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Chapter 18

(Assented to November 29, 2001) 

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Amends RSA 2000 cA‑30

1   The Alberta Personal Income Tax Act is amended by this Act.


2   The following is added after section 10:

Deduction for tools

10.1(1)  In this section,

                                    (a)    “tools� means portable equipment used in the performance of a tradeperson’s occupation;

                                   (b)    “tradeperson� means an individual whose occupation is a designated trade or occupation under the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act and includes a person in an apprenticeship program under that Act.

(2)  For the purpose of computing the tax payable under this Act for a taxation year by an individual, if the individual is employed as a tradeperson and, as a condition of the individual’s employment was required to provide tools for a period of the year, there may be deducted an amount determined by the formula:

A x (B - $500)


A      is the specified percentage for the year;

B      is an amount  of not more than $5000 that is equal to the tradeperson’s total expenditure for the purchase, maintenance, rental or insurance of the tools that are proven by filing receipts for the expenditures with the Provincial Minister that were not included in determining an amount under this section for a preceding taxation year and that were paid by the tradeperson.

(3)  Subsection (2) does not apply unless the tradeperson files with the person’s return proof in the prescribed form of the person’s trade certificate or occupational certificate under the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act or proof in the prescribed form that the person is registered in an apprenticeship program under that Act.

2001 c18 s2;2006 c23 s11

3   Section 42 is amended by adding “, 10.1â€? after “10â€?.

4   This Act comes into force on Proclamation.

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