out

Transfer‑in requirements

10(1)  The LIF issuer

                                 (a)    warrants to the owner that it is, and will make every endeavour while this contract exists to remain, on the Superintendent’s list of acknowledged financial institutions for LIFs, and

                                 (b)    will ensure that only Alberta locked‑in money is transferred to this LIF.

(2)  A transfer to this LIF may be made only from a pension plan, another LIF, a LIRA or an LRIF.

Transfers to other vehicles

11   A transfer of money from this LIF is permitted, but only permitted,

                                 (a)    to another LIF,

                                 (b)    to a DC RIA, or

                                 (c)    to an insurance business to purchase an annuity that, in the case of an original owner who had a pension partner at retirement income commencement, designates that pension partner as the beneficiary of any death benefit provided by the annuity unless the original owner has provided to the LIF issuer an executed Option 3 of the Form 6 waiver.

Transfer‑out requirements

12(1)  The LIF issuer will not transfer money from this LIF unless, to the extent applicable, it

                                 (a)    has ascertained that the transferee financial institution, if issuing a LIF, is on the Superintendent’s acknowledgement list for LIFs,

                                 (b)    has ascertained that the transferee pension plan containing the DC RIA is registered under EPPA/R,

                                 (c)    has advised the transferee financial institution or pension plan administrator that the money being transferred is Alberta locked‑in money,

                                 (d)    if the owner is an original owner who had a pension partner at retirement income commencement, provides the receiving financial institution or administrator with an executed Option 2 and, if applicable, Option 3 of the Form 6 waiver,

                                 (e)    if the transfer is to another LIF or to a DC RIA, provides that transferee with

                                           (i)    a copy of the information provided to the owner under paragraph 9(b), and

                                          (ii)    a copy of the decision made by the owner respecting the amount to be withdrawn during the current year.

                                  (f)    if the transfer is to an insurance business to purchase an annuity,

                                           (i)    has ensured that the vehicle is an annuity, and

                                          (ii)    if the owner is an original owner, provides to the insurance business a certified copy of an executed the Option 2 and, if applicable, the Option 3 of the Form 6 waiver,

and the LIF issuer will otherwise ensure that the EPPA/R rules on transfers out are obeyed.

Potential consequences of breach

13   If the LIF issuer disobeys any of the requirements in paragraph 12, it may have to fund the recipient vehicle (again if need be) to ensure that those entitled to the benefits of the recipient vehicle receive them in the form and manner required by EPPA/R.

General liability on payment out

14   If money is paid out to an individual person contrary to EPPA/R, the LIF issuer will ensure the provision of appropriate income to the owner, in accordance with EPPA/R, as if that legislation has not been breached.

Prohibition against double indemnity

15   Where the owner, as a result of EPPA/R, obtains, in effect, a double payment or a payment as well as a continuing interest in the LIF, the owner may be liable to repay amounts to which EPPA/R did not entitle him/her.

Federal tax legislation requirements

16   Without mention of other provisions of the federal tax legislation to which a transfer is or may be subject, any transfer made under paragraph 12 is subject to paragraph 146.3(2)(e.1) or (e.2) of the federal Income Tax Act.

Remittance of securities

17   Where this LIF holds identifiable and transferable investment securities, the transfers out referred to in this Part may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the LIF issuer and with the consent of the owner, be effected by the remittance of any such securities.

Part 3
Payment Calculations

Commencement of income payment

18   The owner will be paid an income that will commence not later than the last day of the year following the year in which the LIF was established.

Establishment and alteration of income pay‑out

19(1)  Within 60 days after receipt of the information described in paragraph 9(a), the owner will establish and notify the LIF issuer in writing of the amount of income to be paid during the current year, except that if this LIF guarantees the rate of return of this LIF over a period that is greater than one year, then the owner may establish and notify, at the beginning of that period, the amount of income to be paid during any one or more of the years that end not later than the expiration of that period.

(2)  The owner may, at any time during a year, change the amount of income to be paid provided that the amount will always result, by the end of the year, in a payment or payments that are at least equal to the minimum amount required by the federal tax legislation and that do not exceed the maximum amount calculated in accordance with paragraph 20(1).

Maximum income pay‑out

20(1)  Subject to subparagraph (2), the amount of income to be paid out during a year is not to exceed the greatest of

                                 (a)    M, with that symbol being calculated in accordance with the following formula:

M = C/F


                                            C    is the balance of the money in this LIF on the first day of the year, and

                                            F    is the value on January 1 of the year in which the calculation is made of a guaranteed amount of which the annual payment is $1 payable at the beginning of each year between that date and December 31 of the year during which the owner reaches the age of 85 years and calculated by using

                                                    (i)    an interest rate of not more than 6% per year, or

                                                   (ii)    for the first 15 years after the date of the valuation, an interest rate exceeding 6% per year if that rate does not exceed the interest rate obtained on long‑term bonds issued by the Government of Canada for the month of November preceding the year of the valuation, as compiled by Statistics Canada and published in the Bank of Canada Review as CANSIM Series B‑14013, and using an interest rate not exceeding 6% in subsequent years,

                                 (b)    the minimum amount required to be withdrawn in accordance with the federal tax legislation, and

                                 (c)    investment gains earned in the immediately previous year.

(2)  For the initial year of the payment out of income,

                                 (a)    the limit M is prorated in proportion to the number of months in the year in which this LIF was established divided by 12, with any part of an incomplete month counting as one month,

                                 (b)    the minimum amount to be paid, as referred to in subparagraph (1)(b), is set at zero, and

                                 (c)    investment gains referred to in subparagraph (1)(c) are 6% of the fair market value of this LIF prorated, where applicable, in proportion to the number of months in the year for which this LIF was established divided by 12, with any part of an incomplete month counting as one month.

Continuation of income payments

21   Subject to paragraph 19(2), if the money in this LIF is transferred to another LIF or to a DC RIA, payments to the owner will continue in the same manner as the owner selected at the beginning of the year of the transfer.

Additional transfers in

22(1)  If, in any year, an additional transfer is made to this LIF and that additional transfer has never been under a LIF or a DC RIA before, an additional withdrawal is allowed in that year.

(2)  The additional withdrawal will be calculated in accordance with paragraph 20(1) and prorated in accordance with paragraph 20(2) with respect to the amount that was transferred in.

Guarantee of rate of return over longer period

23   Where the exception in paragraph 19(1) applies, paragraphs 20, 21 and 22 apply with such modification as the circumstances require to determine, at the date of the beginning of the first year of the interval, the amount of income to be paid out for each year in that interval.

Part 4
Death of Owner

Deceased owners

25   Within 60 days after the delivery to the LIF issuer of the documents required by it following the death of the owner, the LIF balance will be paid

                                 (a)    if the deceased owner was the original owner with a surviving pension partner who had not executed the Option 3 of the Form 6 waiver, to that pension partner, or

                                 (b)    if the owner was someone other than that original owner, to the owner’s designated beneficiary or, if there is no such designated beneficiary, the owner’s estate.

Manner of payment

26   The money will be paid, under paragraph 25,

                                 (a)    as a cash lump sum, or

                                 (b)    subject to the federal tax legislation, in the case of a surviving pension partner and if that person so elects, to an RRSP or RRIF.

Part 5
Withdrawal, Commutation and Surrender

YMPE based lump sum payment

27   The LIF issuer will on application make a lump sum payment of the whole LIF balance,

                                 (a)    at any time if the LIF balance does not exceed 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) under the Canada Pension Plan for the year in which the application is made, or

                                 (b)    if the owner is at least 65 and the value of the LIF does not exceed 40% of the YMPE for the year in which the application is made.

Non‑residency for tax purposes

28   The LIF issuer will make a lump sum payment of the entire LIF balance if the owner applies to it with written evidence that the Canada Revenue Agency has confirmed that the owner is a non‑resident for the purposes of the federal tax legislation and, where that owner is an original owner who has a pension partner at the time when the application is made, if such a pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

Life threatening condition

29   The LIF issuer will on application make a lump sum payment to the owner of the entire LIF balance or an equivalent series of payments if a physician certifies that the owner has a terminal illness or that due to a disability the owner’s life is likely to be considerably shortened, but the LIF issuer may make the payment or payments, in the case of an original owner who has a pension partner at the time when the application for payment is made, only if such a pension partner has executed a Form 5 waiver.

Financial hardship

30   The LIF issuer will make a lump sum payment or a series of payments, on application to the LIF issuer by the owner, if the owner has previously applied to the Superintendent for a release of all or part of the money due to financial hardship and the Superintendent has given written consent to that application.

Part X.1 of federal tax legislation

31   The owner may withdraw from this LIF such amount of money as is required to be paid to the owner to reduce the amount of tax otherwise payable under Part X.1 of the federal Income Tax Act.

Form 3
(Section 39(5.1) of the Act and
sections 39 and 43(1))

Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation

[Note:  1.  In interpreting this waiver form, “pension” is to be taken as including an annuity or retirement income and “pension commencement” as including the commencement of the payment of an annuity or retirement income.

2.  The Employment Pension Plans Regulation is Alberta Regulation 35/2000.]

Pension Partner Waiver of Pre‑Pension
Commencement Death Benefit
under Pension Plan or LIRA

I,   (name)  , am a “pension partner” (as described below) of   (insert name of member/former member/original owner)   (in this waiver referred to as “the original plan member”) who, at the time of my signing this waiver, is alive and has not commenced to receive a pension.  The original plan member earned benefits under   (name of pension plan)  , a pension plan regulated in accordance with the Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation (in this waiver referred to as “the legislation”).  The money representing those benefits*

  remains in that pension plan (pension or retirement income payments not yet having commenced), or

  was transferred from that plan and is now in a LIRA.

[*  Please tick the box that applies to you.]

Being the original plan member’s “pension partner” means that

                                 (a)    I am married to the original plan member and have not been living separate and apart from him or her for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                 (b)    if paragraph (a) above does not apply to me and there is no other person to whom paragraph (a) applies, I have been living with the original plan member in a conjugal relationship for a continuous period of at least 3 years or, if there is a child of our relationship by birth or adoption, of some permanence.

I understand that if I do not execute this waiver and the original plan member dies before any form of pension is or commences to be paid (which time is in this waiver referred to as “pension commencement”) and if I am a lawful pension partner of the deceased at his or her death, I am entitled to receive a pre‑pension commencement death benefit under the legislation.  That benefit,

                                 (a)    if being paid from a pension plan, is the value of the benefit at death, and

                                 (b)    if being paid from a LIRA, is the value of the LIRA account at death.

I understand that if I give up my pension partner right to receive any pre‑pension commencement death benefit by signing this waiver, payment of that benefit will be made either to

                                 (a)    a beneficiary (excluding myself) designated by the original plan member, or

                                 (b)    the deceased’s estate.

Nevertheless, I give up my right to receive the pre‑pension commencement death benefit payment otherwise required by the legislation.

This waiver does not affect any rights that I could have arising as a result of any breakdown or potential breakdown in the relationship between the original plan member and myself.

I have chosen to sign this waiver and in so doing I give up my right to receive any pre‑pension commencement death benefit payment and to any potential right that I may otherwise have under any designation of myself as beneficiary signed by the original plan member.


I certify that

                                 (a)    I have read this waiver and understand it or the potential results of my signing it,

                                 (b)    I have read the original plan member’s most recent annual statement or a statement from the administrator/financial institution showing the balance in his or her account and know the approximate current value of the benefit I am giving up as a result of executing this waiver,

                                 (c)    I am signing this waiver of my own free will,

                                 (d)    the original plan member is not present while I am signing this waiver,

                                 (e)    I have obtained independent advice about the implications of signing this waiver,

                                  (f)    I realize that

                                           (i)    this waiver only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the legislation, and

                                          (ii)    if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are, I must read the legislation applicable and, if necessary, consult a professional with pension expertise,


                                 (g)    I understand that I have the right to cancel this waiver at any time before the original plan member dies or is paid or commences to be paid the benefit.

Dated at   (municipality)   in the Province/Territory of                  this       day of   (month)  , 20 (year) .

  (signature of waiving pension partner)  

I,    (name of witness)   , of    (address of witness)    do witness the signature of the pension partner who signed this waiver before me outside of the presence of the original plan member.

  (signature of witness to signature of waiving pension partner)  
  (print full name of witness)  

Form 4
(Section 40(4) and (4.2) of the Act
and 43(2) and (3))

Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation

[Note:  The Employment Pension Plans Regulation is Alberta Regulation 35/2000.]

Pension Partner Waiver of Post‑Pension
Benefits from a Defined
Benefit Portion of a Pension Plan

Part 1
Waiver of Minimum 60% Joint Life Pension

I,   (name)  , am a “pension partner” (as described below) of   (insert name of member/former member)   (in this waiver form referred to as “the member”) who, at the time of my signing anything in this Form, is alive and is about to commence to receive a pension.  The member earned benefits under defined benefit provisions of   (name of pension plan)  , a pension plan regulated in accordance with the Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation (in this Form referred to as “the legislation”).  The money representing those benefits remains in that pension plan.

Being the member’s “pension partner” means that

                                 (a)    I am married to the member and have not been living separate and apart from him or her for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                 (b)    if paragraph (a) above does not apply to me and there is no other person to whom paragraph (a) applies, I have been living with member in a conjugal relationship for a continuous period of at least 3 years or, if there is a child of our relationship by birth or adoption, of some permanence.

I understand that the legislation in general requires that the benefits earned under and paid from the pension plan must be paid as at least a 60% joint life pension.  This means that if the member starts to receive a pension and dies before I do, survivor payments equal to at least 60% of it will continue to me for my lifetime.

However, I understand that if I choose to sign this Part (Part 1) of this Form and it is filed with the administrator, I give up my rights to the minimum 60% joint life pension.  I further understand that my signing this Part 1 means that the member may choose a pension form that

                                 (a)    gives me a lower survivor benefit than the 60% joint life pension,

                                 (b)    provides a lump sum death benefit for which I will be the beneficiary unless I also waive my entitlement to it by executing Part 2 of this Form, or

                                 (c)    provides no death benefit at all.

Nevertheless, I give up my right to receive the minimum 60% joint life pension otherwise required by the legislation.

This Part does not affect any rights that I could have arising as a result of any breakdown or potential breakdown in the relationship between the member and myself.

I have chosen to execute Part 1 of this Form and in so doing I give up my right to receive the 60% joint life pension.  By executing this Part 1 of the Form, I do not give up any potential right that I may otherwise have under any designation of myself as beneficiary signed by the member.

Certification as to Part 1

I certify that

                                 (a)    I have read Part 1 of this Form and understand it or the potential results of my signing it,

                                 (b)    I have read the member’s retirement statement or a statement from the administrator showing the balance in his or her account and know the approximate current value of the benefit I am giving up as a result of executing this Part (Part 1) of this Form,

                                 (c)    I am signing Part 1 of my own free will,

                                 (d)    the member is not present while I am signing this Part,

                                 (e)    I have obtained independent advice about the implications of signing Part 1,

                                  (f)    I realize that

                                           (i)    Part 1 only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the legislation relating to Part 1, and

                                          (ii)    if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are, I must read the legislation applicable and, if necessary, consult a professional with pension expertise,


                                 (g)    the information that I have given in this Part is true, to the best of my knowledge, at the time when I sign this Part but, if any of that information changes before the member dies or receives or commences to receive the benefit, whichever happens first, I undertake that I will immediately notify the administrator of that change.

Dated at   (municipality)   in the Province/Territory of                  this       day of   (month)  , 20 (year) .

  (signature of waiving pension partner)  

I,   (name of witness)  , of   (address of witness)   do witness the signature of the pension partner who signed this Part (Part 1) of this Form before me outside of the presence of the member.

  (signature of witness to signature of waiving pension partner)  
          (print full name of witness)          

Part 2
Waiver of Sole Designated Beneficiary Rights

[NOTE:  Before signing this Part, please consider all of the following:

●  If you have signed Part 1 of this Form above, you may, but do not have to, sign this Part (Part 2).

●  You may not sign Part 2 unless you have signed Part 1.

●  You may not sign Part 2 if the original plan member has selected any joint life form of pension.

●  You do not have to sign Part 2 at the same time as you sign Part 1, but may do it at any time before the member dies.

●  If you have previously signed Part 2, you may cancel it at any time before the member dies.]

I am and was, at the time of pension commencement a “pension partner”, as defined in Part 1 above, of the member referred to in Part 1.

The money representing the residual benefit referred to in the next paragraph remains in the pension plan referred to in Part 1.

I understand that, although I have given up my rights to the minimum 60% joint life pension by signing Part 1 above, the legislation makes me the automatic sole designated beneficiary of the member, meaning that I would receive any residual benefit from the plan on the member’s death unless I sign the waiver in this Part (Part 2).

Nevertheless, in addition to giving up my right to the minimum 60% joint life pension (as I have done in Part 1), I also give up all my rights as such automatic designated beneficiary and, as a result, all other benefits or entitlements that I have or may have under the plan.

This Part does not affect any rights that I could have arising as a result of any breakdown or potential breakdown in the relationship between the member and myself.

I have chosen to execute Part 2 of this Form and in so doing I give up my entitlement to be the sole designated beneficiary with respect to any death benefit payable from the plan.

Certification as to Part 2

I certify that

                                 (a)    I have read Part 2 of this Form and understand it or the potential results of my executing it,

                                 (b)    I have read the member’s retirement statement or a statement from the administrator showing the balance in his or her account and know the approximate current value of the benefit I am giving up as a result of executing this Part (Part 2) of this Form,

                                 (c)    I am signing Part 2 of my own free will,

                                 (d)    the member is not present while I am signing this Part,

                                 (e)    I have obtained independent advice about the implications of signing Part 2,

                                  (f)    I realize that

                                           (i)    Part 2 only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the legislation relating to Part 2, and

                                          (ii)    if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are, I must read the legislation applicable and, if necessary, consult a professional with pension expertise,

                                 (g)    the information that I have given in this Part is true, to the best of my knowledge, at the time when I sign this Part but, if any of that information changes before the member dies or receives or commences to receive the benefit, whichever happens first, I undertake that I will immediately notify the administrator of that change, and

                                 (h)    I understand that I have the right to cancel this waiver I have signed in this Part (Part 2) at any time before the member dies.

Dated at   (municipality)   in the Province/Territory of                  this       day of   (month)  , 20 (year) .

  (signature of waiving pension partner)  

I,   (name of witness)  , of   (address of witness)   do witness the signature of the pension partner who signed this Part (Part 2) of this Form before me outside of the presence of the member.

  (signature of witness to signature of waiving pension partner)  
  (print full name of witness)  

Form 5
(Section 46(5) of the Act and sections 32(1.1),
39(23), 40(26), 41(6) and 43(4))

Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation

[Note:  1.  In interpreting this waiver form, “pension” is to be taken as including an annuity or retirement income and “pension commencement” as including the commencement of the payment of an annuity or retirement income.

2.  The Employment Pension Plans Regulation is Alberta Regulation 35/2000.]

Pension Partner Waiver to Permit
Commutation due to Shortened Life or
Taking Non‑residency Status

I,    (name)  , am a “pension partner” (as described below) of   (insert name of member/former member/original owner)   (in this waiver referred to as “the original plan member”) who, at the time of my signing this waiver, is alive.  The original plan member earned benefits under   (name of pension plan)  , a pension plan regulated in accordance with the Employment Pension Plans Act and Regulation (in this waiver referred to as “the legislation”).  The money respecting those benefits*

  remains in that pension plan, or
was transferred from that plan and is now in

  a LIRA, or

  a LIF.

[*  Please tick the box that applies to you.]

Being the original plan member’s “pension partner” means that

                                 (a)    I am married to the original plan member and have not been living separate and apart from him or her for 3 or more consecutive years, or

                                 (b)    if paragraph (a) above does not apply to me and there is no other person to whom paragraph (a) applies, I have been living with the original plan member in a conjugal relationship for a continuous period of at least 3 years or, if there is a child of our relationship by birth or adoption, of some permanence.

I understand that, as a pension partner of the original plan member, I am

                                 (a)    if the original plan member dies before pension commencement, entitled to receive the amount then held for his or her benefit in the pension plan or LIRA, as the case may be, unless I have previously given up that entitlement under the waiver in Form 3 in the Employment Pension Plans Regulation,

                                 (b)    if the original plan member dies after pension commencement, the beneficiary of a 60% joint life pension unless I have previously given up that entitlement under the waiver in Part 1 of Form 4 or Option 2 of the Form 6 waiver, as applicable, in the Employment Pension Plans Regulation, and

                                 (c)    even if I sign the Part 1 of the Form 4 waiver or the Option 2 waiver noted in paragraph (b) above, entitled to continue to be the beneficiary of any residual benefit from the pension plan unless I also sign Part 2 of that Form 4 or the Option 3 of the Form 6 waiver, as applicable.

I further understand that if I choose to sign this waiver and it is filed with the administrator/financial institution, I give up all entitlement to any benefit, as described in the preceding paragraph, from the pension plan, LIRA or LIF, as the case may be.

Nevertheless, I give up my right to receive the benefit otherwise required by the legislation.

This waiver does not affect any rights that I could have arising as a result of any breakdown or potential breakdown in the relationship between the original plan member and myself.

I have chosen to sign this waiver and in so doing I give up any and all of my entitlement to any death benefit payment.


I certify that

                                 (a)    I have read this waiver and understand it or the potential results of my signing it,

                                 (b)    I have read the original plan member’s most recent annual statement or a statement from the administrator/financial institution showing the balance in his or her account and know the approximate current value of the benefit I am giving up as a result of signing this waiver,

                                 (c)    I am signing this waiver of my own free will,

                                 (d)    the original plan member is not present while I am signing this waiver,

                                 (e)    I have obtained independent advice about the implications of signing this waiver,

                                  (f)    I realize that

                                           (i)    this waiver only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the legislation, and

                                          (ii)    if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are, I must read the legislation applicable and, if necessary, consult a professional with pension expertise,


                                 (g)    the information that I have given in this waiver is true, to the best of my knowledge, at the time when I sign this waiver but, if any of that information changes before the original plan member makes the election to commute his or her pension or part of it or dies, whichever happens first, I undertake that I will immediately notify the administrator or financial institution of that change.

Dated at   (municipality)   in the Province/Territory of                  this       day of   (month)  , 20 (year) .

  (signature of waiving pension partner)  

I,   (name of witness)  , of   (address of witness)   do witness the signature of the pension partner who signed this waiver before me outside of the presence of the original plan member.

  (signature of witness to signatu