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(Consolidated up to 93/2006)


Insurance Act


Table of Contents

Part 1
Certificate Expiry

                1       Expiry dates

Part 2

                2       Fees

                3       Issue or renewal of certificate

                4       Renewal

                5       Insurer

                6       Amendment or reinstatement of certificate

                7       Status

                8       Duplicate

                9       Writing of examinations

              10       Oral exam

              12       Restricted insurance agent

           12.1       Continuing education

Part 3

              13       Section 480 penalties

Part 4
Repeals, Expiry and Coming into Force

              14       Repeal

              15       Expiry

              16       Coming into force

Part 1
Certificate Expiry

Expiry dates

1(1)  A life insurance agent’s certificate of authority issued, renewed, amended or reinstated

                                 (a)    during the period from February 16 to the following December 15 expires on February 15 following the date of its issue, renewal, amendment or reinstatement;

                                 (b)    during the period from December 16 to the following February 15 expires on February 15 of the year following the expiry of that period.

(2)  An accident and sickness insurance agent’s certificate of authority issued, renewed, amended or reinstated

                                 (a)    during the period from February 16 to the following December 15 expires on February 15 following the date of its issue, renewal, amendment or reinstatement;

                                 (b)    during the period from December 16 to the following February 15 expires on February 15 of the year following the expiry of that period.

(3)  Repealed AR 93/2006 s2.

(4)  A general insurance agent’s certificate of authority issued, renewed, amended or reinstated

                                 (a)    during the period from November 1 to the following August 31 expires on October 31 following the date of its issue, renewal, amendment or reinstatement;

                                 (b)    during the period from September 1 to the following October 31 expires on October 31 of the year following the expiry of that period.

(5)  An adjuster’s certificate of authority issued, renewed, amended or reinstated

                                 (a)    during the period from June 1 to the following March 31 expires on May 31 following the date of its issue, renewal, amendment or reinstatement;

                                 (b)    during the period from April 1 to the following May 31 expires on May 31 of the year following the expiry of that period.

AR 125/2001 s1;292/2002;93/2006

Part 2


2   The fees in sections 3 to 12 apply to things done by an insurance council under the authority of the Act and those in section 12.1 apply to things done by the Minister and the Accreditation Committee under the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation (AR 122/2001).

AR 125/2001 s2;375/2003

Issue or renewal of certificate

3   The fees payable by insurance agents for the issue or renewal of an insurance agent’s certificate of authority are as follows:

                                 (a)    to undertake general insurance


                                 (b)    to undertake life insurance


                                 (c)    to undertake accident and sickness insurance


                                 (d)    despite clause (a), to undertake general insurance limited to a single class of insurance


AR 125/2001 s3;292/2002;375/2003;269/2004


4   The fee payable by adjusters for the issue or renewal of an adjuster’s certificate of authority is $95.

AR 125/2001 s4;375/2003;269/2004;93/2006


5(1)   An insurer that

                                 (a)    is licensed on July 1 in a year must, subject to clause (c), pay the Alberta Insurance Council a fee of $750 on July 1 of that year;

                                 (b)    becomes licensed after July 1 in a year but before July 1 of the following year must pay a fee of $750 to the Alberta Insurance Council on the date that it becomes licensed;

                                 (c)    becomes licensed between April 1 and June 30 in a year and pays the fee required under clause (b) is not required to pay a fee on July 1 of that year.

(2)  The requirement to pay a fee under subsection (1) in a year does not apply to a fraternal society if, in the preceding calendar year, the society received premiums totalling less than $500 000 from its members who, at the time of paying the premiums, were residents in Alberta.

AR 125/2001 s5;375/2003;93/2006

Amendment or reinstatement of certificate

6   The fee payable for the amendment or reinstatement of a certificate of authority is $25.

AR 125/2001 s6; 292/2002;375/2003


7   The fee payable for a certificate stating the certificate of authority status of an insurance agent or adjuster is $25.

AR 125/2001 s7;375/2003


8   The fee payable for the issue of a duplicate certificate of authority is $25.

AR 125/2001 s8;375/2003

Writing of examinations

9   The following fees are payable to write the respective qualifying examination:

                                 (a)    by a general insurance agent                                             $50;

                                 (b)    by an insurance adjuster                                                    $50;

                                 (c)    by an accident and sickness insurance agent                 $50;

                                 (d)    by a full life insurance agent                                            $100;

                                 (e)    by a probationary life insurance agent
(subject to clause (f))                                                          $50;

                                  (f)    by a probationary, who wishes to qualify
as a full, life insurance agent                                              $40.

AR 125/2001 s9;375/2003;269/2004

Oral exam

10   The fee payable by insurance adjusters for oral examinations is $300.

11   Repealed AR 9/2003 s8.

Restricted insurance agent

12   The fee payable for a restricted insurance agent certificate of authority is as follows and is based on the number of employees soliciting insurance on behalf of the restricted insurance agent’s business:

                                 (a)    1 ‑ 4 employees


                                 (b)    5 ‑ 10 employees


                                 (c)    11 ‑ 15 employees


                                 (d)    16 ‑ 20 employees


                                 (e)    21 ‑ 99 employees


                                  (f)    100 ‑ 249 employees


                                 (g)    250 ‑ 499 employees


                                 (h)    500 ‑ or more


AR 125/2001 s12;375/2003

Continuing education

12.1(1)  The fee payable by a continuing education provider,

                                 (a)    for the year in which an approval of the provider under section 29(2) of the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation (AR 122/2001) is applied for (whether successfully or not) and for each subsequent year in which such an approval is held, is $250, and

                                 (b)    for applying for an approval under section 29(2.1) of that Regulation in respect of each particular continuing education course, is $100.

(2)  Continuing education providers shall pay the fees under subsection (1) to the Alberta Insurance Council.

AR 375/2003 s10

Part 3

Section 480 penalties

13(1)  For the purposes of section 480(2) of the Act, the amount of the penalty that may be imposed may not exceed the following:

                                 (a)    $5000 for a matter referred to in section 480(1)(a) of the Act;

                                 (b)    $1000 for a matter referred to in section 480(1)(b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Act.

(2)  The rate of interest prescribed for the purposes of section 480 of the Act is 12% per annum, prorated in respect of any part of a month, on the unpaid balance.

AR 125/2001 s13;93/2006

Part 4
Repeals, Expiry and
Coming into Force


14   The Fees, Forms and Certificates Expiry Regulation (AR 478/81) is repealed.


15   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on April 30, 2016.

AR 125/2001 s15;93/2006

Coming into force

16   This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of  any section of the Insurance Act (SA 1999 cI‑5.1).

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