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Chapter T‑3.5

Table of Contents

                1        Definitions

Part 1
Alberta Government Telephones

                2        The Commission

                3        Members

                4        Management

                5        Purposes of Commission

                6        Capacity

                7        Change of name

              10        Exemption from approval

              11        Guarantee

              13        Sinking fund

              15        Surplus earnings

              16        Annual report

Part 2
Edmonton Telephones

              19        Scope of business

              20        Capacity

              21        Special assessment

              22        Borrowing powers

              23        Ownership of system

Part 3
Operating Powers

              24        Definitions

        25,26        Exclusive rights

              27        Discontinuance of service

              28        Interconnection

              29        Subsidies

              30        Conditions of service

              31        Entry to property

              32        Telecommunication lines

              33        Use of power poles

              34        Overhanging cross arms

              35        Acquisition of land

              36        Attachments

Part 4
City‑Commission Relations

              37        Definition

              38        Settling a dispute

              39        Special telecommunication tribunal

              40        Application of Public Utilities Board Act

Part 5

              41        Regulatory authority

              42        Duty to supply service

              43        Toll revenue

              44        Boundary change

              45        Telecommunication systems connections

              46        Board powers

              47        Regulations

              48        Licensing regulations

Part 6
Consequential Amendments and Repeals

        49‑54        Consequential amendments

              55        Repeals

              56        Coming into force

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1(1)  In this Act,

                                 (a)    “basic service” means a telecommunication service designated as a basic service

                                           (i)   by the Board, with respect to services under its regulatory authority, or

                                          (ii)   by the City, with respect to services under its regulatory authority;

                                 (b)    “Board” means the Public Utilities Board;

                                 (c)    “City” means The City of Edmonton;

                                 (d)    “Commission” means The Alberta Government Telephones Commission;

                                 (e)    “system” means a telecommunication system and includes all land, plant, supplies, buildings, works, rights, franchises, easements, assets and property of every kind owned, held, required or used for the purpose of, or in connection with, or for the operation of the telecommunication system;

                                  (f)    “telecommunication” means any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, data, message or intelligence of any nature by wire, radiocommunication, cable, waves or any electronic, electromagnetic or optical means but does not include the transmission, emission or reception of broadcasting that is a radiocommunication in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public;

                                 (g)    “transaction” means a transaction under the Alberta Government Telephones Reorganization Act.

(2)  Any reference in this Act to a system owned by the City includes a system owned by a corporation, all of whose issued shares are held by the City.

1988 cT‑3.5 s1;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Part 1
Alberta Government Telephones

The Commission

2(1)  The Alberta Government Telephones Commission is continued as a corporation under this Act.

(2)  Repealed 1990 cA‑23.5 s42.

(3)  The Commission is an agent of the Crown in right of Alberta and its powers may be exercised only as an agent of the Crown.

1988 cT‑3.5 s2;1990 cA‑23.5 s42


3(1)  The Commission shall consist of a chairman and any other persons appointed as members by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

(2)  The chairman and other members shall receive the remuneration prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

1988 cT‑3.5 s3;1990 cA‑23.5 s42


4   The Commission may

                                 (a)    make by‑laws regulating its proceedings and generally for the conduct, management and operations of the Commission, and

                                 (b)    unless the Lieutenant Governor in Council directs that the work of the Commission be done by employees of the Government, hire employees, specify their duties and determine and pay their remuneration.

1988 cT‑3.5 s4;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Purposes of Commission

5   The purposes of the Commission are

                                 (a)    to fulfil any transactions in which the Commission is involved,

                                 (b)    to pay or perform the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Commission remaining or arising following the closing of the transactions and to enter into or administer arrangements with purchaser corporations with respect to the funding of those payments,

                                 (c)    to exercise any rights and remedies and to otherwise deal in any manner in respect of any indebtedness or other obligation of a purchaser corporation,

                                 (d)    to acquire, invest and dispose of sinking fund assets of the Commission,

                                 (e)    to conclude its business and affairs and distribute money and other assets to the Government, and

                                  (f)    to do all other things directed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

1988 cT‑3.5 s5;1990 cA‑23.5 s42


6   To carry out its purposes, the Commission has the capacity and the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person.

1988 cT‑3.5 s6;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Change of name

7   After the closing of the transactions, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by order, change the name of the Commission.

1990 cA‑23.5 s42

8,9   Repealed 1990 cA‑23.5 s42.

Exemption from approval

10   Section 91.1(2)(a) of the Public Utilities Board Act does not apply to notes, bonds, debentures or other securities issued by the Commission.


11(1)  The principal and interest of any borrowings by the Commission and the principal and interest of, and any premiums payable under, any notes, bonds, debentures or other securities issued by the Commission, whether issued before or after the coming into force of this subsection, are hereby guaranteed by the Government of Alberta.

(2)  The guarantee, in a form and manner that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may approve, may be endorsed on any notes, bonds, debentures or other securities issued by the Commission and may be signed on behalf of the Government by the Provincial Treasurer, a Deputy Provincial Treasurer or some other person whom the Lieutenant Governor in Council designates.

(3)  The signature of the Provincial Treasurer, a Deputy Provincial Treasurer or the person designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, on the guarantee is conclusive proof that the relevant provisions of this Act have been complied with.

(4)  If in respect of any notes, bonds, debentures or other securities issued by the Commission it becomes necessary or desirable under the terms of any guarantee given on behalf of the Government to make payment under the guarantee, the payment may be made on the order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council

                                 (a)    out of the General Revenue Fund, without further appropriation, or

                                 (b)    from the proceeds of any loan made under the Financial Administration Act or the sale of securities owned by the Government.

12   Repealed 1990 cA‑23.5 s42.

Sinking fund

13   Subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the Commission has power to provide for the creation, management and application of sinking funds or other means of securing the repayment of any loan raised or notes, bonds, debentures or other securities issued by the Commission, including the redemption by call of any securities issued subject to redemption in advance of maturity.

14   Repealed 1990 cA‑23.5 s42.

Surplus earnings

15   The Commission shall pay to the Provincial Treasurer from the surplus of the Commission any money that the Commission with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council determines.

Annual report

16(1)  The Commission shall annually, after the end of its fiscal year, prepare a report showing the revenues and expenditures during its last fiscal year, together with a full and complete statement of the reserve funds of the Commission and an audited balance sheet, and any other information that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may require.

(2)  When the report is prepared, the Minister shall lay a copy of it before the Legislative Assembly, if it is in session, and if not, at any time during the next ensuing session.

17,18   Repealed 1990 cA‑23.5 s42.

Part 2
Edmonton Telephones

Scope of business

19(1)  Subject to this Act, the City may carry on the businesses of

                                 (a)    providing basic services;

                                 (b)    providing other telecommunication services and services pertaining to telecommunications;

                                 (c)    research in and consultation in telecommunications and in businesses pertaining to telecommunications;

                                 (d)    purchasing, constructing, extending, maintaining, manufacturing, operating, leasing to and from others, and otherwise acquiring and disposing of systems, including private communication systems;

                                 (e)    manufacturing, repairing, buying, selling, leasing to and from others, and otherwise trading in goods, merchandise and services pertaining to telecommunications.

(2)  The business referred to in subsection (1)(a) may be carried on only within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton, and the system used to provide those services must be owned by the City or a corporation all of whose issued shares are held by the City, but the operation and management may be by some other corporation under an agreement with the City.


20(1)  For the purpose of carrying on any business under this Act and carrying out its powers and duties, the City

                                 (a)    has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person,

                                 (b)    may incorporate corporations and enter into partnerships,

                                 (c)    may become a member of or purchase or otherwise acquire and sell or otherwise dispose of common, preferred or other shares in any corporation, whether or not it is incorporated in Alberta, that either directly or indirectly through an affiliated corporation, as defined in the Business Corporations Act, provides or intends to provide a service or produces or intends to produce a product that, in the opinion of the City, pertains to telecommunications, and

                                 (d)    may make loans to, guarantee the loans of or provide other guarantees or indemnities to or on behalf of a corporation of which it is a member or in which it holds common, preferred or other shares under clauses (b) and (c), or an affiliated corporation of that corporation, and take any security for the loans, guarantees or indemnities that the City considers advisable.

(2)  Except as provided in section 19(2), the capacity and power of the City to carry on business under this Act is not limited to the municipal boundaries of Edmonton.

Special assessment

21   The City may provide for the cost of the construction, installation, expansion, replacement and annual maintenance of the system owned by it by a special tax on the taxable property in the City.

1988 cT‑3.5 s21;1994 cM‑26.1 s642(69)

Borrowing powers

22(1)  The City may borrow money for the purposes of the system owned by the City under this Act.

(2)  A borrowing under subsection (1) is subject to Part 8 of the Municipal Government Act.

1988 cT‑3.5 s22;1994 cM‑26.1 s642(69)

Ownership of system

23(1)  The City may sell the local exchange system owned by it.

(2)  If the the local exchange system in Edmonton ceases to be owned by the City or by a corporation all of whose issued shares are held by the City,

                                 (a)    this Part, except clause (b) of this subsection, Part 4 and section 41 cease to have any effect, and

                                 (b)    any reference to the City in this Act shall be deemed to be a reference to the owner of that system.

Part 3
Operating Powers


24   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “company” means

                                           (i)   AGT Limited, or

                                          (ii)   the City or the corporation that owns or operates the system operating within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton;

                                 (b)    “long distance service” means a basic service, as defined by the Board, that extends beyond the local exchange calling area.

1988 cT‑3.5 s24;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Exclusive rights

25(1)  Subject to subsection (2), AGT Limited has the exclusive right to carry on the business of providing basic services within Alberta.

(2)  AGT Limited does not have the right to carry on the business of providing basic services within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton, except for long distance service, which may be provided only through interconnection with the system of the City.

1988 cT‑3.5 s25;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Exclusive rights

26(1)  Subject to subsection (2), the City has the exclusive right to carry on the business of providing basic services within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton.

(2)  The City does not have the right to carry on the business of providing long distance service except as agent of AGT Limited and only through interconnection with the system of AGT Limited.

1988 cT‑3.5 s26;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Discontinuance of service

27   The City may discontinue telecommunication service supplied by the City to any person while

                                 (a)    any toll or charge payable by the person for long distance service from AGT Limited, or

                                 (b)    any reasonable security for the payment of the tolls and charges of AGT Limited,

remains unpaid.

1988 cT‑3.5 s27;1990 cA‑23.5 s42


28   Subject to the regulations, a company may enter into agreements for the connection, intercommunication, joint operation, reciprocal use or transmission of business between

                                 (a)    any systems within Alberta, or

                                 (b)    a system within Alberta and a system outside of Alberta,

owned or operated by the parties to the agreement and for any consequent division of receipts, expenditures or profits or any financial or other adjustments advisable or necessary for the purposes of the agreement.


29   No revenue of a company arising from the provision of basic services shall be applied to subsidize the provision of telecommunication services other than basic services.

Conditions of service

30   The telecommunication service supplied by a company to any person is subject to the terms and conditions and the basic service rates published in the company’s current tariffs.

Entry to property

31   A company may, subject to the regulations, enter any property for the purpose of installing, examining, maintaining, repairing, disconnecting, replacing or removing any telecommunication line or equipment of the company.

Telecommunication lines

32(1)  A company may construct, erect and maintain telecommunication lines along the sides of, across or under any public highway, street, lane, bridge or watercourse whether the title to the highway, street, lane, bridge or watercourse is vested in a municipality or in the Crown.

(2)  If any dispute arises with respect to the use of a public highway, street, lane or other public place under this section between a company and any municipality, the Board may determine the dispute.

Use of power poles

33   Subject to any agreement to which the company is a party, a company

                                 (a)    may place telecommunication lines and other components of its system on the poles and in the communication space used or intended for use in the supply, transmission or distribution of electric power, and

                                 (b)    shall pay the owner of any poles so used for the use thereof in the amount agreed on or, in the absence of agreement, in the amount set by the Board on the application of the company or the owner.

Overhanging cross arms

34   Any line and any cross arm or other attachment to a pole forming part of a telecommunication line may project over the property adjoining a public highway, street, lane or other public place, and any trees or shrubs that are likely to or do interfere with the overhanging cross arm, line or other attachment may be trimmed to the extent necessary and the owner of the adjoining property is not entitled to compensation for the overhanging cross arms, lines or attachments or on account of the trimming.

Acquisition of land

35   When a company requires an estate or interest in land for the purpose of plant, works or a telecommunication line, the estate or interest may be acquired in land owned by the Crown or any other person

                                 (a)    by negotiation with the owner, or

                                 (b)    by expropriation under the Expropriation Act.


36(1)  No person shall fix or allow to remain fixed to any telecommunication equipment of a company any equipment, attachment, device, apparatus or contrivance capable of transmitting or receiving messages passing through a telecommunication system of the company that is not approved or authorized in writing by the company or supplied by the company.

(2)  Any attachment or device mentioned in subsection (1) shall, for the purposes of this section, be considered to be fixed to telecommunication equipment if it is attached or fixed thereto or placed on, over, under or adjacent to that equipment in such a manner as to be able to be used in connection therewith.

(3)  A person who contravenes this section is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $2000.

(4)  When a person is convicted of an offence under this section, the equipment, attachment, device, apparatus or contrivance by means of which the offence was committed may, on the conviction and in addition to any punishment that is imposed, be ordered by the court to be confiscated to the Crown in right of Alberta, and it may be disposed of as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General directs.

(5)  This section does not apply to any person acting in accordance with an Act of the Parliament of Canada.

1988 cT‑3.5 s36;1994 cG‑8.5 s89

Part 4
City‑Commission Relations


37   In this Part, “tribunal” means the special telecommunication tribunal established under section 39.

Settling a dispute

38(1)  If a dispute arises between the City and AGT Limited in respect of the interrelationship, either direct or indirect, of the telecommunication systems owned by them, the tribunal, on the application of the City or AGT Limited, may settle the dispute after hearing the parties.

(2)  The tribunal has all the jurisdiction and power it requires to make any  order it considers necessary to settle a dispute under subsection (1).

(3)  An order made by the tribunal under this section is binding on the City and AGT Limited.

(4)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) to (3) and any order that the tribunal may make settling a dispute between the City and AGT Limited,

                                 (a)    the City shall continue to regulate the City system and set rates for City subscribers,

                                 (b)    the Board shall continue to regulate AGT Limited system and set rates for AGT Limited subscribers,

                                 (c)    the existing management prerogatives of the City and of AGT Limited shall be maintained, and

                                 (d)    the tribunal shall not decide matters respecting the mandate of the City or of AGT Limited as it is defined in this Act.

1988 cT‑3.5 s38;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Special telecommunication tribunal

39(1)  There is hereby established a special telecommunication tribunal consisting of the following:

                                 (a)    1 member appointed by the City;

                                 (b)    1 member appointed by AGT Limited;

                                 (c)    3 members appointed by the chairman of the Board from among the members of the Board.

(2)  A member of the tribunal shall be appointed for a period of not more than 5 years.

(3)  The chairman of the Board shall designate one of the members appointed under subsection (1)(c) as chairman of the tribunal.

(4)  The chairman of the tribunal is entitled to hold the position of chairman as long as he continues to be a member of the Board and of the tribunal.

1988 cT‑3.5 s39;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Application of Public Utilities Board Act 

40   Part 1 of the Public Utilities Board Act applies to the tribunal and proceedings before the tribunal as if the tribunal were a division of the Board and the members of the tribunal appointed under section 39(1)(a) and (b) were acting members of the Board.

Part 5

Regulatory authority

41   The City, by by‑law, may

                                 (a)    establish the terms and conditions under which telecommunication service is provided by the City;

                                 (b)    fix the rates, charges, tolls, fares and rents for telecommunication services provided by the City and the times and places where they will be payable and provide for a discount that the City considers expedient for prepayment or punctual payment, or an additional charge on the rates, tolls, fares or rents in arrears that the City considers advisable for failure to pay them until after the date fixed for payment;

                                 (c)    provide for the collecting of the rates, charges, tolls, fares or rents;

                                 (d)    provide for enforcing payment of those rates, charges, tolls, fares or rents by action or by discontinuance of service;

                                 (e)    provide for enforcing the terms and conditions under which the telecommunication service is supplied to a person either

                                           (i)   in the general by‑law under which the service is supplied, or

                                          (ii)   in an agreement made with the person receiving the service,

                                          by discontinuing the service until the person complies with the terms and conditions or those of them that the City designates in the by‑law.

Duty to supply service

42   If there is a sufficient capacity in its system, the City shall supply basic services, on the terms the City considers advisable, to any building within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton and situated on land lying along the line of the system at the request of the owner or occupant or other person in charge of the building.

Toll revenue

43(1)  The City and AGT Limited are entitled to a share of the toll revenue generated within the municipal boundaries of Edmonton based on usage.

(2)  The City and AGT Limited shall accept the obligation to provide funds to finance telephone services in Alberta that are not self‑supporting.

1988 cT‑3.5 s43;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Boundary change

44   If any part of the municipal boundary of Edmonton is altered, AGT Limited or the City, as the case may be, continues to have the right to provide basic services in the area affected by the alteration until a transfer of the local exchange business and associated assets in the affected area has been made.

1988 cT‑3.5 s44;1990 cA‑23.5 s42

Telecommunication systems connections

45(1)  When the owner of a system

                                 (a)    desires to have his system connected or reconnected with the system of another owner for the purpose of obtaining direct communication between the systems, or

                                 (b)    is dissatisfied with the terms and conditions on which an existing connection between the systems is maintained or proposed to be maintained,

the owner may apply to the Board for an order directing the connection, reconnection or maintenance of the existing connections, as the case may be.

(2)  On the application, the Board,

                                 (a)    in accordance with the regulations, and

                                 (b)    after taking into consideration all circumstances that in its opinion ought to be considered,

may make any order that the Board considers proper and may thereby

                                 (c)    prescribe the conditions on which the order is to become operative, and the rates, tolls, charges or other compensation to be paid by either owner to the other owner, or by any person or persons to either of the owners, in respect of the connection or reconnection or maintenance of an existing connection or in respect of the benefit accruing therefrom,

                                 (d)    vary the terms and conditions of any existing connection or direct any connection to be discontinued, and

                                 (e)    give any other ancillary directions that in the opinion of the Board are calculated to render the order a complete and effective remedy.

(3)  The owner of a system whose business and operations are not subject to the legislative authority of Alberta may, if he has capacity to do so, apply under this section, but every order made as a consequence of the application is only effective with respect to matters within the legislative authority of Alberta.

(4)  This section does not apply to connections with the system owned by the City.

Board powers

46(1)  Part 1 of the Public Utilities Board Act applies to proceedings and orders of the Board under this Act.

(2)  If any conflict exists between this Act and Part 2 of the Public Utilities Board Act, this Act prevails.

(3)  The Board has the capacity to accept and exercise powers respecting the regulation of telecommunications conferred on it by or pursuant to an Act of Parliament.

(4)  If the Province is entitled to appoint a member to a body established by or pursuant to an Act of Parliament and having powers respecting the regulation of telecommunications, a member of the tribunal established by Part 4 may be appointed to that position by the chairman of the Board.


47   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    applicable to the Board and the City in the categorization of telecommunication services as basic services;

                                 (b)    respecting the connection of the system owned by the City with other systems, except that of the Commission;

                                 (c)    respecting the connection of the system owned by the Commission with other systems, except the system owned by the City;

                                 (d)    notwithstanding anything in this or any other Act, delegating any power, duty or function relating to the regulation of telecommunication services to an agency of the Crown in right of Canada having regulatory powers with respect to telecommunications;

                                 (e)    respecting the times, places and conditions of entry on property pursuant to section 31.

Licensing regulations

48(1)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    providing for the licensing of owners of systems;

                                 (b)    prohibiting any person or class of person from engaging in the operation of a system, class of system, or any part of a system without a licence;

                                 (c)    exempting a system or class of system from any or all of the regulations made under this section;

                                 (d)    governing applications for licences or renewal of licences and the requirements to be met by the applicants or on renewal;

                                 (e)    governing the fees to be paid on application for a licence or the renewal of a licence;

                                  (f)    governing the terms or conditions of a licence;

                                 (g)    governing the information to be given to the issuer of the licence by a licensee from time to time;

                                 (h)    governing the circumstances under which a licence may be refused, cancelled or suspended.

(2)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may delegate any or all of the powers under subsection (1) to the Board subject to any terms or conditions that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may impose.

(3)  Any person who fails to comply with a regulation made under this section is guilty of an offence and liable

                                 (a)    to a fine of not more than $2500, or

                                 (b)    in the case of a continuing offence, to a fine of not more than $500 a day for every day during which the offence continues.

Part 6
Consequential Amendments
and Repeals

49 to 54   (These sections make consequential amendments to other Acts. The amendments have been incorporated in those Acts.)


55   The following Acts are repealed:

                                (a)    The Municipal Telephone Act;

                                (b)    The AGT‑Edmonton Telephones Act;

                                (c)    the Rural Mutual Telephone Companies Act;

                                (d)    An Act respecting the Sale and Purchase of a Telephone System owned and operated by the Western General Electric Company, Limited, in the City of Red Deer and vicinity, and respecting the Joint User of Pole Lines by the said Company and the Government of the Province of Alberta;

                                (e)    the Alberta Government Telephones Act.

Coming into force

56   This Act comes into force on Proclamation.

(NOTE:  Proclaimed in force July 22, 1988.)


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